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Trinity: Heart of the Shifters

Page 12

by Jana Leigh; Kerri Good

  Lagon leaned down and kissed her neck and she found her spot to claim him. “Ready?” He said and she nodded. They sank their teeth into each other and exploded at the same time. Trinity fell back on the bed and smiled. She finally belonged to them. She felt the connection snap into place and she sighed. The feeling was amazing.

  Blaze and Lagon rolled to the side and settled her between them. They all took the moment to catch their breath and get control of their emotions.

  Chapter 13

  Braden sat back in his chair and frowned. “Okay. So the plan is in motion?” He asked Roarke who was sitting across from him.

  “Yes, Master. Mike has challenged Quin. He is waiting to hear now what Quin's decision is. Of course, we know what he is going to say. They have moved him already to the other building so we can contact him with the burner cell.” Roarke said.

  “And the other one?” Braden said.

  “He is still inside, making sure to keep his ear to the ground. When the time comes, he is going to make sure that Jordan and Lacy are by themselves. Then when everyone is watching the challenge, we will take the girls.” Roarke said.

  “Is there any word at all on Jordan and Lacy?” He asked. Braden needed to get his feet back under him. He had never felt this uncertain before. He was always in control. It was those damn Council members. They kept showing up and becoming part of the Council without any problems. Nothing had worked like they thought it would. It all started when Jo re-appeared. Who would have thought the Alpha"s mate would be her childhood friend?

  There were so many coincidences, where were the remaining Chosen? He only had a certain amount of time to find one of them. He would have his mates, but he needed to make sure that they could not form the Council. With one of them out of the way, it would make him feel better.

  “Are we able to track their searches yet?” He asked.

  “Not yet, sir. The blast knocked out all of our tracers. We are working on hacking back in but I think we have enough to search on our own. Our men are combing the sites the New Council had set up in the first place.” Roarke said.

  Braden slammed his hand down on the desk. “We need to make sure they do not find another one. Keep them distracted. I don"t care what we have to do. Send our Enforcers up there and plan small attacks every day to keep them occupied. We need time.”

  Roarke nodded and stood up and left the room. Braden did not care if the man was pissed. He was the one in charge, all these years and plans were fading, and he was not going to allow it.

  He called and had Reggie"s mother brought into his office. She knew something more, he was sure of it. She may be a little crazy, but the woman had her hand on the pulse of the Old Council.

  “Braden, how lovely to see you.” Barbara said as she glided into the room.

  Braden looked at her and smiled. She looked at least presentable. Her hair was combed and clothes were neat. The last time he had seen her she had been in a housecoat and slippers. Maybe she was finally coming out of her depression of losing Reggie.

  “Barbara. I was wondering if you could help me with a few things?” Braden asked, got up, helped her sit in a chair, and then poured her a cup of tea.

  “Of course, Master. Whatever you need.” She replied.

  “What can you tell me of the day the Chosen were supposed to arrive at the Old Council?

  Do you remember any of the families that claimed to have a Chosen child?” Braden said smoothly and sat back down.

  “Well, let me think. You know that Oliver trusted us impeccably. He was going to name Reggie as the Alpha. I am sure of it.” She said proudly.

  Braden wanted to roll his eyes but he just nodded. Oh well, she was still wacky and out of touch with reality. Even he knew that Reggie would never have been Alpha.

  “The one I remember the most is the boy who they claimed was the Chosen born in December. You see, we had already found most of the others, I mean you can"t hide a single birth on the first day of the month. A woman claimed to have had the child while she and her husband were traveling. We were all a little wary about it, but the woman insisted. Of course, this child was supposed to be the liaison between the shifters and the Council. They were supposed to be able to organize and talk to all the other shifter.

  Oliver figured the person was going to be an excellent communicator. You know some of those shifters are grumbly and downright unfriendly. For example, look at the Eagles, they are rude. They think because they were called the national bird that they are so special. Anyway, I dismissed the claim because the child was not even a wolf.” Barbara said snidely.

