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Secret of the Crystal - Omnibus Edition Books 1-3 (Time Travel Adventure)

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by Larson, Brian K.

  “No, sir,” he replied with a sigh of relief. “Thank you for your help Captain.”

  “Dispatch five fighters to escort the transports,” Jhahnahkan motioned.

  “Attention, flight deck,” the communications officer commanded, “fighters blue 11 through 15, launch immediately for escort duty.”

  Two minutes passed, and the fighters came into view as they moved out ahead of the Telenian. They banked starboard and traveled out of sight.

  “Helm, rendezvous with the Kalentun. My brother will be sure to comment on our victory.”

  The Telenian turned hard to its port and engaged main engines. “Secure from general quarters,” Jhahnahkan commanded, taking his seat in his captain’s chair. “Open a channel to the Kalentun.”

  “Well, well, my brother. Not bad, not bad at all. I would not have fallen for the self-destruct tactics that the Zelinites tend to use. You could have damaged your precious Telenian. Oh, I forgot, my precious Telenian since your ship belongs to me and my fleet now.”

  Jhahnahkan stood and responded, sounding disgusted at his brother’s critique, “Oh please, spare me your pathetic battle synopsis. You know full well that we were victorious. Just admit it that we defeated them without any need of your assistance.”

  “Fine, you defeated your targets without my help, and you used your, err, my ship’s ram shields.”

  “Sir, the Kalentun is coming into view,” the helmsman reported, attending his flight controls.

  “Bring us into formation.”

  “Aye, sir.”

  The Telenian turned a half circle around the Kalentun and slipped parallel while matching her speed.

  “Face it Jhovahkan, you could not have done much better than that.”

  “Very well... if that is what you want to hear from me, then I will give you this one.”

  “Telenian out,” Jhahnahkan motioned to the communications officer by moving his hand across his neck, indicating to cut the channel.

  The two ships slowly made their way back to Ackturra and entered standard orbit.

  * * *

  Kalentun - Captain’s Quarters

  Jhovahkan paced the deck of his quarters as he waited for his senior staff to assemble. He slowly removed the long black flowing cloak from his shoulders and draped it over the back of a chair. Stepping over to the wet bar, he poured a stiff drink. Lifting the glass to his lips, he downed it all at once and then slammed the glass down on the counter.

  He thought to himself, I must stop Jhahnahkan’s acceptance to the council. There must not be anyone or anything that gets in my way.

  He clenched his teeth and his jowls pulsated with anger and frustration. Running his hand through his red stringy hair, he stopped at the back of his head and closed his hand into a fist, then pulled his hair as he continued thinking of his plan.

  The door buzzer sounded, alerting the captain that his senior staff had arrived. He walked over to his console and pressed a button to open the cabin door. Five officers entered the room, and the door closed behind them.

  “Anyone care for a drink?” Jhovahkan asked. “You may need one after you hear my orders.”

  The other officers all looked at one another, wondering what their captain had in mind.

  Agreeing to his offer, Jhovahkan poured each one a small glass and handed them out.

  “Gentleman, as soon as my brother leaves for the planet and is out of range, I will send a team over to the Telenian. I am removing Jhahnahkan from his command. We may not be able to trust any of his existing bridge officers. Anyone that will not cooperate will be killed.”

  “Sir, you are aware that Jhahnahkan’s crew will resist your action as they are very loyal to him,” his first officer, Panru, said, sounding a note of concern. “For that matter, Jhahnahkan himself will be very unhappy.”

  “Jhahnahkan will not know about this action until it is too late,” Jhovahkan said in stern voice. “Those are my orders. I expect all of you to follow them without question.”

  Panru stepped forward and raised his fist over his chest, “Aye, sir! You will not have to worry about our loyalty… You have our utmost support.”

  He moved his clenched fist from his chest and stretched his arm straight out in front of him. The other officers joined him with this gesture of acknowledgment, showing the captain their allegiance to him.

