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Secret of the Crystal - Omnibus Edition Books 1-3 (Time Travel Adventure)

Page 26

by Larson, Brian K.

  The ground began to quake, and the group lost their footing. The two crystals now formed into one super crystal that he held over his head in triumph.

  A vortex opened up once again behind Jhahnahkan, and he stood proud, ready to show his grandmother his accomplishment, thinking she was just about to return to the group.

  He looked on as the group watched in horror at the sight of the person exiting the vortex appeared.

  Tamika flew through the air as she manipulated her vortex to remain open and caused it to travel with her. They saw her eyes, now fully sunken within her head. Dark circles had formed under her eyes, and her skin and hair had turned gray in color. She snatched the super crystal from the grip of her brother and then disappeared within the vortex and it closed behind her.

  The group looked on in shock as to what had happened as they processed what Tamika had done.

  “Nooooooo!” Jhahnahkan shouted as he fell to his knees in defeat.

  “What are we going to do now?” Glenda asked.

  The vortex opened and Helen stepped out to rejoin the group after delivering Jhovahkan to the brig.

  Jhahnahkan slowly stood to his feet. “I will do what Roth’stavous told me I need to do—find the power within myself. He said I would not need the crystal any longer. I will learn to use my abilities without them,” he slowly regained his composure and looked up toward the ceiling in the cavern, “We will now have to search for this crystal in order to save my sister from the Rune…”

  “I have always said simple questions will get simple answers. I am sure you will find the power within... Trust me… I know these things,” Helen said as she winked at her grandson, “Find her crystal and you will find Tamika.”

  # # #

  The Forge Contents

  Chapter 1 –That Which Was Before

  Chapter 2 – Power Shift

  Chapter 3 – Something in the Air

  Chapter 4 - Escape

  Chapter 5 - Civil War

  Chapter 6 - The Decision

  Chapter 7 - A Matter of Trust

  Chapter 8 - Delta Scorpii Twelve

  Chapter 9 - Time of Help

  Chapter 10 - Adrenaline Rush

  Chapter 11 – Unexpected Allies

  Chapter 12 – The Accident

  Chapter 13 – The Crystal Forge

  Chapter 14 – The Rune Divulgation

  Chapter 15 – Intervention

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  Chapter 1

  That Which Was Before

  Crystal Caverns

  Year: 2983

  Jhahnahkan knelt by his father’s side in the cold dampness of the Crystal Cavern. His friends Rex and Glenda looked on. Kate and Helen stood behind Jhahnahkan with Kate resting her hand on his back trying to comfort her lover and attempted to take away his pain of seeing his father killed… for the second time. Everyone was still in shock of Tamika taking the crystal from Jhahnahkan only minutes ago.

  Jhahnahkan leaned closer to his father to kiss him on the cheek when Qiaoshan’s eyes shot opened and he gasped for air.

  The resulting shock caused everyone to stumble back in disbelief. Qiaoshan coughed up some blood as he looked around at everyone now standing over him.

  Helen immediately took her crystal and began to hold it over his wound. “The crystal must have just missed his heart. Hold still my son,” Helen instructed Qiaoshan. “We will get you to the doctor.”

  Qiaoshan tried to speak, but winced as he moved too much and coughed up more blood and only nodded his acknowledgement.

  Kate knelt by his side and took his hand to comfort Qiaoshan while Jhahnahkan stood and looked around the cavern for a possible power crystal.

  “Do not even think of that Jhahnahkan,” Helen began, “You cannot possess one of these crystals… you know they are corrupt and they will corrupt you.”

  “I must save my father…” he said as he continued to search nearby.

  “No,” Helen said with a commanding voice, “listen to me… I will transport us all to the ship… I just wanted the major bleeding to be controlled first.”

  Kate stood and walked over to Jhahnahkan and again put her hands on his shoulder to comfort him.

  Jhahnahkan stopped and looked down at Kate and began to flow with tears, “I cannot bear to see my father die yet another time… it is too much.”