  “Oh really, if he was not a wolf what was he?” Braden said curiously. This could be the break they needed. There were a lot of wolves, hell, too many. The most common of course were bears, cats, and birds. Most of the shifters fell into this category. Throw in the Witches and the Sidhe, that was most of the known magical community.

  “Well, I am not one to talk about people behind their backs or anything, but it really was disgraceful.” Barbara said. “I mean wolves are of course far superior to any of the other shifters. Why would the Gods make Reggie such a strong wolf if he was not superior?” Braden smiled encouragingly and wanted to reach out and choke her at the same time.

  She was babbling incessantly. It was driving him nuts. He only asked a simple question that required a simple answer.

  “His mother was so proud, saying the Gods would not have over looked their animal.

  Why, you ask? Because someone, somewhere down the road of history was stupid enough to call a lion the King of the Jungle. I mean, please. Who cares about the jungles?” Barbra said and Braden smiled. A lion.

  Braden thought about the cat shifters. There were many cat breeds and they tended to live together because the wolves outnumbered them and their paranoia of attack ran rampant. His mind was running. There were four major cat prides in the United States.

  Northern, which that asshole Ryan ran. He was not one of the Chosen, of that he was sure. So that left the West, East, and the South. He had no clue who was in charge of the Prides but he was going to find out and fast.

  He listened to Barbara blab and he planned. He would send people out to the Pride to see if they could find a lion. It would not be that hard. They would be very arrogant, a lion was naturally arrogant. It would be pleasure to show him what would happen when he met a wolf.

  Chapter 14

  Trinity opened one eye and then the other. She felt two heavy arms across her middle and then her eyes widened. Her mates, she was no longer a virgin, she thought and smiled. They had eaten after catching their breath and then Blaze decided that he wanted to use his whip cream from dessert for something else entirely different than it was intended. She still felt a little sticky although they had showered afterward. She moved her legs and moaned a little, she felt stiff.

  She felt Lagon stir and he leaned over and kissed her briefly and said, “I will get a bath with salts drawn, you are sore.”

  She smiled at his thoughtfulness. He was romantic and amazing. Blaze was going to be the head of the trio, she could tell the way he kinda directed things in and out of bed.

  She did not care. But she was going to start practicing her new found assertive persona.

  She wanted to be strong.

  Blaze tightened his grip on her waist and said, “What is running through that cute little head of yours?”

  “Hmm, well, first off, I am hungry; someone would not allow me to eat my full meal last night.” She teased and Blaze blushed and little.

  “I will order breakfast while you bathe, the water is almost ready.” Blaze said and kissed her on the nose and stood up. She watched his muscular ass walking across the room and she smiled. Hers.

  Lagon came back, gathered her in his arms, and carried her into the bath. She frowned and pouted. “I can walk you know.” She said.

  “I know, humor me. I want to take care of you. I know we wore you out last night. Save your energy, we may not leav
e the room today.” He said grinning.

  Trinity laughed happily and lowered her arms into the bath. Lagon had added sweet smelling salts. She had never indulged so much. She sighed and sank lower into the tub. All of her dreams were coming true. When she started the journey, she had been so scared. Now she was ready to take on the world. With her mates at her side.

  Trinity frowned a little when she thought about the challenge that Quin was going to have to face in a few weeks. She wondered if there was any chance he could be beaten.

  Then all of this would be over. She didn"t think she would be able to give this up.

  “Why are you frowning in a nice relaxing bath?” Lagon said from the doorway. She smiled when she saw he had put back on the sexy silk bottoms from last night. He looked so sexy in them. So did Blaze. She was one lucky woman.

  “Nothing, just thinking.” She replied not wanting to ruin the moment she was having with her mates.

  “No secrets.” Blaze called from the other room.

  “Fine, I was just a little worried about this whole challenge thing.” Trinity said.

  Her men nodded. “Little one, we will not let Quin fail. It is not an option. All of us are meeting later today to talk about what we are going to do. The news the Pack builder has been found has already gotten out and we have requests pouring in from all over the place. We are going to busy once we get things back to normal around here.” Blaze said.

  She smiled and then leaned back in the tub and listened as her mates talked about what needed to be done in the next few weeks. There was so much. The compound needed rebuilding and security. The list was endless. She did not know what she was going to do to help. They could not exactly go about Pack and Council business yet.

