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Welcome to the Family

Page 9

by Nancy S. Reece

  She pouted a little and he leaned down for a true kiss. The feel of his lips against hers was soft and hot. He felt the rush from his feet to the top of his head. Hesitant at first, then growing bolder, she followed his cues, but soon instinct took over and both felt the unfamiliar flush as Sean stirred her dormant blood with the fire of his need.

  With deep reluctance Sean pulled back. “Sleep. I’ll let you know when the shit hits the fan, ok.”

  Fire flashed in Ferguson’s deep green eyes. The only advice Kevin gave was that when he talked about their relationship, back her into a corner like an animal, then force her to confront things. Inside he was in anguish hoping she wouldn’t pull away and run. Especially knowing there were more people ready to hang a target on her back.

  Cassie raised her eyes to his. “I don’t ever want you to go.”

  Sean felt the elephant jump off his chest. Great, he thought, now we get to work. Having her ready to talk about her ordeal was the permission he needed to regain his wife’s sanity, and he was ready for that in more ways than one.

  Chapter Eight

  Sunday, 8:00 a.m.—South of Atlanta

  When Joe returned with the pastry and coffee, Cassie lay sound asleep again. Her worn out body occupied the couch in the living room of the suite, covered with a blanket as she lightly snored. The men took advantage of her weariness to discuss the situation surrounding them.

  Sean had an idea he wanted to kick around with his partner. “Listen, I think Cassie and I need to disappear for a little while, go undercover so to speak. There are men out there with vital information on these bad deals Martin and MM Air have been making. We need that information for our defense. But Cassie also needs to heal from this event, maybe crunch through her research and finish this project she’s been working on. She needs to keep her mind off the family problem as well as our current position as giant walking targets. There isn’t much time, so how about let’s make some decisions?”

  Callahan agreed. “We know Pieter isn’t the only asshole Martin ever double-crossed. Therefore, it’s just a matter of time until someone else joins in the hunt for Cassie. We need to know why Kwan Tsi hired Tsichevna, and would they try and send another special ops team after her. I need access to our secure server. What the hell are we doing here at a hotel instead of using the office downtown?”

  “We’re sitting still for a moment, waiting for Cassie to get her bearings. In case you didn’t notice, in addition to playing mental mind games about her family’s dirty laundry, he beat the shit out of her. I’d like to give the anesthesia time to wear off before we go too far away from civilization. Plus, the security guard at the office said the press is six deep around the entrance. So sit down and let’s look at this logically. What do we know about the likely attackers? Start with Tsichevna himself.”

  Joe sighed. “There’s a reason Pieter knew Martin’s weakest points. Computer records indicate a break in last week at MM Air’s headquarters in Peachtree City. Guess what was taken?”

  “Customer files?”

  “Yes, especially any that were brokered by Greg or Martin personally. Kevin and Matthew appear to be unaware of the shady dealings as the other half of the company specializes in legitimate freight handling. According to the data dump Tsichevna sent to me after the bombing, Greg did more than seventy million dollars in under the table transactions, Martin even more. That’s why our friends at the Treasury are interested in what’s going on. There’s a chance the feds might be willing to make a deal with Pieter, if he assures the attacks on Cassie stop immediately. They want Martin and MM Air; the rest is negotiable.”

  “How much of their business as a whole does that represent?” Sean asked, eyes unfocused as the wheels in his mind began to churn.

  “More than twenty percent,” Callahan admitted, shifting through the file on the table.

  “How the hell have they been getting away with that shit?”

  “That’s easy,” Callahan’s sarcastic laughter rang overly loud. “The family has friends in well-appointed places. Anytime an investigation of MM Air reached the halls of government, somewhere along the chain, things got side railed. But a very public event like this kidnapping isn’t going away. Someone in the press or local police is going to wonder why Cassie is so important. Other than being Martin’s daughter, what makes her worth taking for ransom? That’s a question neither side wants looked into, especially now.”

