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Love on the Line

Page 2

by Laura M. Baird

  “Really? I can’t believe you felt the need to bolster your courage with alcohol, only to get sick and not have one minute of fun.” AJ instantly regretted her words when she saw Kayli’s face crumple. “Shit, I’m sorry, Kayli, that was uncalled for.”

  “Seems we both need to work on our confidence, huh?”

  “Yeah,” AJ simply said. She rubbed her friend’s arm as they sat side by side on AJ’s couch.

  Kayli had taken a cab over to AJ’s to visit and retrieve her car, and Jen had arrived only moments ago looking fresh as a daisy stretching toward the sun.

  “Well, if you had both just listened to Momma Jen, you’d have had a fabulous night with a fabulous guy or two, and wouldn’t be ripping each other with comments like that.”

  “After all these years, you know we’re not built like that,” AJ said.

  “And after all these years, you’d think some of my influence would’ve rubbed off on you two,” Jen replied.

  “At least I talked with a guy,” Kayli said weakly.

  “That you did,” Jen confirmed. She then turned to AJ. “Now, you. You wanna tell me what’s really bothering you? Why you couldn’t stay to even talk to a cute guy who seemed interested in you?”

  “Cute? The man was more than cute, he was gorgeous! Probably another smooth-talking player who took one look at me and said, ‘my next target.’”

  “Oh my God, AJ, really? Is that how you see yourself?” Jen sat forward on the edge of the lounge chair where she was sitting. “If so, then you really don’t think much of yourself at all. And to judge another person based on looks alone?”

  “Seriously?” AJ stood from the couch and began pacing her own living room. “It’s a natural reaction! You see a person and instantly make a judgement based on their appearance, their demeanor. You can’t tell me that isn’t true, because I’ve never seen you with an ugly person. All your conquests are physically attractive men.”

  “My conquests?” Jen sputtered and stood while Kayli sat passively, eyes wide, head toggling between the two women.

  AJ faced off with her friend. “Yes, conquests, because you go through men like shit through a goose. But hey, as long as you’re enjoying life and nobody’s getting hurt, right?” She waved her hand around in front of her. “Well that’s not me. I can’t go from guy to guy to guy.”

  “I’ll have you know, which you really should already know—I don’t go from guy to guy to guy. Sure, I have fun, but I’m not some tramp who sleeps with anything having a pulse and a dick!”


  Kayli jumped up between the two women. “Hey, hey, stop! This is not like either of you at all! Now sit!”

  AJ and Jen snapped back, clearly surprised at Kayli’s authoritative attitude. When both women sat in a huff, Kayli continued. “Now, Jen, we know you aren’t a tramp, and we know you care about AJ, but sometimes a gal has to find her own way back at her own pace.” She faced AJ next. “And AJ, you need to stop with the self-pity and pick up that pace. Yes, you were used and hurt, but that’s over and it’s time for you to be you again. You can’t live in solitude forever.”

  “Pot, kettle, black,” Jen muttered, earning her a glare from both AJ and Kayli.

  “Yes, well, that may be,” Kayli started, “but I’m no good with men because I like women.”

  The room grew so quiet one could hear a church mouse fart.

  “Uh, come again?” AJ asked softly.

  “I knew it!” Jen exclaimed, causing AJ and Kayli to wince.

  “Oh, you did not,” Kayli said.

  “Okay, I suspected, but that’s neither here nor there. Why on earth did you keep this from us? We’re supposed to be the best of friends!”

  “Yeah, well, I guess I’m a slow learner myself, only truly realizing within the past year. But this isn’t about me, this is about AJ.” Kayli turned to AJ. “Honestly, AJ, by not letting go of the shit show that was Brad, you’re letting him hold power over you still, and that’s not you. It’s time you moved on, met a great guy, and became happy.”

  “Why does my happiness have to revolve around finding a guy?”

  “Again, you can’t live in solitude,” Kayli said. “Isn’t it more fun when you can share experiences with someone else? And I’m certainly not gonna be your girlfriend.” She smiled and winked at AJ, causing her and Jen to snort with laughter.

