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Page 31

by Nadine Nightingale

  Manda pales, making those black veins look even creepier. “The knocking on the wall…that was…”

  “Me.” He’s inches away from her. “Who do you think freed you from your parents’ constant fights? Who killed anyone that looked at you the wrong way? That bastard in the alley who was going to rape you? The bitch at NYU?” His lips are so close to hers, they’re almost touching. “I took care of you. What did he”—he tilts his head at me—“ever do for you, huh?”

  “Y-you freed me from my parents’ constant fights?” she stammers.

  Beelzebub grins like he won the damn lottery. “You asked me to stop them, didn’t you?”

  “No.” She shakes her head like a crazy person. “I never—”

  “In the attic,” he goes on. “Shortly before I pushed your drunk daddy down the stairs.”

  Manda gapes at the demon, unable to move or speak.

  “C’mon.” He traces her jawline. “You always suspected he didn’t just fall. I would have killed Mommy Dearest, too, but I still needed the bitch.”

  “You…you killed my dad?” Her voice is as broken as she is.

  Pride swells his chest. “Your dad, your sister’s husband—he should have kept his hands off you—the asshole who tried to rape you in the alley, Jules who thought you weren’t good enough for me.”

  Manda swallows hard. “What did you just say?”

  The demon gloats. “I killed them all for you, love.”

  “No.” Her spine is straighter than ever. “About Jules? What did you say about Jules?”

  The bastard secures a loose strand behind Manda’s ear. “The bitch came to me, told me I shouldn’t date you because you were a Satan-worshipping whore.” He laughs. “Can you believe it? She thought I was some kind of saint. Hilarious, huh?”

  Manda yanks back as if someone just slapped her across the face. “De-DeLuca?” she stammers.

  Pony-Boy? Why would she—

  He snaps his fingers. A nanosecond later, he’s the same dude who approached me, the hipster with the angled fringe and tight jeans. “Did you miss me, sugar?”

  “Shit.” Jesse’s face is slightly green. “That’s…that’s the dude she dated at NYU.”

  Pony-Boy is Beelzebub? Amanda dated the First Knight of fucking hell?

  Chapter 48


  Bridge DeLuca is Clyde? I had sex with a freakin’ demon? Not just any demon either, the First Knight of Hell? This is a joke. There’s no way I allowed a demon in my bed. Even now, as I feel the darkness inside me, I wouldn’t screw a fucking bastard of hell. A mistake in the matrix is what this is. Any second, I’ll wake up from this bad trip, laughing my ass off.

  But I don’t. I drift deeper into this world of horror and deceit as fractured memories coming back to haunt me.


  I’m heading to the Bitter End to meet my not-so-blind date from hell, DeLuca. A blood-curdling howl echoes through the misty streets. Sulfur crawls up my nose. In my peripheral vision, I spot the red-eyed dog, a hellhound.


  The diner is empty. It’s just me, Joe’s miracle cleanser, and the greasy exhaust hood. An icy breeze flows over the nape of my neck. Next thing I know, I hear Alex calling for help.

  I walk into the storage room, coming face to face with the shadow of a gigantic hellhound.

  “Amanda?” A hand lands on my shoulder, scaring the living crap out of me.

  I’m ready to fight for my life, but when I spin DeLuca smiles back at me.


  DeLuca has me pinned against my closet, his tongue diving into my mouth. The kiss fucks with my mind and not in a good way. The bickering voice in my head screams stop. I can’t. I’m not in control. DeLuca takes over.

  His hand is inside my panties, feeling me up. “That’s how you like it, huh? Rough and slutty.”

  Something about him creeps me out. I can’t tell what it is, because a moment later, I watch a live-vision feed of Alex being assaulted by a hellhound.


  I’m on the phone with him when I move into the alley beside Rick’s Cabaret.

  The demons walk out of the back entrance, coming at me.

  I ask DeLuca to call B.

  A few minutes later, my best friend is possessed by the Knight of Hell who saved me.


  DeLuca is Clyde. How could I have been so freakin’ blind? My stomach turns upside down, the taste of bile crawling up my gullet. “I’m going to be sick.”

  “You and me both,” Alex grumbles.

