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Pitch Perfect: A Cricket Creek Novel

Page 12

by LuAnn McLane

  Laughter was something else they shared, and it was wonderful. Love and laughter, Nicolina decided, were two things that belonged together and that not all couples shared. Wait …

  Couples? Were they an official couple? Of course they were. She had been seeing him exclusively since last summer.

  The thought made her ecstatic and yet fearful. “Oh!” Her breath caught when he found her sweet spot, and all thoughts of fear vanished. Mitch was an amazing, giving lover, and for the first time in her life Nicolina felt … cherished. Yet her damned insecurity continued to rear its ugly head. Mitch was a rich, powerful man and to top it off was incredibly handsome. Silver hair and tanned skin set off arresting blue eyes. He kept his body lean and toned and could have any woman he wanted. Would he tire of her? Want someone younger? Thinner? Taller?

  “God, you’re beautiful,” Mitch said as if reading her mind. He seemed to do more and more of that lately.

  “You’re kind to say so.”

  “Nicolina!” He pushed her onto her back and gently took her chin in his hand. “I’m not being kind.”

  “I am—,” she began, but he dipped his head and smothered her protest with a lingering kiss that had her melting into the mattress. When he finally pulled back, he braced himself on one elbow.

  “You are a beautiful woman. Don’t ever doubt it, okay?”

  Nicolina pressed her lips together.

  “Please?” He trailed his fingertip over the firm set of her mouth. “Believe me.”

  Nicolina swallowed hard. “But you could have any woman you wanted.” She looked away after her soft admission. It wasn’t like her to vocalize such a thing, but she was falling for him and she supposed she craved validation.

  Mitch rolled his eyes toward the ceiling. “That’s doubtful, my dear, but even so, Nicolina … I want you and only you,” he insisted as he gently tugged her chin to face him. “And you aren’t just any woman. You are the only woman.”

  Her heart pounded, but she remained silent.

  “Hey, in this relationship, you are the one holding back. Believe me, I should be the one with doubts,” he added, and something flickered in his eyes before he hid it with a slight smile. “Not only are you beautiful, but sensual … graceful. But what we have goes deeper than looks or even attraction. Nicolina, at our age we deserve the whole package. You’re smart, creative, and best of all you make me laugh! Tell me, what more could a man want?”

  Nicolina licked her bottom lip and lowered her gaze.

  “Seriously?” He gently shook her chin until she gazed up at him. “Nicolina?”

  “I’m sorry, Mitch. You must think I’m fishing for compliments. How embarrassing.”

  He gave her a full megawatt smile that made her weak in the knees. “You will never need to fish for compliments with me. I’ll just say it. I don’t care how old you are, Nicolina. You are one gorgeous, sexy woman. You have elegance about you … a certain grace that transcends age and is timeless. Rich or poor, young or old … any man would be lucky to have you!”

  She had to smile and put a hand to his cheek. “You aren’t just any man.”

  “I hope I’m your man,” he said in a teasing tone, but she could see in his eyes that he was serious. How could such a successful, handsome man have any doubts?

  She tilted her head. “Of course you are.”

  “Then I am a very lucky man.”

  Nicolina sighed. “Thank you. Again, I don’t want to sound so needy. I despise needy women!”

  He only smiled, making his eyes crinkle at the corners. “As long as it’s me you need, it’s perfectly fine. I know I need and want you. I use my involvement in the baseball complex as an excuse to come to Cricket Creek. Noah and Ty are fine at this point without me, and this strip mall is almost finished. Nicolina, the reason I come here so often is to be with you. I hope you know that.”

