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The Werewolf Tycoon's Baby (Paranormal Werewolf Secret Baby Romance) (Howls Romance Book 1)

Page 5

by Celia Kyle

  As if her thoughts and unease had drawn him, Galen stepped into the room. He was six feet of pure male and unquestioned dominance. He was dressed in one of his typical suits yet he’d abandoned the jacket, tie, and even his shoes before he sought her out. It was something she’d recognized early on. If he could remove his shoes, he would. Always.

  “Agapi mou?” He met her gaze and then his attention dropped to her stomach, to the rolling wave that trembled through her flesh.

  “I’m fine. How was your day?” Trivialities and small talk. It seemed that’s all they were good for nowadays.

  He frowned and ignored her question as he padded toward her. He lowered himself and knelt at her side, his lips immediately pressing against her undulating stomach and his hands stroking her roundness. Familiar rumbles poured over her, the sounds soothing and comforting in their rhythm and tone. She closed her eyes and leaned back against the wall, relaxing.

  She hadn’t even realized he’d stopped until he spoke. “What has you upset?”

  Lissa shook her head. “Nothing.”

  That single word had become their code word for the past and when she used it, he frowned even harder. He remained silent for a moment, his eyes seeming to will her to tell him more, but she remained mute on the issue. Perrin had been clear. She shouldn’t get upset, should shy away from what caused her distress. Now wasn’t the time.

  But Perrin doesn’t know that there never will be a time.

  “Then let us give you something.” He easily rolled to his feet and held a hand out for her. “Come. I have a surprise that will please you both.”

  The teasing smile that graced his lips reminded her of the Galen she’d met all those months ago. The one who had quick grins and a passion that seemed unending.

  Passion. That word kindled thoughts of his mouth on hers, his hands tracing her curves and his lips following that same path. He’d been her first. Her only. And he’d showed her what could truly be between a man and a woman. Showed her how a wolf loved a female and put his brand on her, on her heart and soul. Now, so close to delivery, her body was warming and aching for him. One smile and that’s all it took. There had to be something wrong with her. How could she be this attracted to a man who was so quick to destroy her?

  When those brown eyes sparkled and slowly slipped to yellow, she had her answer. He was everything to her, two halves of a whole and all she’d ever desired in one male.

  That smile slowly heated and his nostrils flared and she knew he scented her burgeoning desire.

  Unacceptable. The last thing she wanted was for him to realize she still craved him.

  “Great.” She placed her hand on his and carefully slid from the window seat. Her growing stomach made rising difficult, but Galen was quick to assist her. “Lead the way.”

  The small smirk teasing his lips told her he was on to her game of avoidance. Instead of replying, he led her toward the archway, only pausing when Leo turned the corner and came into view. She noticed he carried a pair of sturdy sandals with thick, gripping soles. Similar to those Galen bought her when she first came to his home. Ones that made the descent to the beach safer.

  The beach…

  “You’re taking me…”

  Leo arrived, handing over the small burden and Galen dropped into a crouch and reached for one of her bare feet. “Down to the beach? Yes.”

  “But you said it was too dangerous.”

  Galen met her gaze through his thick lashes. “As Perrin likes to point out, I am occasionally overbearing and wrong.”

  Leo twitched and Lissa didn’t miss the tightening of the other man’s jaw and the tenseness and anger that seemed to consume the other wolf at those words.


  He slid the last strap into place and then pushed to his feet once again, reaching for her in that same move. “But nothing. We will take the steps slowly and you will listen to me.”

  Excitement bubbled within her, and not even his autocratic words could diminish the feelings. “Yes, yes.” She would have bounced on her toes like a child if she was sure she wouldn’t topple over. “From the moment I put my foot on the first step to the last, I swear.”

  “And all of those before and after, as well,” he countered.

  There was a teasing glint in his eyes and some of her old feelings of closeness and caring resurfaced. “I’m not so sure about that, but I’m open to negotiation.”