  “He’s going to be alright,” Rex added, “I know it… somehow, I know it.”

  Glenda also acknowledged what Rex was saying, “It’s the strangest thing,” she said, “I can’t understand why, I but I know too… Qiaoshan will be alright.”

  “We need to get out of these caverns,” Helen stated. “I fear the Rune may also be affecting all of us.”

  The group all gathered around Helen and Qiaoshan while she opened the vortex and sent them all to the Leif Erikson.

  Inside the medical bay, Dr. Sam Collins was still studying the instruments when the vortex opened and deposited Jhahnahkan and the others. He came to the side of what appeared to be the patient and asked them to help get him on one of the medical tables.

  Once on the table, Sam instructed the computer to run a full diagnostic on the patient. The computer turned on a blue colored laser beam that enveloped Qiaoshan.

  The scan ran the full length of his body from top to bottom of Qiaoshan and then back up finishing at his head where the blue beam terminated.

  The overhead screen began to display the results of the diagnostic.

  “He’s a very lucky man,” Sam began, “If

  that stab wound would have been a centimeter lower and to his right, it would have hit his heart. As it is, he has suffered a punctured lung.”

  “What do you need to do?” Jhahnahkan asked his trusted friend.

  “I will need to put in a chest tube and re-inflate his lung,” Sam began.

  “Excuse me Doctor,” The computer jumped in.

  “Computer, do you have a better idea?” Sam asked almost not believing he was talking to a machine.

  “There is no need for that evasive procedure,” the computer offered.

  “And how do you purpose to inflate the lung so it can be repaired?” Sam argued.

  “My medical data base and laser instrumentation will allow me to perform this procedure without making any incision to the outer epidermis. I am equipped with a Zero-point Retinoscope, Spatial Acousosticher, and Lung Pyrocutter. Using these devices, the lung can be inflated and the puncture repaired internally.”

  “Fascinating,” the Doctor said as he shook his head. “Well… what are you waiting for? Proceed.”

  “I am already making preparations and will begin in a few moments. The patient will

  likely be in recovery in ten minutes and will be back on his feet by tomorrow morning.”

  “That’s just simply outstanding!” Sam exclaimed “There’s so much I can learn here with this equipment… if I could take this back to Earth, I could save so many more lives.”

  “Hold on Sam,” Jhahnahkan interrupted. “We can’t interfere with the normal development of Earth. I know you have the best intentions in mind, but that would have significant repercussions on the already damaged timeline.”

  “Yeah, I know you’re right…” Sam said scratching the back of his head.

  “While the computer repairs the damage to my father, I will pay a visit to my brother.”

  “I will go with you,” Kate offered.

  “No my love” Jhahnahkan said as he stopped her. “Stay here with the others… I will be fine.”

  “He is right, Kate,” Helen said. “He needs to face his brother alone.”

  “Don’t do anything rash now,” Kate said with a worried look on her face.

  “I will be fine… I just need everyone to keep my father’s condition confidential.”

  “You’re not going to tell him he’s alive, are you,” Kate said.

  “Not at this time. I will use this situation as a bargaining tool to help the Southern Clan’s movement,” he said. �
��Don’t forget, we are now in

  the middle of a civil war.”

  Jhahnahkan looked at his friends one last time before he left the medical bay.

  Kate looked over at her friends as Jhahnahkan left. “I’m worried about him.”

  “He will be fine,” Helen said. “He is my grandson, I know he will do right.”

  “That may be so, Helen,” Kate said, “but he does have a lot on his shoulders now. He feels responsible for the timeline fracture. Not to mention the civil war and losing Tamika to the Rune.”

  “Kate,” Helen said, “there is even more at stake… more than no one is considering.”

  “I know what it is,” Glenda added. “Jhahnahkan is going to be faced with the problem that if he restores the timeline, that would mean Qiaoshan will die. Keep the existing timeline, Qiaoshan lives. But that means Ackturrian’s are the aggressors in the War and we lose all the allies in the Galaxy.”

