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Love on the Line

Page 8

by Laura M. Baird

  “Doesn’t that tell you something about his character when he felt the need to expose that little fact?” Kayli said.

  “That little fact,” AJ scoffed. “Yes, I suppose.”

  “You suppose,” Jen mocked. “That was a huge risk for him, you know.”

  “Really?” AJ said. “This whole situation is crazy. You’re just trying to find justification for yourself while defending him and—”

  “I am,” Jen admitted. “Look, I know this all came about in a convoluted way, but I had the best of intentions for you. Do you honestly think I’d encourage setting you up with some guy who’s loco? No. And, okay, so it wasn’t the greatest approach, but it worked. Sort of, right? I mean, you got to know him and like him and you were ready to meet him and make a go of it.”

  “Yes, yes, yes, all right? God, yes, I really like him. Like I said, he’s smart and funny and charming and sexy. And yes, I want to give him another try.”

  Jen and Kayli jumped up with excitement. “Hot damn!” Jen shouted. “Okay, well then, I suppose we better get you fixed up, because I don’t know what all that is.” She waved her hand at AJ’s attire.

  “I’ll have you know, he was fantasizing about me being an ice girl, so I wanted to give him an ice girl. And Lord, you should have seen him, dressed up like Thor.” AJ moaned, not the least bit concerned about embarrassing herself, because these were her friends.

  “Really?” Kayli said. “Thor? Mmm, does he look like Chris Hemsworth then?”

  “Sort of, only better.” AJ grinned.

  “Well then, let’s freshen you up while I give Mathias a call.”

  “No, Jen, let me contact him. We’ll plan to meet at the park still. I’m not getting robbed out of seeing the balloons. What time is it anyway?” AJ began to search for her phone, realizing it was still tucked away in her bag.

  “It’s noon, and there will still be plenty to see,” Jen answered.

  “Come on, beautiful, let’s get you fixed up.” Kayli took AJ’s hand and led her back upstairs. After redoing her hair and makeup, AJ figured her outfit still looked decent and she really wanted to wear it. “You really do look great, AJ. Think Mathias will still be in his Thor outfit?” She giggled.

  “I have no idea, but I wouldn’t hate it if he was.” She winked at her friend.

  “You’re really okay with this, right?” Kayli gently stroked AJ’s arm. “I mean, like Jen said, it wasn’t the smartest way to go about this, but there’s potential, right?”

  AJ held Kayli’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “Yes, there’s definitely potential. I won’t make him beg too badly.”

  Kayli laughed as the two made their way back downstairs to join Jen, who was holding AJ’s phone out to her with a big smile on her face.

  AJ just smiled in return as she took the phone, deciding to text: So have I missed the balloons? Because I’ll be really mad if I have, and you’ll have some serious making up to do.

  Within seconds, Mathias answered: Balloons are still here, and I’ll beg, plead, grovel ... whatever it takes.

  Find me at the park and we’ll see what I decide. 15 minutes.

  Yes ma’am.

  AJ grinned, and when she looked up at her friends, they were grinning, too. “All right, let’s go.” AJ didn’t bother with the coat, as the day had warmed up nicely. Once again they piled into Kayli’s car and headed for the park.


  Ten minutes later the ladies walked into the heart of the park. Only a few balloons remained on the ground, or they had completed their flight and landed already. AJ looked up to see so much color as the balloons dotted the sky, it was spectacular. There was still quite a crowd, although she suspected many of the spectators had moved on to other activities.

  “How is he going to find you?” Kayli asked.

  “Determination,” AJ answered. She, Kayli, and Jen strolled leisurely around the park, admiring the balloons and glancing at the vendors. AJ’s stomach growled, realizing she hadn’t had anything to eat for six hours, and the smell from the food carts was utterly enticing. “Let’s grab a bite, I’m starving.”

  “Shall it be pizza, burgers, or ice cream?” Mathias’s husky voice in her ear sent shivers through her. She felt his warmth at her backside as he moved in closer and continued to whisper. “Or are you watching your gorgeous figure?”