  That was a joke they’d often shared, the fast and furious negotiations Galen enjoyed in the boardroom then brought into the bedroom on a softer much more sensual scale. When he licked his lips, exposing his sharpened white fangs, she knew his mind went there as well.

  “We’ll see.” He reached for her hand and she readily welcomed his touch. “Let’s get you down there first.”

  Lissa wasn’t worried. While she admitted to being a little more unbalanced than usual, she was still very agile and quick on her feet. She had to be considering her profession before Galen found her. So while he spent fifteen minutes growling during a trip that used to take only five minutes, she focused on the ocean, the crashing waves, and the clean scent of the sea.

  The pups that had been playing in the yard now peeked over the edge of the cliff, watching their careful trudge down the steps. She kept glancing up at them, noticing the sad kicked puppy expressions they each had.

  “Watch where you’re going!” His roar was swallowed by the ocean, as was her sigh of annoyance.

  Lissa paused and looked over her shoulder at him. “I am watching. I’m fine. I just thought that it was sad that my presence means the pups can’t play on the beach.” She gestured toward the small gathering. “Look at them.”

  Galen sighed. “You’re going to be a pushover for our son, aren’t you?”

  A spear of sadness, a bolt of emotional pain she didn’t want to experience, struck her and she was quick to shove it back into the hole it crawled out of. Now was not the time. The stairs was not the place. So she adopted a smile and upbeat tone and hoped he didn’t try and look deeper. “I seem to be a sucker for a good-looking man.”

  He gave her a skeptical look, as if he didn’t believe her in the slightest but remained silent. “Uh-huh. The pups are down here nearly every day. They can wait a few hours. Besides, everyone knows we cater to a bearing woman.” He slowly eased closer and placed his hand on her stomach. It was the first time he’d touched her for something other than speaking to their son. It was the first he’d initiated since they were reunited. “They carry the future of the pack.”

  Right. She almost forgot she was merely the incubator. Instead of saying another word, Lissa nodded and returned to her path, carefully picking her way down the steps. It seemed to take forever, but eventually her sandaled feet were standing on soft sand and the ocean spread out before her in a large blanket of blue.

  “It’s gorgeous,” she whispered.

  “Yes,” his voice was just as soft and she realized that instead of looking at their scenery surrounding them, he was staring at her.

  Their gazes connected, eyes locked upon each other, and it was as if the recent weeks and dreadful months melted away. It was like the first day he’d ever drawn her down to the sandy shore and shown her this small slice of his personal heaven.

  It was a place she savored but didn’t want to return to. There was no joy or answers to be found there.

  Swallowing hard and clearing her throat, she shuffled away and grasped the roughhewn stone cliff face. She reached for her ankle, raising her leg at the same time, and realized it so wasn’t happening. She tried again, straightening and then bending downward in an attempt to grab her ankle, and yet again was unsuccessful. A little chuckle came from her left and she shot him a glare before trying the third time.

  “Agapi mou, there is a reason I placed the shoes on your feet.” He strolled forward and lowered himself, reaching for her ankle and carefully cradling her foot. “Because it means that I can remove them—something—from you.”

/>   And wasn’t that more than a little suggestive?

  “You don’t want to take anything off me. You hate me,” she blurted out the words before she could think better of them. It was the truth whether she wanted to say the words aloud or not.

  Galen didn’t say anything, merely continued unbuckling her shoes and carefully lowering her bare feet to the pale sand. When he was done, he easily stood, her shoes gathered in one hand and he reached for her with the other. He twined their fingers together as if they were lovers and led her toward the water. As they neared the rolling waves, she noticed the large umbrella, blankets, and basket off to their left.

  A picnic. It was… sweet. Sweet and hinted at a caring she knew he couldn’t feel toward her.

  He dropped her shoes near the pile and then they continued toward the gentle waves. They moved forward as one until the cool water tickled her toes and then they merely stopped and stared out at the ever-reaching ocean before them. Some nights they would do this, silently stand at the water’s edge and enjoy the deepening sunset. The only difference between then and now was that only their fingers touched when, in the past, they used to be wrapped around each other.

