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Secret of the Crystal - Omnibus Edition Books 1-3 (Time Travel Adventure)

Page 46

by Larson, Brian K.

  “Rex… give me your status…” Jhahnahkan demanded trying to maintain order.

  “We’re still heading down too fast… having a time of it breaking our speed with only one engine… could use a little help over here.”

  Lanatek jumped in to assist Rex with the flight controls as they began to transition to air flight. The ship began to glow orange as it hit the atmosphere at the wrong attitude.

  “Hull temperature rising!” Lanatek shouted, “Leveling out slightly… temperature steadily climbing…”

  Rex fired the remaining thrusters and righted the ship to the proper attitude entry. The glow began to diminish around the Leif as it fully entered the planetary atmosphere. She plunged downward toward the surface of the planet.

  “Rex, you better pull us up from this dive and quick,” Jhahnahkan said with a bit of panic.

  “I got this, sir,” Rex said with a new confidence. “We’ll make it, sir… we have to make it…”

  “How are you so confidant of this?”

  “It’s not my time…” he said with coldness.

  The Leif’s remaining engine and thrusters managed to level the ship out, but he was unable to maintain any altitude. She fell to the planet closer and closer to the surface.

  Jhahnahkan gave instructions to Rex on where to maneuver her for the best place to crash land. This would give them the best chance for survival while getting as close to the crystal caverns entrance as possible.

  “The jungle is approaching, sir,” Rex said with reserve, “Hold on… we’re going in!”

  The Leif touched down and slammed into the jungle floor. They slid for nearly a mile before coming to a halt. The dust from the fauna settled on the hull of the Leif as the nose of the ship dug into the ground pushing dirt and mud into the air splashing on the front screen. The jungle became quiet with an eerie feeling as all the creatures that lived nearby watched the ship come to rest.

  “Jhovahkan,” his tactical officer reported. “They launched a small shuttle as the Leif entered the atmosphere.”

  “Excellent!” Jhovahkan said with delight. “Capture that ship and bring whoever is on board directly to me,” he ordered with an evil laugh.

  * * *

  Chapter 13

  The Crystal Forge

  The Remedy – Ackturra

  Year: 2983

  R’ihia climbed down from her cockpit after landing her fighter. She knew there wasn’t much time before they discover her as an intruder. Her goal was to infiltrate as quick as possible. She removed her flight helmet as a deck mate stepped up to offer help.

  “What is wrong?” he asked R’ihia.

  “I do not know for sure,” she answered as she continued to walk away from the landing bay. “My com system went out again… looks like I am grounded for now.”

  “I will look into the problem ma’am,” he offered, “I can get you back in the air shortly.”

  “Thanks!” she acknowledged, “I will check back in an hour.”

  “Very well… she’ll be ship shape by then.”

  R’ihia knew full well that a deck mate would never question a pilot. She confidently made her way into the ship, quickly blending in with the rest of the crew. She searched for an open console to access as she navigated the corridors. She was eager to offer as much help to the northern faction as possible. Turning down another corridor, she ran into another officer. She nodded as she passed keeping her head bowed slightly and her face from being recognized. She opened the door that he had exited hoping that the room would be empty.

  The door closed behind her sealing her in by herself in the small workroom. R’ihia punched in her access code into the console and it unlocked, granting her access. “Yes!” she exclaimed securing the door to the room. She needed to keep any unwanted visitors from preventing her from transmitting the data to her commander. She searched log files and found some interesting information regarding the plans for the south reclaiming control of the palace.

  Now all I have to do is punch in the transmit signal and send. She thought.

  Finalizing the last sequence of numbers, she held her finger just above the transmit button. “As soon as I hit this button they will instantly know my location…” pressing the button was the easy part. Now she had to back out of the system so her access codes would not be compromised and erase any trace of her being here. Once completed, she unlocked the door on the console and then powered down the terminal. She quickly exited the room and traveled down the hallway.

  She knew the layout of the carrier as she had served on one a few years ago. There were many places that one could hide on board a fleet carrier. She could hide out for weeks without being noticed.