  Nicolina laughed. “You are so good for me.” Yes, she took pains with her appearance, and deep down she knew that even at her age she turned heads, but in a world that worshipped youth and pencil-thin figures? Well, she was short and had curves to spare. Her crowning glory was her thick, rich, dark brown hair with a hint of auburn added at the salon. There was no denying her Italian roots. She talked with her hands, and despite her hidden worries, she was a little spitfire and had passed those traits on to Bella. She could get fired up in nothing flat, but Mitch didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he seemed to enjoy their animated conversation as much as the passion in the bedroom. She hid her smile … well, perhaps almost as much as the passion. Nicolina had waited all of her life for a man like him … why did he have to be so damned rich? His wealth unnerved and intimidated her. And she supposed he was so wonderful that she was afraid to let herself believe it could all work out. Stupid, she knew, but still …

  “Ah … I can see doubt in those lovely eyes of yours.” Mitch trailed a fingertip down her cheek and then gave her a slow smile. “Sometimes, it’s better to show how you feel rather than to tell,” he said and then dipped his head and captured her mouth with his once more. He kissed her thoroughly, deeply, and with such passion that Nicolina found herself arching her back and offering herself to him all over again. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, and even while the storm raged outside, for the first time in her life Nicolina felt safe and secure. She both loved and hated the feeling. It was like jumping out of an airplane with a parachute. In theory, Nicolina knew it was safe, but the fear of a crash landing was what kept her from jumping. So she buried her face in the crook of his neck so he couldn’t see the raw emotion that she just couldn’t hide and instead lost herself in the moment. He made love to her with slow, easy strokes, taking his sweet time until she tilted her hips upward, letting him know that she was close to climax.

  “Oh … Mitch!”

  “Baby, you feel amazing … so hot, so ready.” He moved faster and drove deeper, harder. Waves of pleasure washed over her, and she clung to his broad shoulders while he came with her. Then, as always, he kissed her tenderly and pulled her close. She rested her head against his chest and loved the rapid beat of his heart beneath her cheek.

  Nicolina knew that in his business dealings he could be hard-nosed and determined. Other than the love he had spoken of for his daughter, this softer side of Mitch Monroe belonged solely to her, and in truth she treasured being held in his arms even more than the passion. Not that the passion wasn’t … amazing. She’d never known it could be like this.

  Of course another burning question was, How long could they sustain a long-distance relationship? Nicolina was finally getting to realize her dream of opening her own business, so moving back to Chicago wasn’t an option, especially since Bella had moved here, if not permanently, at least until Logan moved up to the major leagues. She inhaled a deep breath and let it out slowly. If truth be told, it was getting more and more difficult every time Mitch left, but could a man of his stature give up the big-city lifestyle to live in a small town? She was guessing not.

  Nicolina frowned. Perhaps she should end this before she got in even deeper, before words of love were spoken. She was only setting herself up for a long, painful fall, and damn, it would be so hard to pick herself up and get on with life. It had taken her years to get over the betrayal of Bella’s father, and she shuddered at the thought of having to do it again.

  “Cold?” he asked in that deep, sexy voice of his.

  Unable to trust her voice, Nicolina gave him a negative shake of her head. She closed her eyes tightly and willed tears not to flow. She should end this! It would be better in the long run. But her heart constricted at the thought of never seeing him again, never feeling his touch.

  Dear God, what am I going to do?

  She should share her concerns with him, but she knew she would sound needy and whiny again and she just couldn’t bring herself to do so. Besides, her throat had tightened with unshed tears, so talking would sound more like a croak. Not cool, as Bella would say.


Mitch could always pinpoint the instant when Nicolina pulled back, and he felt it now … even while basking in the warm glow of their lovemaking. He turned to his side and slid her even closer, spooning her against him, and although she responded with a soft sigh as she snuggled back against his chest, he could feel the slight tension in her body. He kissed the top of her head and then moved his hand gently up and down her arm. No words were spoken, but he was silently letting her know that he could be a patient man when needed.

  Mitch knew what he wanted, and in business he went after his goal full speed ahead. But with Nicolina, he wouldn’t push. Mitch fully understood her reluctance to give in to the feelings that were growing stronger each time he came to visit. She had admitted that she had loved with all her heart and had been betrayed much in the same way that he had with his ex-wife Clarisse. Of course, they had discussed that they would both do it all over again because even though the pain had torn them up, it had also resulted in having daughters they both treasured.

  Mia … the worry of her whereabouts was about to drive him crazy. Tate Carpenter was on her tail, but Mitch’s phone had gone dead during his airplane flight, and he had put it out of his mind since falling into bed with Nicolina. Losing himself in her loving arms was such a blessing. He only hoped he could break down her barriers and convince her to trust in him once and for all.