  AJ closed her eyes and sighed. Oh, that voice. She opened her eyes and turned to face him, a shot of adrenaline flowing through her at his impressive sight. He was still dressed as Thor, earning appreciative glances from not only Jen and Kayli, but many passersby. They stared at each other, somehow silently communicating as smiles began to grace both their faces.

  Mathias’s eyes roamed her body from head to toe, and when he looked into her eyes again, AJ could’ve sworn they were brighter. He groaned and brought his hand to his heart while going down on one knee. “By the Gods of Valhalla, your beauty and your spirit will be my undoing. I humbly ask for your forgiveness, milady, and by granting that, I will forever be under your command.”

  AJ couldn’t help but melt just a little and smile even bigger as she framed his face and spoke softly. “All is forgiven, Mighty Thor. Rise and join me for a day of adventure, the likes of which you may never see again.”

  Mathias rose slowly, never taking his eyes from hers. And when AJ began to withdraw her hands, he caught one and kissed her knuckles. “I pray that won’t be the case, as I look forward to many adventures with you.”

  AJ bowed her head in a regal fashion, and keeping their hands joined, introduced Mathias to Jen and Kayli. “I know you know Jen, our matchmaker, and this is Kayli.”

  “Jen,” Mathias nodded his head before turning to Kayli. “And nice to meet you, Kayli.”

  “S-so nice to meet you,” she replied, a bit breathlessly.

  AJ couldn’t help but grin at the way Kayli was fawning over Mathias, considering the gal had recently figured out she was into women.

  Smile still plastered to his face, Mathias turned to AJ. “I believe you said you were starving?”

  “Indeed I did. I’m in the mood for BBQ. What about you? Jen? Kayli?” She glanced at each person, awaiting their answer.

  “Why don’t we go find some burgers and fried elephant ears, Kayli?” Jen responded. “We’ll catch up with you two later.” She winked at AJ before looping her arm with Kayli’s and walking away.

  Mathias chuckled. “Guess they wanted me to have some privacy while I beg your forgiveness.”

  AJ stopped and faced him. “There’s no need, Mathias, I forgive you.”

  “Just like that? So easily?”

  “Yes. It’s useless to deny what I feel for you.”

  “Which is?”

  “A connection. Our talks were wonderful, funny, uplifting, and so easy. They felt comfortable from the very first night. I can understand why Jen did what she did, and you, unable to resist her persuasiveness.” AJ chuckled.

  Mathias laughed. “Yes, she is tenacious.” He turned to her and held both hands in his. “I’m glad you’re giving me this chance, and I promise I’ll do everything in my power to prove it’ll be worth it.”

  “Oh, I know you will, and I’m looking forward to it.” She stood on her tippy-toes and gave him a light kiss before pulling back.

  Mathias rested his forehead against hers. “You know you’re wrecking me with that outfit.”

  “Am I?” AJ answered seductively.

  “You look so damned sexy. I want to cover you up with my cape so no other man can look at your ass that’s barely covered by those shorts.”

  AJ turned her body and looked over her shoulder at her rear, shaking it. “You mean this ass?” When she looked back at Mathias, she had to giggle at his sexy moan. She whispered up to him. “Others can look all they want, but you’re the only one that’ll be touching this ass.”

  “AJ,” he groaned.

  She laughed again as she pulled him toward the food cart. “Come on, let’s eat. I have a feeling we’
re gonna need our strength for later.”

  Mathias chuckled as he followed, and they spent the better part of an hour devouring BBQ, followed by ice cream as they watched many of the balloons returning from their flights. Once finished, they walked the park.

  “Do you come to the event every year?” Mathias asked.

  “Almost, and it never fails to astound me. What about you?” She looked up at him, happy to have him by her side.

  “I’ve never missed a year. Something always draws me. Amazing we’ve never run into each other before.”

  AJ laughed. “Well, it is a huge event, and Boise’s a big city.”

  “Biggest little city in the west.”

  “I thought Reno had that distinction?” AJ quipped.

  “Maybe.” Mathias shrugged as he grinned.

  “Have you ever been up in a balloon?”

  “I have, several times, in fact. Would you like to go up today?”

