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Silent Defender (Boardwalk Breakers Book 1)

Page 19

by Nikki Worrell

  I gave her a hungry look, letting her see how much I wanted her too. “Yes, sweet Jennie?” Her hands went to my waist and pulled me closer, telling me without words that we weren’t gently making love. I normally liked to take my time, and for her to do the same, but quick and fierce worked just as well.

  She made short work of the button and zipper on my jeans. One quick tug brought my briefs down just far enough for her to free me. I was only semi-hard when my cock was swallowed up in one greedy pull. “Ah, sweet Jesus.”

  My fingers speared through her hair, cradling her head like I knew she craved. Her mouth moved over me again and again, building up the tension in my body. She slowed her movements and kept up a steady rhythm. Every once in a while, she’d stop and simply run her tongue up the underside of my cock from base to tip, sucking the head in at the end, making me buck into her for more.

  “That’s it. Oh, yeah.” Her lips stayed loosely wrapped around the tip of my cock as her tongue flicked out with swirling laps. She looked up at me while she slowly slid her way down to the base. I loved it when she watched me watching her. I was so deep; I couldn’t go any further. She kept eye contact with me for several long minutes as she continued to envelop me in her sweet mouth. It was almost more than I could take.

  Somewhere in my lust-soaked mind, it suddenly hit me that we were in view of anyone who might walk down the street. With the warmer weather, the beachfront town we lived in wasn’t quite as empty as it had been even a few weeks ago. “You know, someone could see us.” She sucked a little more forcefully and nodded her head.

  She did me in. I was going to come. I didn’t want to yet, but it was inevitable. My hand slammed down on the desk as I fought for control over my body. “Jennie, let me take you to bed.”

  This time she shook her head no, and continued her onslaught of my cock. Who was I to argue? “Then don’t stop.” She didn’t. “A little faster now, sweetheart.” She listened so well. “Jesus, that’s so good. I’m coming!”

  She let me take my time, pumping into her with each jet of cum. Her hand gently cupped my balls as my body continued to spasm and tingle. Finally emptied, I stopped thrusting, but she didn’t release me. It was one of the best parts of Jennie’s blow jobs: her tongue and lips turned excruciatingly gentle while I came down from my orgasmic high.

  She looked right at me as she licked her lips and carefully tucked my fading hard-on back into my briefs. “Do you want lunch now?”

  “You bet your ass I do.” I bent down and picked her up off the chair, carrying her to bed. I had so much “lunch” that my tongue was still sore later that evening. Best meal ever.


  I slipped off to sleep after Magnus was done with me. I was a lucky woman to have a man whose sole desire was to please me in and out of bed. And oh, God, what a good job he did. After he’d made me come the first time, I finished undressing him and rode him hard until he yelled out my name, making me clench around him again as delicious shudders racked my body.

  Tonight marked the first game against the Caps in the playoffs. I wasn’t sure how the Breakers were going to do, as Washington had about owned them during the regular season, but playoffs were different. If the Breakers won that first matchup, it would go a long way to boosting their confidence.

  Izzy and I were going to the game, and I couldn’t wait. I had to work afterward, but I didn’t mind. Interviews were easy since we weren’t allowed to stray too much from the usual questions, although I tried to make them a bit more interesting.

  “Are you girls going with me, Jennie?” I’d thought about it, but I didn’t feel like leaving so early. I could catch a few more winks of sleep if we drove ourselves.

  “No. We’ll go a little later, okay?”

  He walked over to the bed and sat down, buttoning up his required suit shirt. I ran my hand down his back, appreciating the hard muscles he had everywhere.

  “You sure? I can get you girls into the suite.”

  “No, that’s okay. I want to lie here for a little longer. Izzy can drive and then I’ll go home with you after I’m done with my interviews.” I ran my hand down his back again, getting ideas of making him late. He must have seen the look in my eyes, because he got up off the bed.

  “I can’t, Jen. It’s not that I don’t want to.” He licked his lips as his eyes roamed down my body that was half sticking out of the covers. “Oh, I really do.”