  “That is very observant Glenda,” Helen said as she turned to her.

  “How did you come up with that?” Rex asked.

  “I don’t know… I have never been that intuitive before.”

  “She is becoming more in tuned with herself,” Helen said.

  “Or is it the exposure to the Rune?” Rex asked.

  “That is also possible,” Helen said, “I would not rule that out. We all were exposed to the Rune effect. We will need to guard our feelings and not give in to evil thoughts.”

  “I thought Jhahnahkan said that we would be able to help fight off the infection? He said it was our pure minds that would be used, like we did in healing the crystal fragment back at Helen’s place.”

  “That which was before has now changed through the time fracture.” Helen said.

  * * *

  Leif Erikson Brig

  Year: 2983

  Jhahnahkan entered the brig where his brother was being held. He stood before the entry to his cell. The only thing that separated him was the force field barrier keeping the brothers from killing each other.

  Jhovahkan sneered back at his brother’s arrival as he sat on the sole bench in the room.

  “I see you have come to gloat, my brother,” he said with disdain in his voice.

  Jhahnahkan stood close to the force field with his arms crossed and simply stared at his brother with evil contempt in his eyes.

  “Oh come now, Jhahnahkan. Say something.”

  He stood for a few moments more to sink in his point before he spoke, “What you did, Jhovahkan, is beyond evil.”

  “You know I was right. Our father was weak. He could not bring himself to the reality of actually winning the war with the Zelinites. That is why he gave me his crystal… he knew I was the only son that could bring victory to Ackturra.”

  Jhahnahkan stood by and let his brother ramble on.

  “I had the perfect plan too… then you had to return and spoil it all. Now look at what you have done… you have thrown all of Ackturra into an all-out civil war between the North and South Clans.”

  He continued to stand silent, which made Jhovahkan even more uncomfortable.

  “Now that our father is dead, I will become the leader of the council. Release me and I will forget everything and put you second in command.”

  Jhahnahkan not able to stay silent any longer unfolded his arms and said, “Why would I settle for second in command of the high council, when I can have the leader position for myself?”

  “Do not be ridiculous, Jhahnahkan. Mother will never appoint you as leader over me, I have the birthright… I will become leader of the high council.”

  “There are many things you do not yet understand my brother.”

  “Oh? And what would these things be?”

  “I learned many things on my journey. Ghaia is not my mother for one.”

  “There you go with your delusional thoughts again.” Jhovahkan said with a slight grin on his face.

  “I am going to tell you things that do seem hard to believe, but I will tell them to you in hopes that it will pierce the very soul of your being and you will finally begin to understand what you are doing is wrong.”

  “Go on then… I need some amusement, it gets rather boring sitting in this cell.”

  “Very well, then,” Jhahnahkan said as he took a chair from the corner and sat it before the cage.

  “Better yet,” Jhovahkan added, “why not just do the memory transference trick and save us all the time?”

  “I cannot.”

  “Oh come on now… you must have learned that skill from your crystal.”

  “I do not have the crystal any longer.”

  “Yes you do…” Jhovahkan said as he showed signs of worry. “In fact, you have two crystals… yours and mine…”

  “That is one of the things I need to tell you.”

  “What… that you lost both crystals? Even I do not think you are so incompetent to allow that to happen!” Jhovahkan shouted in anger.

  “It’s Tamika… she was infected by the Rune and took the master crystal after I joined our crystals into one.”

  Jhovahkan sat in his cage dumbfounded at the last words his brother said. He took a moment to digest what he heard and then jumped up and came at his brother. His clenched fists connected with the force grid as he attempted to pound his way out. The result shot electrical shocks down his arms and throughout his body. Jhovahkan fell to the ground before his brother on his knees in a crouched position wincing in pain from the discharges.

  “I cannot believe you just said that to me…” he said shaking his head. “My master crystal is lost?” He began to whisper and then raised his voice as he spoke. “You joined them together and then… lost it?!”


