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The Werewolf Tycoon's Baby (Paranormal Werewolf Secret Baby Romance) (Howls Romance Book 1)

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by Celia Kyle

  The truth of her actions, the effect her disappearance had on him, was unmistakable. And she was almost lulled into feeling guilty for a brief moment. Almost made to regret her actions.

  And then she remembered…

  You are safe for now because you carry his child. But the moment you do not, you will be discarded.

  The true question was did he understand what it was like to grieve for a future that would forever be denied her?

  She opened her mouth to put voice to those words, but the plane chose that moment to tremble and jar them. It was enough to break their colliding gazes and he looked to Dr. Martin. “Is the child healthy? Is he okay?” As the doctor nodded, he continued speaking. “Then the rest of the examination can wait until we’ve landed. For now you should both secure yourselves for our arrival.”

  Galen strode toward the room’s only door, and it was then that she finally found her voice. “Where are we? Where are we landing?”

  The large, imposing male, stopped in the doorway and turned back to her. “Where you belong, where you have always belonged. Greece.”

  Chapter Three

  Lissa cupped the roundness of her pregnant belly as if her hand could protect the child within from the barely suppressed violence surrounding her. She didn’t need a werewolf within her to sense the low growls that trailed her through the Liakos pack house. No, they weren’t audible, but even in the short time she was with Galen she could now recognize the subtle vibrations of a werewolf’s chest.

  They couldn’t hate her more than she hated herself. She’d tried to protect her son. Tried and failed. And now she was back where she’d started. A lamb thrown to the wolves.

  Lissa padded past the guard stationed by the front door, ignoring the way his bright yellow eyes followed her every move and the sneer that graced his lips. He didn’t want her there? She didn’t want to be there. They were even. She slipped into one of her favorite rooms in the house, the large and open space with windows that looked over the tumultuous sea. A well-worn path led from the house toward the ocean. She knew that course well. She would laugh and play, race from the massive home over the hard, packed ground, down the natural steps that had been carved into the cliff face and then once she hit the sand at the base it was a quick dash into the water. All the while, Galen would be on her heels, playfully barking and snapping at her in a mock chase.

  Happy memories. Happy times. At least until she’d become pregnant. Become a threat.

  The low clearing of a throat garnered her attention, and she slowly turned toward the room’s entry. Slowly. Everything had to be done slowly now. Not just because of her large stomach, but she feared the pack’s response to sudden movements. They were excited by the chase, excited at the prospect of pouncing. She was sure there was more than one pack member who’d love nothing more than to take her down.

  But not before the baby is born. I can’t forget that. I’m useful until then, useful and safe.

  She met Leo’s gaze. “Hello, Leo. Nice to see you again.”

  It was a lie. She knew he could smell the lie. But she’d been raised with manners.

  Leo grunted but did not reply to her greeting. “Alpha requested I escort you to dinner.”

  Dinner. Lissa looked down her body, glancing at her maternity pants and flowery top. Not exactly glitz and glamour dinner wear. And the Liakos pack “dressed” for dinner. “Very well.” She moved toward him, waddling and carefully navigating around the scattered the furniture. “Lead the way.”

  She and Galen hadn’t ever used the dining room during her brief stay. More often than not, they ate in bed and when they weren’t tangled in the sheets, they were at some of the city’s most exclusive restaurants.

  Leo raised the single brow in question. “In that?”

  The sneer was in his tone, but she was beyond caring. Her polite greeting was the last of her reserves and all that remained were anger and fear. “If your Alpha wanted me in an evening gown, he would have bought me one. You’re not questioning your Alpha, are you?”

  He narrowed his eyes, the yellow flaring with his anger. No werewolf, especially the males, liked being questioned. Well, neither did pregnant women.