  He reached out a hand to run it over my belly, which at five months was more than a mere baby bump. “You’re so beautiful.” He lowered his head to place a kiss on my belly as he whispered, “Fire in your heart, little one.”

  I made one last-ditch effort to make him late, which I knew was wrong, but my hormones won out. The sheet slithered down as I sat up in bed and kicked it away. I ran a finger around my breasts, over my stomach, and touched my clit, watching his eyes follow the whole way.

  “You’re killing me.” He looked at the clock on the bedside table. “It’s going to have to be quick.”

  “I’m good with quick, and I’ll give you an extra protein bar to eat on the way.” I spread myself out like a sacrifice.

  “This is my third time today, sweetheart. Up on your knees.” He always took me from behind when we had a lot of sex without enough time in between.


  He smacked my bottom as I enthusiastically took up one of my favored positions. His cock rubbed against me getting harder every second. I reached down and rubbed myself, moaning at the sensitivity. It was enough.

  He gripped a fistful of my hair, pulling my head back when he entered me. “Is this what you want, sweet Jennie?”

  I rocked back against him in answer. I’d never been so voracious. It was one of the more pleasurable side effects of pregnancy. “More.” He gave me more.

  By the time we both dove over the edge into ecstasy-induced bliss, Magnus was a sweaty mess. He laughed as he pulled out of me, ending as we’d started by smacking my ass again. “You’re incorrigible, Mrs. Eriksson.”

  I flipped over onto my back, not even having the energy to get up. “I think you’re confusing incorrigible with insatiable.”

  He smiled, looking down at his wrinkled and wet shirt. “I guess I’m getting changed. Don’t have time to take another shower, though.”

  I might have felt guilty if I hadn’t fallen back to sleep.

  “Hey, don’t miss the game.”

  I pointed to the clock, hoping he realized I set the alarm. This being pregnant thing was tiring.


  “Come on! Is that ref blind?” Izzy and I sat in the first row of a catered suite right on the blue line. They were incredible seats, and more importantly, the food was fabulous. We even had Philly cheesesteaks at our disposal. I’d already had one.

  “Right? If that was boarding than I’m the goddamn Easter Bunny!” The Caps were beating us. It was only by one goal, but there wasn’t usually a lot of scoring in playoff games. It only took one goal.

  “Fucking power play. Great!” We were down a man and Ovie was on the ice. I didn’t like the guy, but he sure had one hell of a shot. To add insult to injury, it was Mags who was in the penalty box. He’d been spending quite a bit of time in there lately.

  Izzy gripped my hand as the Caps went barreling down toward Cage. “Cage won’t let them score again.” Ovie got a shot off directly toward Cage’s weak spot. “Jesus, watch your corners, Booker!”

  “Denied!” His shot went high and wide.

  With only four minutes to go in the third period, this power play was a real nail-biter. If the Caps scored here, it would be next to impossible to overcome a two-goal deficit with so little time to go, but if the Breakers could hold them off, all we needed was one goal to go into overtime.

  The penalty clock dwindled down to seconds as Cage slapped the ice with his stick, signaling the end of the power play was near. Magnus was up and ready to leave the box. Unfortunately, there was no Hail Mary pass to give him a scoring chanc
e as he hit the ice.

  The guys made a line change with less than a minute left. Coach Martin pulled Cage off the ice, and the Breakers got an extra player but lost their goalie.

  O’Dell had been playing mad minutes, but he was our captain so it was expected. He was breathing hard when he came back on, but that didn’t slow him down any.

  Rio checked Torts into the wall, causing Washington to lose the puck. There were less than twenty seconds left on the clock now. They had to make a move.

  Bucknell called for the puck. At five foot seven and one hundred and sixty pounds, he was the smallest player on our team. Instead of being a hindrance, it made him quick and sneaky. He skated around the net once with the puck and then again. From behind the net, leaving no room for error, he wrapped his stick around the post, trying to jam the puck in—and it worked.

