by Jacklyn Scott Rogers

  “I don’t care. Me or not - do not bad mouth Jareth.” I whimpered.

  Fine… As I was saying. As weird as it sounds, vampires and weres are a lot alike, in the sense that we have two halves to make up our whole, a duality if you will. Granted vampires are vampy 24/7 but we still have two sides to our own coin. You are my humanity, and I am your truest uninhibited nature.

  I shivered when she, me, whatever it was, said those words. Goddess this was so confusing. I truly felt that if I was sitting here talking to myself, I really had to be mad as a hatter.

  How many times do I have to tell you Sammie, you are NOT crazy!

  “How did you know what I was thinking?”

  Really? I Am a Part of you - remember?

  I shrugged my shoulders and shut my eyes. This was becoming too much to soak in.

  “Whatever. Me or not just go away. You can’t help me. No one can.”

  That is where you are wrong Sammie. I can help you. Help us. In ways you never even imagined. All you have to do is give me control.

  “If I give you control where does that leave me?”

  An innocent bystander. I will do what needs to be done. I will do what you know you cannot because you are too afraid. I have no fear, no humanity, no conscience. I will be your wrath. Let me punish Justin.

  “I don’t think I can do that.”

  I tell you what. I will make a deal with you. How about we pay a little visit to lover boy and if you think that you can take care of him on your own then I will concede. But, if at any time you need me to take over, all you have to do is relinquish control and I will take over. What do ya say, Sammie … do we have a deal?

  “Yeah … I guess so.”

  After I overheard Shay tell Dev to take Justin into Jareth’s old interrogation room before, I already knew what I was planning to do. I heard Dev inform them that he had wanted to talk to them privately after he checked on things at his pack. I waited until I was able to confirm that Devon was no longer around, and it sounded like Mike and Aiden weren’t around either. I hadn’t heard Shay or Astrid for a while, so I knew now was the time to make my move.

  Ever so silently I rushed out of my room and made my way downstairs into the interrogation room where Justin was found bound to a metal chair.

  Perfect this makes it easier for me I thought to myself.

  Justin stirred in his seat; a menacing growl escaped his gagged mouth as he realized I had entered the room. Despite my trepidations, I tried to maintain a calm demeanor as I tightened my fists and knelt down. With my jaw clenched I glared into his bloodshot eyes and whispered next to his ear.

  “Hello, lover … miss me?”

  Chapter 15

  Sammie’s POV

  “Hello, lover … miss me?”

  I made my way over to the wooden table adorned with various objects used for torture. A smile crept across my lips as I slowly ran my fingertips along each and every item. I turned my back to Justin. My hands were trembling, but I refused to let him see that. I would not give him the pleasure of knowing how much his presence terrified me. He took enough. Now it was my turn. Every once in a while, I would rest my hand on an item and grin as I looked over at Justin while his eyes began to showcase the fear that was seeping through his angry facade.

  I put on a pair of leather gloves and slipped on a three-pronged Kakute ring on each of my thumbs and index fingers. I left the spikes out to serve as knuckledusters (the brass knuckle effect).

  I scanned the weapons on the table once more and found my weapon of choice.

  I let my hands tighten their grip around a black wooden pole the size of a hammer that had two silver chains attached. At the end of each chain were five razor-sharp talons thus earning the weapon its name, the silver claw.

  I chuckled as I walked over to Justin. His eyes grew wide when he noticed the weapon I was holding.

  I removed his gag. I wanted to hear him screaming for me with as much fervor as I was when he assaulted me.

  Immediately he tried to assert his anger towards me which only made me laugh harder.

  “You fucking BITCH! Let me go!”

  My response to Justin’s outrage was a backhand across his face. The sharp silver prongs tore through his cheek making blood begin to trickle freely.

  “Is that all you got?” He hissed.

  Another backhand across his other cheek causing three more deep, fleshy gashes to form was my response.

  Justin laughed and spat blood from his mouth onto the floor at my feet.

