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All They Wanted

Page 3

by Kelly Elliott

  Gunner grunted, which was his way of saying he really did want to go camping.

  “Let’s hope that was the only hiccup because honestly, I don’t think I can handle anything else. Ellie has been a basket case since we left and this was her idea! To top it off, she begged to bring Gus.”

  With a chuckle, Jeff shook his head and slapped the shit out of Gunner on the back. “Damn, luck is not on your side tonight.”

  “No, it’s not,” Gunner huffed as he headed to the back of his truck.

  “I’ll get the grill going at our campsite. We’ve got the table set up and everything’s ready to go. Ari and Heather keep talking about steaks, so I say we grill that tonight.”

  “Sounds good,” Gunner mumbled.

  I shook my head and smiled. As much as Gunner was acting like he was pissed about this camping trip, he wanted to come like the rest of us did. Calling out to a retreating Jeff, I said, “I’ll help Gunner get the food and then help set up.”

  Before I headed over to help Gunner, Ari and Heather called me over to read something.

  Walking over to them, Ari shoved a map in my direction. “What does that say?”

  I glanced down at it. “Trails map?”

  “No, right there,” Ellie said pointing to the top of the map.


  “Yes! Ari and Heather won’t do it!”

  Ari placed her hands on her hips. “Keep reading.”

  I cleared my throat as I looked between the three of them. Glancing back at the map, I read, “Discover what geocaching is all about. Ages 10 and up.”

  “There. It’s for kids, Ellie!” Ari argued.

  Stomping her foot, Ellie cried out, “It’s not! It looks like fun! We can pick up a list of real geocaches hidden in the park. Come on, y’all! We can call it practice for when we do it with the kids.”

  “I’m in,” Heather said with a smile. Ari twisted around and glared at Heather.

  “Um, Josh? Can you help me over here?” Gunner asked as he looked around the back of his truck.

  I glanced back at Gunner. “Shit, yeah sorry.” Jogging over, I stopped at the back of his truck. Something wasn’t right because Gunner looked sick. His face was white as a ghost and he was trying to drag in deep breaths.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  Scrubbing both hands down his face, he moaned. “I fucked up so bad. So … so … bad.”

  Laughing, I said, “It can’t be that bad.”

  His hands dropped to the side of his face. “Oh, it’s bad, dude. I forgot the coolers of food.”

  My smile instantly dropped. “I’m sorry. I thought you said you forgot the food.”

  Nodding, he replied in a barely there whisper. “I did. That’s what I said. We don’t have any food.”

  “Gunner, no. How in the hell do you forget the one thing you were supposed to bring!”

  “Shut up! You’re going to cause a panic among the hungry pregnant women and then we’re all done for!”

  I quickly glanced over to the girls. They were still arguing about the damn geocache bullshit. Looking at Gunner, I said, “Do you have any idea what Ari and Heather are going to do to you when they find out you have no food! No kiwi or steak.”

  Gunner swallowed hard. “Oh shit. Ari’s going to cut my balls off.”

  “I’m pretty sure she’ll do more than that.”

  Covering his junk with his hands, Gunner groaned. “Shit! They’re walking this way! What do we do?”

  “We?” I said with a laugh. “Oh, hell no. You’re on your own with this one.”

  Narrowing his eyes, he shot me a dirty look. “You bastard. You’re gonna leave me out to hang? Alone?”

  The girls stopped in front of us. Each surveying the scene before their eyes.

  Ari lifted her brow as she wore an inquisitive look.

  “She knows,” I whispered.

  Gunner hit my arm. “No, she can’t.”

  “Josh and I need to run to the … um … to the store.”

  My head jerked to look at him. “What?”

  “What for? We have enough food for a week,” Ellie replied.

  Ellie’s phone beeped and she lifted it. “It’s a text from your mom. Tell Drew he forgot to bring the two—”

  Her eyes swung over to Gunner. She wore a horrified expression. “Gunner. You didn’t.”

  Hitting him on the back, I laughed. “Oh, yes he did. Let the fun begin.”

  “One job. You had one job.”

  I pushed the cart down the aisle and tried not to listen to Ari.