  The water splashed her ankles, chilling her, and she let the rhythmic waves soothe her just as she took comfort from the feel of his hand in hers. She wasn’t sure how long they quietly remained in place, but it was Galen who broke the silence.

  “I don’t hate you.” She opened her eyes and focused on him, unable to believe his words. “I hate what you did, I don’t understand it, but I don’t hate you.” He sighed. “And I don’t know what to do any longer,” he growled. “Perrin will not allow us to talk about the past, but I cannot let go of it if I cannot talk to you about it, but to rehash, could threaten my future.”

  She had no doubt about what “future” he referenced. Especially when his stare dropped to her stomach. That “future” definitely didn’t include her.

  “I know you want to hash things out, but I’m not sure why. What would talking about it change? When he’s born, you’re going to do exactly what you plan on doing, my wishes and hopes be damned.” He opened his mouth as if to speak and she pushed on. “No. The ‘why’ no longer matters.”

  “Maybe not to you—”

  “Of course it concerns me. But as soon as he’s born you get what you want. What good is talking about this when the result is the same?” She looked out over the waves, enjoying the waning heat of the sun as it set and cast colors into the sky. “Let me enjoy this, Galen.” She returned her attention to him. “Let me enjoy my pregnancy, let me enjoy carrying him, and let later take care of itself.”

  He stroked her with his stare, those eyes scanning her face. She knew what he saw, the shadowed lines of fatigue and worry as well as the dark bags under her eyes. Despite her words and desire to live in the present, the past still dogged her sleep.

  He stepped closer and she didn’t have the good sense to back away. Not when a familiar tenderness filled his gaze immediately followed by a small frown. His hands rose, palms coming to rest on her cheeks. “I have been pushing you and that is unforgivable.” He leaned forward and pressed his lips to her for head, speaking against her skin. “No more. I swear it. We will bring this pup into the world with happy parents.”

  Damn him for teasing her, for tormenting her, but she refused to reveal her knowledge, hoping he’d see his error before it was too late. “Okay.”

  “Excellent.” He released her face and snared her left hand, entwining their fingers and then carefully leading her deeper into the water. “Come. I know you love the waves and this will make our pup happy.”

  He wasn’t lying on either count. Their baby was unmistakably excited and enjoying her happiness in the ocean. For now, she would push everything away. No future. No past. There was only now with Galen. With his wide smile, sparkling eyes, and glorious body.

  When had he discarded his shirt? Because now he was bare from the waist up, his muscles bulging and stretching his skin, taunting her with his deliciously carved form. Her mouth watered, memories of tasting every inch of him as he taught her the joys of lovemaking. He loved it when she bit him, when she sank her teeth into his flesh just short of piercing his skin. And it didn’t matter where. His chest, his shoulder, even his inner thigh though those nearby bits were totally off-limits.

  Her body immediately responded to his unclothed state, her nipples pebbling and heat settling between her thighs. No matter what, she craved him. Craved him more than any other and she imagined she always would.

  She shivered, desire unfurling and gently sliding through her. He narrowed his eyes the tiniest bit and then the color flashed yellow for the barest of moments before his inner wolf was banished again. It was obvious the wolf wanted her, but she figured that was instinctual. She carried Galen’s pup. It made sense.

  “Are you cold?”

  So he was trying to pretend he didn’t know why she trembled. “No.” She shook her head. “I’m fine, I don’t want to miss this.”

  A larger wave splashed against her thighs, and she took an involuntary step back. In that instant, Galen was there. His front plastered to her back, arms sliding around her waist and settling on the curve of her stomach.


  Careful? Careful about what? She couldn’t think of anything besides the overwhelming warmth that struck her with his closeness. Not just the heat, but also the knowledge that his bare skin was so close. And then there was his body’s reaction to her. His hardness was unmistakable, his length firmly pressing into her back.