  “Yeah, finding someone is so much easier said than done.” AJ slid back against the couch nearly pouting. “And Kayli, I love you no matter who you want to love. Just know that.”

  “Ditto, sweetheart. We love you and want you happy, too.” Jen stepped to Kayli and gave her a quick squeeze.

  “Thanks,” Kayli said. She sat next to AJ again when released by Jen, who then walked toward the kitchen.

  Jen reappeared holding AJ’s phone. “Okay, so, maybe finding a guy can be easier said than done, and I’ll tell ya how.”

  AJ eyed her friend skeptically and asked how.

  “So, there’s this online site called Flirt Chat, where people register to just talk to others based on similarities. You know, you program in all this information about yourself and then you seek out others who have the same qualities, interests, whatever.”

  “Okay,” AJ said hesitantly. “And you’re telling me this, because…?”

  “Well, because I registered you there, and I picked out a guy for you to talk to, and I’ve just alerted him you’re going to give him a call.” Jen began hitting the screen on AJ’s phone, obviously punching in numbers to contact this guy.

  AJ sprang to her feet. “Oh, you did not! No way, Jen. What the hell?”

  Before she knew what was happening, Jen handed her the phone, kissed her cheek, grabbed Kayli’s hand, and hauled her out the door, laughter ringing out.



  “Hello,” said the husky voice. “This is Mathias.” His few words were clear, succinct, and surprisingly soothing.

  Still, AJ remained quiet, locked up, unsure if she could even do this. She was on the verge of disconnecting the call when Mathias broke the silence.

  “Would you like to tell me your name?”

  Oh yes, definitely a voice made for phone sex. Okay, she hadn’t called for phone sex. She wasn’t even the one who called. But did people even do that anymore? Call for phone sex? Mathias’s sexy timbre certainly made her think of that, giving her goose bumps and making her short hairs stand on end.

  Thanks a lot, Jen, AJ thought, remembering her laughter as she quickly explained her scheme. Real mature for thirty-something.

  Oh God, and here she sat with her phone to her ear, listening to this undeniably alluring voice, wishing she had just hung up the damn phone the minute the first word had been uttered.

  “…and apparently you do, too.”

  I do too, what?



  “If you’ve changed your mind, that’s understandable. No harm. I’ll just say good-bye, and—”

  “AJ,” she blurted. He sounded so down. Disappointed. She felt bad.

  Oh my God, what is wrong with me? I don’t even know him, and here I am feeling sorry for him because I’m the one who won’t speak to a stranger?

  She slapped her forehead as she closed her eyes and grimaced.

  “Hi, AJ.”

  She swore she could hear the smile in his voice when he said her name. She was so weak.

  “So do you really like hiking and kayaking?”

  “Yes,” came her simple reply.

  “And you enjoy beer more than wine. And you prefer college football over NFL?”

  “Yes, and of course.” So her friend really had listed true facts.

  “And even though you love to indulge in pizza, burgers, and ice cream, you still manage to keep your figure in tip-top shape as an ice girl for the Idaho Steelheads.”

  “W-what!” AJ sputtered.

  Mathias’s light laughter echoed in her ear. “Gotcha. Just seeing if yo
u were paying attention.”

  “The Steelheads don’t even have ice girls.”

  “You are correct. Think they have puck bunnies though? Amelia Jane.”

  AJ sucked in a quick breath. “You knew my name all along.”

  Mathis cleared his throat. “Yes. I got an alert you were going to call. I just wanted to break the ice, so to speak. Make you comfortable.”

  Jen put my full name in the profile? What else did she put in there? Should I know what’s in his? Gah!

  “So, I take it you like hiking and kayaking, too?” AJ asked.

  “No. I like indulging in pizza and burgers and ice cream while also keeping my figure in shape as an ice girl.” AJ couldn’t help the burst of laughter that escaped her.

  Mathias followed suit, laughing as well. “I like your laugh, Amelia Jane. And your name. Do you always go by AJ?”