  DeLuca, Clyde, Beelzebub, or whatever else you want to call him pulls a grimace. “I gotta say I’m a bit disappointed, Amanda. You’re so damn smart and yet you never once suspected anything.” He steps sideways away from the tip of the sword, toward me. “Or maybe you didn’t want to see the truth?”

  The black pest coursing through my veins loses its grip. All sorts of emotions rush through me at intergalactic speed. Hate, fear, wrath, despair, self-loathing—I feel it all. “You’re sick,” I hear myself say.

  He grabs me by the wrists, pulling me against his chest. “I remember you liking my sickness, sugar.”

  He tries to kiss me, but I pull back. “Don’t you dare,” I warn him, energy jolting through my hands. “You killed my father, pinned two murders on me, and tricked me into selling my goddamn soul.” I spit on the ground. “Never touch me again. You hear me? Never!”

  DeLuca’s expression hardens. “Don’t you get it?” He sounds desperate. “I did all of this for you, for us.”

  “Us?” I laugh hysterically. “There’s never been an us.”

  DeLuca tilts his head to the side, studying me. “Is that right?”

  “Damn right!”

  He’s in front of me, hands wrapped around my arms. “Then why sleep with me?”

  My gaze darts to Alex.

  “I see,” he hisses. “I was the rebound, huh? Good enough to screw his hunter stink out of you, is that it?”

  “Shut the fuck up,” Alex yells, his posture screaming murder.

  DeLuca ignores him. “Let me ask you this, did I ever judge you? Did I ever walk away from you? Did I leave you pregnant with nowhere to go?”

  I say nothing.

  “You were never good enough for him,” he goes on. “He doesn’t deserve you.”

  Deserve me? I can’t stop laughing. After everything I’ve done, I’m the last person to judge. “You’re right.” I look him in the eye. “He deserves better than me. And what is all this crap about doing it for us? Do you really think I’m that stupid?” I draw a deep breath, looking him in the eye. “This”—I point at the gate—“is all about you helping that Lilith bitch.”

  Berith’s head jerks toward Pony-Boy. “You’re helping Lilith?”

  Chapter 49


  Pony-Boy’s chilling laughter rattles the leaves of the trees, his amber eyes glowing like molten lava. “Once Lilith is free, the two of us will rule alongside her. She promised me.”

  Berith laughs. “And you believe her?” She shakes her head. “You should know better than to trust the queen of mind-games.”

  “Shut up,” Pony-Boy barks at the princess. “You’re just jealous.” He pulls Manda closer. “You and I, sugar, we’re fated to rule this world together.”

  Manda’s emerald eyes pierce mine. A half-smile tugs at her lips. Despite the Carrie look she rocks, I spot a glimpse of the old her—the defiance in her eyes, the warrior in her backbone. “We make our own fate,” she says, wielding the sword.

  The flaming blade is inches from Pony-Boy’s throat when he catches it. “Sorry, sugar.” With one swift move, he disarms her. “Killing me isn’t going to be that easy.”

  Manda’s eyes light up. Not with flames, but with the spark of fight I’ve been missing so gravely. “Didn’t think it would be,” she shoots back, lifting her hands.

  Pony-Boy levitates above the ground. He isn’t one bit afraid, though. Instead, he grins at her like the devil. �

  Manda freezes.


  Her hands drop and the demon is back on his feet.

  I face Berith. “What the fuck?”

  She sighs heavily. “Not only does he own her soul, she’s infected by the book, too.” She stares at the blazing grimoire. “He uses it against her.”

  Pony-Boy flashes me his brilliant teeth. “She’s mine, Alexander. Always has been.” Then he grabs her by the hair, shoving his damn tongue down her throat.

  “Gross.” Jesse gags.

  Me? I’m less into puking and more into murder. I lunge forward, ready to kill the bastard. Berith, however, catches my arm. “Let go!”

  “Don’t,” she warns. “You don’t stand a chance.”

  I don’t care. “I have to try.”

  “Seenk ruoy no,” Pony-Boy whispers in Manda’s ear.

  She’s on her knees in the blink of an eye.

  Pony-Boy circles her. “You thought you were in control, that the book made you stronger than I am.” He laughs. “But the book”—he extends his hand toward the tome—“is loyal to me and me only.”

