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Secret of the Crystal - Omnibus Edition Books 1-3 (Time Travel Adventure)

Page 76

by Larson, Brian K.

  “Officer R’ihia! I need a status, your report is late!”

  “Sorry sir.” The first officer replied, “I did not wish to report if we were not complete…”

  Jhovahkan didn’t allow her to continue her lame excuses, “I did not put you in your position for you to decide when you provide me updates.”

  “Yes sir!” She answered. She turned in her chair to face her captain, “The fleet is only eighty-five percent complete with our port side remaining partially incomplete.”

  “So you are telling me you failed your three hour deadline!?”

  “Yes sir,” R’ihia said firmly.”

  “That is more like it!” Jhovahkan barked, “Decisiveness, no excuses. That is what I expect from my top officers.”

  “Yes sir!” she answered, “Sir, I will add that the holes that comprise the lacking fifteen percent on our port fleets are insignificant to the overall field strength. All computer forecasting indicate that the Rune will not be able to pass through our field matrix even with these holes.

  “Open a channel to entire fleet!” he ordered not pausing for long, making them open the channel very quickly as he made his address.

  “This is the commander! Stand ready to activate Rune shielding matrix!”

  “All ships reporting in; they are ready sir,” his com officer reported after a few moments had passed.

  “Raise shields… now!” Jhovahkan said swinging his arm in the air with a swoop.

  The entire fleet activated the Runic shielding that they hoped would be their saving point on this onslaught that was expected to arrive at any moment. The shielding stabilized and was reinforced by the repeating relays between each ship. This would ensure that if any ship’s power grid failed, at least two other ships in close proximity would reinforce the lack of power to the grid, keeping it intact during the battle.

  They were as ready as they were ever going to be, so for now they waited.

  * * *

  Leif Erikson

  Year: 2984

  “Jhahnahkan,” his tactical officer said, “The Rune has exited Slipstream and is nearing Ackturra.”

  Jhahnahkan sat in his command chair gripping its arms in anticipation of what he was about to do began to sink in. He was fully rested, but couldn’t ask Rex for any more help. He needed to have all his energies in order to accomplish this task.

  “Thirty seconds,” Tim chimed, “fifteen seconds… 10… 9… 8…”

  Xucaleechee arrived on the bridge with the kill switch and placed it firmly in Jhahnahkan’s hand, depressed his thumb on the top button and explained the simple operation, “Just release your thumb and wammo!”

  “7… 6… 5…” Tim continued to drone.

  “A fail safe trigger,” Jhahnahkan mused.

  “4… 3… 2…”

  “Just in case. You never know,” Xucaleechee said shrugging his shoulders.


  “Exiting slipstream sir!” Lanatek yelled.

  Jhahnahkan stood and assessed the current situation that was forming out in front of his ship after the green and blue lights of the slipstream faded. He had never seen the Ackturrian fleet all assembled together before… and it was breathtaking.

  He stood off to the side of the bridge and began concentrating on the crystal sphere. He held the kill switch with one hand and the sphere in his other.

  The Rune had engaged the Ackturrian fleet and was having difficulty in crossing their line of defense.

  “They have erected a giant shield,” Xucaleechee said with a shrill, “Milanaka was the only other Zelinite that knew anything about the shielding. They must have made it, he must be alive!”

  Jhahnahkan gained strength at the thought that Kate may not have perished on the Zeroditha after all. With his newly found determination, he opened the vortex to the center of the Rune Mass where he felt the virus container was waiting for him.

  “Here goes nothing,” He said and then stepped through.

  Drakes and Diyra held each other while the rest of the bridge crew carried on with their duties. They were now able to open a communications channel to the flag ship and informed them of Jhahnahkan’s plans.

  “This is Jhovahkan of the Kalentun. My brother is a mad man! He will not survive. Join with the rest of the fleet and help us hold this thing off. We are keeping the Rune at bay, but it has made several course corrections to try and get around. We have managed to compensate and hold it for now.”

  “It looks like it is not moving at the moment,” Lanatek answered.

  “Quite right, it has stopped altogether.” Jhovahkan said.

  * * *

  The Center of the Rune

  Year: 2984

  Jhahnahkan exited the vortex into a mass of yellowish colored substance. He held a force shield around him with enough air to sustain his life until he knew when to release the button. He held his thumb tight ensuring he didn’t release it too soon. He must be within the range or this would be of no use.

  He saw the chamber in the distance but the sparkling of the shielding was shooting lightning sparks all around. He wondered if this felt like a tumor to the Rune, but he wasn’t about to ask any questions, just release the button he thought. But his thumb seemed frozen and he couldn’t let go. He tried again, but it seemed as if an energy field was keeping his hand in place.

  His mind opened into a solid white colored room. He knew this had to be an illusion. This was very different than he had experienced with the crystal sphere’s he’d experienced.

  In the center of the square room was a high back red chair. He walked over to the chair and noticed it was intricately hand carved on the legs and arms. The fabric was made of fine red colored materials and trimmed with white lace. It was the only object in the room.

  He decided to come around to the front of the chair and take a seat, he figured that whoever it was that was projecting these images in his mind, intended for him to be comfortable. He sat in the plush feeling chair and sank down softly, resting his head on the high back.