  “Thank you, and yes, AJ’s always been easy.”

  “Okay, but I hope you won’t mind if I tend to say your full name. It’s a beautiful name.”

  “Thank you.”

  “And to answer your question honestly, yes, I do enjoy hiking and kayaking. I also mountain bike, no street cycling. I’ve done some rock climbing and BASE jumping.”

  “Wow. Really adventurous.”

  A chuckle preceded his words of “I suppose.”

  “I really enjoy being outside, losing myself in nature. And our area provides a lot of opportunity for that.”

  “Do you live in Boise?”

  There was silence for a moment before he spoke again. “You did read my profile, right?”

  “Um, no. I know nothing about you.”

  “But you called me, based on our matching profiles and similar interests. Right?”

  “No again,” she stated. “I had no idea what was going on when one of my friends just handed me the phone as she suddenly decided she needed to be elsewhere. She told me about this Flirt Chat, and how it worked, but I didn’t know she’d actually registered me until it all came spilling out in a rush.”

  “Right before rushing out the door.”

  “Precisely.” She hesitated before continuing. “Um, I’m sorry?”

  “Why are you sorry? It wasn’t your doing. Your friend must really be desperate for you to find someone.”

  “You have no idea.” AJ sighed. As much as she loved Jen, this act was pushing the envelope between caring about her and being intrusive.

  “Are you upset with her?”

  “I don’t know yet. I know she cares, but this … this was…”

  “Pushing it?”

  AJ laughed. “Exactly. Very uncanny how you say just the right things.”

  “Well, I try.”

  His attitude came across as relaxed, nice, and truth be told, AJ didn’t mind talking to him at all. He was witty, and she could truly listen to his voice all day long. Possibly into the night.

  Her face heated at the thought. Thank goodness they weren’t video-chatting, because how awkward would that be? Anonymity was safer.

  “So, AJ, would you like to keep talking? Because truthfully, I’m enjoying this.”

  She hesitated a moment before confessing. “I was thinking the same thing.”

  “Excellent! So, what would you like to know? Since you know nothing about me and I know everything about you.”

  “Oh, is that so? And what exactly is everything you know about me?”

  “Well, besides what I already said… And I’m still fantasizing about you being an ice girl.” He chuckled. “I know you’re thirty-two and passionate about your career in advertising. You want to visit all twenty-three World Heritage Sites in the United States, five of which you already have. And that’s just for starters.”

  “Again, wow! I guess my friend was pretty thorough. Tell me, are there any pictures on the profile?”

  “No. It’s an informational site only. They want to promote relationships based on commonalities, rather than superficial trappings like appearances.”

  Wow. Okay.

  “But people could lie about their likes and dislikes, just like they could post false photos on any other site, right?” She could feel her brow wrinkling.

  “True. I think some people may detail what they think they’d like, trying to switch it up or attract someone they might want to get to know.”

  “But then how do you know you’re getting the real person? How can you start off any sort of relationship with lies?” She knew her past with Brad was making her skeptical, but that kind of mistrust you just couldn’t put aside. His actions had really taken a toll on her.

  “With some, they certainly could be lies. With others, they may be the opportunity to explore new possibilities.”

  “But they’re being deceitful. How can you trust that?” Her voice rose and she knew she was getting defensive, but she couldn’t help it. “What does a person have to gain by lying?”

  Oh, she knew all right. She knew selfish behavior was just that—all about the self-serving asshole who liked to feel superior, who liked control, who didn’t want anyone else to appear better than them! Who…

  “Well, I know we really don’t know one another yet, but you’ll hear only the truth from me. So, if you still want to give this a try, I’m game.”

  “This took an awkward turn, huh? Bet you didn’t bargain for this seriousness.” A strangled laugh escaped her.

  “I’m not sure what I bargained for, honestly, but I can certainly understand your caution. I took a chance on something new and different, and here we are.”