  “Oh, my God! Did you freaking see that?” We all high-fived each other in the suite—those we knew and those we didn’t. “What a play.”

  “Is all this excitement okay for my niece?” Izzy worried about the baby almost as much as Magnus did.

  “The doctor said I had no restrictions. Aside from alcohol, watch the caffeine…”

  “Fine, but stop bouncing around so much. She might not like that.”

  “Yes, dear.” Overtime was just getting started and I had to pee. I peed a lot more often now. That was one of the negatives.

  While I was in the bathroom, I heard massive amounts of cheering. The Breakers had won the game and Magnus scored the winning goal. I’d missed it and burst into tears. Uncontrollable hormones—another negative of pregnancy. It was his thirty-fifth goal of the season, and that was a hell of a lot of goals for a defenseman.

  Izzy laughed at me but pulled me in tight. “Oh, honey. Don’t worry about it. You’ll see him play again.” I could tell she was still laughing by the way her body shook. “Whoa, what was that?”

  I pushed her away and wiped my nose on my sleeve. “Holy shit. I think the baby just kicked.”

  “Well damn, I felt that! Do it again.” She rubbed my arm, stopping short of the part I used on my nose.

  I laughed, feeling another flutter in my stomach. “I can’t make her do it on demand.”



  “Okay, fine.” She put a finger to her lips. “I’ve heard sometimes babies will kick when you eat. Let’s get you a nice, big bowl of that pasta, okay?”

  Food. “I could eat.”

  “Of course you could. Come on.”


  Not bad for an old man, huh?

  Mags was talking about his goal that I’d missed. I almost started crying again. I had to find a way to get control of my errant hormones. Especially in the locker room when I was working, but right now I had to get his hand on my belly.

  Since I’d eaten—entirely too much pasta and possibly a piece of cake—my little girl had been pretty active. I’d been feeling flutters off and on in the past week, but I didn’t say anything to anyone because they were few and far between. But now it was a different story. At least tonight it was.

  So I heard. You did great, babe. Nice first win! I guess you’re definitely in the interview lineup tonight, huh? I didn’t see Jackson, so Magnus was speaking to the reporters tonight. He didn’t always, because when it grew loud in there, as it usually did, Magnus couldn’t tell if he was speaking up enough.

  His eyebrows slanted downward. What do you mean, you heard? You didn’t see it?

  I pointed to my stomach. Not my fault. Your daughter almost made me pee my pants. If it makes you feel better, I promptly burst into tears when I found out what I’d missed, and because I felt her move for the first time.

  What? Of course that doesn’t make me feel better. Not caring that we were in a room full of dirty, sweaty athletes and reporters, he put his huge paws on my belly, covering the whole thing. “Make her do it again.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “Geez, Izzy said the same thing.”

  “Did she feel it?”

  I wanted to lie to him. I knew he wanted to be the first one to feel the baby move, but life didn’t always give us exactly what we wanted. “Yeah. She was hugging me, because I cried when I missed your goal.”

  “Aw, sweetheart. That’s no big deal. We can watch the highlights later tonight. Then you can see how awesome I was.” He gave me that cocky smirk that I swore he’d learned from Cage. “And you’ll sit in front of me so I can keep my hands on your belly.”

  No sooner had he said the words than the baby kicked. He dropped to his knees right there on the filthy locker room floor. The only sounds I heard were shutters clicking. My big, strong man had tears in his eyes when he looked up at me. “Thank you.”

  Although I was touched beyond words, I couldn’t cover my mouth fast enough to hide my yawn. It was late and I wanted my bed, but first things first. “You’re welcome.” I pulled him up to stand, but his hands went right back to my belly. “I think we’ve given the rest of the reporters quite enough for the night, don’t you? Let’s get on with the interview portion of the evening.”

  “Let’s not. Go do what you have to do with the other players. I’ll give you an exclusive when we get home, okay?”