  Mitch thought he should probably check his messages now, but he was reluctant to leave Nicolina’s side just yet. Something was really bothering her, and as much as he promised himself not to push, he didn’t know if he should hold his feelings for her back much longer. Surely, if she knew how much he cared, she would open up and trust him with her worries. He wanted to be there for her in all ways possible. He wanted to tell her that he loved her. Those three little words had been on the tip of his tongue so many times lately, but he never felt the confidence to say them. Rejection from her wasn’t something he could handle, especially right now, and so he managed to hold back … but just barely. Mitch was a man who had made millions by being firm and decisive. This fear … this damned walking on eggshells was killing him.

  Sure, they had complications. Mitch was damned afraid of putting his heart on the line again even after all these years, but he also knew when a risk was well worth taking. And yes, he lived in Chicago and traveled extensively. But he had seen the damage his absence had done to Mia. The older he got, the more he realized that there were things in life that were much more important than money and power.

  Mitch ran a hand down his face. Why wait? One thing he knew for sure was that losing Nicolina wasn’t an option. A sigh escaped him, drawing her attention.

  Nicolina rolled to her back and faced him. “What’s wrong?”

  Mitch gave her a crooked smile and slid a fingertip over her bottom lip. Ah … she knew his moods as well as he knew hers. He hesitated, since those three little words were once again tripping over his tongue, but then replied, “I’m worried about my daughter, Mia.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “Yes.” He explained the painful last time he had spoken to her and how she had mistaken his bailing out Hanover Candy for a hostile takeover.

  “How could she think such a thing?” Nicolina asked with such sympathy in her tone that it went straight to his heart.

  God, it’s good to have someone care. “I guess it’s the way the one-sided conversation sounded to her.”

  “But why would you let her believe the worst?”

  He raised one shoulder. “I was trying to make a point. While I wanted to challenge Mia to go out on her own and learn to fend for herself, I sure didn’t think she would take off like she did. And I guess her belief that I could be a coldhearted bastard hurt. I let my emotions get the worst of me.”

  She placed a hand on his cheek. “Hey, it happens. I’ve had some knock-down-drag-outs with Bella.” She wrinkled up her nose. “And I can be a tad … overbearing. I’m working on that.”

  “Ah, I love Mia so much, but I fear I haven’t been such a good father.”

  “Don’t be so hard on yourself, Mitch. Listen, anyone who thinks they are a perfect parent is kidding themselves.”

  “I know.” He sighed. “But when Clarisse left me, I was eaten up with anger and let my pride get in the way of my good sense. I should have spent more time with my daughter and less time making pointless money.”

  “You love her, and that makes up for lots of mistakes and regrets. We can’t change the past. Concentrate on the future.”

  “I just wish I knew where she was,” he said, but he frowned when Nicolina’s eyes widened and she put her hand over her mouth.

  “Oh my goodness!”

  “Nicolina, sweetheart, what is it?”

  “I think I know where your daughter is, Mitch!”

  “What?” He came up to a sitting position. “Where?”

  “You’re not going to believe it, but right here in Cricket Creek. I think she’s a waitress over at Wine and Diner.”

  Mitch shook his head. “You’ve got to be mistaken. Mia … a waitress?”

  “I only saw her in passing as I entered Wine and Diner, but when I asked, Bella said she was new and her name was Mia. I thought it might be her, but when I found out she was driving an old beat-up car I dismissed the notion.”

  Mitch chuckled. “It’s an old Toyota that belonged to my gardener.”

  “Well, then, it makes perfect sense.” Nicolina raised her hands. “She was a lovely blonde. Mitch, she has to be your daughter!”

  As if on cue, Mitch heard his phone ring over where it was plugged into the charger. “Excuse me, I should get this.”


  After a quick kiss on her lips, he pushed up from the bed, hurried over to the dresser, and picked up his cell phone. After glancing at the screen, he looked over at Nicolina. “It’s Tate Carpenter, the detective I hired to tail Mia. We’re about to find out if you’re right.”