  “Of course, he did not,” a familiar feminine voice interrupted their conversation. “One of the Alpha’s most trusted guards would never dream of questioning Galen,” Andrea—the Liakos Alpha bitch—purred as she slunk past Leo. Some Alpha bitches were mated to the Alpha while some were not. In the Liakos pack, Andrea wasn’t. “I didn’t realize Galen sent you on this errand.” Andrea wrinkled her nose. “I was coming to fetch Melissa myself.” She waved her fingers at the larger wolf. “We’ll be right behind you.”

  Leo narrowed his eyes for a brief moment, his attention flicking from Lissa to Andrea and back again. Did he see her fear? Her rising panic at the thought of being alone with Andrea? Had her scent grown stronger and more pronounced with her increased panic? She prayed the answer to those questions was yes. She prayed he would remain and protect her from Andrea. She nearly snorted aloud. Why should she expect help from any of the Liakos pack when the Alpha was happy to discard her?

  “Run along,” Andrea snapped at Leo and he carefully retreated, not turning his back until he was out of sight. Smart wolf. The Alpha bitch tilted her head to the side, as if listening to Leo’s retreat, and then the smile she’d been sporting since entering the room turned evil. It was filled with the promise of pain and retribution and Lissa knew what the female had in mind.

  She’d told her, after all.

  … carve… heart…throat…

  “That was not smart you stupid, stupid girl.” Andrea wrapped her fingers around Lissa’s bicep and her wolf’s nails dug into her flesh. “Do you understand the problems you’ve caused?” She tightened her grip further. “I can’t plan the mating ceremony until this business is handled. He can think of nothing but your stupid mongrel brat. You better not run again, bitch.”

  Through it all, she kept her lips shut, refusing to utter a sound. It was what the twisted female wanted. She wanted to hear Lissa cry and whine with the pain. Wanted her to shout for assistance just so she could be shown the power the Alpha bitch held. That first time all those months ago, her first violent interaction with Andrea had ended with a concerned Stavros rushing into the room she and Andrea occupied. He was a skilled guard, his gaze encompassed the situation in one sweep. He’d seen Lissa on her knees, bleeding and gasping for air while Andrea stood over her, that same blood dripping from her claws. She called out to Stavros once again, but a quickly barked order from Andrea had him disappearing.

  As demonstrations went, it was effective. The message had been clear. Lissa was nothing, Lissa’s words meant nothing. Even when she’d gone to Galen with her concerns and tears in her eyes, her worries and problems had been brushed aside.

  “I have spoken with Andrea about this. It is good she was there to assist you when you fell. I am only sorry she pricked to with her claws. Here, I shall kiss them better.”

  He’d gone on to kissing all of her, his lips gliding over every inch of her skin and exploring her body until all worries about Andrea and the pack were banished. It’d been glorious. A night of lovemaking she wouldn’t soon forget for more than one reason. He’d made love to her in so many ways until she’d been brought to tears.

  Andrea squeezed even tighter and Lissa sucked in a quick, harsh breath. Her child twisted and turned inside her stomach in response to her pain, the baby always conscious of her emotions and feelings. She dropped her free hand to her belly, trying to fight back the pain as well as sooth the little boy.

  “Do you hear me? Don’t run again.”

  Lissa spoke through gritted teeth. “I heard you.”

  With her agreement, Andrea released her and pushed her away, making Lissa stumble. “Good. Now come along. He’s holding dinner for you.”

  A hand pressed to the wounds on her arm, she straightened and followed the Alpha bitch. They padded down the hallways,
her bare feet sinking into the plush carpet, and as they neared the entry to the dining room, Lissa reached over and plucked a pristine white cloth napkin from a table placed just outside the doors. Wolves were messy and had hair trigger tempers. It was why they had an entire eight-foot table loaded with extra napkins silverware and dinnerware at the ready.

  She pressed it to her arm, swallowing the moan of pain that threatened to escape, and continued on her path. Everyone fell silent at their entry—because of Andrea or Lissa?—and Lissa ignored their heavy stares. A low growl, loud enough for Lissa to hear, sent a tendril of unease down her spine. That the sound continued until Galen released a furious whip of Greek and the offender dropped his shoulders, tilted his head to the side, and whimpered in response.

