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The Midnight Club

Page 5

by Love, Michelle

  “Hello, I’m Sirena, Maceo’s intern. Anything you need, just ask. I love your scarf”

  Ori smiled at her. Sirena had a warm, friendly face, and merry, twinkling eyes. “I will, thank you”

  They chatted easily for a few minutes before Maceo reappeared and spirited Ori away to his office. She was glad to see that the door had no window in it because as soon as it was shut, Maceo pushed her up against it and kissed her. She responded to his lips, but then gently pushed him away. “Maceo … I don’t think this appropriate at work”

  Mace grinned good-naturedly and steered her to the couch. “Fair enough … although, seeing you in that dress, damn …” He leaned across to nuzzle her neck, and she couldn’t resist the feel of his lips on her throat. “I want to be inside you, Ori …’”

  Her moan of desire gave her away, and in one movement she was under him. Mace pushed the skirt of her dress up as she fumbled with his fly and in seconds, he was thrusting into her. It was a quick, hard, dirty fuck, which left them both laughing and panting for air.

  As she tidied herself up afterward, feeling his cum start to trail down her thigh, she rammed her legs together and gave him a disapproving look. “You just broke all my rules”

  Maceo was grinning and unrepentant. “Bella, you have this effect on me. I cannot help how I feel. Now.” He sat down behind his desk and pulled her down onto his lap, “Tomorrow you and I fly to Paris. I have meetings set up for us all day at the George V. Potential new clients, all of them. Then the next day, we will scout some Parisian artists. My friend Benoit is already looking forward to seeing you again”

  Maceo, Ori was discovering, worked at breakneck speed. “Paris? Tomorrow?”

  Maceo grinned. “I told you this would be an exciting opportunity. We fly at ten a.m.”

  Ori stepped out onto the balcony of their hotel suite. Paris, its lights twinkling in the dusk, stretched out before her. She breathed in the cool night air and listened to the sounds of the traffic drifting up from the streets below. They had been here for two days, and it had been a dream. Meeting prospective clients had been nerve-racking, but she found Maceo could charm anyone. He was aware of her nerves and guided her through the meetings, giving her tips on what the clients liked and what they expected, and soon she was finding her footing. They had dinner with a couple of Maceo’s oldest and most loyal customers, and then Maceo had taken her back to their suite and fucked her brains out all night long.

  Ori laughed to herself now. She couldn’t describe it any other way. Maceo, his grin broad and confident, had taken her on the floor, against the wall, in the shower— even, when the night was darkest, out here on the balcony, muffling her cries of pleasure with his hand so they didn’t draw attention to themselves. She shivered now, reliving the pleasure of his cock driving into her, his strong hands on her body.

  She started as he slid his arms around her waist now, kissing her ear, her neck, her shoulder.

  “Mio caro,” he whispered, his fingers splaying out on her belly, warming her skin through her thin cotton dress. “Don’t turn around”

  Ori felt him ease her legs apart and lift her skirt from behind. She gazed out at the night as he slid gently into her and then she sighed as he began to move, one hand cupping her throat, his lips on her neck, the other hand finding her clit and kneading and rubbing until she was shuddering. She knew instinctively that this was not the time for screaming, but a slow, sensually journey to ecstasy.

  She shivered through one, two, three orgasms as he murmured what he’d like to do to her, and she felt him stiffen before hot semen pumped deep into her belly. She leaned back into his big strong frame, breathing hard. Maceo kissed her cheek. “Are you okay?”

  Ori laughed. “God, Maceo, how can you even ask? You’re amazing”

  “As are you, mio caro. Come, let’s sit a while; we still have time before we have to change for dinner”

  They were going out to eat with Maceo’s friend Benoit and a date, and Ori was nervous and excited to finally see another part of Maceo’s life.

  Maceo lit a cigarette and gazed at her. “Caro … would you do something for me?”

  “Of course”

  He leaned forward. “Would you strip for me?”

  Ori was taken aback but smiled. “If you’d like”

  She stood and slowly peeled her dress off, followed by her bra and panties, and stood before him. Maceo ran his eyes slowly over her body. “You are perfect. Do you know that?”

