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Crumbling Control (Helena Hawthorn Series Book 3)

Page 11

by May Freighter

  Eliza looked over her shoulder, scrutinising Helena’s every twitch.

  Helena gave a shaky nod of agreement. Talking would reveal the lie Levile told the elder, so she didn’t dare speak.

  “I want you to leave us, hound. I have something to say to her,” Eliza said, her attention never leaving the girl. Levile opened his mouth to object when Eliza raised a brow. “Or are you going to defy an order from me?”

  Once again, Levile bowed low. “I cannot leave, grandsire, not unless you promise she will leave unharmed after your conversation.”

  Laughter burst from Eliza. “You would risk your life over this?”

  “My sire’s direct orders override yours, Mistress,” Levile said apologetically.

  Eliza’s eyes narrowed on him, and she cut deep into the flesh of her palm with her sharp nail. Maroon blood rushed to the surface of her skin and dripped onto the steps. “You have my word she will leave here…unharmed.” Eliza drew out the last word that stretched with her disconcerting grin.

  When Levile ascended the stairs again, Helena thought the ground beneath her would fold in on itself. She wanted to beg him to stay, yet her mouth would not open because fear paralysed her.

  Once he was out of sight, Eliza faced Helena with a cruel smirk.

  Helena backed up, wishing the wall her back was pressed against would absorb her.

  “Since I made a promise, I will not hurt you today. But, answer me this. How did you kill my Andreaz? Every analysis we ran proved the involvement of magic beyond that of a Wiccan witch. So, what are you?” She licked her lower lip. “No. Who are you?”

  Frozen, Helena couldn’t say anything. The way the Councilwoman studied her with her deep-set black eyes had Helena’s skin crawling with spiders. Her eyes bulged as she felt the elder’s energy crashing against her shields like a tidal wave during a storm.

  “Do not fight me. It will only hurt you more,” Eliza warned.

  “You promised,” Helena whispered.

  Eliza shot her a pitiful look. “The promise not to harm you physically remains. Or, at least, that’s what I meant when I gave my word.”

  Helena’s ears rang as her mental shields slowly closed in on her. Michael’s presence warmed her chilled flesh when his energy encompassed her, and he spoke in her mind, “Together our energies should be enough to drive this creature away.”

  For once, she didn’t want to curse her angel. Instead, she wanted to thank him for showing up.

  After a few more seconds, Eliza’s brows scrunched together. “You’re not alone in there, are you?”

  “I don’t know what you mean…” Helena forced out.

  The Councilwoman retreated and brushed her long, red hair over her shoulder. “I hope we meet again, Helena Hawthorn. I cannot wait to see what’s hiding inside of you.”

  Eliza fleeted down the stairs, and Helena collapsed where she stood. She grasped her heaving chest as if she ran a long distance marathon. Her heart hurt from the speed it was beating at.

  “Thank you, Michael,” she thought back to her guardian.

  He appeared in front of her, kneeling. “You should return to America early. Forget about this world and move on to a better life.”

  “I have to help Vincent and Lucious,” Helena muttered under her breath.

  “No, you do not. They are more than capable of dealing with such matters by themselves. You are fragile. To them, you are a mortal who can be replaced.”

  Looking up, she saw sadness reflected in his azure eyes. She knew she was in over her head. Yet, if she left now, Vincent would bring her back. Being here was not by choice, even though she continued lying to herself to ease the worry and fear while they squeezed her heart in their thorny embrace.

  “I can’t. My mother and Richard will be put in danger. Vincent accepted the terms. I will leave in eight days, so I have to bear it until then.”

  Their eyes locked, and she thought he was going to say something. But, he left, and she sat there on the steps for a long time. She had forgotten about the pizza till Levile kindly brought it to her.

  Once she polished off the box, the strength returned to her limbs. She stood, and they headed downstairs. On the last steps, Eliza brought Xi Yi—the other Councilwoman—out of the Archives by half-dragging her by the hand.

  “I wasn’t aware Mistress Xi Yi was here also,” Levile said, surprised.