  That was an excellent idea. One down…

  Chapter 23


  We’d gotten through round two, but had had to play all seven games in order to do it. The last game was the most pressured I’d ever been in my entire hockey career. This final round was our last shot at being the first new team ever to make it all the way to the finals. We wanted that. Badly.

  We had to defeat the Rangers in order to make it all the way to the round that decided the winner of the Stanley Cup, and we only had a two-day break before that round began. If we had any chance of advancing to that final round, we needed to bring our A game like we never had before.

  Our first game proved to everyone that we were there to win. With an unprecedented win of six to one, we geared up for game two. Just three more games to win in order to advance to the finals.

  The Rangers thrashed us, four to zero. As high as our spirits were after the first win, we plummeted in the face of such a loss in the second game.

  At the start of the third game in the series, Rio addressed the locker room before we stepped on the ice, making sure he had my attention. It occurred to me that I would most likely be able to actually hear his speeches next season. My external receiver could be taken off quickly, allowing me to wear it up until it was time to hit the ice. I looked forward to that.

  “Forget the last game. Think about that first victory. Jesus, guys, we were ON FIRE!” Hands raised and fists pumped around the room, mine included. “Let’s get that back. What do you say?”

  I said, “Fuck yeah, boys! Let’s do this!”

  We went out and did just that, winning by a narrow victory of two to one. It didn’t matter what the score was; it only mattered that we’d won game three. Two down, two to go.


  I couldn’t believe it. We won the next two games against the Rangers and were in the motherfucking Stanley Cup finals. First year as a team. Use whatever term you chose—unprecedented, unreal, astonishing, record-breaking—hell, even miraculous. We were all of those…and we were pumped.

  “Bring on the Sharks! Hell, yeah!” I didn’t even bother checking my teammates’ reactions. We were all on the same page.

  The guys were too excited to bother trying out their newly learned sign language. Instead, they ruffled my long locks, pounded me on the back, or simply fist bumped me. We were stoked.

  That last game was an away game, and when I got home after midnight, I was shocked that Jennie was awake. You are so fucking sexy right now.

  I looked at my suit, which I knew she didn’t prefer, and smiled. Those rampant hormones again. I briefly wondered if she could keep them after the baby was born. That thought was thoroughly drowned out as she rocked my world, breasts jumping up and down with her
growing belly front and center as she bounced on my cock. She was a walking wet dream.


  We had almost a week with no games before the championship round started. Winner took the coveted Stanley Cup.

  Jennie was almost six months pregnant. She looked like she was having twins (although I was smart enough not to say that), she now hated spicy food because it gave her such awful heartburn, and she couldn’t sleep. God love her, but I kind of wanted to move out.

  “Is there anything I can get you before I leave, sweetheart?”

  “How about a vat of Tums with a side of Nexium that I can’t take?”

  I really hated to have to ask my next question, but I felt the need—after I handed her a couple of Tums. “Um, would you like me to drive you to the game or are you just going to come to do your interviews?” And that’s where she got me.

  Her tears flowed immediately and she switched to signing. I’m so sorry. I know I’m a mess. You must hate me. Please don’t hate me. She threw her arms around me, hanging on for dear life.

  I’d been around pregnant women before, but I’d never experienced this. I knew this wasn’t Jennie’s normal behavior and I felt powerless to help her. I pushed her back slightly, freeing my hands. Sweetheart, I could never hate you. I know you’re feeling crazy things right now. I just want to make it better. What can I do for you?

  She immediately took a deep breath and calmed a bit. She gave her head a good shake to clear her mind. I know. I’m sorry. I’d rather just come after, if that’s okay. I’ll watch the first two periods on TV and listen to the rest in the car on my way over. Okay?

  I gave a smacking kiss as my answer. Of course, it’s okay. I love you. Please be careful driving.

  I love you, too, Mags. Fire in your heart, ice in your veins.

  You know it. And then I was gone.


  Game one was a nightmare. The Sharks mopped the floor with us. We didn’t do anything right. I hoped like hell it wasn’t a prelude to the rest of the series. I wanted my name engraved on that cup so bad I could taste it.


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