  “How in the hell do you forget to pack two giant containers of food? How?”

  One. Two. Three. Deep breath in. Let it out.

  “I could see forgetting your clothes. But the food? Really, Gunner?”

  Four. Five. Six.

  “He’s not even paying any attention to me,” Ari said as she threw in three bags of chips then totally had a mood shift. Clapping, she grinned wide and stated, “Oh, sloppy joes sound good!”

  “Yeah, those do sound good!” Ellie agreed while looking at me and shrugging.

  “I thought she wanted steaks?” I asked with a puzzled look.

  Ari turned and pointed to me. “Hey, I want those too.”

  Thank goodness there was an HEB close by or we would have been living off of snacks from the park store.

  I watched as Ari, Heather, and Ellie loaded up the cart almost to the max. I knew camping brought out the munchies in all of us, especially with Heather and Ari being pregnant. Their love of certain foods certainly grew the last few months. But with the way they were loading up the cart, you’d think they were afraid we would run out of food.

  “Y’all do know we’re only there for a few days right?” I asked.

  Three heads turned and glared at me. “But Josh and Jeff do eat a lot of food,” I quickly added. Ari grinned and Ellie scrunched her nose up while walking over to me. Leaning in, she gently kissed my cheek. “Good save, babe.”

  “Well, I was about to be shred to pieces by two hungry pregnant women.”

  Ellie giggled and headed back over to the girls. After checking out, I loaded the new ice chest I had bought down with ice and filled it with the food. The girls were in the truck as I walked the cart back to the store.

  Hitting Jeff’s number, I sighed.

  “You get some food?”

  “Yes. And now I have a new ice chest as well.”

  The asshole laughed. Some friends I had. “Should I fire up the pit?”

  “Yes, and for your sake, I hope you can turn up the heat and cook these bitches fast. Ari is about to rip my head off.”

  “Just give her a Snickers bar. It’s her pregnancy weakness.”

  “Ah, that explains the giant bag she threw in the cart.”

  Jeff chuckled. “I’m surprised she only put one bag in.”

  “Luckily I had a gut feeling and threw two more bags into the cart.”

  “Smart move.”

  I let out a light-hearted laugh. “We’re on our way back.”

  “Good luck.”

  Stepping into the truck, I took a peek into the back seat to see both Ari and Heather breaking pieces off of a loaf of French bread.

  With a soft groan, I turned back and started the truck. “I’m gonna need it if they run out of bread.”

  The small area we sat in was illuminated by the blazing fire. The warmth felt good as it hit my face. I drew Ellie in closer to me as she nestled her head against my chest.

  “This is perfect,” she whispered.

  I kissed the top of her head and agreed. “It was a good idea, I’ll admit.”

  She lifted her head and gave me that sweet smile of hers.

  “All right, story time,” Jeff said standing.

  Rolling my eyes, I spoke, “And there went the peacefulness.”

  Ellie playfully hit me on the stomach while Jeff called Gus over to the sit next to him.

  Jeff rubbed his hands together and looked arou
nd at everyone. “We can’t roast marshmallows and sit around a fire without a ghost story.”

  “I love ghost stories!” Ellie replied as she snuggled in closer to me. The warmth of her body caused mine to come to life. I fought the desire to pick her up and carry her back to our tent and make love to her. I knew this was what she wanted for now, and I would be content with it. At least for a little while.

  Jeff turned on the flashlight and stuck it under Gus’ face.

  “There ronce rwas a rory about a roung girl.”

  My jaw fell to the ground as Jeff continued to talk like Scooby-fucking-Doo.

  “Dude, why in the hell are you talking like that?” Josh asked as Heather hit him on the arm.

  Ari giggled. “He’s talking like Scooby Doo. Because Gus is telling the story … get it?”

  Josh’s forehead furrowed as he looked between Jeff, Ari, and Heather. “I get the reference, but there are no kids around.”

  Jeff laughed. “Jesus, Josh. That’s how dogs talk.”

  Now it was my turn to laugh. “Scrappy Doo doesn’t talk like that.”

  Jeff’s mouth opened to speak, then he shut it and sent me a glaring look. “Let me tell the damn story the way I want to tell it, will ya?”