  Jhovahkan returned their gesture, sporting an evil grin. Then he lowered his arm back down and moved back over to the counter, picked up the flask, and poured everyone another round. “Everyone, drink up, for tomorrow we may die,” Jhovahkan jested with an evil laugh.

  “Captain, what are your plans for Jhahnahkan?” one of the officers asked.

  “Yes, tell us how you plan to stop his admittance to the council?” another added.

  “All right,” Jhovahkan said, walking over and sitting at the strategic planning table. “Come, sit with me, and I will go over the plans. Just remember, these may not go down the way I have planned, but as long as the outcome is the same, it does not matter.”

  The officers gathered around the long oval table, and each took a chair. They sat uncomfortably and fidgeted as they listened to Jhovahkan’s plan for his brother.

  Jhovahkan stood at the front side of the oval planning table in his quarters, he leaned slightly over the table, resting his knuckles on the glass. Jhovahkan looked at his officers, making eye contact with each one. With his left eyebrow slightly cocked, he opened by addressing the computer, “Computer, seal my quarters and scan the room for any foreign com signals.”

  The computer responded in an almost mechanical voice, “Room sealed... scanning for devices… room clear.”

  “Excellent!” he continued, “These plans are to be kept within this room. Anyone caught discussing this with any other crewman without my authorization shall be charged with treason.” He continued his stare at each member, “Do I make myself perfectly clear? If anyone chooses to decline, you may do so now. You will not be held accountable. You will be reassigned to a post of my choosing.”

  Each member acknowledged the risk by nodding as they continued to listen to Jhovahkan intently.

  “Very well then,” he continued, “As soon as my brother disembarks for Ackturra, we will set up a communication dampening field around the Telenian. Once communications have been cut off from Jhahnahkan, our ship will send him a message that the Telenian apparently had taken more damage than first thought. He will be told that their communication array had to be taken off-line for repairs. If he questions those actions, our response will be that there was no time to let him know, the array had to be taken off-line to prevent further damage.”

  Panru chimed in, “What happens if he does not buy the story?”

  “This plan must not fail!” Jhovahkan yelled, “If at any time he attempts to return to the Telenian, he will be told that there was also a containment leak and the Kalentun is towing her away to a safe distance until the leak is repaired.”

  Jhovahkan’s engineering officer interjected, “I will have two engineer ensigns assigned to the Telenian immediately. We can use them to simulate a containment leak and seal off the engineering section if we need them. They will have complete control of the entire ship from there.”

  “Most excellent,” Jhovahkan said. “They will be utilized in this operation. We can take over the Telenian much quicker that way. As soon as we have the dampening field in place, you are to contact your men. Have them seal off engineering and transfer control to their consoles.” Jhovahkan looked at his tactical officer. “Your assignment will be to assemble an assault team in our rear cargo bay. Twelve to fifteen armed men should be a sufficient show of force.” He pointed at Panru, his first officer. “You will accompany the assault team and will take command. You are no longer my fist officer. You are now captain of the Telenian,” he said, then turned to his first lieutenant, “You will also accompany me in the cargo bay.” Walking over to him, he rested his right hand on the lieutenant’s left shoulder.
“I will need someone I can trust as my new first officer. You will also need to protect me for the following minutes after the transfer. I can only transport fifteen men through the vortex before I am completely drained. It will take me about fifteen minutes to regain my strength. I know I can count on you,” Jhovahkan slowly moved around the room, walking behind each officer, “I know I can count on all of you. You are the finest officers in the fleet. This is the only reason you are here today.”

  Stopping behind the last lieutenant, he slowly pulled out his curved dagger from his side sheath and grabbed the lieutenant with his left arm around his neck.

  Jhovahkan held his dagger up to the man’s neck and added pressure. “You all know what can happen if you disobey my orders,” Jhovahkan’s eyes widened and his face lost color, “You pay with your very own blood,” he whispered coldly.

  The room quieted, and an eerie feeling enveloped everyone as they sat around the table, staring at their captain. Jhovahkan moved his dagger from his officer’s neck and touched the tip to his right cheek. He slowly moved the blade down, cutting his skin, causing blood to drip down the blade.

