by Jacklyn Scott Rogers

  “Hey Dev…” Michael called out.

  “What!” Devon shouted.

  “Where’re you going?”

  “Where the fuck do you think? I’m getting the cleaning shit to clean up this mess.”

  “Well … what about- “


  “What about h-him?”

  “Check to see if he’s still alive.”

  “And if he is?”

  “Kill the piece of shit.”

  “Then what?”

  “Then nothing. Make sure he’s dead. We’ll burn the body when I get back.”


  Despite knowing he needed to gather the cleaning supplies, Devon’s wolf Slade was restless. Knowing that their mate was not only violated in the worst conceivable way but now she was also unhinged possibly beyond repair. Her only hope lay in the hands of Shay and Astrid. That is, of course, unless Sammie’s humanity is completely lost then that would only leave one alternative; to kill his beloved mate. This was something that neither Devon nor Slade wanted to even think about.


  What Devon needed now was to let Slade take over and to run.

  As Devon ran across the deep green trails of the outer lying forestry surrounding his and Sammie’s lands, the bone-chilling sounds that were elicited from the interrogation room earlier had crept their way back into his consciousness. Every noise replaying itself mercilessly. Not even the warm breeze that carried the calming scent of fresh rain or the chittering of the little forest creatures could soothe them. Slade growled as he sensed Devon’s unease.

  Our mate did what was necessary Devon.

  “I know.”

  Had we been there first we would have unleashed all kinds of torture on the vermin for harming our mate.

  “I know.”

  Then do not fear what she became. She will return to you. To us. I know it. She will be fine with time.

  “I hope so Slade. I really do.”

  Devon blocked his wolf’s mind link and continued to run. He didn’t want Slade to see, that despite his wolf’s trust in Sammie’s recovery, Devon still held many doubts about what was yet to come. He was glad that this was one of those times where he was able to keep these thoughts from Slade. Normally wolves and their human counterparts weren’t able to fully conceal their thoughts. But Devon and Slade were a very rare type of wolf. They were versipellem puri nocte, otherwise known as the pureblood midnight wolf, direct descendants of Selene, the Moon Goddess’s one and only true mate. Her first mate had died by sacrificing himself for his family after their first and only child had been born; thus the rarity of the bloodline. Devon’s bloodline was so rare in fact, that very few Were aware of their existence. Most people wouldn’t even recognize a puri nocte if they encountered one; not unless they happened to actually pay attention. To the naked eye, they appear to be black in color. But in actuality, they are in fact blue. The color of the midnight sky to be more precise; thus how they acquired their name. Due to being highly distinguishable, people always doted on the infamous white wolves as being chosen amongst the moon goddesses’ children. Though they were indeed endowed with rare abilities and strength, the white wolves were still held to certain laws amongst their kind. The puri nocte were not. In fact, while most Alpha’s required their mates in order to lead, the versipellem puri nocte could survive without one. A mate was a welcome companion and partner, but it was not a necessity. This was why Devon did not feel the need to push Sammie into completing their mating ceremony. He wanted her by his side, but he understood her cautiousness with her being a vampire and its effects on his pack. He realized now this had been a mistake on his part. Had he marked her, their mate bond would have alerted Devon that Sammie was in danger and he would have been able to protect her from that piece of shit rapist. Instead, he didn’t, and she was left helpless and violated in ways that no one should have been subjected to. To make matters worse, his Sammie was broken.

  Devon continued to run, his fur blowing freely in the wind as Slade lets out a lone tear that slowly trickles down his muzzle and flutters into the breeze.

  While most had no awareness of Devon’s rare, formidable wolf, one knew all too well of its presence and what his power would bring to her army. She stood silently watching in the shadows as the magnificent wolf ran past her cloaked presence without so much as a second glance.

  Soon, Devon, she thought … very soon.

  Chapter 17

  3rd Person POV

  Michael and Aiden began clearing the bloody mess that littered the interrogation room. Ironically, Justin was still alive but barely. It was clear he was suffering greatly. Despite what he had done to Sammie, Michael felt a twinge of pity for the crumpled bloodied mess that was slumped on the floor. With a deep sigh, Michael did the only thing he could do. He put Justin out of his misery.

  “At least it was quick man.”

  Michael looked over at Aiden who had been watching the whole scene unfold.

  “Yeah, but it still sucked ass.”

  “Yeah, I know bro. But it was better than the alternative.”

  ‘I know, but still, just look at this mess. I mean damn. Remind me to never piss off Sammie .. shit.”


  Aiden’s eyes scanned the blood-spattered room. His eyes widened when he seemed to have spotted something in the back corner of the room. He briskly walked over, knelt down, and picked up the object of his fascination. Michael noticed a smirk creep across Aiden’s thin lips as he stood back up and approached him, looking rather smug, with the mystery object clasped in his muscular hand.



  “Is this what I think it is?”

  Aiden lifted up a rather shriveled cylindrical fleshy object that appeared to be a few inches in size.

  “Um … are you kidding me right now?”

  “Nope,” Aiden responded making sure to emphasize the P.

