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Secret of the Crystal - Omnibus Edition Books 1-3 (Time Travel Adventure)

Page 23

by Larson, Brian K.

  “I understand. I will be prepared.”

  The white sphere disappeared, and once again and he found himself sitting in his command chair with his assembled crew behind him.

  “We are ready. Roth’stavous has said this is something that I will be able to accomplish.”

  His crystal was still suspended out in front of him; it began to glow white as he concentrated.

  “Computer,” Jhahnahkan said, “hypothetical, if this ship passed through a vortex that manipulates time and space, what would our flight time be to sector 523?”

  “Given the hypothetical situation of traveling through a vortex and factoring in the length of this ship, the travel time would be thirty-seven seconds.”

  “Computer, reprogram to accept hypothetical situation as fact.”

  “Processing request,” the computer answered. “I will add this situation to my data banks for future reference. You may proceed with the vortex situation.”

  Jhahnahkan turned one last time to his colleagues. “Begin to concentrate on our target sector,” he said. “Complete the connection by touching my shoulders up around the back of my neck.”

  The crew complied as each of them closed their eyes. The Russell brothers each squeezed each other’s hands, thinking that would help, and the look on their faces were intense as they were very serious with the task given to them. It was the first time in their lives that anyone cared enough to include them in anything. They were sure not to be the ones to let their new friends down. Their entire countenance had changed through the meeting of Jhahnahkan, and they were truly grateful that they had a purpose instead of their former pathetic existence.

  Sam stood with a calm look on his face as he focused on the sector numbers while Rex and Glenda could barely keep their eyes closed, but they still continued to concentrate regardless of them trying to watch what was going to happen in just a few minutes.

  Helen and Kate were on each end to complete the connection. They each looked over at one another, and as if they had a connection, they both reached up at the same time and pressed their hands on the back of his neck and shoulders as Jhahnahkan had instructed, their palms first and then their fingers resting on the back of his neck.

  Jhahnahkan extended out his arms, and the master crystal followed and stopped so that it was positioned between his hands. He reached out as far as he could and began to concentrate on opening up the vortex. The master crystal began to twirl, and as he focused on the vortex, the faster the crystal turned. It began to emanate a solid white beam that shot out in front and passed through the front of the ship. The beam continued to grow in size, and the farther out it went before the ship, the larger in diameter it became until it was large enough for the vessel to pass completely through.

  The beam began to spin with what appeared to be dark clouds in space. Lightning discharged all around the perimeter of the opening vortex. Then the familiar vortex formation occurred and stabilized.

  “Warning,” the computer said, “entering vortex phenomena in thirty seconds.”

  “Prepare, everyone,” Jhahnahkan shouted as the noise within the ship began to increase with the spinning crystal.

  “Warning, fifteen seconds to vortex impact,” the computer counted.

  “Here we go!” Glenda shouted with glee.

  “Wahoo!” Rex added, not being able to contain himself.

  The Russell brothers were too scared to open their eyes and kept them glued shut while the doctor nodded in amazement.

  The ship entered the enormous maelstrom and then, just as the computer had calculated, completed passing through in thirty-seven seconds.

  The vortex closed as the final ship’s rear fins passed and space had returned to its once normal, quiet, uninterrupted state.

  * * *

  Chapter 14 – Broken Time

  Sector 5-2-3

  Year: 1983

  The Karillian fleet continued to patrol the sectors of Ackturrian space as instructed by Lanatek. They had just finished scanning sector 523. As they began to change course to move to the next sector, the tactical officer on the Josalc, third in the Karillian fleet, reported to their flagship, the Zeroditha, of possible Zelinite activity approaching from the edge of the sector.

  “This is Aurasaurs, captain of the Josalc. Come in.”

  “This is Portov, captain of the Zeroditha, report.”

  “We have spotted a Zelinite convoy heading this way, three battle cruisers escorting two cargo ships. They are en route to Ackturra. Do you want me to hail them?”