  “You know, I knew you were soft baby. No matter what, you can’t hurt me, Sammie. You know it. I fucked you and you loved it!”

  I clenched my jaw and swung the silver claw at Justin’s chest.

  “Fuck you, Justin!” I screamed as ten razor-sharp blades sliced through his bare flesh in their wake.

  “AAARRRRGGHHH! I’m so gonna kill you bitch just you wait!”

  Several more swings of the silver claw. This time across his back; resulting in multiple deep bloody gashes as the hooks tore through his muscle without mercy. Corpulent bloody tissue flailed all over the room like rain splattering everything in its wake. There were small reddish-pink bits that had attached themselves onto the talon's blades when they were retracted. His back was so tattered that it bore a strong semblance to ground beef; the outer layers of skin were barely visible as most of his back had been ripped to shreds by the weapon’s harsh claws.

  “AAAARRRRGGHHH!” Justin’s screams resonated throughout the tiny room.

  I gripped his hair tightly yanking his head back as I glared at him.

  “What’s the matter, baby? Does it hurt? I’m only trying to make you feel good baby. Isn’t that what you told me you sick sadistic son of a bitch!?”

  He just laughed at me and sneered.

  I backhanded his temple once again, creating new scratches across his bloodied face.

  “I am so gonna love making you suffer when I get out of here bitch! You can’t keep me here for long.” He threatened through clenched bloodied teeth.

  “We’ll see about that.” I spat back.

  I laughed and walked back over to the table looking for a new toy. I removed my rings and gloves deciding to relish in feeling the weapons with my own bare hands. It seemed more personal this way.

  My eyes eagerly settled upon a silver serrated blade. It was a decent size I knew I’d enjoy putting it to good use.

  I sauntered over to Justin and knelt in front of him, setting the blade on the cold cement ground next to me. I smiled, licking my lips as I ran my hands along the muscles of his upper thighs. Slowly, I ran the tips of my fingers across the waistline of his jeans, causing Justin to let out a small moan. I stopped and glared at him.

  Despite everything, the sick bastard was getting aroused. Ridiculous. This man has no shame.

  Some of the wounds I had inflicted were slowly starting to heal. No surprise, he is a vampire like me. But I knew despite that, there were some things his body wouldn’t be able to repair. I allowed my blood-stained fingers to tug at the leather belt around his waist and with one swift motion sent his belt flying across the room.

  He looked at me inquisitively. I ignored him as I slowly unbuttoned his tight jeans and slid the zipper down, allowing his boxers to peek through the open flaps of his denim jeans. He licked his lips in anticipation.

  “See. I always knew you were a little slut, Sammie. You can pretend all you want but we both know you liked it when I handled you roughly didn’t you?”

  “Is that what you think Justin? That I enjoyed you violating me when I was unconscious … that I enjoyed you drugging me and beating me … you think I enjoyed what you did to me?”

  A sinister chuckle escaped his lips.

  “I know you did. Look, baby, I know you were a little upset. I admit I was a tad too rough and I apologize. But you got your little tantrum out of your system. Now I am willing to let it slide if you stop this nonsense and let me go like a good little girl- “
r />   “NO! This isn’t some tantrum Justin. This is payback for what you did to me and I’m going to make sure you don’t have the chance to do this again.”

  “Sure you are baby. We both know this is as far as you’ll take your little game. You won’t kill me, and we both know it. I will get out of here. And once I do, I am going to enjoy making your sweet little ass pay for this over and over and over again. I plan on making you my own personal little whore!”

  “You’re pathetic you know that?”

  “Am I? Why because you don’t want to admit that you’re a slut who cheated not once but twice on her little dog of a mate? And what … now you want to scream rape because you got caught. Please bitch. At least I was willing to keep you unlike someone else who just fucked you then tossed you aside like yesterday’s trash-”

  “What did you say?”

  “Oh come on Sammie don’t act like you didn’t know.”

  “Know what Justin?”

