Book Read Free

Brush with Catastrophe

Page 7

by Tara Lain

  “Then there must be a lot of dumb people!” Sammy’s breath came hard. Shit, he was attacking his best friend. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. I know you don’t think that.” He ran a hand through his hair. He probably really looked like that scarecrow now. “Look, he’s going to be here soon. I promise I’ll ask him. I will. Okay?”

  Ryder frowned. “I’m worried about you.”

  “I know. I don’t understand why, but I know you are. I’ll talk to him.”


  “You better go unless you want to ask him yourself.”

  “No, I’ll go.” Ryder walked to the door and turned. He extricated Al from his neck and handed him to Sammy. “I care what happens to you. I care…. I wish…. Hell, be careful.” He opened the door and walked out, then closed the door behind him.

  Sammy collapsed onto the couch, still holding Al against his chest, and threw his head back. “Why the fuck does this have to be so hard? Why can’t I just have a boyfriend?”

  Okay, breathe. Who did he trust: Ryder or Lucien? Stupid question. He’d trust Ryder with his life. Lucien? Sammy wanted to believe him, but he had no reason to trust him or not. I don’t know him well enough yet. But why would Lucien go to the trouble of deceiving me? It made no sense. If Lucien wanted someone else, he just had to go get them. He had no obligation to Sammy and no reason to seek his good opinion. I’m a no-talent witch with red hair and too little meat on my bones. Lucien’s a powerful witch who looks like an angel. The only question is, why does Lucien want me at all?

  Sammy set Al in his lap and leaned forward. Yes, that was the question. He’d been so caught up in the flattery of Lucien’s attention that he hadn’t made that all-important query. What did Lucien see in him? Seriously. He wasn’t being hard on himself, just realistic. So it was time to ask. He might not want to hear the answer. He liked Lucien, and he liked the idea of having him for a boyfriend, but he had to know the truth.

  He glanced at his watch. Two o’clock. Lucien should be here. Sammy heard a knock on the door. Whew. He hadn’t had time to figure out how to handle this whole deal, how to broach the subject of cheating and boyfriends. He’d have to wing it.

  It was hard to prepare for the impact of Lucien’s beauty. Sammy opened the door and felt his breath catch. Lucien beamed, and that smile made Sammy’s heart stutter. Lucien leaned forward and kissed Sammy on the cheek. “Ready? We’re right on time for the show. We can walk from here.”

  No talking time now unless Sammy wanted to miss the show. “Okay.” He bent for Al to leap around his neck.

  Lucien sounded impatient. “Does the cat have to go everywhere?”

  “He goes wherever he wants, and I told you, he’s not a cat.” Lucien looked startled. Must have sounded sharp. “He’s attached to me. I have no idea why, but then I’m a bit in the dark on a lot of matters.”

  Again Lucien looked surprised but didn’t pursue the opening. “Let’s go, or we’ll be late.”

  They walked out of the old apartment building and into the afternoon sunlight. A quick five-minute dash brought them to the art film theater that Lucien favored. For two hours Sammy pretended to watch a bunch of people dissecting their dysfunctional family in French. He couldn’t concentrate. What should I say? When should I say it?

  Finally the French ordeal ended, and they walked out into the twilight. Lucien smiled. “Did you enjoy it?”

  Sammy sighed. Should he lie? “I don’t think I was in a French family mood. Maybe I should have suggested a testosterone-laden shoot-’em-up.” He grinned.

  Lucien stared at him, then laughed. “I would likely have enjoyed it more. This was a bit dull, wasn’t it?”

  “A bit.”

  “Shall we get dinner?”

  Sammy shook his head. “I’m kind of tired.” That was the truth. “I’d like to sit over on that bench in the park and talk for a couple of minutes.”

  Lucien frowned. “Ah, this sounds sort of ominous.”

  “Not really.” He took off across the street to the little pocket park and heard Lucien behind him. Sammy sat on the bench and adjusted Al so he was draped equally on both sides of his neck.

  Lucien sat next to him. They were both quiet for a few uncomfortable minutes.

