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The Midnight Club

Page 23

by Love, Michelle

“I’ll send a car at eight.”

  Cassie clicked off her phone and squinted up at the lighted windows of the hospital. Enjoy the time you have left with her, Maceo. Ori will be dead before the week is out. I’m sure of it.

  Smirking, she turned and skipped down the steps, hailing a cab to drive her back to her hotel.

  Kate was scribbling notes down as she tried to make times and dates fit the movements of The Midnight Club but, frustrated, she threw her pad across the room, barely missing Lisander, who came into the room just then.

  He grinned at her. “Problems?”

  Kate sighed. “I give up. I might be a lawyer, but I’d be a useless detective.”

  He helped her up off the floor and took her in his arms. “Then let’s leave the detecting to them and let’s do something we know we’re good at.”

  He began to kiss her, and she sank into the embrace, feeling his fingers slide under her T-shirt and lift it over her head. He bent his head to take her nipple into his mouth, and Kate closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensations he sent shivering up and down her body.

  His hand slipped into her panties and began to caress her clit as he backed her toward the bed, and as they tumbled down and began to strip each other, Kate wondered how she had ever thought that life before Lisander had been exciting.

  They made love until the sun set, and Kate was just falling asleep when she felt Lisander get out of bed. She grumbled, but he laughed softly. “I just have a couple of errands to do and I’ll be back, impatient girl. Get some sleep.”

  She was already asleep by the time he left the suite.

  Tired from the testing her surgeon had put her through, Ori was finally glad to be alone with Maceo, despite barely being able to keep her eyes open. Maceo smiled as she mumbled to him.

  “You know you’re making no sense now, mio caro,” he said fondly, as he stroked the hair back from her face. Ori just gazed at him, drinking in every detail of his handsome face, the green eyes, the half-moon shaped scar on his right eye, the beautifully shaped lips.

  “I love you so much,” she mumbled, and he grinned, brushing his lips against hers.

  “As I love you, bella.”

  Her mouth curved up into a smile against his. “I want to marry you, Maceo, I really want to be your wife, right now, this minute …”

  He chuckled. “Mio caro, as far I am concerned, we can get married anytime you want; I would marry you yesterday if I could. But surely you want to wait until you’re out of here?”

  Ori shook her head. “No. I don’t want to wait, Maceo … I’m tired of being made to wait.”

  Maceo kissed her. “Then I will make the arrangements, my darling. Just promise me one thing?”


  He grinned. “That when you’re recovered, we’ll marry again, in front of all our friends and family, that I’ll be able to show you off to the world, tell them how proud I am to be your husband.”

  Ori smiled. “Maceo Bartoli, how do you always manage to say the right thing? Of course, of course.”

  Maceo kissed her again. “I can’t wait, mio amore.”

  When Ori had fallen asleep, Maceo went to find some coffee and found Lucia waiting outside. He looked at her in surprise. ’I thought you had gone home hours ago, Lucia.”

  Lucia, tired and edgy, shook her head. “I was on my way out, and I ran into Cassie.”

  Maceo rocked back. “Cassie? What the hell is she doing in Florence?”

  Lucia gave him a grim smile. “She came to see if Ori was dead yet.”

  Maceo winced, shaking his head. “God.”

  “I’m sorry to put it so harshly, but there it is. I told her to stay away from the hospital, from Ori, from you. I hope I didn’t overstep.”

  “Not at all. Thank you, Lucia. The last thing we need is Cassie … I just don’t understand her thinking.”

  “That bitch has always had a thing for you, Maceo. She couldn’t stand that you never made a move on her. Even when Ori was friendly with her, I knew Cassie was faking. Ugh,” Lucia almost spat then rubbed her eyes. “Anyway, I thought I’d better both tell you and make sure she didn’t sneak in.”

  Maceo smiled at her. “I’m going to put you in a cab now,” he said gently. “Thank you for being Ori’s bodyguard, but you need sleep.”

  “So do you. Have you slept at all this last week?”

  “Better since Ori woke up, but not a lot. I’ll catch up when she’s better.”

  Lucia pursed her lips but said nothing. She hugged Maceo goodbye before hopping in the waiting cab. Maceo drew in a deep lungful of night air and sighed. Cassie. Goddamn it. Why couldn’t the rest of the world leave him and Ori alone? Just for one day?