  Ori laughed, embarrassed at the compliment but not about her nakedness. She could not feel shy with this man; he made her feel like a goddess. “Your eyesight may be failing you, old man,” she joked, and Maceo grinned.

  “If anything, it’s improved. Come here to me” He held his arms out, and she slid onto his lap, curling up in his arms, totally vulnerable. “How is it no one has snapped you up, taken you to their castle, and hidden you away?”

  Ori felt a jolt. An image of her stepfather flashed across her vision, binding her, holding her down, imprisoning her, and she suddenly felt exposed and ridiculous. She extracted herself from Maceo’s arms and slipped her dress back on.

  “Caro, did I say something to upset you?” His eyes were curious and concerned. She shook her head.

  “It’s not you, Maceo.” She tried to smile at him, but he leaned forward.

  “What is it?”

  She shook her head. “Please, Maceo, let’s not spoil our evening by talking about … my past.”

  Another long pause. “As you wish.”

  After they had changed for dinner, mostly in thoughtful silence, Maceo took her hand. “I hope you will get to know Benoit better,” he said. “He is one of my oldest friends.”

  Ori asked him about his and Ben’s friendship.

  “We met in college—he and I, and our other friends, Lisander, Seth, and Alex. All five of us were driven and knew what we wanted. And by and large, twenty-odd years later, we all have it. The press calls us The Midnight Club because we all share a birthday—same time of day as well as date and year.”

  Ori’s eyes opened wide. “That’s an incredible coincidence.”

  “Isn’t it? We were obviously meant to be friends. When is your birthday, mio caro?”

  “November 13th.”

  “I shall remember. Start thinking about where you would like to go.”

  Ori stopped him. “Maceo … I know how the game is played. You don’t have to say such things. I’m not looking for a commitment here … and I know you’re not.”

  There was an expression she couldn’t read in his eyes. “I’m not?”

  She kissed him. “It’s okay, Maceo. It really is. I’m not naïve to the world, especially the world of a drop-dead gorgeous, extremely eligible billionaire like you. Why would you commit when you could have anyone? All I ask is that you’re honest with me.”

  The elevator door opened as she finished speaking and Maceo, all humor gone from his face, was silent as they walked to their waiting cab. In the car on the way to the restaurant they didn’t speak, but Maceo held her hand, his fingers knotted between hers. Ori glanced over at him as he stared out of the window. Maybe he’d never had a woman say that to him, and that’s what was throwing him. Ori knew she had made the right decision to say what she had; it was a way of protecting her heart because, God knew, Maceo had been battering down the walls that she’d spent years building around it. She could not risk falling in love with him. She would not risk that.

  At the restaurant, Benoit and his date were already waiting, and Maceo, his mood seeming to lighten, introduced her. Ori was touched by the note of pride she heard in his voice as he introduced her.

  Benoit Vaux was in the same league as Maceo, she decided—charming, ruthless and devastatingly handsome. The two men shared the same brooding quality, but Benoit seemed more serious than Maceo. His date, Marcella, was an Audrey Hepburn lookalike, all grace and elegance, but a very sweet nature. Ori chatted happily with her as the two men talked about

  “You have certainly made an impression on Maceo.” Marcella told her, smiling, “I can’t remember the last time he introduced us to a date.”

  Ori was surprised but kept her counsel. “How long have you and Benoit been together?”

  Marcella smiled. “Oh, we’re not together in that sense. I mean, we do spend time together, shall we say, but we’re not a couple. Just very good friends. Benoit does not have the time to commit to a full relationship.”

  Ori frowned. “Like Maceo.”

  Marcella looked taken aback. “No, I don’t think so. Anyway, my dear, to answer your question, Benoit pays very well for my company. Not that I wouldn’t do it for free, you understand, but he insists.”

  An escort? This glamourous, elegant, intelligent woman?

  Marcella chuckled. “The expression on your face is why I love to tell Americans the truth about Benoit and me, about what I do. He’s quite open about it, you see? We’re consenting adults.”