  “We have to find the rest of the Chosen.” Blaze said. “Ryan and Ariel are going to head up the team for that. Quin and Jaden asked them last night. The Enforcers and computer geeks around here have too much on their plate as it is. We have a whole host of people in the Northern Pride willing to help. Ryan was calling this morning to get volunteers to come down here. Ryan has decided that he will be setting up a Pride headquarters on the other side of town, for all the cats that come here to stay in. The leaders of the Southern, Eastern, and the Western Prides are in agreement. They are all conferencing today. Should be interesting. They have not really gotten along in the past.”

  Lagon nodded. “I will be taking over my duties as the children"s protector. But I will have enough time to help you if you need it. We need to focus on getting a new place too. I found the perfect land. If you all agree, I will work on getting our home built.” Trinity smiled and sighed, her home. She nodded and Blaze agreed. They were acting like a normal family. It was wonderful.

  “Breakfast is here.” Blaze called out.

  Trinity rose reluctantly from the tub and then smiled when she saw the silky robe they had left her. It matched their pants. She went out into the room and smiled. Her men were already sitting at the table.

  “I think we are going to have another woman"s day when Jordan gets a little better.” She said and looked down smiling. “They were talking about an internet site that sells sexy things.”

  Lagon coughed and Blaze spit out his coffee and then cleared his throat. “Sounds good.” Blaze said smoothly.

  Trinity laughed and kept her head down. She needed to keep them on their toes.


  Cami sat in-between her mates and sighed. They had been so happy a few days ago, and now they were facing yet another crisis. She was steaming mad about what Mike had done. There was no way she would ever mate with him.

  Last night her mates had been hot and bothered by her tattoo, but they were still injured. She of course took pity on them and satisfied them anyway. They promised when they were well that she was going to get the fucking of her life. She certainly hoped so.

  “What are we going to do?” She whispered.

  “Here is what we are not going to do. We are not going to be worried about this shit.

  Lacy made a potion that is helping the healing. It is slow going, but quicker than just laying here. I have people looking into Mike"s movements over the last few years. There is no way this was his idea. I loved the guy, but he was no brain child. So no panicking.

  I will win the challenge.” Quin said.

  Cami nodded, she had confidence in her mate, and she knew his strength. But just the thought of him being hurt or killed drove her nuts.

  Jaden caressed her shoulder to comfort her. “We need to find the rest of the Council.

  Once we get them here and they are safe, we can fulfill the Prophesy. But it will take at least a year because they all have to have children. That will give us the time we need to plan our coming out to the humans. That will be the final nail in the coffin for the Rogues. They will be faced with either joining in or becoming outcasts.” Cami nodded. “Ariel said she and Ryan were working on that. I like them, you know.

  For cats, they are pretty cool.”

  Quin and Jaden laughed and said, “Don"t tell them that, they are both arrogant enough.”


  “You have got to be shitting me?” Ryan said into the phone. “I sent this call out over three months ago and they are just now getting back to us? I said every cat shifter that had been born on the first of the month needed to be recorded and sent to the New Council. Argus, that asshole from the Southern Pride says that he has the list but will only bring it to me? Fine, tell him where I am. I will set up security.” Ryan closed the phone and growled at it. Ariel laughed and said, “It won"t talk back to you.”

  Ryan closed his eyes. “You know how I hate dealing with Argus. He is a bigger asshole than your father.”

  Ariel laughed. When they met, her father refused to give them permission to mate until Ryan had passed all his tests; it had taken a few months. Ryan had been frustrated and pissed.

  “Argus is not so bad. He"s just arrogant because of his animal. When you have the label

  „King of the Jungle" it tends to go to your head.” She replied.

  “Yeah, I know, but the last time we were together and had a friendly little game of football and his team won, he sent me those damn books for weeks. „How to Tackle" and

  „How to Play Defense". Prick.” Ryan complained.

  Ariel laughed and patted her mate in the cheek and said, “We had better let the Alphas know we are going to have visitors.”



  Table of Contents

  Book 9 Denver Pack


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14





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