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Chronicles of Eden - Act XI

Page 35

by Alexander Gordon

  “Yes,” she groaned with a lustful smile. “Fuck me up, Daniel. Fill me up until I burst. Shoot your hot, dirty cum into me until I can’t hold any more. Break me, my love. Break me! I’ll do anything you ask! Just destroy me with your cock! I beg of you! Fuck this stupid slut until she loses her mind!”

  “Be a good wife for me, and I’ll do just that,” Daniel said before shoving her back down onto his erection. She eagerly started sucking on it while the other Daniels continued having their way with her body, the two at her sides again releasing their semen onto her face while the ones thrusting into her filled her with more in both holes.

  “Thank you,” Doku moaned around Daniel’s shaft that filled her mouth. “I’ll be a good wife. I promise. Anything to make you happy.”

  “Good girl,” the Daniel before her said with a sharp smile. “Be a good slut and take care of your man when it’s your turn, and you’ll get this and so much more as your reward.”

  “Yes, dear!” Doku mumbled before desperately sucking him off while shaking her hips. “I’ll be a good slut for you! I promise!”

  Star watched the Daniels ravaging Doku who gave no resistance to them whatsoever for a while, seeing them all continuing to fill the harpy up with their semen and also covering her completely with it, then turned around and walked away while having a stunned look frozen on her face.

  “Alright, I think my work here is done.”

  Chapter 10

  A Dance of Demons

  In the world of Eden one of the most feared and well-known Darker Ones was the succubus. An embodiment of what a lustful monster was these demons of hell were known to charm any they wanted with powerful magic and their overwhelming beauty. Their strength was far greater than they showed, their wickedness never credited enough, and although they were thought to be queens of carnal desires and evil itself there were in fact others that these Darker Ones themselves would bow to in humble respect. Such devotion to these chosen lords would grant them great benefits and power in return for unconditional obedience. And as frightening as the succubi could then become, that would raise a much stronger point of concern.

  Whoever could make a succubus kneel before them, they were to be most feared.


  Soaring high in the midnight sky Kitten surveyed the quickly passing land below her with sharp, glowing eyes that rarely blinked. Flying over lush woodlands and rocky gorges, expansive prairies and worn dirt roads, rolling hills and babbling brooks, and even more of The Outerlands without seeing a single wandering soul prattling about the cambion did very well hiding her frustration of not being able to locate her master’s missing centaur. At least on the outside of her focused demeanor.

  ‘Where the fuck is that fat cow anyway?’ Kitten shouted in her mind.

  “Don’t call Kroanette that!” Triska barked back. “If Daniel hears of you speaking about her in that way he will not be pleased at all with you!”

  ‘I’m at my end with patience for her, Triska. I’ve been circling these parts of Eden for hours now and she has yet to come through any way down below. Just where the hell did she run off to anyway? Doesn’t she even know how to get back to her own home?’

  “Apparently she doesn’t, but that’s still no excuse for calling her names.”

  ‘She needs to get her fat ass back home to my master right now!’ Kitten screamed before coming to a stop in midair. She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths, struggling to keep her concentrated resolve with her building tension.

  “Why are you getting so upset about her missing?” Triska asked. “Why is this angering you so much?”

  ‘My master wants her back. The other girls want her back. Her missing is causing everyone to feel like shit. I need to drag her ass back to fix that, and I can’t do that if she’s run off to the other side of Eden!’

  Kitten rubbed a hand down her face before quickly looking around at the land below her, seeing a rolling river pouring into a lake beneath her while a stone bridge was built across the stream next to it. Not a single woodland critter was seen scampering about at that hour, much less any sign of a traveler or a seriously directionally-impaired centaur.

  ‘I have to find her or else my master won’t be happy,’ Kitten sulked while a slight frown formed on her face. ‘Those other girls will keep crying and make him even more depressed. She needs to come back now or none of them are going to smile again.’

  “Are you looking for Kroanette to make Daniel happy, or to make everyone happy?” Triska curiously asked. Kitten remained silent while lightly drumming her fingers on the handle of her sword. “You’re not just concerned with Daniel being upset with her missing, you’re looking for her because the other girls miss her too, aren’t you?”