  Justin’s eye’s widened as if he had a sudden epiphany and he immediately burst into a fit of laughter. “Oh, shit baby, you really didn’t know, did you? Wow! That’s even more pathetic. Guess someone’s not as perfect as they pretend to be.”

  “What the fuck are you babbling about Justin?”

  “Your Mr. Perfect baby. He did the same thing to you that I did. Only he didn’t leave a mark.”


  “Yep your creeper little vampire, he’s still alive. As a matter of fact, he’s staying with Dasha and me. Where do you think we got that lovely potion from Sammie? Dasha made it so that we could make you our bitch. Looks like it worked. Shit, your little Mr. perfect paid a visit to you just like I did not too long ago and was bragging about how many times he made you cum for him. So, tell me, who’s the fucking whore now Sammie?”

  Jareth is … alive?

  That can’t be right.

  Jareth wouldn’t do that to me

  Jareth wouldn’t








  I dropped whatever had been clutched in my hand as the room around me began to sway back and forth all around me.

  I can’t do this … Please .. help me.

  Let me take over Sammie

  OK …

  It was as if a switch suddenly was flipped inside us. All the pain, the anguish, the humiliation, and the fear suddenly plagued our inner recesses until any trace of our humanity had dissipated into the deepest darkest depths of our soul never to be seen again. We could feel every emotion Sammie had ever felt quickly drain from our body until there was nothing. We felt nothing but pure unadulterated rage and our sights locked in onto their first target.


  My irises became a pool of black obsidian and my incisors elongated, exposing my sharp deadly fangs. I was no longer Sammie. Only the true nature of the deadly predator that she was born to be, remained.

  Without warning, I picked up the silver blade, grabbed his manhood, and in one swift motion, Justin became a eunuch.

  I discarded his severed member onto the blood sodden ground. Justin’s tortured screams reverberated within the tiny room. I lunged forward and straddled him, piercing his neck with my sharp fangs, bleeding him dry like a ravenous animal, void of any emotion other than hunger. My claws shredding every inch of the sinewy tissue that covered his now bloodied form. Globs of pink and red meaty flesh were strewn across the floor as my nails continued to burrow their way through flesh, bone, muscle, and tendon. Entrails lay askew from the gaping hole my claws had managed to excavate all the way through Justin’s abdomen.

  Suddenly the door to the interrogation room was thrust open. I could hear the loud gasps of the ones called Devon, Michael and Aiden intertwined with Justin’s blood-curdling cries.

  “Sammie STOP!” Devon screamed.

  But it was too late.

  I turned my head to face them, slowly licked the blood from my lips, and just smiled at them.

  I didn’t care. I wasn’t about to stop making Justin pay for what he did to us and if they tried to stop me, then I would make them suffer too.

  Chapter 16

  Devon’s POV

  “Sammie STOP!” I screamed but it was too late. I could tell she was too far gone. Sammie glanced up at me once and the look on her face reflected a fierce and feral vampire. A killer. Her eyes were like two black dead pools devoid of any emotion other than rage and that damn creepy smile that crept across her blood-drenched lips. The person in front of me bore no resemblance to my beloved mate. This was the creature that nightmares were made of.

  I wanted to stop her, but I knew I didn’t stand a chance. She was too unpredictable at the moment and I wasn’t about to risk anyone getting hurt. I mind linked Aiden, so as not to alert Sammie, and ordered him to get the girls and inform them of what was going on. We needed them to help diffuse the situation if that was even possible.

  Luckily, Sammie paid no mind to Aiden slipping away, as she continued to bare her fangs into Justin’s jugular. His gurgling cries and the animalistic wet slurping sounds of her feeding on him echoed around us. It was all I could do to not lose my lunch. I glanced over at Michael and he seemed to be just as sickened as I was.

  I clenched my fists at my side feeling powerless as I waited for Shay and Astrid’s arrival. Goddess I only hoped they got here soon.


  3rd Person POV

  When Shay and Astrid appeared in the interrogation room with Aiden they were overcome with anguish at the gruesome sight before them. Astrid immediately clutched Aiden’s arm in fear.