  “This is Portov to all Karillian vessels scouting sector 523, Alim and Kriaeso, close into formation with the Zeroditha. Josalc and Iulo hold your positions but be ready to join the fleet on my command,” Portov ordered. “I will make first contact.”

  The Josalc and the Iulo vessels complied as they ordered their ships to a full stop while Portov opened up communication channels with the lead Zelinite ship on approach.

  “This is Captain Portov of the Karillian vessel Zeroditha. What is your purpose in this sector?”

  “This is the commander of the Zelinite fleet. One of our captains is overdue to be checking in. He was en route to Ackturra a few days ago on a peaceful trade mission.”

  “You will turn your ships around, Zelinite vessel. You will not approach Ackturra.”

  “What gives the Karillians the right to have any say on where Zelinites may go or not go in Ackturrian space?”

  “By the authority provided us from Ackturrian leadership.”

  “Bah,” the Zelinite commander said in a nasty tone, “stand aside. We shall pass. Do not attempt to stop us. We will take your fleet out. You are outnumbered.” He said this with a sheepish, evil grin.

  “Go ahead and make your move, Zelinite.”

  The Zelinite fleet continued to move closer to the Karillian fleet while the Karillians stood their ground. The two fleets approached, and each armed weapons.

  Portov opened communications with the two ships holding fast in the wings. “Josalc and Iulo, form up now,” he ordered.

  The two fleet ships stepped up and moved within range of the approaching Zelinite ships, came into a tight formation, and stood their ground with the rest of the fleet.

  “Sir,” Portov’s tactical officer began, “I am picking up some rather unusual readings off our starboard bow. I’ve never seen anything like it before.”

  Just as the Zelinite vessel was almost in firing range, a tremendous vortex opened up, and a slightly pale-green glowing ship began to exit. As it passed through, lightning surged around the edges of the vortex. Once the ship had passed all the way through, the vortex closed. Not knowing what this ship was or where they came from, Portov took full advantage of the confusion this caused the Zelinites and opened fire on them. In return, the Zelinites began to target and open fire on the Karillian fleet. Now that there were five battle cruisers instead of the three the Zelinites had originally thought, they began to turn their ships around to make an escape.

  Jhahnahkan stood proud at his accomplishment of passing this large object through the vortex, and he wasn’t even drained in the slightest.

  “Warning,” the computer said, “multiple weapons fire by each of the fleets in this sector.”

  “Evasive maneuvers! Arm weapons and fire!”

  “Which ships do you want to target?” the computer asked.

  “Target all Zelinite ships.”

  The computer launched five torpedoes and opened fire with its laser turrets on all of the approaching Zelinite ships. The computer confirmed that every target was impacted and that they suffered major damage. The Karillians continued to pummel the now escaping Zelinites.

  “These are Karillians. What are they doing patrolling Ackturrian space?” Jhahnahkan asked himself.

  “Maybe we should ask them that question?” Glenda said as she hailed the lead Karillian vessel. “Channel open.” She turned and gave Rex a wink.

  “Karillian vessel, state the nature of your bu
siness,” Jhahnahkan ordered.

  The Karillian captain began to turn his vessel at Jhahnahkan’s ship and locked weapons.

  “They have locked weapons,” Chuck alerted as he manned one of the tactical stations.

  “This is Jhahnahkan from Ackturra of the house of Sö’. I suggest you stand down.”

  Portov looked over at his first officer with a puzzled look on his face and gave the order to stand down but to hold position.

  Chuck confirmed that they had indeed shut down their aggressive posture. Jhahnahkan once again addressed the Karillian vessel. “State the nature of your business here in Ackturrian space.”

  “We have been appointed by Commander Lanatek, formerly of the Crytore, to patrol these sectors of space and to not allow any Zelinite ships through. Then you appeared out of that…that phenomena. We were just about to take out that approaching Zelinite fleet, and now they have turned tail and ran. I’m afraid we won’t be able to catch them.”

  “Let them go for now. There is much to explain and much I must know, but I have no time right now. I need to rescue my sister,” Jhahnahkan said.