  ‘Triska, be quiet.’

  “No, I won’t,” Triska argued as she appeared in the cambion’s eyes before her. “I’ve been watching you tonight, and you haven’t been working to just make Daniel pleased. You’ve been trying to be nicer with the girls.”

  ‘Triska, I mean it. Shut up.’

  “When you were flying with Alyssa before you kept her from going too close to Ruhelia’s center,” Triska accused with a sharp smile. “You saw the magical disturbance in the ether inside that crater and you ordered Alyssa to hang back while you checked it out first. You didn’t want her to be in danger if whatever caused that was still there.”

  ‘Triska, shut the hell up right now.’

  “And I saw the way you protected Pip when you noticed birds were flying nearby. You ordered her to stay in your chest and guarded her with your hand the entire time you were flying to make sure nothing got to her.”

  ‘Triska, you need to shut up right now!’

  “And now you’re out here looking for Kroanette even though Daniel didn’t order you to keep searching,” Triska continued with a smirk on her face. “You’re looking far and wide away from Ruhelia because it’s not just Daniel that’s worried about her, the other girls are too. You’re trying to make everyone feel better by having Kroanette back, not just Daniel.”

  ‘Triska, I’m not kidding! You need to be quiet right now!’

  “Why is that? Afraid of admitting you really do care about the girls?”

  ‘No, because we’re not alone up here and I’m trying to focus on them and not your relentless babbling!’

  “Them? Them… who?”

  Kitten kept a solemn expression on her face the best she could while talking to her counterpart, her wings gently flapping to keep her airborne while her hand was now holding onto her sword’s handle. Slowly she turned her head to glance behind her, feeling very well the presence of two others in the air with her that were giving off chilling auras.

  “Enjoying a lovely flight at night, my dear?” one of them asked casually. She had the lovely appearance of a woman, dark high heels with two straps around the ankles worn on her feet while her long flowing crimson dress fluttered in the wind with demonic emblems sown into the lower half that Kitten took careful notice of. The black corset she wore managed to hold her large bust while she had black ribbons tied down from her shoulders to her elbows where they loosely hung from and waved in the breeze. On her hands were red fingerless gloves with violet gemstones adorning the tops, one of which she used to gently brush through her long, neatly combed silver hair that had a black headband at the top with white frills on it. Her crimson colored eyes were focused directly on Kitten as she flew in place with demonic wings of her own while her tail gently swayed behind her.

  “She stinks,” the other bitterly snapped. This woman had a more dangerous look and feel to her at first glance, and second and third for those that kept looking. Knee-high black boots, dark panties and skimpy top that was just enough to hold her large breasts while hardly covering them, a lone black glove on her right arm that reached up to the elbow, and on her left was a single black strap below her shoulder. On the left side of her belly she had black demonic emblems tattooed in a triangle formation that Kitten easily
noticed and grew tenser from seeing. Her long crimson hair was kept up in a fluffy ponytail by a black ribbon with white frills while her violet eyes were staring at Kitten with obvious disdain. Her demonic wings flapped to keep her level beside her companion while her tail snapped slightly with sharper movements as she appeared less calm than the other did by far.

  Kitten slowly turned a bit while keeping her sword facing them along with a sharp gaze, her eyes going over the two newcomers along with their emblems that they donned as they caused a slight flinch to be made from seeing them.

  “Succubi,” Triska cursed. “You’ve got be kidding me. Two of them? Where did they come from?”

  “Ladies,” Kitten calmly replied.

  “She stinks so bad,” the second succubus scowled while holding her nose. “I smell a human’s stench on her.”

  “Now now,” the first chuckled with a finger held to her chin in question. “Perhaps she merely raped a man recently, they are rather smelly creatures like most livestock in this world. Show some manners to our fellow sister.”

  “Why should I when she stinks like human shit?”