  Sean bit his lip, and stood up to pace the room. He spun a pillow on one hand as he thought. “Did Pieter mention in his email who he thought might be the next to seek out revenge?”

  “His best guess was between two Africa warlords. When the consigned freight was delivered by a specially configured MM Air plane, the crates were half-empty, some contained nothing but spare parts. The pilots were put to death, even though it appears from all the evidence available neither man knew any details about their load. They won’t hurt Cassie, according to Pieter, but they have some rather graphic photos to show her.”

  “Photos of what?”

  Joe stared straight at him, eyes filled with unshed tears. “Photos of the pilots after thirty-seven hours of torture. After the warlords discovered what Martin did, they sent payment to the wives of each one, then declared a price on Martin’s life. The photos aren’t pretty.”

  Sean regarded his partner in amazement. “My God, that man is a heartless bastard. Anyone else?”

  “Next would be members of an arms exchange in South America. MM Air won the bid to ship product from the clearinghouse to the customer. Instead, they kept the weapons and gave the address information to the C.I.A. More than twenty arms dealers and drug lords in seventeen different countries were closed down in that one assault. Do I need to go on, or are you starting to get the idea?”

  “Given all that, what do you think we should do?” Sean leaned against the wall, waiting for inspiration.

  “Find an island and hide out until Martin and Greg are brought to justice. Let the feds use their valuable resources to hunt these assholes while we tan,” Joe threw a pillow off the sofa at Sean’s head. “Now, are we going to watch some football or are we going to surf the Internet looking for vacation homes?”

  He smiled with the satisfaction of the Cheshire Cat. “I might have a lead on our vacation spot. Do you have a current phone number for Pat Mitchell, the Devlyn’s former security chief?”

  Joe nodded as he pulled his phone out and began searching contacts. “I think so. Let me check the server. Why Mitchell?”

  “He owns several large tracts of mountain property in North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. One property in particular stands out in my head. Mountain chalet, overlooking an old quarry, one road in with excellent visibility in all directions. I want to see if he’s got anyone living there or if it’s available for Cassie and me to hang out for a few weeks, maybe until the first of the year.”

  “Got it boss,” Joe mumbled, concentrating on his typing. “I’m on his website. Sending an email to him now; how soon do you think she’s going to be ready to move?”

  “About ten minutes after she wakes up,” Sean confessed, glancing at his sleeping beauty drooling onto one of the pillows on the couch. “Cassie has never been good at sitting around doing nothing. If we can get settled into one place and get her underway with some research, it will get her mind off the issues with Martin and the boys.”

  Sean’s satellite phone rang. He looked at the display and answered quickly. “Pat, long time no talk my friend.”

  “Ferguson, how’s it hanging? You still working around the clock trying to make the world a better place for mankind?” The gravel in his tone bespoke years of smoking non-filtered cigarettes.

  “Trying and failing as usual; hey you still got your hideaway up near the Smokey Mountains Park?”

  There was a long pause. “I do, I have several open right now. But I don’t think you’re looking for a run of the mill hunting or skiing experience, am I right?”

are as observant as always,” Sean agreed, grabbing a pen and paper to take notes. “Did you hear about Cassie being kidnapped?”

  “Yeah, poor kid. How is she doing?” The curiosity in Mitchell’s voice told Sean he knew nothing about the reasons behind her attack. He briefly pondered if the old CIA field op was in the know on the dirty deals Martin had been involved with for years.

  “Luckily all that previous experience with her brothers equipped her in a good way, but mentally it will be a while before we sleep with the lights off.” Sean answered. “That’s one reason I’m looking for a getaway spot. She needs quiet and if I remember rightly, your cabin is on the edge of a cliff, overlooking a lake?”

  “You got a good memory lad. That’s the spot. One road in and out, good visibility, cameras, you name it we have it. I’ll make sure it’s prepped first thing in the morning. Stop by our house here on the way in and get the key. The wife will be happy to see Cassie again. She adores that little girl.”