  Okay. Do it. “Lucien, what do you want with me?”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “You’re a gorgeous, powerful witch who can have anyone. Why would you want me?” Sammy looked over at him, and Lucien’s pale eyes practically glowed in the dim light.

  “I enjoy your company. You’re smart, attractive, and talented. A far greater painter than I will ever be. Perhaps I’m the one who should be asking you that question.”

  Gods, the witch sure has a silver tongue. “So if it’s true that you enjoy my company, why do I hear you have other lovers all over town?”

  A pause. “Who told you such a thing?”

  “That doesn’t really matter. Is it true?”



  Sammy put a hand on the cat’s silky head. “Shut up, Al. So it’s not true?”

  “No.” Lucien gazed down at his hands. “What I have observed is that I am unfamiliar with American interpersonal rituals. If I am gracious to someone, they seem to assume a greater interest than I have.”

  “Have you been, uh, ‘gracious’ to a lot of witches?”

  Lucien spread his hands in a gesture that looked like the French people in the movie. “Perhaps more than I realized.”

  Sammy sighed. “I don’t have any claim on you whatsoever. I don’t even understand why you’re interested in me.” What the hells. He’d say it. “But here’s the deal. I enjoy our dates. You’re interesting and charming. But I’m not comfortable with a lot of casual intimacy. I know it’s old-school, but that’s how I was raised. I enjoy sex, but I want to have it with my boyfriend, not someone who’s being ‘gracious’ to the whole town.”

  “We haven’t had sex.”

  “Where I come from, my cock in your mouth and yours in mine is sex.”


  Sammy held up his hand. “It doesn’t matter. I have no control over you, but I get to say how I want my life. And that’s how I want it.” Am I crazy? “Anyway, thanks for the movie.” He started to get up.

  Lucien grabbed his arm, and Aloysius growled. Lucien released him, but Sammy sat back down. Lucien frowned. “I don’t know why you think that I am having sex with a lot of people, but believe me, it’s not so. Some people may have misunderstood my interest in them, but the witch I am genuinely interested in is you. I hope you’ll let me demonstrate that to you.”


  “Well, I’d most like to come home with you and make love to you all night.”

  Hang on. Was the guy only interested in the sex? “No way. I—”

  “But I understand that is not, how do you say, in the cards. So allow me to woo you. I shall make my position absolutely clear to anyone who doesn’t understand it. I am your boyfriend—if you will have me. And no one else is in the picture. I shall wine and dine you, and, of course, I shall make my intentions clear to the community by escorting you to the Witch Master’s party next weekend. Does that suit?”

  “You don’t have to—”

  Lucien pressed a finger against Sammy’s lips. “Come, come. Do not equivocate. You have stated your desires, and I have met them. Be gracious in victory.” Lucien’s white teeth flashed straight into Sammy’s heart.

  He smiled. “Okay. Thank you. That sounds great.”

  “I would still love to have sex with you all night….”

  Sammy frowned.

  “But we shall make that the icing on the cake of our romance.”

  “Yes.” Maybe.

  “So now I shall walk you home while stopping to get carryout so that you have something to eat while you are resting.”

  Yep, the witch was sweet.

  SHADOWED IN an alley across the street, Ryder watched the beautiful man come o
ut of Sammy’s apartment. He sure didn’t look upset. Quite the contrary. He looked like a cat with a canary in its paws.

  The guy pulled out his cell phone, dialed, and then looked up like maybe he suspected someone was there. Ryder pressed himself against the dirty brick wall. Lucien put the cell to his ear and spoke, smiled, returned the phone to his pocket, and walked away.

  Ryder slipped out of his spot and followed, staying close to the buildings on the other side of the street. Damn, I’m not too inconspicuous anymore. Lucien moved straight down the sidewalk with purpose and turned into an alley between buildings. Ryder hurried.

  He moved across the street from the alley and kept walking past, only glancing into it. It looked like several people were down there. He ran across the street and doubled back. When he got near the alley, he slowed and crept up to peek around the corner. Damn, was that Maybelle? And Bilden? Another young woman and a guy who looked familiar also clustered in the middle of the dirty alley. But the person who wasn’t there was Lucien. The alley was short and apparently a dead end, but Lucien had vanished. What the hell?