  Eliza pushed the short woman, with straight raven hair that brushed her waistline, forwards.

  “I had something to look into…” Xi Yi said.

  “Exactly. It’s Council matters, Levile. Now, step aside and let us pass,” Eliza ordered.

  Levile stepped in front of Helena as the two Councilwomen walked past him. The emotion in Xi Yi’s bulging eyes was an unmistakable terror. Only Helena couldn’t figure out what Xi Yi was afraid of. Weren’t the Council members at the top of vampire food chain? So, why was she scared of Eliza who was her equal?


  The Black Alley

  One bottle of Phil’s expensive whisky was not enough to brighten up Lucious’ evening. Not when their guest of honour hadn’t shown up after saying he would be on time. Staring at the bookshelves next to the grey sofa he lay on, Lucious tilted back the bottle, taking mouthfuls of the rich, amber liquid.

  “Aren’t you worried you’ll miss the fun if you get drunk?” Lucas asked from across the room.

  Lucious finished off the contents and set the bottle on the scraped up parquet. Not like another mark would make a difference. “I should have asked for two bottles. One is not enough.”

  The Alpha chuckled and continued to look out the window. “Ghoul Master will be here soon. After our business is done, I have to return for the pack meeting.”

  Sitting up straight, Lucious propped his feet up on a stool that voiced its complaint with a faint creak. “I’m surprised you’ve not throttled Byron when you saw him or did the two of you forgive and forget while I wasn’t looking?”

  Lucas’ attention shifted back to Lucious. He leant on the windowsill. White chips of paint fell onto the floor as he did so. The muscles on his taut chest beneath the white shirt bulged when he folded his arms. “I have looked into his situation once he wanted to quit as my beta. There was nothing I could hold on to him with. He did not accept my blood nor did he bond with the pack. It’s no surprise he ran off with a human.”

  “You regret letting him go that much?” This was the first time Lucious managed to have a normal conversation with Lucas that did not involve politics or seeking double meanings. Helena’s influence had dulled his mistrust of people—an invaluable skill that needed sharpening if he wanted them to survive.

  Lucas smirked and looked out at the dark street below. “No Ius in my pack was able to match his skill in fighting. If there was a chance to bring him back, I would have done so, but the pack law—”

  “Aren’t you able to change the laws of the old? You are their leader.”

  With a shake of his head, Lucas pushed away from the window. His arms fell to his sides, and he said, “The Alphas are most bound by those laws. Enough about that, our guest has arrived.”

  As Lucas said that, Lucious was able to hear the muffled conversation from the ground floor between Phil and Ghoul Master. It didn’t take long before Master’s energy slithered past him and the giant vampire peered around the doorway. He ducked his head to enter the living room on the first floor. Black dreads rested on his shoulders and crimson eyes zeroed in on Lucious. If it weren’t for the scars on the old vampire’s face, Lucious would be looking in a mirror. Although he had dismissed it upon their first meeting, the colour of his eyes was scarlet. Master fed on vampire blood also. As this realisation dawned on him, Lucious tried to keep his face impassive while everyone took their seats in the living room.

  Phil joined Lucious on the sofa whereas Lucas and Master sat opposite them. The room fell silent. Everyone took in the energy differences and assessed each other’s weaknesses.

  Phil cleare
d his throat. “We need your ghouls, Master.”

  Casting a lazy glance at Phil, Master’s expression remained impassive. “I believe I am owed a favour by this man already.” Master’s attention flicked to Lucious who stiffened in his seat. “I believe the debt must be cleared before another is incurred.”

  “What is it you want for me to do?” Lucious balled his hands.

  “A simple task that even you can do,” Master replied. “Bring me the amulet I lost at the Black Alley, and I will erase your debt and listen to your request.”

  Lucious was standing in the next second. He glared at the huge man in dark robes that covered his body. “I cannot return to that place. Is there anything else you need?”

  “Get the amulet from Isha or I am leaving!” Master’s gravelly tone showed no room for argument.