  Kate nudged him in the ribs. “I don’t know about you, but I think you have plenty of time,” she said, looking at his master crystal still suspended after the vortex jump.

  Jhahnahkan recalled his crystal and tucked it away. Then he looked over at Kate and quietly said, “We must find out what went wrong in the timeline. We cannot risk more trips further back in time unless we know how to correct the timeline first.”

  “That’s why we should get as much information as we can before we rush into anything,” Kate said. “If you want to help your sister, the best thing you can do right now is to find out what happened, and then we can form a plan to rescue her.”

  “Of course, you are correct,” Jhahnahkan said, smiling at Kate. “That is one of the things I do love about you: you appeal to my rational side.”

  Turning back to the view screen, he continued with his conversation with Portov, “We will come alongside so we can have a meeting regarding the events of the last few days. Will you agree to come aboard my ship?”

  “Yes, of course,” Portov said. “I will prepare my shuttle immediately.”

  “That will not be necessary,” Jhahnahkan said as he pulled out his crystal once more. “Stand by and step through the portal when it appears. Do not be afraid.”

  Portov stepped back as the vortex opened on the bridge of his ship. He looked over at his first officer and told him he was in command. Then he looked at the vortex and cautiously stepped through.

  Jhahnahkan closed the vortex as soon as Portov was on the bridge of his ship. He tucked away his Crystal, and stepped over to the Karillian captain to greet him.

  “Welcome aboard, captain.” Jhahnahkan said.

  “What just happened?” Portov asked, “What is that thing?”

  “You stepped through a space time vortex… it is one of the special abilities made possible by my master crystal.”

  Portov looked about the ship and Jhahnahkan’s ragtag crew. “Where do you come from? I’ve never seen this ship design before?”

  “I cannot tell you much about us. You will have to trust me that I tell you I am from Ackturra. We are on an urgent mission.”

  “You need to tell him,” Katie said. “I feel he can be trusted.”

  “I give you my word as a Karillian,” Portov assured. “We have formed an alliance with Lanatek of Ackturra to remove the Zelinite threat. Any information you share with me will not leave the bridge of this ship.”

  “Very well,” Jhahnahkan said with slight hesitation. “I risk corrupting the timeline even further, but we need to know everything that has taken place. I will hold you to your word as a representative of Karillia.”

  “Yes, I give you my word,” Portov said, placing his hand on his forehead and bowing before Jhahnahkan.

  “I am from the future as is Lanatek, my sister, Tamika, our mother, Luanren, and the crew of the Crytore. I was pulled back one thousand years as I witnessed my father being executed by my brother, or so I thought. It turns out his mother murdered Qiaoshan. It is complicated. Then Tamika and Luanren were somehow pulled back to this same time. Some type of an accident had created a rift in time that allowed them to travel back. Their arrival has altered the timeline. In the original timeline, the Ackturrian crystals were infected by the Zelinite after a war ensued not before as is what has happened in this time, which is a thousand years from our time. Now, the crystal infection has occurred before the first trade mission ever arrived to Ackturra. There has been no war, and now the Ackturrians are the aggressors, not the Zelinites. My mission was to prevent the corruption, but now it seems my mission has become more complex now that time has been broken.” Jhahnahkan paused for a moment. “Can you tell me about my sister? What happened?”

  “I will tell you only as much as I know,” Portov began. “Lanatek only told me that his captain’s ship, the Crytore, was under attack by the Zelinites and that when we retuned with our fleet to assist, all we found was fragments of what was left of the Crytore. Tamika and Luanren had been taken captive, and when we intercepted the Zelinites, they escaped. Tamika had been overtaken by a strange infliction.”

  “I assume that was from the Rune,” Jhahnahkan said.

  “Yes, I remember Lanatek saying something about this Rune. Tamika took one of the shuttles and headed to Ackturra. He was in command of the Doletitheus. He set out to follow them in hopes he could have stopped her and to prevent the Rune from reaching the surface.”

  “They apparently did not make it. The Rune has infected the Crystal Caverns,” Jhahnahkan said in fear.