  Ryder wanted to listen, to catch some hint of their reason for being there, but the small group wasn’t talking. They stood there, looking at their feet. He backed away, turned, and ran to the end of the street and around the corner. He pulled out his phone and dialed.

  “Yes, Ryder.”

  “There’s something seriously wrong here. The new one I told you about. He’s not what he seems. There may be danger.”

  “How are you?”

  “I’m good. Holding up.”

  “You can continue to observe?”

  “Yes, but what if more is required?”

  “That is unlikely. They must work out their own problems.”


  “You know what to do and not to do.”

  Ryder sighed. “Yes, sir.”

  The phone went dead. Was there danger? If so, he couldn’t identify it. A bunch of students standing in an alley with a missing leader did not a conspiracy make. I’m working on hunches. No proof. Sammy’d never listen to a hunch. Ryder needed some proof that this angel was a devil. Where the hell am I going to get that?

  Chapter Five

  SAMMY WAVED at Chen and grabbed his coffee. He skirted through the people in line to get to the back booth. “Hi. How’s it hanging?”

  Chen grinned. “Hangin’ low, my friend.”

  Sammy scooted into the booth and sipped his latte. He almost had his energy back. Al hopped off Sammy’s shoulder and down onto the seat.

  Chen nodded at the cat. “I guess he doesn’t like me as much as Ryder. No tummy rubs or big balls.”

  Sammy laughed. “I don’t think he likes me as much as Ryder.”

  “Do you have any idea why he’s hanging around?”

  Sammy looked at Al. Do I? “Not really, except I’ve been a little under the weather lately, and he seems to be working to make me feel better. I call it purr therapy.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yep.” Sammy stared at Al.

  “He’s relieving your cat-atonia?” Chen grinned.

  “Yep. And trying to keep me from cat-astrophe.” They both laughed. “But he sure hates Lucien.”

  “No kidding.”

  “Which is weird because Lucien has always been nice to him. He even brings him cans of organic salmon. Aloysius won’t eat them. He knows which cans came from Lucien and turns up his nose.”

  “Are you going with Lucien to the party?”

  Sammy smiled. “Yeah.”

  “That should be a scene. I think a lot of witches want to get their hooks in him.”

  Sammy looked up. “Why do you say that?”

  “It makes sense. He’s about the most beautiful thing on earth. But I’ve heard a couple of rumors that there are some tongues hanging out for him.”

  Sammy’s heart sped up. “Ryder said that too.”

  “Like I said, it makes sense. You can’t expect people not to envy you a boyfriend like that.”

  Envy him? Wow. That would be different. “I suppose.”

  “Guess what?”

  Chen had a big smile on his face, and Sammy had to smile back. “What?”

  “Estera agreed to go out with me.”

  “I knew you had a thing for her!” Sammy slapped the table. “That’s so cool. She’s great.”

  “Gorgeous too, don’t you think?”

  Sammy winked. “I don’t exactly look at girls like that, but if I did, I’m sure I’d think she was gorgeous.”

  Chen laughed.

  Sammy nudged him. “Yes, she’s gorgeous, dummy, and nice and smart too.” He lowered his voice. “But she’s not Chinese. What’ll your parents think?”

  “Damn, I’m so tired of measuring everything by their opinion. I have to go to MIT. I can’t study art, only math. I can only date Chinese girls. Sick of it.”

  “Are your parents coming to the Witch Master’s party?”

  “No. They’ll be out of town. But if Estera will go with me, I’m going to take her. Hells, I’m an adult, even in China.”

  Sammy put his hand on his friend’s arm. “I know how important it is for you to honor your parents, but it’s your life. I, for one, want to see you happy.” Sammy remembered Ryder’s words to him about being happy, and they pushed at his heart.

  “Thank you, Sammy. But you know my parents. They’re old-school. My father was powerful before he was acknowledged as a witch. Now he’s a master. He’s tough to buck.”

  “You may find a Chinese witch you love yet.”