  Lucas looked between the two. “I could go with you.”

  “You are an Alpha. Risking you right now would be foolish,” Lucious said.

  “He’s right. Your presence there will only make things worse with the succubi,” Phil added.

  Lucious contemplated the possible outcomes. Isha could be holding a grudge against him. There was no way he could appease her with a simple apology, not unless he wished to part with his life energy.

  “What’s the amulet for?” Lucious asked, trying to break away from dark thoughts.

  “You do not get to ask questions. Get the amulet, return it to me, and we will resume this discussion.” Master rose from his seat.

  “Wait,” Lucious said, grasping the vampire’s forearm. “Stay here. I won’t be long.”

  “You have two hours before I return to the Council building,” Master barked and reclaimed his seat.

  Lucas followed Lucious out of the room. He yanked on Lucious’ shoulder, making him pause once they were in front of the back door. “What happened at Isha’s den?”

  Shaking him off, Lucious struggled to keep his annoyance under control. “I killed two hunters in the Black Alley. Both were her long-term patrons.”

  “She’ll kill you if you show your face there,” Lucas hissed.

  “We cannot lose this chance with the ghouls. For all our sakes, we must work together.” He placed a hand on the werewolf’s shoulder. “Convince Theo to put your differences aside and join us. His pack’s help will be needed in the coming battle.”

  “You sound as if it is a certain thing,” Lucas said.

  “The signs are there. The hunters have occupied the outskirts of London. They will wipe us out from the outside and work their way to the heart of the city. Before that happens, we must bring the fight to them.”

  Lucas closed his eyes briefly as if deciding on something. “I will do what I can with Theo. I will also contact Byron to keep an eye on the Black Alley while you’re inside.”

  Lucious left Phil’s office and headed to the one place he never wished to visit again, the den of the succubi.

  The Black Alley club was hidden from sight in Central London. Its location was passed down from generation to generation of patrons. To become a patron, one had to be introduced to the Mistress of the establishment. If she didn’t like them, they perished there and then.

  Lucious made his way up the unlit street, taking strong and sure strides. He felt eyes on him as he approached the onyx door with a metal carving of a female goddess holding the world in her hands whilst her revealing robes outlined her curvaceous form and merged with the doorframe.

  Upon knocking three times, the door was opened by a beautiful young man. His short hair had patches of black and white in it and the red light from inside coloured most of it pink.

  “How may I help you, sir?” the man asked, eyeing Lucious.

  Lucious sucked in a steadying breath. He was about to sign his death warrant by entering the premises of this club of his own free will. He shoved his hands into his jeans pockets and assessed the incubus before him. “I’m here to see Isha.”

  “Do you have an invitation?”

  “Tell her Lucious Ellwood is here. I am certain she will want to see me.” He refrained from adding ‘dead’ to that sentence.

  The man’s eyes glistened with recognition, and he stepped aside. “I know who you are, sir. Come this way.”

  Trying to seem calm, Lucious followed the incubus. Redwood flooring ran the length of the club. Brown leather love seats were spread out along the right-hand side with a small golden table in the middle, propping up a bottle of champagne and a bowl of juicy fruit. Primary coloured L-shaped sofas were pushed against the left side with spot lights irradiating the tables and not what happened on the seats between the eager customers and their chosen succubi. Relaxing music overpowered the moans in the background. Up ahead, a group of enthralled clients huddled near the stage with a drink in hand to watch three redheads dance naked. They took turns to touch each man on their outstretched hands, spreading their magic with the seemingly innocent gesture.

  As Lucious strode by, he heard one succubus murmuring sweet nothings to a man as she edged closer to his lips. Her hand ran up her client’s thigh, and the man groaned in anticipation.

  With a shake of his head, Lucious trailed behind the incubus. They turned the corner, and the man stopped at the staircase.

  “Please go up. I am sure she has seen you enter,” the incubus said.

