Book Read Free


Page 8

by Jacklyn Scott Rogers

  My baby needed her nap time.

  Chapter 13

  Unknown POV

  I had been out on another errand for Dasha for the last couple of days gathering a few more recruits for her makeshift army. As I made my way back through the dim gloomy corridors, I caught a scent. It wasn’t strong and it was mixed with blood. Her blood.

  My instincts led me in front of the closed-door where her scent was overwhelming my senses. The tiny hairs on the back of my neck stood on end as I felt my rage begin to surface. It was the twat’s room. I was able to discern that Samantha was not in his room, but the strong odor of her blood was lingering behind the closed door none the less which was cause for concern.

  As if on cue, he must have felt my presence and his door was pulled open. He stood there holding onto the door, as a sickeningly smug smirk slithered across his lips.

  “Oh, it’s you.”

  “Who else would it be?”

  “I sent for one of the newbs to service me. Thought it was one of them.”

  “Well, clearly that is not the case.”

  “Clearly.” He rolled his eyes in annoyance.

  My eyes glared at him. Despite the fact that he recently took a shower, Samantha’s scent was all over him. I played off my obliviousness as I allowed my eyes to quickly scan his small room. My sight immediately fell upon a small towel laying on his bed which looked to have deep brownish-red stains saturated into it.

  Her blood.

  “Is there something you need?”

  I snapped my attention back to the idiot in front of me maintaining my unruffled façade. “You could say that.”

  “Look man, I don’t have time to dick around with you and your mystery visit. So spill or fucking leave. As I said, I’ve got company coming.”

  This imbecile had no idea about the predator he was provoking to rise to the surface. But sadly, I needed to confirm my suspicions before I handled him.

  “Right. Well, if you must know, it seems that Dasha was rather irritable about one of those blasted vials that contained the manipulation concoction. You understand how one of those in the wrong hands could be revered as a potential threat to her as it could be used against her. She keeps quite a close eye on her weapons. She mentioned that you had been given one as a failsafe when you went out on your reconnaissance trips. She has since realized that you had not been provided the proper instructions on how this weapon should be used which could cause potential issues if used inappropriately. Dasha advised me that she would like it returned to her and has charged me with retrieving it from you.”

  A brief look of alarm flashed in his eyes before he responded.


  “Uh…hmm… well you see, um…I dropped the vial when I was spying on the mutt’s pack lands. One of his guards almost got wind of me so I dashed without paying attention to it in my pocket and it … uh … shattered.”

  “Pardon me. Did you just say that you broke it?”

  The cheeky bastard was lying. It was all I could do to contain myself and not divulge that I had just bullshitted him into admitting he had taken one of Dasha’s vials. This factor only solidified my assumptions, he has used the potion to overpower Samantha.

  “Yeah. I fucking broke it. Sue me. I wasn’t too concerned with that shit. I was more worried about getting myself not caught. I’m sure even her bitchiness would accept that.”

  “I see. Well then, I shall relay your explanation to her straight away. I must say at least you hadn’t used the vial. Otherwise, that could have created quite a … disruption.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Oh how silly of me. You didn’t know…of course not, forgive me. This was something I had discussed with Dasha. It is about the side effects that I had incurred when I used the potion on Samantha. “

  “Side effects?”

  “Yes. Apparently, when I accidentally came in contact with her blood, I was inadvertently infected with, shall we say, a certain malady which made it rather difficult for me to perform for several days.”


  “Impotence you fool. I wasn’t able to perform.”

  “And that was because of the potion?”

  “Yes. But luckily for me, I had only come in contact with a small amount since it only requires a few drops to ensure the desired submissive effects of the mind control. Dasha provided me with an antidote which cleared up the issue straight away, so I feel right as rain.”

  “So, wait, how do you know it was because of that potion? Maybe it’s just you having a defective little dick.”

  I laughed. Clearly, he was grasping at straws from my little ruse.

  “I assure you. My libido has never been in question. It was the potion. Dasha’s remedy instantly returned me to my natural vigorous nature. I must say, you should feel lucky you were not exposed to the vial you dropped. One can only imagine the effects that an entire contents worth would have.”

  “Yeah…. lucky me. So, um, Dasha has the antidote you say … for you know in case something happens in the future?”

  “No, no. She made up a batch for me at my request. Should that horrid situation arise, goddess forbid, I would have to ask her to formulate me another dosage.”


  “Well, I’m sure I’ve wasted enough of your time. I must inform Dasha about the broken vial of potion in hopes of ending her paranoia infused tirade.”

  “Actually- “


  “You know, it was my fuck up. Why don’t I just go and tell her myself? No use in you taking the heat for my mistake.”

  “Are you certain?”

  “Yeah, for sure. I’ll just go right now and get it over with.”

  “Well if you insist. Then I shall take my leave and retire to my room for the night.”

  “Yep see ya.”


  Justin’s POV



  Dammit, Dammit, DAMMIT!