  “OK Aid, let’s just say that is what you think is it is … one - why the hell are you even touching it, and two - why do you care?”

  “Oh, my Goddess Mike! Sometimes you are such a bitch, I swear. Obviously, I’m holding it because hellooo how else would I be able to see what the hell it was. And honestly, I don’t care. I just feel sorry for the man. I mean if that’s what he’s working with, no wonder his fiancé left him. I mean she was in the adult entertainment industry - am I right? There’s like no way this could have satisfied like anything. I mean, to be honest, this is just small - am I right? I’d be so embarrassed if this were me. Maybe he had a complex. Do you think he had to use other things to make him seem like he had more than he did? If so what do you think he used?”

  Michael rolled his eyes at Aiden’s ramblings.

  “Wow. Just, wow. How would you even know if that would even satisfy any … you know what no, never mind, I am not falling for your trap Aiden. Nope. Not gonna do it. Every time you get all ADD on something, you suck us all in like some crazy Jedi mind trick Then next thing you know, you’re talking about how awesome it would be to make a movie using sharks and tornados, and we all know how fantastic that turned out to be!”

  “Hey - Ian and Tara don’t seem to mind one bit.”

  Michael sighed and shook his head muttering something about being surrounded by the Sharknado of idiots.

  After the brief interaction, the two continued to clear the scattered remains of Justin and his corpse.


  Upon Devon’s return, Aiden dug a large fire pit in the backyard where everything was taken to be burned. Once everything had been placed atop a large pile of kindling and kerosene, Michael set the mass aflame. As the three men stood back staring at the bright orange dancing flames, no one dared to utter a sound. All the while the foul stench of burning flesh permeated the air within the black smoke that crept along with the gentle breeze.

  “Dude that’s rank. Time to go in.” Aiden choked out.
r />   “Yeah, I was just thinking that.”

  “You two go in. I’ll stay for a bit longer and make sure that it doesn’t get out of hand.”

  “You sure Dev?”

  “Yeah. Besides, you did enough. I’m sure your mates would agree that you both really need a shower.”

  “Pretty sure we’re not the only one. But hey, you don’t need to tell me twice D. Peace.”


  After a few more minutes, Devon realized that he was also in dire need of a shower. After sending a quick mind link to Michael and Aiden, Devon quickly shifted back into Slade and headed back towards his packhouse to shower and check on how things were going.


  Dark Sammie POV

  I lay there in silence listening to the two pups debate over that dead weasel’s pathetic appendage like a couple of morons. I let out a quiet laugh. They’re too busy entertaining themselves to hear me. I suppose I should enjoy the comic relief. After all, it won’t last long.

  I knew the tension would soon return to fill the room once again. The looks on their faces spoke volumes about their way of thinking. Every one of them was so upset about the fact that I took care of that sick piece of shit. I did what needed to be done even though none of them will ever admit it. I knew no one else had the balls to take care of the rapist. Everyone was too busy tiptoeing around Sammie like a fragile piece of glass and look what happened … she broke. She just curled up into a tiny little ball and hid in the deepest corners of her mind. Like a little scared kitten, she let me take over so that she wouldn’t have to face that bastard nor face the repercussions of the decisions that she knew I would make. And believe me, she knew what decisions I’d make.

  Such a hypocrite.

  I heard the pups talking with the witches. They all thought I wasn’t paying any attention to their conversation, but I was. Her friends and mate want to try and make Sammie forget everything and pretend that nothing ever happened to her. Such fools. They all are once again treating her like a fragile piece of glass. As if that would fix the problem. Too bad for them though. They could try every trick in the book but, as long as I’m here, those memories will never really disappear. They are a part of me as well. They are the acrimonious fuel that nurtures the fury within me which I refuse to mollify.

  I’ll just wait patiently and when no one expects it, I’ll find a way to be free again.

  I’ve tasted what it’s like to be free and I don’t want to go back into that cage her mind keeps me locked up inside of. Regrettably, I sense the power those witches seem to hold. So it looks like I will have to go back into hiding for a little while and let little Sammie out; at least long enough to placate everyone. Since they don’t know I exist, their magics will not be able to reach me in my hiding spot. I will remain there in silence as my darkness continues to flourish. When the opportune moment comes, I shall make my presence known again.

  Chapter 18

  3rd person POV

  Later in the evening, everyone reconvened in the library to discuss their next steps. Shay and Astrid announced to the others that they had conferred with their coven the circumstances regarding Sammie’s condition. The two had been advised that a possible solution may indeed be attainable. The spell in question was designed to eradicate Justin’s existence from Sammie’s mind completely. It would be as if their paths never crossed. Also, since Sammie no longer dealt with any clients within the human realm, the likelihood of any reference to her past interactions with Justin seemed rather unlikely. Despite Devon’s slight trepidations, it appeared that Shay and Astrid’s spell was the most logical choice if he wanted his mate back. Which he did wholeheartedly.