  Panru broke in and stood, “Jhovahkan! That is enough! We understand!”

  Jhovahkan released the officer and cleaned his blade on the man’s coat. “Very well, I just wanted to make my point clear,” Jhovahkan said as he returned his dagger to its sheath. The officer held his cheek with the palm of his hand as he stopped the blood from dripping down his face, sneering back at the captain.

  Jhovahkan returned to the head of the table. Gathering his composure, he continued explaining his plan, “Now then,” he said clearing his throat, “once we have taken the Telenian, it will be time for the banquet. Since I will be busy teleporting the assault team, I will need you, Lieutenant, to pilot my shuttle to the planet with my com signature onboard. That way, if my brother scans my shuttle, he will confirm that I am onboard. If he tries to communicate, I will have the shuttle programmed to route the signal to me. Once I have regained enough strength, I will transport myself down to the shuttle and send you back to the Kalentun.”

  “Sir, how will you stop the ceremony tomorrow?” his new first officer asked.

  “You see,” Jhovahkan said, “there really is only one solution to this problem. I will have to become leader of the council.”

  Panru chimed in, “Sir, there is only one way for you to take control of the council. Your father must be…”

  “…dead,” Jhovahkan interrupted, “Yes, I plan on killing my father at the ceremony. When my brother is sent to the Crystal Mountains to claim his power crystal, I will kill my father and take control of the council,” he said with an evil declaration.

  “Jhovahkan, how will you get away with killing your father?” his new first officer asked.

  “I have the birthright to the throne. This has been done in times past. This action will not be considered a hostile takeover, it will be considered a coup d‘état,” Jhovahkan said confidently. “Enough of this discussion. You all have your assignments. Meet me in the cargo bay in twenty minutes. Time is at hand, and my father will be wondering what is keeping me so long.”

  Jhovahkan stepped over to the computer console and pressed a few buttons. “There…” he pointed to the scanner, “My brother has just departed the Telenian. My shuttle must leave immediately. We will be Victorious!”

  * * *


  Aft Cargo Hold

  Jhovahkan made his way to the rear cargo bay on the Kalentun. The double doors of the cargo bay opened simultaneously, making a whirring sound. He crossed the threshold and ordered all crewmen to leave. There were four crewmen that departed through the tall doors while Jhovahkan walked over to one of the cargo bay consoles.

  Reaching inside his cloak, he pulled out a black velvet pouch which was tied at the top with a golden cord. He meticulously untied the cord and opened the pouch, removing a crystal shard from within. The crystal began to glow and slowly intensified as he touched it. He wrapped his left hand around the crystal, and it immediately lit up the entire room with a very bright red luster. He tucked the velvet pouch back inside his cloak and held the crystal with both hands. Pausing, he closed his eyes and drew in the warmth of the crystal as he held it near his left cheek. “How is my little friend doing? I have not been able to play with you lately. You are sure to get a good workout today,” Jhovahkan said mysteriously.

  The assault team entered the cargo bay with the officers. Jhovahkan regained his composure and gave the computer a command to close and seal off the cargo bay.

  “My good men,” he began, “this assignment is of the most importance to the Ackturrian Northern Movement. This day will go down in history in which I, Jhovahkan, took over the Ackturrian council. I will begin my reign today! We will be victorious!”

  The men all cheered and applauded Jhovahkan with whistles and vigorous clapping.

  “Attention!” Jhovahkan commanded, “In just a moment, I will generate a vortex that will lead you to the bridge of the Telenian, where my former first officer, Panru, will take command. Should you find any resistance, you will swiftly eliminate all threats using any necessary force.”

  “Jhovahkan, we just received confirmation that your brother has entered the atmosphere and is en-route to the council hall. Your shuttle has left the launch bay, and your com signature is onboard. If your brother attempts to contact you, his communication will be directed to you here,” Panru said as he smiled at his former captain.