  I held up my hands in defeat while Josh lost it laughing.

  “Well now I’m not in the mood to tell the story,” Jeff said while turning off the flashlight.

  Josh leaned toward the fire. “Dude, are you pouting right now?”

  “Fuck you, Josh,” Jeff spit out.

  Ari stood up. “All right boys, let’s not act like we’re children. It’s time to bring the adults hiding in you back out.”

  Ellie covered her mouth to hide her chuckle.

  Ari continued to speak. “I say we play truth or dare!”

  I groaned and shook my head. “Seriously, Ari? You just told us to grow up and now you want to play truth or dare?”

  Her hands went to her hips and I knew this was one battle I wasn’t going to attempt to fight.

  “Truth or dare sounds like fun,” I quickly added.

  Ari wore a huge smile. “I thought so, Mathews.”

  I couldn’t help but giggle as I watched Gunner agree with Ari that truth or dare would be fun.

  Leaning closer to him, I whispered, “Smart man.”

  “Did you see the death stare she shot me?”

  Laughing, I replied, “I was afraid for you.”

  “I was afraid for my balls she was about to grab and twist,” Gunner stated with a wink.

  Ari clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention.

  “All right, y’all. Who wants to go first?”

  I glanced around and no one raised their hands. Ari tilted her head and wore an evil grin. “Fine, no volunteers for truth or dare, so I’ll pick who goes first.”

  She narrowed in on Josh. “Josh, you’re up first.”

  Jerking his head back, Josh asked, “Me? Why me?”

  “Oh, you know why,” Ari stated as her brows drew together.

  “Wasn’t that in a movie? What was that movie called?” Heather asked while looking around at each of us. She didn’t even seem to care that Josh wore a scared as hell expression on his face.

  Gunner leaned in and softly spoke while staring at Josh. “Poor bastard. I wonder what she’s going to make him do, because you know the stupid ass will pick dare and Ari knows it.”

  I instantly felt sorry for Josh because I knew Gunner was right.

  Sitting up straighter, Josh put on a brave face. “I’ll go first and I pick dare.”

  “Told you,” Gunner said with a chuckle.

  I don’t think I’ve ever seen Ari smile that big before. She turned on her heels and walked over to the ice chests. Lifting the lid, she pulled out a bag and Heather and I gasped.

  “Oh. No,” Heather said.

  Spinning around, Ari walked back over to Josh.

  “Eat seven of these without taking a drink of water.”

  I was almost positive Josh was already starting to sweat.

  “Peppers?” Josh asked while swallowing hard.

  “Is he already sweating?” Jeff asked with a full-on laugh.

  Ari pushed the bag closer to him. “What’s the matter, Hayes. You afraid to eat a few jalapeño?”

  “A few? Two would be a few, Ari. You said seven.”

  Looking around, Ari said, “Looks like we have our first failed dare for the night.”

  Josh grabbed the bag from Ari and opened it.

  “Josh! You hate spicy things!” Heather cried out.

  Standing, Josh gave Heather a reassuring look. “I’ve got this, princess.”

  Heather looked at me with wide eyes and a dropped mouth. We both knew, he so didn’t have this.

  “This should be fun,” Gunner said while taking a drink from his beer.

  I gripped Gunner’s leg while I watched Josh reach in for a pepper.

  “Seven. One right after the other,” Ari confirmed again.

  A look of horror washed over my face when Josh quickly popped the whole pepper into his mouth and chewed. He reached in for another and repeated the same action for seven peppers.

  “Holy shit. He’s crying!” Jeff cried out as he laughed hysterically.

  “Oh, Josh,” Heather said as she rushed over to him with a bottle of water.

  Josh grabbed the water and downed it. “Fire. On. Fire. Gonna die. Help … me.”

  Gunner jumped up with another bottle of water. Snatching it from his hands, Josh drank it so fast he was spilling it all over himself.

  “Can’t breathe!” Josh hissed while drinking yet another bottle. “Bread! Something! Help!”

  Ari let out a contented sigh. “I didn’t think you had it in you, Hayes.”