  She turned another corner and was knocked across to the opposite bulkhead, slamming hard she dislocated her shoulder and banged her head. She picked herself off the ground still stunned from the rocking and swaying of the Remedy. The deck vibrated beneath her feet and shook again, knocking her to her knees.

  “Uh oh,” she said to herself, “looks like they decided to strike after all.”

  R’ihia quickly found a place to rest hidden away behind a bulkhead. She would ride out the attack here while she attempted to reseat her shoulder. Bad turn of luck… she thought. If

  I cannot get my shoulder to pop back in, I might have a problem… I will have to visit the infirmary.

  The northern fleet began to pound the Remedy. Their shields fully raised, they were able to withstand the weapons volley from the fleet. The Kalentun broke from fleet formation to intercept the Leif Erikson’s shuttle that had jettisoned from the launch bay. The shuttle bounced off the planet’s atmosphere and headed back into orbit.

  The fighters protecting the carrier turned and targeted the Slayer, one of the northern destroyers. They flew with such precision; they were able to fly up and down the length of her hull, missing all of the laser turrets firing repeatedly. They continued to swarm like angry hornets all around the Slayer. But it was impossible for them to keep up with the fighters as they targeted the ships shields, draining them down to a point where a well-aimed missile could easily penetrate the armor hull.

  The two damaged cruisers of the northern fleet, fell back to keep sustaining more damage while the other three destroyers targeted the carrier and began firing. The southern fleet’s Eastern fired up its engines and fell back out from the guise of the carrier and opened fire on the Slayer with five missiles. The swarming fighters took the destroyer’s shields down enough that when the inbound missiles struck one after the other, the Slayer’s shields shut down and gave the look of electrical fire all over the hull. One of the missiles managed to rupture the hull, causing an explosion within the Slayer, crippling her from further battle.

  The Slayer’s captain turned and fired full thrusters to get out of their weapons range, and to assess the extent of her damage while firing all of their weapons at the frigate.

  The fighters regrouped and formed another attack run at the next destroyer, but the northern fleet decided to turn and retreat. The fighters were recalled back to the carrier. They once again flew in formation around the carrier and waited for instructions.

  The Eastern, now exposed from its hidden bed, pursued the departing fleet and fired another round of weapons targeting at will. Most of the weapons missed, but the volley was more intended to give the north the idea that they would not be as easily destroyed as they once thought.

  The Kalentun approached the shuttle as they tried to outrun the massive ship. Qiaoshan rocketed the shuttle into full speed trying his best to escape their pursuers.

  “We have them sir,” his tactical officer indicated. “They are being brought in the hanger now.”

  “Good…” Jhovahkan said, “Regroup with the fleet and initiate the crystal net.”

  “Sir, another ship has appeared.”

  Jhovahkan turned in his chair and addressed his tactical station directly, “What is this?” he asked. “Helm, increase speed to the fleet… now!”r />
  “Sir, it is the Griffin and a two squadrons of fighters… they are on an intercept course.”

  The Kalentun returned to the rest of the fleet to complete the crystal net just before the destroyer was in range, they abruptly vanished from the view of the Griffin’s captain.

  Jhovahkan turned once again forward, “Have the fleet change course… take us out of here for the moment… we need to reassess the situation…” he said, rubbing his hands together, “Let’s see who we have brought on board… I will guess this may make for some good conversation… hmmm?”

  “Sir, we have a coded message coming in…” the com officer broke in. “It is from R’ihia…”

  “Go on!”

  “She is injured, but safe for now… hidden on board… she will try to infiltrate further… will transmit more data when I have a chance.” the com officer finished, “That is all… the message ended.”

  “Excellent!” Jhovahkan stated sharply.

  Jhovahkan’s security detail escorted three individuals on the bridge. They stood on the outer side of the bridge in a line as they were formally addressed by Jhovahkan, “Father, Luanren, and… what was it again… Kate…that is it… isn’t it?” he snapped his fingers, “So good of you to drop in on me like this.”