  Doesn’t work that way, Maceo.

  “Yeah, I know,” he muttered to himself. Inside, he found coffee and went to sit with Ori again, before pulling out his phone. As he gazed at his love sleeping peacefully, he smiled, and when Lisander answered his call, he began to speak, to ask Lisander for help.

  Alex found Netta at breakfast and told her that he planned to fly back to America. “I’ve talked to the police; they’re not asking me to stay in Italy. I can’t be here, Netta, knowing what Maceo thinks of me, what he thinks I’ve done. I just can’t bear it.”

  Netta nodded sadly. “I know, Alex, and I don’t blame you. For what it’s worth, none of the others think you did it either.” Even to her own ears, she sounded fake, and Alex tried to smile at her.

  “I don’t blame them, Nets. I just can’t face them anymore.”

  Netta was sad that he seemed to have given up and said as much to Seth later. Seth sighed.

  “I don’t know what to say, Netta,” he said softly. “I think he should stay, but he’s a free man.”

  “So, you think he did it?”

  He took her in his arms, cupping her face in his big hand. “I don’t want to think that, but I can’t honestly think who else it could be.”

  Netta sighed and leaned against him. “I can’t bear it, Seth.”

  “I know.”

  Seth told Maceo that Alex was going back to America and was surprised when Maceo took it so well. “Good,” his Italian friend said abruptly, “I want him a million miles away from Ori.”

  “How is she?”

  Maceo’s expression softened. “She’s perfect. The doctor says she’s improving, although he has warned us not to rush things. She’s still sick, very sick, and exhausted. I think, what with everything else that’s happened as well as being stabbed, she’s finally feeling everything. AJ’s death, Janek’s abuse … it’s all hit her.”

  Seth hesitated, then smiled. “Maceo … may I go visit with her? I know that out of all of us I know her the least, but I would like to get to know her better. Maybe I could be your relief; you look like you could do with a good meal and a long sleep. I’d be happy to sit with her.”

  Maceo nodded gratefully. “I’d like that, Seth. I won’t need long, just a couple of hours, maybe.”

  Ori was happy that Maceo was going to get some much-needed rest. “Baby, take as long as you need; I’ll be fine here with Seth.”

  When Maceo had at last been persuaded to leave, Seth grinned at her. “I hope you don’t mind me offering to sit with you.”

  “Not at all. Maceo is about ready to drop, but he wouldn’t leave me alone.” Ori smiled at the thought of her lover. “He’s very protective.”

  “As he should be,” Seth’s smile faded. “I’m so sorry this happened to you, Ori.”

  Ori flushed. “Thank you. But, hey, I’m still here and,” she said grinning at him, “it’ll be nice to spend some time with you.”

  They chatted easily. Ori found Seth to be erudite and charming underneath his shyness and they were soon laughing and ribbing each other gently.

  “Maceo tells me you had a long-term girlfriend?”

  Seth nodded. “Irina. Yeah … that ended a few months ago after she cheated on me.”

  Ori looked alarmed. “Please tell me she didn�
�t cheat with Maceo?”

  Seth half-smiled. “No, it wasn’t Maceo or anyone I know. She was very open and apologetic, but the trust had gone and the relationship just sort of petered out.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Seth smiled. “Don’t be. I think it may have been for the best, I really do. And besides, now that Netta and I …”

  “What?” Ori interrupted him, her eyes wide with excitement and Seth couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Yeah … it’s new, very new, but we’ve been friends forever and it just kind of happened.”

  Ori grabbed his hand and squeezed. “I’m so glad, Seth, I really am.”

  “Thanks. Look, can I get you anything? I’m just going to grab some water.”

  “I’m fine, thanks.”

  Ori lay back as Seth left the room. Netta and Seth. Such an unlikely match up; Netta’s bohemian sensibilities with Seth’s practicality … Ori couldn’t imagine it. But she did think that, after Maceo, Seth was the sexiest of the Midnight Club. His tall, broad frame, taller than even Maceo and Alex, his Roman god face, his kind hazel eyes. She liked him immensely.