  “You are a prince among men Mitchell, no matter what the others say about you.” Sean smiled at Joe and gave him a thumb’s up. “We’ll see you sometime Monday. Thanks, mate.”

  “See you then you scurvy Irishman,” Mitchell replied with a hearty laugh.

  Once they hung up, Sean turned to his partner and closest friend. “Joe, you should stay here in Atlanta. I want you monitoring things with Kevin. If things go south, I need you there to pull him, and Matthew, out before the backsplash from MM Air pulls them down. Kevin’s innocent and I don’t intend for him to get injured in this mess, and Matthew needs to spend more time around his sane brother.”

  Joe nodded in agreement. “Also it will keep any investigators away from you regarding her kidnapping. I’m sure the F.B.I. would love to talk with you about Pieter.”

  Sean chuckled as he stood to check on Cassie. “I’m sure our friend at the embassy has already fielded that particular line of questioning and we’re free to go. Both of our passports are in my suitcase, and the world is our oyster.”

  “How do you manage that? Every time, since I’ve known you, you manage to have a guy at the embassy fix your problems. What do you have on this guy?”

  Sean smiled sheepishly as he ran his fingers through his hair. “He was in the Gulf with me, in Kuwait. Let’s just say we saved each other’s ass more than once on that operation, and in return we each help out the other when and where our skills are needed. I do work off the books for him and the government. He keeps me out of the line of any federal or local officials.”

  Joe shook his head. “Must have been one hell of an operation.”

  “You have no idea. Listen, why don’t you run back to Atlanta, leave a rental car reservation in my name at the airport, preferably something with four-wheel drive. I’ll have my satellite phone only. Cell numbers are too traceable. Then pack up my gun room and put it in the lobby at the Midtown apartment. I’ll pick it up along with the rest of Cassie’s things.”

  Joe smiled broadly. “My wife will be very happy to hear that. She was afraid I’d be gone for at least a month, and the holidays are coming up. This way I can start working my way through the assassins list Pieter sent and see if we can win some people to our side.”

  Sean laughed. “If my wife gets her way, it might be longer than that. But I’m letting her make that call.”

  Joe clapped him on the shoulder, the deep friendship they shared making words almost unneeded. “Try and be a husband for a while, brother. You said this was you bending; keep on bending until she’s ready to bend with you. Then bend a little more. There’s a lot of bad water in both of your pasts. Love and let go my friend, love and let go.”

  After Callahan packed his things and took off, Sean watched American football for several hours. It never ceased to amaze him the interest in college level sports, but recently found himself rooting for Georgia Tech when he saw them play. Professional football left him cold. It was too much about the money. It was getting dark before he noticed Cassie move around. He joined her on the couch, smiling as he pulled her into his arms.

  “Good evening love,” he quipped. “How are we feeling?”

  Her voice was raspy from dehydration and lack of use. “I feel like I’ve been beaten and blown up, but there might be a light in the tunnel. A few more heavy naps like today and I should be good to go. But I am starving. What do we have I can eat?” Cassie rubbed her hands across her face before running her fingers through the mess of hair.

  “How about eggs, bacon, and toast with oatmeal?” Sean suggested.

  She tried to wrinkle her nose, but the bandages prevented the movement. “I’d rather have cereal and milk. Or maybe pudding. I don’t really like eggs.”

  Sean studied her puffy, bruised face. “Do you think you could chew pizza?”

  “Oh my God, yes,” she agreed.

  They spent the rest of the evening on the couch, watching cable television, eating pizza, and listening to the sound of nothing outside the four walls of their room. When the ten o’clock news started, Sean realized she was asleep again.

  Turning off the set, he gathered her up in his arms and carried her to the bedroom. The bathroom light was on, the door half closed to keep the room dim. Once Sean settled her down and Cassie began snoring again, he opened his laptop. Three new emails from clients offering employment, and a high priority missive from Kevin Devlyn.