  He waited for a few moments and grew impatient when nothing seemed to be happening, “Hello?” he called out, “Is anyone there?”

  He stared out in front of him in the white nothingness and noticed a blue colored face of a woman beginning to emerge. It was very large and only had the appearance of a face, which had red colored lightning emanated from the surface of a few darker colored spots on its skin. The lightning would flash out across its face and neck with every pulsating beat.

  The creature emanated a dull thunking sound, followed by a soft tone that began to repeat, sounding in rhythm with the red lightning fire as if it were a slow heartbeat. The lightning made crackling sounds as each beat released a flash.

  Her eyes were deep yellow with red colored pupils. Her hair was jet black and flowed down behind the back of her head and traveled around its neck like a scarf.

  To Jhahnahkan, her appearance was breath taking! He had never seen such a beautiful creature in all his life. She approached the sitting Jhahnahkan and addressed his presents with a formally sounding, yet soft voice that demanded his full attention, “Jhahnahkan, of the house of Sö’…Leader of the High Council of Ackturra… the Chosen One.”

  “Yes, that is who I am,” Jhahnahkan answered, “I presume you are the face of the Runic.”

  “How perceptive you are,” The face echoed.

  “Why have you brought me here?”

  “I wanted to speak with the one who thinks he can stop us from joining with the Ancient Crystal Entities.”

  “You must be worried that I know how to contain you,” Jhahnahkan said, “Or you would not be wasting your time with me.”

  “Do not be fooled Jhahnahkan of the house of Sö’… You think we cannot break through your pathetic attempt at keeping us from achieving our goal?” the face said, “You give yourselves much more credit that you deserve... You will not stop us, we are merely curious as to why you resist.”

  “Because we enjoy havi
ng our own thoughts and to control our own destiny…”

  The face did not allow him to continue, “you cannot change destiny Jhahnahkan of the house of Sö’!” she snapped.

  “I must have hit a nerve,” he commented with a slight smile.

  “What makes you think you can stop our destiny, this is what we have strived to achieve for millions of years. Who are you to deny us our right of increasing our complete enlightenment?”

  “Who are you to take away the lives you have destroyed to achieve your quest!?” Jhahnahkan shot back, “They had a right to live, and you killed them. You are nothing more than a murderer.”

  “They were meaningless creatures… just like the cells that an ameba consumes on its quest for a higher form.”

  “We are intelligent life. We…”

  “Intelligent life?” the face scoffed. “You do not know what the term means.”

  “What makes you think that the entities within the power crystals will want to join with you?” Jhahnahkan said trying to reason with the being, “What if they decline? If you are a benevolent race, would you turn away?”

  “They will not decline our offer…”

  “…but if they were to…”

  “This is turning into a pointless exchange,” the face said as it continued to pulsate.

  “I know the answer by your silence,” Jhahnahkan continued, “You recognize that this race you wish to join with are intelligent themselves. Yet you are insisting on forcing your wishes on a benevolent race. You are removing their right to live out their existence the way they had intended… the way they deserve.”

  The face closed her eyes and began shooting more lightning streaks across its face with more of a brilliance of red than before. The tone that emanated from the lightning became more intense and increased in frequency.

  “Made ya think on that one, didn’t I,” Jhahnahkan said with pride.

  The face returned to its normal appearance after a few moments and opened her eyes and returned her stare toward Jhahnahkan, “You show us you have potential intelligence. We debated your proposal of turning away... After careful consideration, the Runic have reached an agreement.”

  “Oh, do tell… face of the Runic,” Jhahnahkan said with smugness, “Surprise me that your answer would be to turn away.”

  “On the contrary,” the face coldly replied, “we have agreed among us to continue with our plans to join with the ones we seek… we have decided to join with you as well.”

  “Then you leave me no choice. I must release the virus that has been engineered to destroy the Rune mass. You shall not be allowed to force your existence on those who do not wish it.”

  “Do you not think that we have not planned for this and your doleful attempts at trying to destroy something that you do not even understand?” the face said widening her eyes.

  Jhahnahkan tried to end the illusion and return to his current position within the Rune mass. He began to see the object still glowing with signs that the Rune shield was intact. He tried to remove his thumb once again and was not able. It was still frozen, held still by an unknown force.

  Jhahnahkan returned to the white colored room and found himself sitting in the red padded chair. The only thing missing was the large face of the Rune.

  “What’s the matter my father?” Uttarak said as he came into view, sporting a wide smile.

  “Uttarak?!” Jhahnahkan exclaimed, “My Son!”

  “Yes, father. It is I, your beloved Son that you so thoughtfully named savior. How are you doing these days?”

  “You must help me!” Jhahnahkan begged, “I cannot remove my thumb from the kill switch, we must release the virus!”

  Uttarak continued to return an evil look and simply smiled all the more.

  “I don’t know how you are here, but you have truly arrived just in time. Now you must help me launch the Rune virus.”

  “Oh, I am afraid I will not be helping you any time real soon my beloved father.” Uttarak said.