  Chen shook his head. “No, Estera’s the one.”

  “Seriously? I mean, you’ve never been out together. How can you know?”

  His dark eyes got misty. “I loved her the first time I saw her, and nothing’s changed my mind.”

  Sammy swallowed his doubt. “I’m really happy for you, buddy. Truly.”


  “So what are you going to wear to the party?”

  “GODS, YES!” Killian pressed his cheek against the door as Blaine hammered his ass, striking his prostate on every pass. “Oh baby. We’re going to have to clean the woodwork again if you keep this up.”

  “Get out the spray cleaner, darling. No way I’m stopping.”

  Thunder vibrated through the room.

  Blaine laughed. “Playing our song, are you?”

  Killian gasped as Blaine bit his neck and pummeled his hips. Sweet gods, he never got enough of his beautiful husband. “More. Yes, more.” Lightning crashed so close it might be in his balls. Hot cum bubbled, ready to explode.

  Blaine panted against his ear. “Baby, you’re too good. I’m going to come. Are you ready?”

  “Always. Always ready for you, my darling.”

  “Oh God, yesssss….” Blaine froze against Killian’s back except for tiny little jerks of his hips as he came. Killian let his mind focus on the hot spurts inside his body. Bliss. Blaine reached around and started to crank Killian’s cock. “Come now. Come for me.”

  Heat blazed into Killian’s balls. Crash. Lightning lit the room, and cum exploded out of Killian’s cock as his every cell filled with joy.

  Killian listened to Blaine breathing hard against him. “Happy anniversary, my love. I wrote it for you in cum on the door.”

  Blaine kissed his back. “Maybe one of these days I’ll manage to wait for you to get to the bedroom before I fuck you, husband.”

  “What? You mean become a stodgy old married couple?”

  “God forbid. But I guess it would be easier on the woodwork.”

  A half hour later, after a very fun shower, Killian sipped tea in the entry hall while Blaine scrubbed the door. “I hope all our chicks behave well at the party tonight.”

  Blaine glanced over his shoulder. “You still think it was the right decision to mix our humans and witches?”

  “Absolutely. They all commingle every day. Besides, some of our favorite students are human. I wouldn’t w
ant to exclude them.”

  “Yeah. I know how fond you are of Ryder.”

  “Can you believe his transformation? Gods, I barely recognized him, and I think he’s still changing. Pay attention tonight. See if you don’t think he’s gotten taller and even more handsome.”

  Blaine took a last swipe and stood up, holding the sponge. “Should I be jealous of this beautiful human?”

  Killian stepped closer and kissed Blaine’s lips gently. “There’s no one, human or witch, for me, darling, except your beautiful self.”

  Blaine nipped Killian’s bottom lip. “Okay, I’ll let him live.”

  “Actually, Ryder’s transformation is so extreme, I have to assess tonight if I could have missed his origins. I could swear he’s not a witch, but he no longer looks completely human.” Killian turned and walked toward the kitchen to put his cup in the sink. “And speaking of beautiful, I understand we have a new member of the community. Many of the young witches are in a stir about him.”

  Blaine came in behind him and rinsed the sponge. “If he’s a witch, shouldn’t he have presented himself to you by now? Witchy protocol and all that.”

  “Yes. He should have. If I were more of a stickler for rules, he’d have been called on the carpet. But I understand he’s coming tonight, so perhaps that will make up for his lack of etiquette.” Killian unfastened his bathrobe, letting his waist-length dark blond hair fall down his bare back. “What shall I wear?”

  Blaine grabbed his shoulders and slid his hands down Killian’s chest, leaving a trail of goose bumps. “I get to choose.”

  “We have to get to the closet first.” Killian laughed and took off down the hall toward their bed.

  SAMMY LOOKED up at the rap on the door. Hmm. It was a half hour before Lucien was due. Could it be Ryder surprising him like last week? That made his heart beat fast. Hells, why couldn’t he quit mooning over Ryder?

  He walked to the door, buttoning his second good shirt as he went. He opened the door a crack, and Lucien rushed in carrying a garment bag, a paper sack, and a box all done up in silver ribbon.


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