  Josh glared at Ari while Heather handed him another bottle. Pointing to Ari, Josh said, “I hate you right now.”

  With a half pout, half smile, Ari replied, “Awe, you don’t mean that, buttercup!”

  Josh downed a beer. “My shit’s gonna burn for weeks.”

  It was then everyone lost it laughing, including Josh.

  Pulling my knees up to my chest, I smiled as I looked around the fire at my friends. They were more than friends. They were my family and I loved them. I was going to cherish this weekend forever.

  Soft breath hit my neck, rousing me from my sleep. “Hey, sweetheart. You fell asleep.”

  Sitting up, I stretched and let out a long yawn. “Gosh, I was tired,” I replied while looking around the fire. “Where is everyone?”

  “Jeff and Ari just left to head to bed. Josh and Heather called it quits pretty much right after you dozed off.”

  “Why didn’t you wake me up, Gunner?”

  He shrugged. “You looked so peaceful sleeping with your head in my lap. I figured you needed the rest.”

  A part of me was disappointed Gunner would let me sleep. The idea was to spend time with our friends, but I knew I was being emotional and silly.

  “You’ve only been asleep for maybe thirty or forty minutes.”

  Relief swept over my body. “Oh good! I thought maybe I had missed out on fun times.”

  Laughing, Gunner stood and reached for me. He took my hand and gently pulled me up to him.

  “Well, after no one else showed interest in Ari’s truth or dare game and we started talking about the ranch, you quickly dozed. Poor Heather’s head was bopping all over the place before Josh got up and took her back to their tent.”

  Wrapping my arm around Gunner’s waist, we slowly walked to our campsite. “Poor, Heather. I’m sure she is exhausted with carrying twins!”

  “No doubt. I’ve never seen Josh so happy before. I mean, truly utterly happy.”

  Grinning, I held onto him tighter. “They’re so perfect for each other.”

  Gunner stopped walking and turned to me. “Do you have any idea how much I love you?”

  My nose crinkled up as I gazed into his eyes. “I think so, but maybe you should tell me.”r />
  He slowly grinned and replied, “I think I’d rather show you.”

  The moment I stepped out of the tent I was greeted with the smell of bacon. With my stomach voicing my hunger, I headed over to Jeff and Ari’s campsite. Josh was manning the bacon while Jeff was at another stove tossing a pancake in the air.

  The closer I got, the hungrier I became. Josh lifted his head and looked my way. My lower stomach pulled with desire. I had been so exhausted I fell asleep almost the moment my head hit the pillow last night. Josh held me against his body with his hand resting on the babies all night long.

  “Hey, princess. How’d you sleep?” Josh asked while kissing me quickly on the lips.

  “Better than I thought I would. I’m seriously surprised at how comfortable that blow-up mattress is.”

  Josh’s face beamed. “I’m glad you slept good. I swear you were out before you even laid your head on the pillow.”

  “I’d imagine carrying around two little babies is exhausting,” Jeff said with a wink and smile.

  “I guess so. I wouldn’t know what to compare it to, for me this seems like normal.”

  Ari walked over and sat down next to me. “I can’t even imagine having more than one inside of me. This little one is pretty damn demanding on her own.”

  I rubbed my baby bump and smiled. I was showing a lot more than Ari, even though I was a few weeks behind her. “I’d have to say these two are for sure making their presence known in more than one way.”

  Wrapping her arm with mine, Ari gave me the warmest smile. “I’m so happy we’re pregnant together.”

  I returned her smile. If someone would have told me a few years ago Ari and I would both be pregnant, and me with twins, I’d have laughed at them. We used to talk about how we were going to travel the world after college and explore places we dreamed of going to. Family and marriage was an afterthought. Now look at us. Both the happiest we’d ever been.

  “Me too, Ari,” I replied. “Even though I’m so much bigger than you.”

  She laughed. “You’re carrying two of them. I’ve only got one.”

  Glancing over to the guys, I asked, “Do y’all need any help?”

  Jeff and Josh both shook their heads. Jeff answered, “Nope. You two take it easy. Unlike Gunner, we’ve got our job of cooking down.”


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