  “I—” she cleared her throat. “I’m fine.”

  He hummed and lowered his head, lips brushing the shell of her ear. “Then humor me, agapi mou, and allow me this.”

  It was almost as if he asked permission, but she knew that was insane. An alpha never asked for anything. He merely assumed that whatever he desired was his due. When she didn’t reply, he nuzzled her, the rough hair on his cheeks scraping her pale skin and sending a tremble of the need down her spine.

  “Agapi mou?”

  Was that the scrape of his fangs over her skin? It was something he used to do, teeth scratching her neck and shoulders, and she’d always loved it. Still loved it.

  Perrin wanted them to live in the now? Then she would.

  “Of course.” She leaned back against him, reveling in this closeness.

  Her hips and ass brushed his firm length and she didn’t shy from his hardness, but embraced it. Did she know their plans? Know what was to come? Yes. But while they had their ideas, she had her own.

  Ones about trying to escape once again. But first… First she’d enjoy this cease fire and take whatever Galen was willing to give and pray those memories would carry her through the tough times ahead. Because it seemed she could love and hate him at the same time.

  “Melissa? What are you doing? What are you offering?”

  She carefully turned sideways, continuing to allow him to support her, and tilted her head back. “That depends on you. On whether you meant…”

  He ran his fingers down her face, tracing the line of her jaw and then brushing the tips over her lips. His eyes were focused on that part of her and she could practically read his thoughts. He’d taught her how to do so many things with her mouth. Kiss. Taste. Suck.

  “I want you. I will not deny this. But I will not risk our child.”

  Lissa shook her head, falling a little more in love with him. She knew his sex drive. Knew how much wolves needed that release, which reminded her of how much time they spent apart. Had he gone to Andrea?

  It didn’t matter. Lissa was here now. At least, she pretended it didn’t matter as she hid from the truth.

  She took too long to reply, hesitated and then no longer had the chance to tell him that Perrin told her that making love with Galen was safe.

  Galen lowered his head and captured her lips in a passionate and punishing kiss. It was a violent meeting of mouths, his tongue delving into her,
tasting her, and she returned the favor. She moaned with the first burst of his flavors over her taste buds. She’d missed this. Missed his smoky and sweet taste. Missed the way his sharpened fangs scraped her lower lip without breaking the delicate skin.

  He nibbled and sucked, teased and tormented, and all the while growls rumbled in his chest. The longer the kiss continued, the more dominant he became until one hand was buried in her hair and he used that grip to move her head as he desired. He tilted her ever so slightly, taking their kiss even deeper, and she discovered that the ultimate release was nearly upon her from his small attentions alone. She ached and throbbed for him, desperate to have him inside her, to become one with him.

  She whimpered and leaned against him, allowing him to take her full weight. It was that subtle shift, that transference of weight that ended in their kiss. He tore his mouth from hers, continuing to support her while he turned his head away. His chest heaved with heavy pants and Lissa discovered she was having just as much trouble breathing. Arousal and need for him thrummed in her veins, and she bit back the urge to beg him for more.

  Slowly her heart rate returned to normal, easing until she was able to breathe clearly once again. Galen took one last deep breath and released it slowly before returning his attention to her.

  “That… was a mistake.”

  It felt as if he’d punched her in the chest, crushing her heart as he broke her bones. “Oh.” She wasn’t sure how she got the single syllable past her lips, but she did. “I see.”

  Then he was touching her again, sliding his arms around her increased bulk. “It is simply a mistake to start something I cannot finish.” He dropped his gaze to her mouth. “I always told you your mouth was dangerous and you know I cannot stop with just a kiss. Not with you. I never could.” His lips twisted in a small grimace. “And that is something of the past.”

  At least this time that single thought didn’t bring rage to his features.

  “Come. It is late and soon the sun will be gone. Today is not the day for a picnic. Let me lead you inside where it is safe.”


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