  “And here we are. So why did you think you needed this? What’s wrong with you that you can’t meet people another way?” As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she cringed and wanted to immediately take them back. “I am so, so sorry! That’s not exactly what I meant to say. I—”

  “It’s okay.” He chuckled. “You’re wondering if I’m some creeper, trolling for women. Or maybe someone who’s not six three, two-ten, with six-pack abs and a killer smile, but pretending to be.”

  AJ noisily gulped, imagining the man he just described. That vision, combined with his hypnotic voice was enough to cause her belly to flutter and moisture to gather in certain unmentionable places on her body.

  “Um, okay.” She was at a loss to say anything intelligible.

  “So, would you like to know about me?”

  “You tell me what you’d like me to know. Is that okay?”

  “Absolutely. I’m thirty-five, Boise born and raised, and a die-hard Broncos fan. That’d be Boise State as well as Denver. I’ve visited ten of the World Heritage Sites here in the States, two in India, and would love to visit many, many more.”

  “So far, so good. What else?”

  “Okay.” He chuckled.

  There was certainly plenty of laughter and gaiety between them, and she wanted that to continue. It sure beat the pathetic sob-fests she was prone to lately.

  “Well, I’m a software engineer who spends a considerable amount of time alone. Not that I’m antisocial, I just prefer solo adventures more often than not. And besides, when all your friends are already hooked up and trying like crazy to get you hooked up, there’s only so much one can take. As you can attest to.”

  “Amen to that!”

  “So what do you think so far?”

  “About you, or this experience?”


  AJ was hesitant, not wanting to jinx the fun they were having, yet not knowing how far she wanted to encourage this. “I think, so far, it’s been pleasant?”

  “Well don’t hold back, by all means, regale me with your praises.”

  Again, AJ couldn’t hold back the laughter, and it felt liberating. “Well, as far as talking on the phone to a total stranger goes, it’s been enlightening. And fun. Aaannd, I’d like to continue.”

  “All right. So would I. Your profile says you’re a Boise native as well. Did you attend Boise State for your degree?”

  “Yes, I got my B.F.A. in graphic desig
n then went on to do advertising.”

  “And you’ve never been out of the country but have your passport ready to go.”

  “Yes again. I want to hike Machu Picchu and swim the Great Barrier Reef. And see the great Pyramids and tour a castle. Or twelve.” She tried but failed to stifle a giggle. When she’d talk about her dreams of travel and adventure with Brad, he’d scoff and ask why. Everything she’d ever need was in the United States, he’d say. That should have been a clue to their incompatibility.

  “Um, how about you? Besides India, what other out-of-country adventures have you been on? Oh, and do you prefer Mathias or Matt?”

  “Mathias. I had the opportunity to go to Dubai on business, and while there, I BASE jumped off the Princess Tower. And since I was in the vicinity, I ventured over to see the Taj Mahal and the Chitwan National Park in Nepal.”

  “That’s so amazing! Wow, that’s really something to brag about.”

  “I’m pretty fortunate with my job and lifestyle. So why haven’t you fulfilled any of your out-of-country dream trips?”

  “Oh, well, I … you know, I’ve been busy building my career.” And letting a manipulator basically run my life for two years while I was oblivious to his true nature. Let it go, AJ! What’s done is done!

  “And are you where you want to be?”

  My God, his voice is something, she thought. The kind you read about, if you’re one to read romance novels, which she totally was, and how a voice like his was described as a panty-dropper. She had to fan herself from the heat suddenly overtaking her entire body. Sheesh!

  “AJ, you there?”

  “Oh, yep, still here.” What was the question? Oh, yes, am I where I want to be? “My career’s been going great. Hit a bit of a road bump recently, but you know, that happens.”

  “Anything you care to elaborate on? Anything I can do to help?”

  “Unlikely. I’m sorry, I guess I’m not ready to discuss that right now.” Because it’s much more than just my career that’s hit a road bump.

  “Please stop apologizing. I understand. I mean, how much do you really know someone after only ten minutes of chatting?”

  “Precisely.” Although I feel like I could say things to you I never could to Brad. How interesting. AJ cleared her throat. “So, any plans for your Labor Day weekend coming up?”


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