  “We will continue to patrol these sectors and will fight off any Zelinite threat we encounter,” Portov said proudly.

  “No, you will take your fleet and return to Karillia. We need to try and turn around that Ackturra is aggressor.”

  “By your command,” Portov said, once again bowing to Jhahnahkan.

  Jhahnahkan thanked Portov for his information and trust before sending him back to his ship. The Karillians fired up their engines and set course back to Karillia.

  “Computer, set course for Ackturra... Full speed,” Jhahnahkan ordered. He then turned to his faithful crew. “We shall meet up with Lanatek and Luanren and try to find out more of what happened to my sister.”

  The crew continued to learn all they could about this ancient vessel of theirs before any real battle they faced as they raced toward Ackturra. Even with these antique engines, they were more advanced than those of Jhahnahkan’s time, and their trip would find them in orbit around Ackturra in less than three hours.

  “Captain,” Rex said, “we should have a name for our ship.”

  “Yes, of course,” he replied. “Computer, what is your current designation?”

  The computer replied that there was no name designation since this ship had never been commissioned into service.

  “How about the Leif Erikson named after a Viking explorer!” Rex said with enthusiasm.

  “Ooh, I like that,” Glenda said, smiling back at Rex.

  The rest of the crew all nodded with Rex’s suggestion, and with everyone in agreement, Jhahnahkan ordered the computer to set the official ship designation to the Leif Erikson.

  Kate turned to address her captain. “We are approaching Ackturra. I have Lanatek’s ship on scanners.”

  “We are in communication range,” Glenda added. “Shouldn’t we call them?”

  “Rex,” Jhahnahkan asked, “how are you doing with the ship’s controls? Do you think you have it figured out?”

  “I think so,” Rex answered as he continued to study the control console.

  “Very well then, make standard orbit close to the Doletitheus. Glenda, open a channel,” he ordered.

  “Doletitheus, this is the Jhahnahkan, captain of the Leif Erikson.”

  The radio returned an eerie silence for what seemed an eternity.

  Lanatek and Luan
ren stood on the bridge of the Doletitheus and looked at each other when the radio call came in indicating it was Jhahnahkan.

  Luanren immediately began to probe the mind of the mysterious ship captain. “He is telling the truth,” she said as tears began to flow down her face. “It is my son, Jhahnahkan, and Helen, the real high priestess of Ackturra.”

  “Jhahnahkan?” Lanatek replied back into the com system.

  “Yes, I am Jhahnahkan, son of Qiaoshan of the house of Sö’… Mother? Are you there too?”

  Luanren stood in shock and reluctantly answered, “Yes, my son, I am here. There is much we must talk about.”

  Jhahnahkan replied, “Yes, I do believe you do have some explaining to do, but first we must find Tamika. We need to rescue her from the Rune.”

  “It is too late for that I am afraid,” Lanatek answered. “She was fully infected by the Rune. She was on the planet in the Crystal Caverns, but now we cannot locate her any longer.”

  “Lanatek and Luanren, you need to come over to my ship. I will bring you and the former Crytore’s crew through the vortex. The remaining Karillians on board will take the Doletitheus back to Karillia. Are there enough Karillians to pilot her back?” Jhahnahkan asked.

  “I believe so. There are about seventy or more from the Crytore and twenty Karillians,” Lanatek answered.

  “Appoint the best as its captain. We need to depart as soon as we can,” Jhahnahkan said with urgency in his voice. “We must return to our own time. I fear Tamika has already traveled back and will try to meet up with my brother. The two of them cannot be together. With their combined power, it will be very hard to defeat them.”

  “Understood,” Lanatek said. “What shall we tell the Ackturrian government?”

  “Have you been in contact with them?”

  “Yes, we were using them to assist in the search for Tamika. They believe us to be from Karillia since we pilot one of their vessels. We will tell them that we will be departing. What about your presence?”

  “The Ackturrians have not detected our ship. We have some sophisticated shielding that prevents our ship from being scanned. It is only visible at close range, but we need to leave orbit soon to prevent any of their satellites from identification.”


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