  The First Grimoire slithers over the soil, halting in front of Pony-Boy’s feet. “It’s time,” he says, picking it up. “You’re going to kill the hunter and open the gate, or I will show you what real power is.”

  Manda shakes her head. “No.”

  “Yes.” Pony-Boy scrubs his fingers through her hair, pulling her up. “Start the chant,” he orders the Voldemort fan club.

  The alien language roars through the woods. The demonic army watches with excitement. Creatures behind the bars howl cheerfully, celebrating their soon-to-be-found freedom.

  “Here.” Pony-Boy slams the blade against Manda’s chest. “Mih llik.”

  Like a robot, Manda stalks toward me, sword ready to pierce through my damn heart.

  “Shit.” Jesse pales. “This is bad.”

  You think?

  Berith leans in. “Whatever you do, Alexander, don’t get yourself killed by that sword.”

  “Thanks for the advice,” I grumble. “But next time, tell me I’m about to be sacrificed before I walk into a battle.”

  Berith shrugs. “I wasn’t sure. Now”—her gaze shoots to Manda marching toward us—“I am.”

  Manda is close enough to do some real damage with that flaming thing. Berith lets her head fall back, looking up at the feathered sky. “Time to party.” A deafening scream comes out of her mouth.

  Next thing I know, all hell breaks loose. Berith’s army enters the battlefield. Without any warning, they attack their brothers and sisters, ripping heads off and hearts out. Hunters follow suit. They empty their magazines in the faces of mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers—killing the vessels, but not the demonic essence. The red smoke escapes, merging with the night.

  “Watch out,” Jesse yells.

  In the corner of my eye, I see the green flames of the blade aiming for my head. I barely manage to dodge Manda’s attack. “Manda, you don’t have to do this.”

  “I’m sorry,” she says, taking another swing at me.

  I move to the left. A little too late. The sharp blade slices through my upper arm. I’m no stranger to cuts, but fuck this one burns like a mother. “Manda—”

  “Run,” she begs, struggling to keep the blade away from me. “Run, Alex.”

  I scan the meadow. Amelia and Carter shoot their way toward us. Jesse used the initial confusion to engage in a showdown with Opie lookalike. Unfortunately, the demon has the upper hand. He has his bulky fingers around my little brother’s throat, choking the damn life out of him.

  I reach for the blessed hunting-knife in my back pocket. “Jesse,” I shout, throwing it his way.

  Like so many times before, he catches it with ease, slamming it right into Opie’s damn neck.

  Another demon—middle aged woman, probably a nurse or something—comes at him. I swear I’d help him. Only problem, Manda kicks me in the hollow of my knees, bringing me down. “I told you to run,” she yells, crazed. “Why do you never listen to me?”

  Propping my elbows into the damp soil, I push myself up. Pony-Boy is next to Manda. “Mih llik,” he repeats time and again.

  I try to move, but my limbs are rooted to the spot. Judging by the smug grin the bastard flashes me, he’s responsible for my sudden paralysis.

  Tears fill Manda’s eyes. “Why the fuck didn’t you run?”

  “I’m not leaving without you,” I reply.

  Pony-Boy loses his patience. “Mih llik,” he barks, eyes catching fire.

  Manda’s hands shake like crazy. Her face is a canvas of pain and misery. She fights the book and Pony-Boy, but I can tell it’s just a matter of time before she’ll drive the blade through my flesh. And when that happens those snarling monsters go free and Manda loses her soul forever.

  So, this is it, huh?

  I’m going to die the death I always foresaw, hunting evil. I wish I was as excited about it as I was when I signed up for this job.

  Chapter 50

  I memorize Manda’s smile, her eyes, her tiny freckles on the tip of her nose when voices flood the meadow. “Men ansanm, kè nan senkronizasyon, nou mare pouvwa ou,” they chant.

  Pony-Boy drops to his knees, pressing both hands against his ears. His face—a mask of pain and terror—shifts from his human form to something looking like Freddy Krueger, only ten times worse.