  The two women and their mates went about obtaining certain necessary objects needed for them to conduct the spell. Devon was charged with anointing the interrogation room with sacred oils and setting candles along the circumference of a consecrated circle that had been scribed with coal on the concrete flooring. Once the room had been prepared, Devon had to obtain some of Sammie’s hair from her hairbrush. He also had to procure a few of Justin’s teeth that he’d managed to salvage from the pyre that had incinerated Justin’s body. Once acquired, he placed the items on the makeshift altar that Shay had already assembled.

  Just before dawn, everybody was once again gathered together within the confines of the interrogation room. A solemn stillness permeated the room as each of them regarded each other distraughtly. While this spell was quite powerful, whether or not it worked still remained to be seen. Shay and Astrid directed Michael and Aiden to join them as they stood around the outside of the circle. Meanwhile, Devon went to retrieve Sammie from her cell. The girls had made sure to cast a sleep spell over her, in order to ensure that Sammie posed no threat while they performed their ritual; but Devon still made sure to keep her shackled as a precautionary measure.


  Sammie was placed in the center of the circle and all five participants clasped their hands. Breaking through the stillness, Shay and Astrid took a deep breath and shut their eyes only to reopen them revealing two sets of completely milky white irises. As if the two women were somehow one combined entity, they began to recite their sacred incantation.

  si vocare te de terra aquilonis custodes audi nos

  si vocare te ad orientalem custodes audi nos

  si vocare te ad meridianam custodes audi nos

  si vocare te custodes ab occidente audi nos

  Sana sororem nostram in gravibus vulneribus

  Nunc per buried memoriam sepulchris dealbatis

  Qui irrogaverit ultra

  Signatum auferet sempiternum ostium post eam mentibus

  Once the two witches had recited the initial incantation, Michael, Aiden, and Devon joined in repeating the incantation; slowly at first, until the level of their voices elevated towards a powerful crescendo echoing throughout the small dismal room. Suddenly, a powerful gust of wind billowed around the room’s inhabitants causing the candles to erratically flicker. The surging winds blew until eventually each candle, one by one, had been blown out plunging the room into complete darkness.

  “Nobody move.”

  “Are you kidding?”

  ‘No, I’m not Aiden.”

  “But I can’t see shit.”

  “News flash babe none of us can see shit.”

  “Hey … did you hear that … what is that?”


  “Yeah seriously. Why are we just standing here in the dark anyway?’


  “But- “


  “Ewww … do you smell that?” Michael choked out.

  “Yeah …what the hell is that foul smell?”

  “I don’t know but it smells like death. I thought you guys cleaned up the room.”

  “We did.”

  “Well something obviously got overlooked I mean … damn that is seriously just disgusting.”

  “Yeah but, if that were the case, then we would have smelled it the whole time. Are you sure it wasn’t something to do with your spell?”

  “Michael. Astrid and I aren’t novices. That stench isn’t from us. That ungodly odor is from something else.”

  “Well this really sucks! We’re stuck standing in the lingering bog of eternal stench until who knows when and I can’t even plug my damn nose. Lovely.”

  “Quit whining like a bitch Mikey. We’re all suffering. Not just you.”

  “Aid?” Astrid suddenly chimed in sounding wary of her uncharacteristically quiet mate. “You’re awfully quiet over there babe …are you hiding something?”

  Aiden quietly cleared his throat. “What me … No?”


  Silence. A brief giggle.

  “Aiden Jeremy Templeton are you hiding something from me?”

  “OK. OK. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. It was me. But it wasn’t my fault. I couldn’t co
ntrol myself. I plea the TB Defense!”

  “I know I’m going to kick myself for falling for it but, what the hell is the TB Defense Aiden?” Michael asked exasperated.

  “Duh … two words buddy – Taco Bell.”

  Groans filled the dark room.

  “C’mon seriously! No judgment people. You all know it’s true. I dare anyone of you to try and deny it. As a matter of fact, I know for a fact that Mikey and Dev can back me up. Am I right guys?”


  “Dev…Mikey? Are you gonna back me up? Because you both know I’m right about the dark forces behind Taco Bell burritos.”


  “Seriously guys?”



  “Whatever you ass-butts! I’d like to see any of you to eat that stuff and not get the rumblies.” Aiden shrugged.

  Laughter rang out.

  As if on cue, flames re-ignited on every candle suddenly casting a warm illuminating glow over everyone. “Alright everyone that was our sign, we can now release our hands and close the circle.


  Devon picked Sammie off the floor and gently laid her on the cot in the tiny cell so that they could clean up the area.

  Shay sauntered over to Michael and smirked looking over at Aiden “Told you it wasn’t us.”

  “I know. Sorry babe … you were right.”

  “I’m sorry what?”

  “I said you were right Shay?”

  “Oh no, no, no baby. Plain sorry just doesn’t feel quite good enough for this situation. You doubted your mate’s abilities and insinuated that Astrid and I were responsible for the chemical warfare your buddy’s ass released upon the earth. What do you think Astrid? Do you think plain little ol’ sorry cuts it?”

  Astrid giggled then shook her head no.

  Shay placed her hand on her hip and arched her eyebrow as she stared directly into Michael’s grey eyes. “Unless you plan on taking a cold shower Michael Mixon, I suggest you say the right words and maybe that will convince me to forgive you.”


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