  Jhovahkan let out a cry of despair as he realized his precious master crystal was lost to his sister.

  “There’s more,” Jhahnahkan said as he fought to keep his composure.

  “There is more?” Jhovahkan said as he picked himself off the floor and returned to his lonely bench. “Please …do tell… my incompetent brother… I cannot wait to hear what else you may have blundered!”

  “Search your heart, my brother,” Jhahnahkan began, “you should already know that I am not your full blood brother… what I have told you… that Ghaia is not my mother; it is the truth. Qiaoshan is our father, but my mother is the same as Tamika. Ghaia seduced our father and made her High Priestess. She was power hungry and wanted the rule for herself… She wanted the power… it was her that has corrupted you in thinking it is alright to wipe out an entire race.”

  Jhovahkan sat quietly and listened to his brother. He knew deep down inside that it must be true, “Many centuries ago, the Zelinites sent the Rune to the crystal caverns. That event was forgotten long ago by the elders. The Rune is what has affected the crystals… it corrupts the possessor as well… it forces them to do its bidding; we have no control over that. You must also sense that as you are feeling this is the truth… what I tell you about our heritage. You must also sense that as you are feeling this is the truth… what I tell you about our heritage…

  Now that you no longer have your crystal, you can begin to think clearly. The infectious affect that the crystals held on us for all those centuries is wearing off. I know it is… I can see your eyes have returned to their normal pigment and your skin is no longer looks ashen gray.”

  “It is true that I am thinking more clear now my brother, but I still loathe you and I certainly detest being detained here, let me loose and I will fight by your side my brother.”

  “No, I do not trust you, at least not yet. There is more I need to explain to you.”

  “Oh come now… I begin to tire of your fantasies…”

  Jhahnahkan cut his brother short. “No, you need to sit here and listen to me for once in your life, so you just sit there and shut your mouth and pay attention.”

  “Oh my, my,” Jhovahkan said with sarcasm, “you must be feeling quite confident talking to your eldest brother with this shie
ld separating us. Lower the shield and face me without this protection and we shall see how confident you really are.”

  “That’s not going to happen.”

  “You even sound funny these days,” Jhovahkan said as he stroked his goatee. “Very well, continue your story.”

  “This timeline has been fractured. Telling you these things will help me to fully understand what has been altered and what has not”

  “Go on.” Jhovahkan said.

  “After I returned from my trip to the outer

  Rim, I was going to be inducted into the council. You took the Telenian and we fought in the Bant’tuuk arena. I won the event and soon after I stood before our father at the ceremony of Ack’raamon. The council sent me to the crystal caverns for me to search for my crystal. Am I accurate up to this point?”

  “Yes. That all sounds correct to me.”

  “When I entered the crystal cavern, I began to locate my power crystal. However, before I reached it, there was an old woman that appeared to me. She beckoned me to follow her, so I did. I never found her, but she left clues for me to find a buried chest that contained an ancient scroll. I found the scroll and it told about the crystal infection that had occurred. It said we were descendants from another galaxy, another world. We had a civil war there too. We kept the technology and ventured off to find a new home. Eventually we found Ackturra and made this our home, but over the many centuries we had forgotten a good amount of our knowledge. We destroyed our home world and when we traveled to another planet in that system, we began to destroy that world as well. The two fighting sects agreed to split off. One stayed behind and abandoned the technology we once had.”

  “Yes,” Jhovahkan said, “that is common knowledge that we migrated to this world to make a new home for ourselves. I agree with all of that. We did forget our ancestors for a reason.

  We never got along, but I see your point in understanding where we went wrong before so we do not make the same mistakes… and I feel you have launched us into this civil war and we will end up destroying this world as well… that is why we must end this now and join forces… My brother, we are not the enemy… the Zelinite is the enemy… that is why we need to wipe them out of existence… Ackturrian’s must lay a rule down in this galaxy and not allow any adversity… we must rule them all to prevent any of our worlds from being destroyed.”


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