  “You’ll have to forgive her,” the first said with a weak smile and shrug. “She doesn’t hold back with speaking her mind to anyone. At any rate it’s so wonderful to meet a fellow sister from the demonic realm of pleasure in this world. Such meetings are quite rare and should be celebrated. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Kryelle.”

  She gave a polite curtsey then glanced to her companion and cleared her throat, with the second succubus merely crossing her arms with a growl and deep glare at Kitten.


  “Such a charmer she is,” Kryelle drearily commented. “And what might your name be, my dear?”


  “Kitten?” Kryelle giggled. “Oh my, that’s rather cute. Haha! Kitten. Me-ow! Talk about a lovely pet name you’ve got there. You do look like a playful pussycat now that I’m able to take a second look. I’m sure you’d look adorable crawling on your hands and knees while begging to be played with.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment,” Kitten dryly replied. “Sorry, but I’m not really in a celebratory mood right now. Although since you’re here perhaps you could help answer a riddle for me if you wouldn’t mind.”

  “Oh, I love riddles,” Kryelle squealed with a hop.

  “I don’t like her,” Arixis snarled. “Demanding that we tell her things just after meeting her.”

  “Oh stop it,” Kryelle quipped waving her off. “She’s not demanding anything, she’s merely asking a question. What is it, Kitten? How can we be of help to you?”

  “Something recently wiped out all of Ruhelia,” Kitten said, her eyes taking notice that the dark light the succubi trailed behind them in the magical ether led up higher into the sky before fading from view. “Nothing but a huge crater there now and no more centaurs. Looked like something with a great deal of magical power wiped the place out. I don’t suppose either of you might know what caused that?”

  “Ruhelia?” Kryelle wondered. “Hmm. I’m sorry but I don’t know the answer to that riddle.”

  “Don’t know, don’t care,” Arixis scoffed.

  “Yes, so sorry,” Kryelle pouted. “But we don’t have the answer you seek. Although, perhaps it is you that will have an answer to a riddle of my own.”

  “And what might that be?” Kitten carefully asked.

  “Your smell,” Kryelle slyly commented. “You see, you do reek of human, my dear. No offense, I’m sure your latest fuck was rather fresh and a simple bath would fix that for you. However, there’s another part of your fragrance that’s… familiar.”

  “Familiar?” Kitten questioned raising an eyebrow. “Doubt that. We’ve never met before.”

  “Ugh,” Arixis groaned turning her head way. “Seriously, you need a fucking bath. That human stench is disgusting.”

  “Arixis,” Kryelle knowingly chimed. “Aside from that, don’t you recognize something else about her?”

  Arixis glanced back to Kitten while holding her nose, hesitating a great deal before sniffing the air a few times in the cambion’s direction. She blinked then leaned closer while smelling something that caught her attention, with Kitten only growing more cautious with the Darker Ones’ sudden interest in her.

  “Wait a second,” Arixis slowly said, her eyes going over Kitten again before she snorted and waved the air before her. “Hold on, what is that? Something about her seems really familiar.”

  “Again, I don’t know either of you,” Kitten argued.

  “Katie,” Kryelle announced with an amused grin forming. Kitten jumped a bit and turned to her in surprise as the succubus chuckled and slowly drew closer. “That’s what I smell on you. Her scent, it’s all over you. She converted you, didn’t she?”

  “You know that demon?” Kitten carefully asked.

  “Oh yes,” Kryelle agreed nodding a few times before stopping right in front of her. “We know that demon very well.”

  “Katie?” Arixis snarled loudly. She clenched her fists while her wings appeared to give off a sleek fiery shimmer to them as they flapped sharply. “That’s what the fucking smell is? That horrid bitch with the big mouth?”

  “Yes,” Kryelle dryly said with a dull expression. “The very same that had too sharp of a tongue for her own good. That degenerate who spoke of our queen with such arrogance and disdain… ohhh, it’s making my blood boil all over again just smelling her atrocious stench.”

  “Sounds like you two weren’t friends with her,” Kitten commented with a smirk.

  “No, we most certainly are not,” Kryelle hissed.