  ‘Sean, Interesting developments here, I might join you for the new year in our favorite spot. Don’t think the others will be there, they are looking to head south for the holidays.’ It was signed, ‘Kev’.

  Interesting, he mused. Kevin never referred to himself by the abbreviation. He considered it slightly defamatory. Therefore, the email must be coded. The ‘interesting developments’ could refer to either the vendetta against Cassie or the ongoing federal investigation against MM Air. Either way, Kevin was getting the hell out of Atlanta while running was still an option. It also confirmed his suspicions about the others. Martin and Greg were leaving town for any place without extradition to the United States.

  What had him stymied was the ‘our favorite spot’ remark. Perhaps that was for Cassie. He would ask when she felt better. Tomorrow was going to be hard enough traveling for seven hours. He forwarded a copy on to Joe for him to look into.

  As he was perusing the news, she rolled over, turning her back to him. He lightly ran his finger down the curve of her side and hip. Though she was sound asleep, Cassie moaned and wiggled her hip. Sean smiled. It never ceased to amaze him how well the two of them meshed, even asleep.

  The first time they made love came around after spending two full days together after the dinner in Pensacola. Sean took her on a long drive to New Orleans. With a decadent seafood feast, and numerous shots of the famous ‘Hurricane’ specials in the French Quarter, they retired to their suite at a quaint bed and breakfast in the Quarter. Once behind the doors, Sean pulled Cassie into his arms and held her tight.

  “Well ma’am, this is our third date and we all know what happens on the third date?” Sean kissed lightly behind her ear.

  “What would that be?” she murmured.

  “Sex, Miss Devlyn,” he continued kissing along the line of her shoulder. “And I must confess I’ve waited far longer for you than anyone before. Further evidence we are meant to spend eternity together.”

  “It’s obvious you’ve kissed the Blarney Stone, Mr. Ferguson, you’re so full of crap. But, you certainly know how to turn a girl’s head. Call me sentimental, but I enjoy hearing how you are going to worship me for the rest of time.” Cassie ran her hands up his back, using her nails to bring goose bumps to his skin.

  He ripped the cotton t-shirt off over her head, and undid her bra. Her shorts and underwear soon joined the growing pool of discarded clothes. Gently he backed her into the bedroom, against the bed itself, and then eased her down onto the mattress. “Damn Cassie, you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.”

  Her blush went from the top of her head do
wn to her feet. Her nipples crinkled under his gaze, and her hands tried to cover herself. He grabbed her wrists and held them down to the bed. “Don’t ever be shy or insecure around me love, you could wear a burlap bag and I would still want to screw your brains out.”

  Cassie laughed, pure happiness, and Sean took advantage of her joy to bite down on her nipples, one at a time. Her laughter changed to a sexy moan in a flash. Every touch of her flesh against his burned until he was ready to explode. When he slipped inside her, he knew this was meant to be.

  Sex with Cassie was passionate, romantic, and intense. With Sean’s Irish temper and her repressive upbringing, in seven years together they’d taught each other many tricks. But he wouldn’t have it any other way. Nothing compared to the feel of her skin against his. Even in his dreams he remembered that feeling and ached to hold her again. The last time was more than ten months ago, just before he left for an escort job in Jordan. She’d mentioned wanting to try again and he was more than willing to spend their last weekend together at a small bed and breakfast in Williamsburg.

  They took all the tours and did a wine tasting at the local vineyard and pretended to be a regular couple on vacation from normal, run of the mill existences. Strolling arm in arm down the recreated Colonial town, Cassie seemed happy. It wasn’t until the time arrived for his team to leave Norfolk the sadness began to creep over her. After dinner, driving back to the Navy yards, she finally broke her silence.

  “When you return from Jordan, what next Sean?”

  “I don’t know, we aren’t booked that far in advance.” He’d wondered what she was fishing for.

  She took his right hand and entwined his fingers with her own. “If I don’t get pregnant this weekend, after this job would you think about retiring?”

  “If that’s what you want.”


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