  Lucious swallowed hard as he scaled the stairs, taking them one at a time to prolong the trip. Once he stopped before her, there was no mistaking that Isha was narky with him. The olive-skinned beauty sat in her throne-like overstuffed red chair. Beads of gold adorned her neck as she tapped her claws on the armrest. She had cut her raven hair short since the last time he was here, yet the animosity in her eyes remained. Those two black orbs screamed death upon his approach.

  “Lucious…” she hissed his name as if it were a disease in her thick Indian accent.

  He inclined his head, his eyes never leaving hers. “Isha.”

  Her claws stopped their tapping, and she propped up her chin on her knuckles. “Has your murderous conscience caught up to you? Are you here to give up your life for your actions?”

  “Not exactly.”

  Isha raised a brow. “Don’t tell me you’re here to ask for a favour. Last time I helped you, you killed my clients.”

  “That was a long time ago…”

  She slammed her fist on the armrest. “Twenty-three years is not a long time, Lucious. Not when our lifespans last for centuries.”

  “I need Ghoul Master’s amulet,” he stated quickly before she could add anything. The more emotional she got, the less chance he had of leaving the building alive.

  Isha slipped off her throne. The silky orange robe she wore covered her to her ankles. For her every step forward, Lucious retreated one back and hit the padded crimson wall behind him.

  “Did you think I would hand it over if you asked nicely?” She placed her hands on either side of him. Even though she was a head shorter than him, the energy rolling off her was suffocating. Her exotic features contorted with rage. What once was a beautiful woman became a demon that hid beneath the human-like mask. She regained her composure and pushed away from the wall. Placing her hand on her chest, she glided to the window through which she looked out at the club below. “Word on the street is that you are helping the Council stop the hunters and that you’ve opened the Blood Gate. Which is the truth?”

  Lucious replied in a nonchalant manner, “Both.”

  Isha’s eyes rounded a fraction as she assessed him over her shoulder. “What was on the other side?”

  “Demons and wasteland.”

  A hearty chuckle escaped her. “Seems to me that even Baal couldn’t fix the destruction her predecessors caused. Still—” she glared at him, “—you owe me your life.”

  “I did what I thought was right at the time,” Lucious countered.

  Isha scoffed. “Oh, you cannot hide behind the grief of Anna’s death anymore, Lucious. She is alive and well, working for Eliza I hear.”

; “Not by choice.”

  “Alright, I will give you a chance.” A gleam of excitement sparked in her eyes. “If you can withstand my strongest triplets, you can have the amulet and your debt will be erased…”

  His eyes narrowed. There remained an unspoken part of the deal she was waiting for him to inquire about. “And if I cannot?”

  “I will take your life energy and distribute it as boon across my children. Don’t you believe this to be a fair deal?”

  Lucious rubbed his eyes. Even a vampire could not withstand a succubus’ magic. The half-demon, half-human monsters were nothing short of dangerous to his kind. And, with Helena on the other end of the link, he could not risk making such a deal.

  “I’m leaving,” Lucious stated and straightened his leather jacket. “I will reimburse you with money instead. Name your price.”

  “I don’t think so.” Isha clicked her fingers.

  Female hands captured his arms and shoulders. Regardless of how hard he struggled, they forced him into a seat by the window.

  “When I want to play a game, I play one,” Isha said. She glanced at the incubus who brought Lucious here. He stood patiently by the door. “Azil, call the triplets. I have a gift for them.”

  Lucious snarled at her as he fought in the steel-grip of the two women. Their hands morphed into claws that soon cut through his jacket and dug into his flesh.

  “Let me go, Isha!” he shouted. His mistake could not cost him Helena’s life, not before he figured out a way to break the link between them.

  “You were never desperate to live. That’s why I liked you and not this…weakling. What happened? Did you find a lover?” Isha asked with interest.

  He froze. The magic of the succubus next to him pushed against his mental shields. Tingling warmth and pleasure spread through him as he fought to cling to his anger and frustration. His emotions melded into a dull acceptance and his head lolled back.

  Isha grasped him by the hair and lifted his head. “Tonight, we shall feast on your life energy. Goodbye, Lucious Ellwood.”


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