  “End this my Son…” Qiaoshan said with calm in his voice.

  “Oh come now…” he said with a rather jovial tone. “I visited your vessel… and now I can bestow to you the same gracious hospitality that you showed me.” He said in an evil tone. “Show them to the brig.”

  * * *

  Leif Erikson – Ackturra

  Year: 2983

  The dust and dirt finally settled out of the air. The Leif Erikson lay motionless on the jungle floor leaving in its wake a mile long path that cut deep into the jungle floor. The ship came to rest as the nose of the ship dug into the tundra.

  Jhahnahkan and crew were held securely in place by the energy field generator at each seat. The bridge lights flickered while the crew regained consciousness Jhahnahkan shook his head trying to focus on his situation.

  “Report!” Lanatek ordered from his console.

  “She is in pretty bad shape captain,” the engineer said through the ships com system. “Structural damage to our underside, we have catastrophic failure of the core… we have that contained and all safety protocols are implemented… one of our engines were damaged in the attack and has pulled loose from the hull… we have a hull breach by that section.”

  “Estimate time to repair,” Lanatek answered.

  “Hard to say, sir… we still have more ship to inspect and the computer seems to have been knocked off line.”

  Jhahnahkan stood and looked toward the front and discovered one of the view screens had been shattered, exposing them to the fresh Ackturrian air.

  “Ok,” Jhahnahkan began. “Drakes, Diyra, where’s my map?”

  Diyra produced the map with one hand to Jhahnahkan, “Keep it,” he said, “You will be our guide… I somehow get the feeling you both have been here before.”

  “We may not have been here before…” Drakes said.

  “…but we may have been here after…” Diyra finished.

  “Diyra!” Drakes added, “Do not confuse him… remember this is the second Jhahnahkan, not the first… this one does not know of us being

  here before.”

  “Then how does he know that we were ever here?” Diyra asked.

  Jhahnahkan broke in, “Enough now… we will settle this later… for now, we must find the entrance to the crystal cavern and find the Crystal Forge.”

  Everyone nodded in agreement, “Rex, Glenda and our good doctor with his new prototype are coming with us… Lanatek, you are in command of the Leif. Get our systems back online and finish assessing the damage… get her space worthy as quick as you can.” Jhahnahkan said with authority.

  “Aye, sir,” Lanatek acknowledged, “we will get her ship shape as quick as we can.”

  Jhahnahkan and his team began to make their way to an exit, “Oh, and sir?” Lanatek said stopping them momentarily, “Good luck, sir!” he said saluting his captain. Jhahnahkan returned the gesture to honor his first officer. Turning, he led the crew to an exit hatch one deck below.

  Sam and Milanaka joined them with his prototype, “Here I am sir, and sorry, I am running a little late… our little landing made a mess of sick bay. It’s a good thing this wasn’t too far away from me,” he said pointing at his prototype, “she could have been wrecked.

  Jhahnahkan pointed at Milanaka’s appendage, “Looks like you’re getting some fingers there already.”

  Milanaka wiggled them as if waving, “Humph,” he grunted, “it should be already back… more Tarklotaz would help speed the growth process.”

  “Gross,” Glenda said, “I’ve heard about that stuff…”

  Jhahnahkan popped the hatch and exposed the team to a ladder that they would need to climb down for about fifty feet to the ground below. The nose had buried the ship down closer to the ground-making exit fairly easy.

  “According to the map,” Jhahnahkan said, “we’re just about a quarter mile from the river… we follow that upstream to the falls where the entrance should be… just keep your eyes open for Klendessa… were right in their nesting ground.”

  “Nesting ground?” Sam nervously asked.

  “Yes, if you see an egg, let me know… it’ll make a good bargaining chip.”

  “Bargaining chip?” Sam once again asked.

  “If we run into one, they won’t hurt us, as long as we have an egg.”

  Rex helped Glenda down the ladder, followed by Drakes and Diyra. Sam, Milanaka and Jhahnahkan were the last down. They made their way away from the crash site and began to disappear into the jungle. Jhahnahkan looked back and gazed on his ship in dismay.