  I can’t fucking believe I gotta go see the bitch boss with some sorry excuse for why I need her to make me an antidote for her stupid potion. I’ll be damned if I can’t get my dick wet when I want to. I’ll just tell her I broke it and cut myself trying to clear it up. That’s a good lie, she’s dumb enough to believe it. Sure, she’ll probably have her little bitch fit, but she’ll get over it. Hell, I’ll even sweeten the deal by giving her a little pickle tickle as a test drive to make sure my shit’s working right.

  I gave a brief knock on Dasha’s door before I let myself in and to my surprise, not one, but two people glared at me. One of which was holding the fucking towel I brought back from Sammie’s place.

  “Dasha- “

  “Close the door, Justin, it seems you’ve been a busy little bee. Why don’t we start with you explaining why the fuck you have this towel in your room covered with that bitch’s blood?”

  “It’s not what it looks like D … I found it and took it that’s all.”

  I glared at Mr. Creeper, who I know was responsible for taking that from my room.

  “You found it?” She arched her brow as if she weren’t buying it.

  “Yep. It was on her lawn and I grabbed it you know just as an impulse.”

  “Interesting. But if that’s the case then why don’t you explain to me why your semen is mixed in with her blood?”


  “Okay see that’s … um … OK you caught me. To be honest, I rubbed one off and used it to clean up the mess.”


  “Yep, heh heh crazy right?”

  “Hmmm…you know being as you’re such a sick asshole, I almost would have believed you. But see, there’s a little problem with that explanation.”

  “I’m not sure what that could be- “

  “Well then, allow me to elaborate. NOT only was your semen mixed with her blood but also her own scent, if you know what I mean, along with trace elements of the mind contr
ol potion that I created.”


  “I-I-I don’t know how that could be Dasha really …”

  “ENOUGH! You are lying to me, Justin. I suggest you spill the truth now because I have to make sure you didn’t just reveal to that skank that this potion exists. Now …. What. Did. You. DO!”

  I sighed. I knew she had me by the balls. Hopefully, if I fess up, she’ll calm her ass down at least long enough for me to bail if I need to.

  I told Dasha and creeper the whole story, of course, I left a few details out since that was mine and Sam’s business only. After I explained what happened, I looked at Dasha for some kind of response. She stood there completely stone-faced. I had no idea what she could be thinking. I shifted where I stood as I cleared my throat breaking the thick tension that seemed to be permeating in the air. Then Dasha did the unthinkable. She smiled and began laughing. Not just laughing mind you, but literally busting up and holding her stomach from laughing so hard. I relaxed my posture and took her queue chuckling along.

  Guess I was worried for nothing.

  I was totally wrong.

  “Bye-Bye Justin.”


  Without warning, Dasha’s face transformed into a harsh sneer and I was instantly struck over the head and before I knew it, the darkness consumed me.

  Chapter 14

  Devon’s POV

  I’ve been spending the last few days at Sammie’s. To say she’s in bad shape is an understatement. She’s barely eating and has been held up in her room most of the time. She won’t tell me everything that happened, but I know it’s bad. Really bad. She’s closed off and it’s killing me. I want to be there and help but I don’t exactly know how I can. I can’t even fathom a fleck of the enormous pain she must be going through. Slade and I are aching to know how we can lessen the pain she is succumbing to. If only she would be willing to let us help.

  I have had Michael and Aiden scouring every lead to track down the sick fuck that hurt her and so far, all we’ve come up with is a dead-end at every turn. I know Dasha’s magic must be keeping him hidden, but I’m very persistent. Sooner or later he will be found.

  Shay and Astrid came back from their trip and spent the entire day with her. She seemed to be a little more responsive, which I am grateful for.

  I was thinking about going for a run when I ran into Shay and Astrid in the kitchen.

  “Hey, Dev.”


  “How are you holding up buddy?”

  “Trying … how’s Sammie doing?”

  “Same. She’s barely talking Dev. I think she’s blaming herself.”

  “What … why? There’s no way in hell this is her fault!”

  “We know that. We think she has this idea that because she is supposed to be some badass vampire, that she should have been able to stop what happened.”

  I sighed and ran my fingers through my disheveled hair. “She was fucking drugged and incapacitated! Not to mention that her attacker is definitely a supe Shay! How the hell could she have stopped this?”

  “I don’t know Dev. None of us do. What Justin did, it broke her, and we don’t know what to do.” She shook her head trying to hold back her own tears.

  “Yeah well, neither do I. All I want to do is take her in my fucking arms and hold her till she feels safe again.”

  “We know but it’s not that simple. Maybe- “

  “What?” I interjected.

  Astrid and Shay looked at each other solemnly before Shay continued. “We may have a way to help Sammie, but we aren’t sure if she would go for it.”

  “Why wouldn’t she?”

  “It involves erasing her memories of what happened to her … completely.”

  “Ahh … magic… of course. Why wouldn’t it be?” I let out a humorless laugh as I rubbed my face.