  Ori grinned. “Hey, no judgment here. As long as it’s consensual, have at it.”

  “Being an escort is my choice, Ori, but it is not my occupation. I do it because I enjoy sex with handsome men. At the same time, I prefer to live alone.”

  They chatted a little while longer, then Ori remembered something. “Do you know anything about someone called Viola? I believe she was one of Maceo’s friends?”

  The smile faded from Marcella’s face, and she sighed. “Poor girl. She was murdered—horribly, too—shot with a crossbow.”

  Ori felt sick. “God, who would do that?”

  “They haven’t found anyone responsible yet...” Benoit broke into their conversation, and Ori realized the two men had been listening to them. “Alex is a mess; until he knows why, he can’t move past it.”

  The rest of the dinner was a more somber affair after that and Ori regretted asking. As she and Maceo were being driven back to the George V, she looked over at him. “Maceo?”

  He smiled at her. “What is it, bella?”

  “I’m sorry for asking about Alex’s girlfriend.”

  “It’s okay. It’s playing on all of our minds.”

  “Did you know her well?”

  He nodded, but said nothing more. He took her hand and kissed the back of her fingers. “Caro, there’s something we need to talk about when we get to the hotel.”

  Ori’s heart started to pound uncomfortably. No, not yet. I’m not ready for you to dump me. Not here, not now, please … but she just smiled and said, “Okay.”

  In the hotel room, he led her out to the balcony and pulled her onto his lap. “Ori, something has been bothering me this evening. I hope I didn’t ruin our evening.”

  “Of course not, Maceo, but what’s wrong?”

  Maceo sighed. “I know how people see me, and a lot of it has to do with my past behavior. With the opposite sex, I mean. I’m sure Lucia warned you away from me.”

  Ori grinned, hoping to lighten the atmosphere by teasing him. “Warned doesn’t really cover it.”

  Maceo gave a small chuckle. “You see? What chance do I stand? But, Ori, these last few days with you … I feel so differently that I’m having trouble reconciling it. You make me want to see if I could do it, if I could commit.”

  Ori stared at him, shocked. “What?”

  He rolled his eyes. “I’m telling you I’m crazy about you, Orianthi Roy.”

  Every emotion that flooded her body left her speechless. No. No, this was a line … surely? This was what men like him did—made you fall for them and then dumped you. It was a game. Maceo was a world-class player.

  “I don’t believe you,” she said flatly and slid from his arms, pacing the room.

  Maceo watched her, his eyes never leaving her face. “Why is it so hard to believe that someone might love you, Ori?”

  She didn’t answer him, just turned hurt eyes on him. “Don’t. Please, Maceo….”

  “It’s your stepfather, isn’t it?”

  Ori felt all the air being pushed out of her lungs. Maceo saw through her to the frightened little girl that she was. She stared at him but saw no malice in his looks. He stood and came to her, but she backed away. Don’t touch me or I’ll break.

  Her back hit the wall, but Maceo wouldn’t let her run, trapping her in the cage of his arms. “Bella. Mio amata ...” His voice was soft and tender. “What the hell did he do to you?”

  Ori stared back at him, her eyes filling with tears. “Maceo … please don’t do this. I can’t.”

  He stroked her face. “I can see it in your eyes, my love. Whatever that man has done to you, I’ll make him pay for it.”

  She pushed her way out of his arms. “Don’t promise things you can’t deliver.”

  Maceo sighed. “Why are you so afraid of sharing your life with me?”

  “I’m not ready!” she exclaimed, pain shooting through her. “If I tell you, it’ll make it real and….” Tears came now, and she choked on her words. Her cell phone beeped and, grateful for the distraction, she picked up the phone. Voicemail. She listened to it, her face pale.

  Maceo watched the different emotions running across her face and waited until she ended the call. “It’s AJ,” she said in a dull voice, “He’s in a rehab facility in New York. That was his physician. He’s had a relapse in his depression. He needs me. Maceo, I’m sorry. I have to go to him.”

  Maceo nodded. “Of course, we will fly out immediately.”