  “I don’t understand.” Jhahnahkan said as an uneasy feeling began to sweep over him.

  “You don’t know that I have turned to the Rune,” Uttarak exclaimed. “My father, that was you from the future, the one that I killed on Earth… he is the only other one who knew.”

  Jhahnahkan returned his stare, “What are you saying? You are immune to the Rune.”

  “If I was immune father, then why would I be holding your thumb on the kill switch preventing you from detonating the virus with my mind?”

  * * *

  Chapter 16

  Final Confrontation

  Ackturrian Sun’s Corona

  Year: 2984

  The freed Rune floated near the Ackturrian Sun’s corona and entered traveling through the chromosphere and into the photosphere where the mass paused and absorbed the most energy possible. The temperature in this region of the sun was at least six thousand degrees Kelvin. The Rune had no trouble converting the heat from this region of the sun to its mass.

  The Rune grew and departed the photosphere, but not without consequences; the Sun’s light that is emitted from the Photosphere of the Sun was starting to become drained, causing the light emissions to lower by eight percent. The resulting effect would be a cooling and darkening of the planets in this solar system.

  Ackturrians would be made aware in less than ten minutes, before the darkening effected the planet. Their science team would soon discover the cause by seeing the freed Rune traveling from the Sun and completely avoiding Jhovahkan’s fleet.

  The Rune gained momentum and loomed down on its target. It was heading straight to the Crystal Caverns of Ackturra where the Forge was located. It is there that Runic would take control of the Ancient One and merge with the entities of the power crystals.

  The enlarged freed Rune was only one-third of the size of the main Rune that traveled from Zelinite. But that didn’t matter, as this Rune was just as lethal to the entities.

  The Rune continued to approach Ackturra and then it began to split apart into tens of thousands of individual pieces. The Runic kept their consciousness together as one by the added energy they took from the Sun’s Photosphere. Each small Rune fragment formed themselves into faceless warriors with what appeared to be swords and shielding emitting from them as if they were charging into battle. The separated Rune matter closed in on the Ackturrian planet. Even though the weapons inhibitors all fell from orbit and the planetary shielding was once again in place, the Runic warriors quickly absorbed the energy from the shielding and added that power to their essence.

  They entered the planet’s atmosphere and plunged downward toward the Crystal Mountains where it had resided for centuries, unable to fulfill its destiny being locked in a shielded chamber.

  The crew on the surface that stayed behind to seal the crevasse had no warning, no signs alerting the crew of the impending danger.

  The miniature looking army had the familiar yellowing red glow about them as they descended on the men. The warriors swung their energy swords and took every last man on the precipice down. The men faced an even more torturous fate. A fate more terrible than death; they became joined with the ranks of the Runic and were forced to fight along their side.

  The Runic warriors then assembled in one large strike force and descended down into the crevasse, toward the Forge.

  * * *

  The Center of the Rune

  Year: 2984

  Jhahnahkan struggled to remove himself from the white room where Uttarak had apparent control over the kill switch. He began to enter the Vortex bubble that he had created to sustain life. But he noticed that the bubble had shrunk significantly and knew he would have to time his moves just right before the sphere shielding would collapse leaving him to the demise of the Rune mass.

  He pulled his thoughts back to the red high back chair he was sitting in with Uttarak to try and buy a few more moments while he worked on his plan.

  “You see now?” Uttarak said as he stroked his chin,
“You cannot fight me now that I have joined with the Rune.”

  “I do not understand how this could have happened” Jhahnahkan said shaking his head in disbelief.

  “You see my Father,” Uttarak said pacing the floor, “My body has become absorbed by the Rune. I am now part of them; I am compelled to conform to their biddings.”

  “You must listen to me my son,” Jhahnahkan reasoned, “You are immune; you must not let them win, Uttarak.”

  “You do not understand my Father! I do not wish to follow another path!”

  Jhahnahkan struggled to remain in the room. Uttarak no longer wanted to continue this exchange and began ending the vision, which would result in his father’s death.

  “I will not let you win, my Son!”

  “I do not think you are in any position to be making those types of claims,” Uttarak smiled.

  “Then you leave me no choice!” Jhahnahkan said with resolve.

  “What do you mean my Father?” Uttarak said turning toward his father, “What is it you plan to do? You cannot remove your thumb from the trigger. I am much more powerful than you. I can hold this indefinitely, and you do not have the luxury of time. The little amount of air in your vortex bubble is not enough to give you time to escape.”

  “We shall see about that, wont we!” Jhahnahkan said gritting his teeth.

  “No Father! Don’t do it!” Uttarak said showing some compassion.

  Jhahnahkan took in as much of the imaginary air he could and exited the room bringing is consciousness back to the Rune mass.

  The vision vanished and Jhahnahkan found himself with seconds of life left in the vortex bubble. He concentrated on his crystal power sphere and thought to himself, I may not be able to remove my thumb from the switch but, Rex can deactivate the shielding. Come on Rex. Do you got it in ya my ol’ friend?

  The crystal sphere glowed and began to emanate a silvery form that began taking the shape of Rex, “It’s now or never!” Rex exclaimed as he made his way to the object that Xucaleechee left within the Rune.


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