  When Tate quickly confirmed Nicolina’s suspicion, he gave her a nod. She responded with a thumbs-up. “Stay on her tail, Tate, but don’t let her know it. I’ll keep out of sight here in Cricket Creek until you get here, and then I’ll sneak out of town.” After hanging up, he sat down on the edge of the bed. “Keep this knowledge to yourself, okay? Don’t even let Bella know who Mia really is.”

  She reached over and put her hand over his. “My lips are sealed.”

  Mitch grinned as relief washed over him. “Wow, my little girl is hanging in there. She already has a job and hasn’t come running home like I said she would.”

  “She likes a challenge.” Nicolina chuckled. “I think she’s more like you than you think.”

  “I do believe that you’re right.” He nodded and then smiled slowly. “This is going to be interesting.”


  True Grit

  MIA WOKE UP EVEN BEFORE THE ALARM, AND AFTER A quick cup of coffee from the Wine and Diner kitchen she jumped into the shower. While the warm water pelted her back, she shaved her legs and then squirted some shampoo into the palm of her hand. As she massaged her scalp, she rehearsed the speech she was going to give Noah Falcon. There was no way on God’s green earth that she was going to let Cam get tossed off the team because of coming to her sorry-ass rescue! She had to grin when she suddenly realized that she was beginning to think and sound like she lived in Cricket Creek. This little town was already growing on her, and she didn’t want to let any of its residents down!

  Mia stomped her foot for good measure, sending a splash against the tiled stall and slipping in shampoo suds in the process. “Whoa!” she yelped and caught herself just before falling. Soap got in her eyes, but she turned her face up to the spray and laughed in spite of the sting. In the past few days she had felt just about every emotion, ranging from fear to anger to desire. And while not all of those feelings were what you could call fun, except, well, the desire part, Mia felt more alive and energized than she ever knew possible. While she had only been in Cricket C
reek for a few days, her life back in Chicago somehow seemed … distant. She actually felt more connected here. Weird, she thought, while thinking that if she were back home right now, she would most likely still be sleeping in with no real plans for the day other than … what?

  “Fluff,” Mia said as she reached up to turn off the faucet. She thought about the fact that her days had been filled with shopping, hair and nail appointments, facials, and doing lunch with women who merely picked at their food. They would glare at her pretty much normal appetite, making her feel guilty to the point of putting down her fork. She shook her head. That blue-plate special at Wine and Diner had been pure bliss but would have been met with gasps from her friends. She also acknowledged that she should have had some backbone and should have bucked the socialite system. But she hadn’t.

  “Pure fluff and no grit.” It felt great to get up with a sense of purpose this morning, something her life had been sorely lacking.

  As Mia squeezed the excess water from her hair, she frowned at the realization that she hadn’t heard anything from people whom she considered close friends. At least she thought they were friends, but she supposed she had thought wrong. In the days she had been out of the social loop, not one so-called friend had bothered to inquire where she was or what she was doing. Then again, perhaps no one had called because no one even realized that she was gone! “Am I really that meaningless?

  “Evidently.” Mia sighed as she pushed back the plastic curtain and stepped out of the shower. Some of that was her fault. While she shopped and traveled with the best of them, nightlife had never been her thing. Pulling all-nighters at clubs coupled with the rest of that scenario simply didn’t appeal to Mia. Part of the reason was that her father had frowned upon it, and the other part was that Mia didn’t see the point of partying until the break of dawn. On top of that, she had seen the results, and rehab wasn’t something she had ever wanted to have to do. She supposed it was also because she’d never wanted to disappoint her father.

  Mia sighed again as she leaned over and toweled dry. In truth, if she really thought about it, she had never really felt as if she fit in anywhere. Perhaps that seed of insecurity had been planted in her brain as a child when she had tried to visit her mother and her new family. College had been the closest she had come to a normal existence, but after graduation she had been at loose ends, just floundering around. And romance? Oh, she had dated here and there, but no one had ever set her world on fire. Until her elevator interlude with Cam, she had never felt the mindless passion that made you want to rip your clothes off and make wild, passionate love. Just the thought of his mouth pressed to hers made her feel warm all over. Until now she had thought that the weak-in-the-knees feelings written about in books were simply pure fantasy.


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