  “Yeah, but we wouldn’t just do something willy nilly Dev. Astrid and I would only make sure to eliminate that memory and nothing else. We know she’s already had the whole memory issue with magic because of Dasha and Maleyna before, but this wouldn’t be like that.”

  “I don’t know girls…”

  “We get it Dev but- “

  Astrid was cut off by the loud chime of the doorbell.

  I ran over to see who it could be and to say I was shocked would be the understatement of the year.

  Shay and Astrid reached the doorway and gasped when they caught a glimpse of what, or rather who lay battered and bound on the doorstep.


  Before we could react, we heard the shrill scream of Sammie behind us. Apparently, she came downstairs at the sound of the doorbell without any of us realizing it.

  Well Shit.


  3rd Person POV

  Sammie’s eyes focused only on her attacker as she began trembling in fear. Immediately Astrid and Shay took her in their embrace averting her eyes from Justin; holding her in hopes of soothing their panicked friend.

  “Dev - Sammie’s freaking out you need to get him the hell out of here!” Shay yelled.

  “Yeah, I was planning on it. But he’s still alive and I want him someplace secure until Michael and I can take him to the pack dungeons for questioning.”

  “There’s actually a secure room where you can take him for now. There’s a hidden room attached to the library.”

  “Well, how do I get to it?”

  “Go to the first bookshelf on the left and pull out the Don Quixote book. There is a switch hidden behind it. That will open up the entrance which leads to Jareth’s old interrogation room.”

  I arched my eyebrow “Interrogation room?”

  “Dude seriously, not the time to question a vampire having an interrogation room. It’s not like werewolves don’t have the same thing only you guys call them cells. Just get that piece of shit away from Sammie’s field of vision.” Astrid retorted.

  “Fine. I’ll be back in a few. You guys take Sammie back to her room and I’ll bring her up a couple of blood packs after he’s securely detained.”

  Shay and Astrid gave a brief nod before they, along with Sammie, were instantly transported back into Sammie’s room.

  Devon heard a weak groan coming from Justin’s gagged mouth as he stirred. Quickly, Devon yanked Justin inside Sammie’s home and shut the front door. Not wanting to allow Justin to wake up until he was securely imprisoned, he lifted his foot and kicked the side of Justin’s head once again rendering him unconscious.

  He then carried Justin’s bulky body inside Jareth’s interrogation room. Upon further inspection the room contained a small silver barred cell with a small cot in it, a table that had several torturous objects useable against many types of supernaturals, and in the center of the small room was a metal chair bolted to the floor which had silver wrist, ankle and neck restraints.

  Devon slipped on the black leather gloves resting on the table and securely bound Justin’s unconscious body into the metal chair. Just before he left his incarcerated prey, Devon made sure to strike a hard blow to Justin’s nose. The loud sickening crack brought a satisfied smirk to Devon’s lips. Once he brought Sammie something to eat and got her settled in safely, he planned on continuing his conversation from earlier with Shay and Astrid. Maybe the possibility of them helping Sammie heal wasn’t completely out of the question after all.


  Sammie’s POV

  I lay huddled in my bed; broken, trembling, and scared.

  Why is he here?

  Why is he here?

  Is this some sort of sick joke?

  I said I was strong but I’m not.

  Not strong enough for this.

  Not strong enough to face him. He … did things … bad things, that should never be done to anyone … EVER!

  Painful images once again reared their torturous visage within my fragile mind; replaying like a cruel continuous loop my psyche was unable to stop.
My skull pounded with a fiery intensity.

  I brought my shaking hands up to my head clasping each side as if my life depended on it and rocked silently back and forth on the bed trying not to alert anyone of my distress. I didn’t want any more pity. I could see it in their eyes and it only made me feel weaker than I already was.

  I just wanted to make it all stop.

  I just wanted to make the pain go away.

  I just wanted to make Justin go away … forever.

  I can help you.


  I said I can help you, Sammie.

  My reddened, puffy, tear-stained eyes scanned cautiously around my bedroom and even with my extraordinarily keen eyesight saw that no one was here.

  “Where are you?” I whispered.


  “I don’t see anyone here.”

  But I am.

  I looked around and still no one. A creeping chill made its way up my neck when realization dawned on me, the voice, sounded oddly familiar. Actually, very familiar.

  “Who are you?”

  A sinister laugh echoed throughout my room.

  I am you.

  “I’ve gone mad, haven’t I?”

  Oh, Sammie, we all have a little madness in us but no, you aren’t as crazy as you are thinking at the moment. I really do exist and am merely here because you called for me.

  “I don’t remember calling for you.”

  Well, I suppose you wouldn’t per se. It wasn’t really your words, but rather your desires that brought me to you.

  “My desires?”

  Yes, the things that you want to be done but know you cannot accomplish on your own. I am here to do what you cannot.

  “I still don’t understand what the hell is going on. How are you me and how are you going to do what I want to be done?”

  A sigh.

  This is really something Jareth should have explained to you, but I see your sire left out pertinent pieces of information while he was playing house –

  “Don’t you dare insult Jareth!”

  Relax Sammie, it was just a statement.


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