  “I would love it! But wait, aren’t the rides only on opening day?”

  Mathias winked as he squeezed her hand, leading her deeper into the crowd. “I have my powers, and I would never dare disappoint the lady.”

  AJ’s spirit couldn’t get any better as she let Mathias lead her through the thinning mass of people, closer to a few grounded balloons. The colorful variety was spectacular, and their sheer size never ceased to amaze her.

  They approached a balloon with a southwest zigzag pattern, with white, peach, and turquoise coloring. One man noticed them and a beaming smile broke out across his face. Two strides had him in front of Mathias as they shook hands.

  “Mathias, I see you found your lady.”

  “Yes,” he answered, raising AJ’s hand to kiss her knuckles. He then introduced her to his friend, Jeremy Dietrich, and pointed out his wife, Megan. They met while Mathias had been to Albuquerque’s balloon festival a few years ago, theirs taking place about a month after Boise’s.

  “Are we still set?” Mathias asked.

  “Yeah, be ready to go in a few. I signal when we’re good to go.” Jeremy slapped a hand against Mathias’s shoulder and walked back toward the balloon.

  AJ turned to him. “We’re going up?” she asked with excitement.

  “We are. While I was waiting, hoping, and praying that you’d return, I asked him about taking us up.”

  AJ launched herself into his arms, squealing in his ear. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! This is going to be awesome!”

  “I certainly hope so,” Mathias returned, kissing her temple.

  It didn’t take long for Jeremy to signal and within twenty minutes, the two couples were staring out across the city from almost a thousand feet in the air.

  “This is amazing!” AJ exclaimed. She looked to Mathias and saw a sexy grin on his face. Seeing him dressed as he was, she was extremely turned-on by the man. A knowing look passed between them, as if they both knew the night would end with them in one or the other’s bed.

  Too soon? AJ thought. Hell, no! I’m going to grab onto whatever pleasure I can with him.

  Mathias raised a brow as his grin grew bigger; as if he knew her thoughts. AJ felt herself blush in spite of the coolness surrounding them, given their altitude. She started to place her hands into the jacket Megan loaned her, but Mathis intercepted her movement, pulling them to his chest as he covered her hands with his. He leaned down to whisper.

  “I’d love to know your thoughts, Amelia Jane.” His kissed the shell of her ear, causing her body to shiver.

  “I just bet you would, but I’ll save them for later.”

  He pulled back to look into her eyes. “Promise?”

  “Promise.” She pressed her lips to his and was rewarded with a low growl as he took over the kiss, savoring her mouth. Had they not been interrupted by Jeremy clearing his throat, who knows where the kiss would have led?

  “How long have you two been together?” he asked.

  Mathias reluctantly broke away from AJ and faced his friend. “This is our first date.”

  “You’re kiddin’ me? You two look like you’ve been an item for some time.”

  “Feels like it, too,” Mathias said as he looked to AJ, wrapping his arm around her waist. Her heart swelled as she gave him a smile, leaning into his side.

  “Ah, there’s a story there,” Jeremy said.

  “There’s always a story,” Megan added. “But let’s let them enjoy the ride.”

  AJ and Mathias remained huddled together for the duration of the trip, and although it had been wonderful, AJ was ready to get her feet back on land. Once they disembarked, she and Mathias said good-bye to the couple, promising to see them in New Mexico if they made it down to the festival.

  As they continued to walk the park, Mathias held her close. “I may not be able to control myself, AJ, with how sexy you look. And if you receive any more leering glances from another man, I just may clobber them with my hammer.” He held up the item between them.

  AJ laughed, given the hammer was plastic and weighed no more than a pound, if she had to guess.

  “Well, we can’t have that. I guess this means our outing has concluded and you’ll have to safely ensconce me at a location of your choosing. For my own protection, of course, and those of the commoners around me. We can’t have a public uprising, now can we?”

  When his mouth quirked and he started to lean in for a kiss, AJ stopped him with a hand on his chest. “Mathias,” she began to whisper, “please tell me this isn’t too bold or too soon, or whatever, because I can’t help wanting you.”