  “You chose the best companion for me, Maceo,” she thought to herself. She closed her eyes, feeling tired suddenly, but her head seemed to whirl and she felt sick. What the hell?

  Her chest began to tighten and she suddenly found it hard to breathe. Jesus … she fumbled for the call button and pressed it—only to find it had come loose from the wall and wasn’t connected.

  Damn it. She pushed the sheets aside to try and swing her legs over the side—and saw the blood. Lots of it. Oh god, no … she tried to call out, but her vision grew hazy. Please help me … She shifted to try and move but her legs gave way beneath her and she slumped to the floor. She could smell blood, her blood, and then she couldn’t breathe, and everything was going dark …

  Maceo woke when his cellphone buzzed. Seth. “Maceo … Ori’s relapsed. Man, you better come back, they’ve taken her back into surgery. God, I’m so sorry, Maceo, but it doesn’t look good.”

  Maceo heard the words “massive internal blood loss,.” but he was numb inside. The surgeon had updated him as they struggled to save Ori’s life and when finally they had done all they could, the surgeon told him that now they would just have to wait.

  “I’m not going to lie to you, Mr. Bartoli, her chances of recovery are small.”

  Seth had been beside himself with guilt, but Maceo reassured him. “None of us could have known. Ori herself didn’t know.”

  All Maceo could do was sit and wait and hope. He felt useless, hopeless. All of his wealth, his influence, couldn’t heal Ori— he thought about finding the best surgeon in the world, but Seth had told him the surgeon here had done everything anyone could do.

  “Please don’t leave me, mio caro,” he said to her now, bending to kiss her cheek. “I cannot live without you.”

  Maceo closed his eyes. If Ori died, he would spend the rest of his life hunting down the man who did this to her.

  Alex. Maceo gritted his teeth. It was a good thing Alex had decided to go back to America, he thought, because the way Maceo was feeling right now, he would have gladly ripped the other man apart with his bare hands.

  Run, Maceo thought. Run, Alex. Because when this is all over, I will find you.

  “I’m going with Alex, Seth. I think he needs me.” Netta waited for Seth’s reaction.

  Seth sighed but nodded.

  “I think it’s probably for the best. For now. Which is not to say I won’t miss you, but you need to be with your brother.”

  Netta smiled at him gratefully. “Thank you, darling. Look, this has all happened so quickly, and I want to explore us’ more, but I think we may have to put things on hold for a while.”

  He took her in his arms. “You’re right. It will be nice to have time for us, just us, but now isn’t the time. When are you flying?”

  “In the morning, so we still have all night.”

  Seth slid his hand under her T-shirt and stroked her belly. “All night, hmm … what shall we do?”

  Netta grinned as he began to strip her, then dropped to his knees to bury his face in her belly. She stroked his dark hair. “You’re very easy to fall for, Mr. Cantor.”

  He grinned up at her, then pressed his face into her sex. Netta gave a little moan as his tongue lashed around her clit, his hands pushing her thighs apart. He expertly brought her to the point of orgasm before unzipping his pants and freeing his diamond-hard cock. He thrust into her, and she clung to him, moving with perfect rhythm as they fucked.

  “Oh god, Seth, yes, yes …”

  His hands pinned hers to the wall as she rode him, her light, lithe body curving into him. As his movements became rougher, she bit down on his shoulder, spurring him on, becoming wilder and less controlled as they both came. Seth shuddered, groaning her name, pumping thick, creamy cum deep inside of her cunt. Netta shivered and moaned with pleasure, kissing him hungrily.

  “God, how am I supposed to leave you here after that?”

  Seth laughed. “It won’t be a long separation, I promise, Netta. We’ll be together soon.”

  Despite the setback and her fragile condition, the doctors were pleased that Ori hadn’t slipped back into a coma. Twenty-four hours after her emergency surgery, she opened her eyes and stared up at the darkened room.

  She heard Maceo’s breathing, steady and regular. He was asleep, and Ori decided to let him rest. He looked exhausted, dark circles under his eyes, his skin wan. She sighed, pressing the little button to release morphine into her system. She was getting way too used to it and decided that as soon as she could bear it, she’d stop using it. Easier said than done, she thought now, as pain screeched through her body. She had no idea what had happened to her, but she presumed it had been a bleed, obviously. There were new dressings on her wounds, and even a new site, just above her navel. Maybe they’d had to open her up.