  Sammie suddenly stopped feeding on Justin as her senses picked up on the scent of the newcomers. A hungry sneer spread across her blood coated lips as she tilted her head at an awkward angle. She sniffed the air and licked her lips as a slow string of bloody drool emitted from her gaping mouth.

  A ferocious growl emerged from her lips as she lifted herself off of Justin’s lap and began slowly stepping away from his insentient body. Her black lifeless eyes focused on Shay and Astrid. Her body tensed as she prepared to strike. In an instant Devon, Michael and Aiden charged at Sammie attempting to thwart her efforts while Astrid and Shay joined hands and began chanting in their ancient dialect. Trying to fend off Sammie, Michael and Aiden were flung across the room leaving Devon to try and restrain her erratic outburst. A bright ball of light burst from Shay and Astrid’s clasped hands and struck Sammie, instantly sending her sprawling onto the floor rendering her unconscious. Devon ran over to Sammie and made sure she was still breathing. Despite his trust in Astrid and Shay’s capabilities, he still felt panged about her being knocked out. His wolf, Slade, was pacing back and forth in his mind trying not to come forward and attack the witches for harming his mate.

  “Oooookkkkay - so what the Fuck just happened?” Shay yelled accusingly at Devon, Michael, and Aiden.

  “I have no idea, Shay. I literally just came back from getting Michael and Aiden to see this shit.” Devon waved his hand around the room at the grisly mess that surrounded them.

  “What the hell Dev?! I thought she was asleep!”

  “Yeah so did I. Why else would I have left to go get the guys?”

  “Well, what made you guys come back in here anyway?”

  “I brought the guys with me to question Justin … and a few other things.” Devon trailed off.

  “Like what?”

  “What do you think? I was going to kill him, Shay!. He hurt Sammie and I was going to make that asshole pay for what he did!”

  “Apparently you weren’t the only one who had that idea.”

  “Yeah, thanks Captain obvious.”

  “Just saying Dev. No need to be an ass.”

  “Whatever. That still doesn’t solve the issue we have now. What the hell happened with Sammie and how are we supposed to fix this?” Devon motioned to the blood-spattere
d room and its inhabitants, Justin, and Sammie.

  “Well, first we make sure that Justin is dead. Although, after seeing this hot mess, I doubt he’s still alive. But we still need to make sure. I doubt we’ll be able to get any help from him anyway regarding Dasha. Secondly, Astrid and I will work on preparing the ingredients for Sammie – “

  “What do you mean for Sammie? What are you planning?”

  “Dev, you saw the same thing we did. She’s broken, like really broken. I don’t even know if Sammie’s in there anymore. It’s obvious her humanity has been flipped off and she’s beyond reasoning with.”

  “So what the hell are you planning on doing to her?”

  “Nothing bad, I swear Dev. Astrid and I were working on a spell before Aiden came and brought us here. We’re just going to have to get a few more ingredients to amplify its effects. She’s so far gone right now that we need to completely erase everything regarding her encounters with Justin from her memories. It will be as if this whole nightmare never occurred for her. Hopefully, this will allow her humanity to return.”

  “So kind of like pressing the reset button I take it?”


  “Well, then how long till you get everything ready?”

  “Give us a few hours”

  “What about Sammie?”

  “Sorry, Dev but she’s way too dangerous buddy. You’re going to have to lock her in the cell until we get back.”

  A low growl emerged from Devon’s chest as he tried to contain his frustration.” Fine, but make it quick. Aid, you Mike and I will clean up this mess while we wait.”

  “Aye Aye Captain!” Aiden and Michael offered a small salute and made their way over to Shay and Astrid, giving their mates a chaste kiss before the two women vanished into thin air. Devon carefully picked up Sammie’s blood sopping form, lay her gently on the cot inside the small 6X9 cell, and quietly shut the gate locking her securely inside.

  “Sorry baby,” Devon sadly muttered as he exited the interrogation room in search of cleaning supplies.


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