  “Excellent,” Jhovahkan replied. “Panru, you will indeed make a fine captain.”

  Jhovahkan stretched out both arms as he held the red shimmering crystal and began to concentrate.

  Shimmering lights projected from the crystal. The sound of rushing wind flooded the cargo bay as a circular spinning vortex opened before the men. The vortex enlarged, and as the men gazed at the phenomenon, the bridge of the Telenian appeared on the other side.

  “One at a time now… Go, go, go!” he commanded.

  One by one, the soldiers entered the vortex and disappeared, crossing over to the Telenian. With the last man crossing over, Jhovahkan collapsed at the same time as the vortex. The crystal in his hand no longer glowing, he lay on the floor motionless and unconscious.

  * * *

  Telenian - Bridge

  The crew of the Telenian had no chance of resisting as they were overcome with the assault force now in place on the bridge.

  The two ensigns in the engineering room transferred all controls to the emergency stations, leaving the bridge crew without any control of the Telenian.

  They began simulating an engine containment leak and sealed off the engineering section from the Telenian security.

  “I am Panru,” the new captain said. “By order of the fleet commander, Jhovahkan, I hereby relieve Captain Jhahnahkan from his command. I am now your new commanding officer. You will follow my orders from now on. Do not resist this movement. Any attempt to contact your former captain will be considered an act of subversion and you shall be sentenced to death,” Panru said condescendingly.

  The bridge crew stared in shock as their new captain sat in the command chair on the bridge of the Telenian. There was nothing the crew of the Telenian could do as they sat powerless against the assault team. For now, they reluctantly waited and followed their new captain’s orders.

  * * *

  Chapter 2 – The Banquet

  Jhahnahkan’s Shuttle

  Jhahnahkan’s shuttle departed The Telenian. The docking bay doors closed moments after he cleared the hull. Setting his flight controls for planetary entry, he flew the flight path according to the control center’s directions. The shuttle twisted and turned as he adjusted the pilot controls for entry.

  Base Control gave Jhahnahkan final clearance to pass through the planetary shields. His ship made the final pitch changes and slipped into the upper atmosphere.

  “Computer,” Jhahnahkan ordered, “switch controls to atmospheric flight.�

  As he switched on the com, Jhahnahkan commanded the computer to contact the Telenian. “Telenian, come in please.”

  The com returned static, “Telenian, please respond.”

  “Sorry, sir, this is the Kalentun. The Telenian reported a major failure with their communications array and had to take the system off-line. What can I do for you?” the com officer of the Kalentun asked.

  “That is very odd. There was no damage reported after the battle,” Jhahnahkan replied. “Keep me posted on the repair progress. Jhahnahkan out.”

  He flipped a few switches and commanded the computer to scan the Telenian.

  “Scanning… One moment... Unable to scan the Telenian… There is no signal,” the computer reported.

  “Computer, scan Jhovahkan’s shuttle.”

  “Scanning… Jhovahkan’s signal confirmed,” the computer replied.

  “Open a channel.”

  “Channel opened.”

  “Jhovahkan, come in.”

  The com returned static once again. This is very peculiar, he thought.

  “Base Control, come in. Request permission to return to the Telenian,” Jhahnahkan requested.

  “This is Base Control. Request denied, sir. You have been ordered to report to the council hall immediately.”

  “Understood. Jhahnahkan out.”

  Jhahnahkan’s shuttle descended down as it twisted and turned. As he lined up his approach path to the council hall landing pad, he looked around and admired the pleasant scenery. The magnificent tall green forest trees that surrounded the mountainous compound was beautiful this time of year as were the green colored lakes, its waterfall cascading down and spewing foam at its base. He circled around to the east and flew up the base of the Crystal Mountains, taking in the majestic surroundings just before his final approach. He activated the shuttle’s landing gear and settled the sleek ship down onto the designated landing pad.

  The small ship touched down onto the pad, its landing gear shock absorbers cushioned the weight as the ship rocked up and down slightly, before coming to rest.


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