  We? Ori closed her eyes. “No, Maceo, I can’t let you get involved. It’s too much to ask.”

  But Maceo would not be shut out and a couple of hours later, they were on a plane to the States.

  Ori was in turmoil. On the one hand, she was grateful to Maceo for his kindness. On the other, she didn’t want to drag him into this part of her life, the part where she was unhappy, into her family drama. If Tyson knew about Maceo, who knew what he would do? Tyson Janek was violently jealous and possessive over Ori. He had paid past boyfriends off, or blackmailed them into leaving her alone. She knew Maceo would not be so easily gotten rid of, and it frightened her to think what depths Tyson would sink to. The thought of anything happening to Maceo … Ori knew then, at that moment, that the worst thing had happened. She was in love with Maceo Bartoli.

  She closed her eyes, willing the tears not to come, but then felt his lips on her forehead. “Tell me,” he said softly, and wrapped his arms around her. And so, in the confines of his private jet, Ori told him the horrors of her family, of how broken she was, and how her stepfather had tormented her, her whole life.

  “What do you mean he’s not here?” Ori’s voice was growing shriller by the minute as she stood in the very well-appointed reception of the Pinegap Rehabilitation Facility. The director looked at her with sympathy.

  “I’m sorry, Ms. Roy. Mr. Janek removed his son from the facility yesterday; as he has power of attorney, there was nothing we could do. I do have some of Adam’s possessions that he forgot in a rush. Would you like to take them to him?”

  Ori nodded, feeling bleak. Tyson had done this on purpose, to show her he was still in control. She guessed he would not easily give up where AJ was. Maceo stood beside her silently, his hand on the small of her back protectively. She looked at him and shook her head, and he nodded. She wanted to scream and rant, but she was damned if she would do it here.

  The director came back with a plastic bag. “Just a few items, but he may want them in the future.”

  Ori thanked the director, and she and Maceo returned to Maceo’s town car. Ori opened the bag and took out an empty money clip, a copy of The Sun Also Rises (AJ’s favorite book), and the burner phone she had gotten him.

  “Fuck that bastard,” she hissed and showed Maceo the phone. “He knew AJ and I would talk. He’s cutting us off from each other.”

  Maceo looked angry. “Bella, I will help you find him. I have a fleet of private investigators here in New York that I can put on the case right now, if you’d like. Janek won’t be able to hide AJ

  Ori smiled at him gratefully. “That would be wonderful, Maceo. I can’t thank you enough; I’m sorry you had to get involved in this bullshit.”

  “Don’t be sorry; just be ready to fight.” Maceo nodded grimly. “Because one way or another, Janek is going down.”

  AJ Janek sat on the bunk of his new cell. It was luxurious, he had to give his dad that, but cold and sterile. The reason he had chosen Pinegap was because it had outside space and places he could spend time sketching or watching the birds in the trees. Tyson had arrived yesterday and had barely given AJ the time to acknowledge his presence before he was whisked away in Tyson’s bulletproof car to this place. Jesus …

  AJ put his head in his hands. He didn’t even have his phone to call Ori now. Tyson had forbidden calls, and the staff here was obviously under strict instructions not to help AJ at all. AJ wondered if this was even a hospital or just one of Janek’s ‘businesses’ that he used to launder cash.

  Yeah, Dad. I know all about the illegal activities. And you know that too, don’t you? It’s why you destroyed my peace of mind and undermined my confidence so much so I couldn’t function. And what you did to me and Ori? What would the good people of the United States think of the congressman if they knew the real truth?

  Despair flooded through him, and he slumped back on his bed. What the hell am I going to do now? He hoped that when Ori discovered he was gone from Pinegap that she would come for him, but he knew without a doubt that Tyson would try to stop her—and AJ was under no illusions of the grotesque ways in which his father would try to stop her.

  Ori had insisted on going to see Tyson, demanding to know where her brother was. “I don’t want him to even think for a moment he has won,” she raged to Maceo. “I’m going to go in there, to his office, in front of his staff, and demand he tells me.”


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