  Fuck. She was so tired of feeling like this, so sick, so vulnerable and useless. She wanted to go out into the world, be with Maceo, enjoy their life, but at every turn, something or someone stymied them. Was this the price she had to pay for finding happiness with him?

  She turned her head so she could gaze at his sleeping form. I could not imagine my life without you. But she felt depressed, run-down, and dirty from spending so much time in bed. Her skin still felt sticky with blood even though she knew she had been cleaned up.

  Her thoughts went back to the night of the stabbing. It had been so quick, so brutal, so cruel. Her would-be-killer kissing her. This is how I show my love. It was all so fucked up. She could still feel every inch of the steel slicing through her body, ripping her apart. Feral. Ferocious.

  She felt sick and press the call button, hoping it wouldn’t wake Maceo. The nurse came in and asked her if she needed anything.

  “I feel like I might throw up,” Ori whispered, “but I’m scared of ripping my stitches.”

  “I’ll get you an anti-emetic, honey. Just take some slow deep breaths.”

  Maceo lifted his head as the nurse left the room and Ori smiled ruefully at him. “I’m sorry I woke you, baby.”

  Maceo rubbed his eyes, looking like a lost little boy. Ori hid a grin. “It’s okay, mio caro, I’d rather be awake. Are you okay?.”

  “Just a little nauseous.”

  “I sometimes have that effect.”

  Ori laughed softly. “Never.”

  Maceo laced his fingers with hers. “How’re you feeling, bella?”

  She stroked his cheek as the nurse came back in. “I’m … okay.” She gave a soft laugh. “I’m sick of being asked that, and I bet you’re sick of asking it.”

  Maceo grinned at her. “Then let’s make a deal. I won’t ask if you promise to tell me the second you don’t feel good.”

  “Deal.” Ori winced as the nurse injected her, but the relief was almost instantaneous. She relaxed back against her pillows.

  “Do you want a sedative?” The nurse, a middle
-aged woman with thick black hair pulled up into a bun, smiled down at her, but Ori shook her head.

  “No, thanks. I think I’m tired enough to sleep for a year. He might need one, though,” she grinned and nodded at Maceo. “I think he’s trying to set a record for staying awake.”

  Maceo shook his head, laughing. “I’m good, thanks.”

  The nurse chuckled and left them alone. Maceo shifted his chair so he could sit closer to Ori. “Listen, I was thinking, when you’re a little stronger, we should move you to a private facility in Venice. Be closer to home.”

  “Agreed. Not that Florence isn’t beautiful … what little I’ve seen of it,” she said in a wry voice, gesturing out of the window, and Maceo laughed.

  “I promise I’ll bring you back when you’re ready.”

  Ori sighed. “Going home does sound good.”

  He stroked her hair. “It does. But please, mio caro, don’t push yourself.”

  “I won’t. Say, is Seth okay? He called me earlier and kept apologizing for leaving me alone that time. Jeez, he only went for some water. It wasn’t his fault.”

  Maceo nodded. “He feels guilty. I’ve tried to persuade him otherwise, but he’s very fond of you. Which reminds me, two things. One, Shiloh says unless she sees you before she and Benoit go back to Paris, she’ll beat my sorry ass’—her words.” They both laughed.

  “I want to see her.”

  “No problem. And the other thing.” His smile faded. “Alex is going back to America.”


  Their gazes locked. “He won’t come near you again,” Maceo said softly, and Ori nodded.

  “I know. He hasn’t tried. How’s Netta?”

  “Going with him, I think.”

  “Good. Good, she should—maybe she can help him sort his head out.”

  Maceo gave a disgusted snort. “I don’t give a fuck what that figlia di puttana does as long as he never comes near you again.”

  Ori felt unhappy. “We don’t know for sure that he’s the killer, Maceo.”

  Maceo said nothing. He stood and sat on the edge of the bed, carefully not to jostle her too much. Ori ran her hand along his muscled thigh. “I miss you,” she said. “I know that doesn’t make sense. I mean, I miss being physically close to you.”


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