  “It’s ok,” Rex assured him with a pat on the back. “Lanatek will get her back up soon enough.”

  “I don’t know, Rex,” he said turning away, “she’s pretty damaged… Besides, piloting her is your job.”

  “Yeah, we’ll see.”

  They entered the jungle and headed toward the river. They could hear the scurrying of the jungle animals as they paralleled the team, just far enough away to be hidden in the foliage.

  They made their way through the thick vegetation cutting a path and eventually to an opening in the jungle like crossing a wall. They came to a band of tall grass that led down a bank to the edge of the river.

  Sam was the first to stumble upon a Tri Claw Klendessa egg. It was grey in color and about a foot long, covered by the tall grass on the embankment. The grass was mostly green stocks but had purple tips, which blew in the wind causing the look of waves on a beach.

  “I think I’ve got one!” Sam shouted.

  “Shhhhh,” Jhahnahkan begged, “Lower your voice… its mother won’t be too far away from her egg.”

  Jhahnahkan moved the tall grass down away from around the egg exposing a root system at the bottom. He took out his dagger and began to cut the ends off, freeing the egg from its secured ground nest.

  “Don’t worry,” he assured, “perfectly harmless to the creature inside. The Klendessa anchor their eggs to the ground to keep predators from taking them so easily.”

  He picked up the egg and tucked it under his left arm, “Come on… keep moving,” he motioned, “I can hear the falls just up ahead and around the bend.”

  Diyra confirmed on the map what Jhahnahkan was saying, “Yes, right up ahead is the entrance.” She said pointing on the map.

  They continued around the bend and toward the falls at the end of the valley. The falls were over two hundred feet tall with silver colored water vapor foaming at the bottom. Over by the side of the bank up ahead, they saw a Tri Claw Klendessa stooping near the edge of the river taking a long, much needed drink. The team surprised the creature as it reared up and charged the group with a full gallop.

  “Hold steady, everyone!” Jhahnahkan shouted, “Stand your g
round! Don’t move!”

  The Klendessa thundered closer with every stride of the massive muscular legs.

  Jhahnahkan held the egg up before the rampaging mother. It stopped just before him and roared with anger and began to pull back for a swipe with one of its tri claws. Jhahnahkan held his dagger at the edge of the egg making a gesture as if he was going to pierce it.

  The Klendessa stopped short and gazed at Jhahnahkan. It made a whimpering sound as if it was in pain.

  “What’s the matter momma Klendessa? You want your egg back?” he pressed the tip of the blade closer to the egg causing the mother to back up slightly.

  “That’s right momma,” he said cunningly. “Let us pass and you can have your baby back… unharmed… don’t try to stop us…”

  “That’s so fricken amazing!” the doctor exclaimed. “That mother is feeling genuine pain at the prospect of losing its young.”

  “Yes…” Jhahnahkan answered softly. “They are intelligent creatures… you just have to know how to reason with one.”

  He backed the Klendessa away from the path to the base of the falls and allowed the team to pass. Jhahnahkan turned his back to the falls and faced the Klendessa. He slowly lowered his dagger to show the mother he didn’t mean any harm to her young. He gently lowered the egg on the grass and stood motionless for a moment as if communicating to the beast telepathically.

  He then turned to his friends and ran as fast as he could to the falls.

  The Klendessa either momentarily confused by Jhahnahkan or by relief that her young was safe, didn’t pursue right away. Jhahnahkan, nearly to the base of the falls, motioned the team to go through as the momma began to give chase.

  They slipped through the pounding water through the cracks in the rocks. The water poured around and tugged at their feet, the blue colored moss on the rocks made each step treacherous.

  They were now beyond the falls, and out of the reach of the angry momma Klendessa. The team made their way down into a hole in the ground followed by cascading water that was partly diverted from the falls. They climbed down jagged rocks, deeper and deeper beneath the surface as they were showered continuously by the pouring water.


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