  “Where is she?” Arixis yelled while quickly swooping over and grabbing Kitten by the shirt. “Tell me where that fucking whore is right now! Where is she hiding?”

  “She’s not hiding,” Kitten chuckled. “She’s dead.”

  “She’s dead?” Kryelle curiously repeated. “Are you certain?”

  “Very,” Kitten laughed. “She picked a fight with a fairy, and the fairy won. Nothing but dust remains from the old hag.”

  “A fairy killed her?” Arixis questioned. “One of those tiny little girls with bug wings?”

  “You’re positive about this?” Kryelle carefully asked. “Are you sure she’s dead and not simply assuming as such?”

  “Oh yeah, she’s really dead,” Kitten admitted with a nod. “And I agree with you, she was a bit too full of herself to make it in this world. Nothing but a pain in everyone’s ass. But don’t worry, you’ll never have to see her ever again. That fairy wiped her from the face of Eden. Good riddance I say.”

  Arixis slowly let go of Kitten as she exchanged a quick glance with Kryelle, the other succubus then gently reaching over and straightening out Kitten’s shirt before showing a slight smile at the girl.

  “Well, that is very amusing to hear,” she giggled. “She was such a blight upon this world, a completely useless succubus in every regard. Foolish old woman only went on and on about finding some ultimate power hidden beneath the world that she threatened to harm us with time and again. She just wouldn’t listen to reason from anyone. Sounds like her luck with running her mouth finally ran out.”

  “Good riddance indeed,” Arixis scowled looking away. “Nobody speaks bad about my queen and lives.”

  Kitten glanced down to the emblems on her torso then the ones on Kryelle’s dress, the demonic markings causing her to tense up slightly before she saw the crimson-eyed succubus watching her with a sharp grin.

  “Something wrong, dear?” Kryelle asked while her hands gently moved down to Kitten’s waist.

  “Other than being converted by a deranged mother, no, I’m fine,” Kitten assured before trying to move away, something she wasn’t able to do as Kryelle quickly grabbed hold of the sheath strapped to her hip. “Something up with you? If you don’t mind, I need to be on my way now.”

  “You didn’t fuck a man recently,” Kryelle said slowly shaking her head. �
�I smell no semen on you. No excitement in your being. Your carnal desires are… wanting. There’s much unresolved lust within you, I can feel it.”

  “Let go, or I’ll make you,” Kitten warned.

  “Are you threatening us now?” Arixis coldly retorted.

  Kryelle held up a hand to have her companion move back, her grip remaining frim on the scabbard of Kitten’s blade as the three girls hovered high above the ground together with rising tension.

  “That smell is you,” Kryelle accused. “You’ve been marked by a human male, I know you have been. I can feel you trying to pull away from me with the strength of an infant. Your aura is scarcely noticeable. You don’t have the full power of a true succubus, do you? I sense no imposing danger from you at all. My dear, you let a man subdue you, didn’t you?”

  “That horrible human stench is from her?” Arixis demanded pointing to Kitten. “She has both the disgusting odor of that worthless succubus and from a man claiming her as his bitch?”

  “I suppose we shouldn’t expect any less from the offspring of that fallen demon,” Kryelle sighed. “You poor thing. You’ve lost so much power, all because you were born from a senseless mother. The injustice of it all. I’m truly sorry for what has happened to you and what you’ve been reduced to.”

  “Thanks for the fucking pity, now let go,” Kitten ordered grabbing Kryelle’s hand trying to pull it off, something she wasn’t able to do as the demon’s grip appeared unmovable even to her. “I’m warning you. I’m not in the mood for whatever game it is you’re playing right now. Let go or else-”

  Without pause Kryelle quickly pulled her forward and embraced her in a hug, holding the confused cambion close while nuzzling her head against hers.

  “I’m so sorry, Kitten,” Kryelle whimpered. “To be born into this world as a weakling without any chance of redemption, it’s so cruel. You’ll never know what it’s like being a real demon now, something that you can only see in others but never yourself thanks to the bad hand you’ve been dealt. Oh, my dear sister, it breaks my heart seeing a fellow succubus pushed down so far in life.”


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