  As soon as they were within ten feet of the head of the table where Galen sat, Andrea broke out in apologies. “I’m so sorry we’re late, darlin—” she coughed. “I mean Alpha.”

  An accidental slip of the tongue or intentional? Who knew? Who cared?

  Lissa. She cared because even though she didn’t want to be around him, didn’t want their child raised in this environment, she loved a part of him.

  “Dear Melissa stumbled and needed a moment to collect herself.” Andrea glanced back at her, those eyes wide and guileless. “Oh, dear. Did I prick you? I’m so sorry.” Andrea looked to Galen. “She’s so clumsy. It was just like the last time she was here.”

  Andrea was a sneaky bitch that was for sure. In a handful of words, she was able to blame Lissa’s injuries on herself as well as remind the Alpha of the fact that she’d run from him. She plastered a smile on her lips and continued on, moving past the smug bitch and toward the empty chair at Galen’s right. The chair she’d occupied when she was last here. True, they’d never dined with others, but she naturally assumed that was where she would sit once again.

  It wasn’t until she reached for the chair that Galen spoke to her. “You’ll sit at my left.”

  The words struck her, reminding her once again of her place. She’d forgotten for a moment, forgotten the significance of being in that seat. His right hand. The one he could depend on for support above all others.

  Not her.

  “Of course.” She glided around him as if it didn’t matter and Stavros was there to pull out her chair.

  “Are you well?” She focused on him and noted his attention on her arm. She pulled the bloodied napkin away, and was gratified to see that the wounds were on their way to being healed. It would take time, but not nearly as much as a normal human. She was no longer normal. She was pregnant with a werewolf pup and he took care of his mother.

  “Yes. Andrea is right, it was a repeat.” A small movement drew her attention to the man standing behind Galen. Stavros. Stavros with his eyes widening for a moment and then narrowing as he focused on Andrea. She wasn’t going to say more, not in front of the pack, but Andrea wouldn’t quit.

  “She’s so clumsy, Alpha. I do hope your child does not inherit that human trait.” The way she said human was just shy of a sneer.

  “Coincidentally, the only time I’ve had difficulties like this is here.” Her voice was flat. “Somehow I’m capable of carrying a thirty pound tray of food in one hand, a carafe of sparkling water in the other, and pour drinks as I make my way around the restaurant serving food.”

  “Of course. But you’re so…” the woman curled her lips slightly, “large.”

  “Why don’t you ask your Alpha what I was doing when he found me?” Galen sucked in a harsh breath and she shot him a glance to see the fury coating his features, but she was more concerned in winning this battle with Andrea. He was more than a little pissed that she’d chosen waitressing and working long hours over staying with him in the lap of luxury. The woman’s wolf was present, those eyes yellow and fierce. Lissa consumed herself with folding the bloodied napkin into a small square and then carefully laid it atop the pristine tablecloth. “As I said. The issue might be the location.”

  Galen’s attention swung to the bloodied fabric, his stare hot and intent and it was only broken when Stavros stepped forward to murmur in his ear. The words were low, but had an immediate effect on Galen as well as Andrea. The Alpha’s expression softened and he nodded while Andrea’s seemed too harden further.

  He reached for her hand, gathering her fingers in his and resting their twined hands on the red cloth. He lifted his head and stared out at those gathered around the long table. Easily thirty of the highest ranking Liakos pack wolves were in the room, and he looked to them all. “Then we shall do our best to make this a safe place for you and our child.”

  The words seemed innocuous, but the hardness in his tone revealed it was an order. Yes, the Alpha was furious with her, but he wanted her safe. Or rather, he wanted his child safe. At the moment Lissa was simply the incubator.

  He carefully withdrew his hold, seemingly satisfied with the warning he imparted, and waved to one of the nearby servers to begin the meal. The wolf approached, tray laden with various meats that appealed to a beast’s need for nearly raw protein. From behind her, someone reached around and carefully placed a beautifully prepared plate that included some of her favorite vegetables and fully cooked chicken. Her baby immediately revolted, pushing and prodding her from the inside, and she knew the child’s problem.