  The Lacroixs march over the battlefield, secured by a bunch of PAU agents. B, Raphael, and their mom rock polar white eyes. “Men ansanm, kè nan senkronizasyon, nou mare pouvwa ou.”

  Pony-Boy screams in agony.

  Manda drops the sword.

  “Alex.” Jesse cups my elbow. “You okay?”

  I’m bleeding, but all I care about is Manda.

  “Alex,” Carter yells as I move toward Manda. “Behind you!”

  Jesse and I spin, just in time to spot a horde of demons running toward us.

  I reach for my Beretta. Too late. A middle-aged demon dude lands a hit at my jaw. The impact sends my head flying to the left. Luckily, this isn’t the first time someone tries to break my face. Shaking the pain off, I pull the trigger, placing a bullet between the mother’s eyes.

  Jesse wrestles a chick to the ground, sending her straight to hell by piercing the hunting-knife in her heart.

  The meadow is a battlefield. Hunters fight demons. Demons fight demons. And the Lacroixs keep Pony-Boy on the ground.

  Manda, too, fights. Not against us. With us. She throws red-eyed bitches through the air as if they’re plush teddies.

  “Alex!” Jesse points his Glock at me. “Down! Get down.”

  I duck and he fires, killing the teenage demon seconds away from stabbing me in the back. Literally. “Thanks.”

  He winks and shoots the next mother.

  About two feet across from us, I spot Demon-Boy. He’s lying under Hulk “the demon” Hogan, taking the beating of a lifetime.

  Reaching for my knife, I stomp toward the skinny demon and his assailant. I slam the steel into the center of Hulk “the demon” Hogan’s brain. He never saw his end coming.

  “C’mon.” I extend my hand.

  Demon-Boy blinks several times before he takes my offer. “Why?” he asks, clearly shocked I helped him.

  I shrug. “Because teammates have each other’s backs.”

  He nods and moves on to his next fight. We both do.

  The battle continues. Guns fire. Fists fly. Blood spills. Lives lost on both sides. No one is going to come out of this as a winner.

  I kill two more demons, before I reach my little brother. “We have to stop this,” I say, completely out of breath.

  He looks around. “How?”

  “I…” Have no fucking clue.

  Chapter 51


  The meadow is a field of death and destruction, murder and mayhem. Bodies drop. Heads roll. Hunters scream.

  What have I done? The voice in my head, my voice,
chants on repeat. The book no longer speaks to me; it stopped when B and the rest of her family put DeLuca on ice.

  Alex and Jesse are a few feet away under attack again. Some demons jump them. Five against two. This has to stop.

  The book. The spell. You can end it.

  My gaze shoots to the tome. If I can get to the “Kill a Knight of Hell” spell, we stand a chance. There’s just a tiny problem. DeLuca’s faceless minions protect the ancient spell book, and I’m no longer able to tap into the First Grimoire’s power. It cut me off. I’m running on its last fumes.

  Alex slices the throat of a demon. Another one is already waiting to kill him.

  Fuck! I did this. I need to end it.

  “I’ll cover you.” The Nun is next to me. “Go get the book and finish it.”

  “Why should I trust you?” I didn’t trust Chelsea as a human; why would I extend the courtesy to her possessed-self? Trusting a knight only got me into a shit hole of problems.

  She flashes me a smile. “Because he”—she looks at Alex—“does.”

  “Alex isn’t the best judge of character.” He dated me for Christ’s sake.

  The Nun nods. “You’re right, but look around you. It’s not like you have much of a choice.”

  The noses of B’s mom and Raphael are already bleeding. B’s magic is what keeps DeLuca on the ground. But as powerful as she is, it’s just a matter of time before she loses her grip on him.

  Men in suits, protecting my best friend, drop like flies. Demons off them, one by one. Amelia, aka Pulp Fiction granny, fights with one hand because some demon bitch crushed her other. The remaining save-the-world crew doesn’t look any better.

  “Let’s do it,” I say, gathering the remaining energy jolting through my poisoned system.

  Chapter 52


  In the corner of my eye, I catch Manda and Berith. Are they…Shit! What the fuck are they up to? The Princess of Hell speaks in alien. The air grows thicker, hotter.

  Demons freeze.

  The Voldemort fan club moves in on them in slow motion.


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