  His mouth came within millimeters of hers and said, “I like you wanting me, because I damn sure want you.” He captured her lips, suckling before tracing her seam with his tongue. And as soon as AJ opened for him, he devoured her.

  She clutched his arms as he had his way with her in broad daylight, palming her rear and pulling her into his body. AJ felt like stripping him bare and having her way with him, public indecency be damned.

  Mathias was first to pull away, resting his forehead against hers. “Would it be completely improper for me to proposition you, milady?”

  “Please do.”

  “Your place or mine?”

  A burst of laughter escaped AJ as she grabbed his hand and began running for the parking lot.


  Mathias led AJ to his vehicle, unlocking the door and ushering her inside. He sprinted to the other side, slid in, and started it up.

  “I’m going to text Jen and let her know we’re leaving. I’m sure she won’t be surprised.” Once done, AJ looked to Mathias, both grinning like fools. “So,” she said.

  “So,” he returned. “Are you sure about this, AJ? Because believe me, I want this, but I want to be sure you do, too.”

  “I do.” She gave him her address and Mathias took off.

  She didn’t second-guess her decision or question what in the hell she was doing. She just went with her gut. And it was telling her that Mathias was worth the risk.

  Never in her life would she have thought she’d bring a man home after meeting him mere hours ago. But they knew each other beyond a few hours. Their nightly talks had revealed a lot about one another, and AJ truly couldn’t feel safer with anyone else.

  As they pulled into her drive, they silently exited then AJ was leading him into her home. Closing the door and locking it, she turned to face him. A myriad of emotions seemed to cross his face, and for a split second, she did begin to question her actions. But before she could say a word, Mathias was in front of her, framing her face and kissing her sweetly.

  AJ gave herself up to his kiss, to the feeling of being cherished. She moaned and opened for him as his tongue swept inside, dueling with hers. With her hands on his hips, she pulled herself into his body, wanting to feel more, see more.

  When his mouth trailed along her jaw, to her ear, Mathias’s hot breath tickled as he whispered, “I want you naked. I need you, Amelia Jane.”

  “My thoughts exactly,” she managed to say. When t
hey parted, she took his hand and led him up the stairs to her room. Once inside, she wasted no time in kicking off her boots and ridding her body of her clothing. Meanwhile, Mathias stood frozen as his eyes raked her body from head to toe. When he looked up again into her eyes, she watched them soften.

  “You are so gorgeous, AJ. You humble me with your willingness.”

  “I feel as if I could trust you with anything, Mathias. Please don’t make me regret it.”


  AJ could only nod as her eyes grew misty and her heart swelled.

  Without further words, Mathias made quick work of getting out of his clothing as well, standing gloriously naked, his arousal clearly evident.

  “Damn, you’re magnificent,” AJ said.

  Mathias approached but didn’t touch. “You are.”

  “Please touch me,” she said.

  He surprised her by unpinning her hair and combing his fingers through the silky strands. “So soft and beautiful.” He then scooped her up into his arms and placed her on the bed. Her peals of laughter quickly turned to gasps as he wasted no time in spreading her legs and burying his face against her pussy. She nearly orgasmed immediately as his tongue swept up her folds and latched onto her clit, sucking mercilessly. His big, warm hands pressed against her inner thighs, keeping her open, otherwise she may have clenched his head like a vise.

  AJ squirmed and writhed while she alternately moaned and whimpered. She felt herself rising, tightening as she ground her pelvis into Mathias’s face, needing to come.

  “That’s it, AJ,” he breathed against her flesh. “Come for me. Only me.”

  His attention returned to feasting on her, and within seconds she shattered. Her scream echoed throughout the room, startling even AJ in its intensity. She continued to buck as Mathias wrung every little bit of pleasure from her. And when he moved away, gently massaging her thighs where he held her, she whimpered once again.

  “Don’t worry, I’m nowhere near through with you,” he said, his voice strained.

  “Oh, good,” she said and sighed. She lifted her head to look at him, still marveling at his beautiful form. Not to mention his very impressive cock standing at attention. She propped herself onto her elbows to watch him crawl over her, his gaze never leaving hers.


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