  Shaking her head, she carefully placed her fingertips on the server’s arm to stop his retreat. The second a familiar growl hit the air, she snatched her hand back. The last thing she wanted was Galen going after this submissive male. “Please tell the chef I appreciate the trouble he went to, but unfortunately,” she pointed at the plate of dripping stakes. “He only has a taste for that.”

  “And that is what you shall have.” She locked eyes with Galen and found his inner wolf was peeking out at her. “You shall have whatever you need.”

  I need to leave. I need to save myself. I need to save our child.

  “Thank you.”

  “Anything for you, agapi mou.” He was touching her again, a wave of tenderness sliding over his features. Tenderness? From him? Sexual heat and burning fury she was familiar with, but she didn’t know what to do with this caring. Instead of meeting it, she shied away from his emotions.

  Yes, she imagined he would give her anything. Except her freedom. Instead of saying those words aloud, she returned her attention to her place setting, giving the newest server a gratified smile when a hardly seared steak was placed before her. She quickly reached for her silverware, stomach grumbling and growling, anxious for the coming protein. It wasn’t until the fork and knife were in her hand that she realized no one else was eating. She shot a look down the table and flicked that same look to Galen.

  He answered her unasked question. “The bearing woman eats first and only when she is happy with what is placed before her and begins to eat will the rest of the pack begin.”

  It was sweet in its own bloody way. She held her silverware tightly, carefully slicing into the butter soft meat and she slowly brought a bite to her lips. The moment it hit her tongue she moaned in appreciation, and even the baby settled with that first nibble. She knew he wouldn’t be satisfied by such a small piece but it was the start.

  Galen chuckled. “I take it the food is to your satisfaction.”

  “Yes.” He waved to the other servers, but Lissa’s entire focus remained on the meal. On cutting away tidbits and feeding herself and her child. This was the first step. The first step in caring for herself and the baby. She would devise a plan, figure out how she could save them both. Or at least save her son.

  The meal continued, the soft clink and scrape of silverware on the porcelain plates only interrupted by the occasional laugh and low murmur of voices. Galen was occupied by Andrea’s chattering and high-pitched laughter. A spear of jealousy struck her and she fought to push the emotion away. She didn’t have a right to be jealous. Hell, she shouldn’t even be jealous. And yet, even knowing his plans, she wanted him. Some part of her still loved him.

/>   Stupid, stupid girl.

  At some point, the others slowly departed, the careful rumble gradually easing until it was her, Galen, and Andrea along with Galen’s guards in the room. The other two continued to speak while Lissa ignored them. Or at least tried to. Then again, why bother? It wasn’t as if she understood a single word the two exchanged. Sure, she could read body language, but Galen seemed to have only three states. Happy, angry, aroused. At the moment, he was angry and it didn’t take much reasoning to figure out why.

  Lissa finally nudged her plate away, resting back against the seat and placing her hands atop her belly. The pup was asleep and content, settled in for at least a couple hours before he was demanding food again. She wasn’t sure how she’d cope when he finally came into the world.

  Then again, it wouldn’t be her coping, would it?

  The baby trembled, picking up on her unease, and she fought to tear down the emotion. Her doctor in the states constantly reminded her that while human babies could react to a mother’s emotions, there was no doubt it occurred with werewolf babies. If she was angry, sad, happy… The baby experienced at all.

  Stavros moved from his post and slowly rounded the end of the table, bending close to Galen’s left ear. A nearly audible murmured conversation ensued and then Galen focused on her.

  “Stavros will return you to your room.”

  That was it. They’d exchanged a few words in the last two hours and now she was being banished. She fisted one hand, digging her nails into the palm in an effort to suppress her angry words, and the baby responded by tumbling inside her. She took a deep breath to push away the frustration as she rubbed her stomach. The clenching of her fist reminded her of the wounds on her arm that were nearly gone, but she knew blood remained.


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