Alpha Elijah (The Crown Series Book 1)

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Alpha Elijah (The Crown Series Book 1) Page 1

by Tallulah Bell



  Copyright © 2019 Tallulah Bell

  All rights reserved.


  This book is dedicated to all my fans on wattpad who never let me quit writing and constantly pushed me to write better. Without y'all, I probably would’ve quit a long time ago. I would also like to dedicate this book to my grandmother and my twin sister who constantly supported my writing no matter how bad it was in the first couple of books.


  I want to thank my lovely and talented twin sister BM Greene for the covers of most of the books and most importantly this book. Thank you! I couldn’t do it without you.


  Ever since I was a little girl, there were two things I wanted in life; A mate and being a Royal Warrior Wolf. I wanted to follow in my father's footsteps. He was a great warrior and an even greater father. After losing him I trained day and night just to prove that I was worthy of being a warrior for the Royals.

  I got the Royal position and have fought for the Royals ever since. Two years. I have been a Royal Warrior for two years now. The Queen has taken quite a liking to me. Probably because she wasn’t able to have children of her own or so that is what the rumors say.

  She is by far one of the strongest women I know, other than my mother. Even after the passing of my father, my mother never gave up on life. She still works hard like she did before he passed. She didn’t like the idea of me joining the Royal Warriors and becoming a warrior like my dad.

  He lost his life as a warrior and she is afraid that I will end up just like him. Dead...and she’ll be alone. That is her fear. I mean it is logical but I’m good at what I do so I have to keep reassuring her that I will be fine. She’s a worrier, but she is a mom. All moms worry.

  I have been waiting for my mate since I turned sixteen. I am now 23 and still nothing. No mate. However, I do have one of the two things I’ve always dreamed of. But will that be good enough? And if so, for how long? Living in the castle has been okay. I miss home but I always get to go home whenever I feel I need to.

  Although my mom doesn’t like what I do, she respects my decision. My mom is a beautiful woman. She is about 5’5, so she is fairly short. She has brown hair and emerald eyes. She is a very petite woman, her skin tone is a caramel color. She has such a beautiful complexion.

  I'm jealous because I’m fairly pale. I have very fair skin. I was blessed with blazing red hair and emerald green eyes. My eyes I got from my mom Gizelle. But, my blazing red hair has to be something in my genes.

  Both my mom and dad have brown hair. I stand at about 5’10. Nearly 6 feet tall. I played sports throughout high school. As you can probably guess I played basketball, soccer, and I ran track and field. So I’ve always been athletic. Thanks to my dad. He always allowed me to train with him and Leroy.

  Today, when I woke up, I felt like someone was watching me. So I sat up rather quickly and checked my surroundings only to find the Queen herself in my quarters. “Your Majesty” I said brushing my hair out of my face and wiping the drool off my chin, which only causes her to laugh.

  “Estelle, what have I told you? Please, call me Sydney and there is no need to be embarrassed about drooling. I do it also. Sometimes the King doesn’t like it much. He says it is a disgusting trait but honestly I could care less.” She said, laughing it off.

  “Sydney, what can I do for you today?” I wondered why she was here on my day off. "I was going to go see my mom later tonight for dinner."

  “ We have an Alpha coming to the castle. I need you by my side.” I thought about it for another minute before nodding my head. I can’t exactly tell her no. She is my Queen.

  “Alright, head to the briefing room when you are finished getting ready for the day. I'm sorry for requesting you on your day off. You can have tomorrow of instead. Thank you dear. I will see you later.” She said before walking out the door.

  I dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans and a white tank top and paired it with a black and grey flannel. For my shoes, I went with my red and black custom converses. I finished brushing my hair and left it down since I’m just going to the briefing.

  The Queen will let me know when I will be needed. My red hair reaches just above my ass. It is one of my most prized possessions. My mother used to cut it short all the time. As a child, I would always get gum stuck in it. Looking back on it, I laugh every time my mother brings it up.

  I began walking out of my quarters, down the hall, and then down the many stairs to the briefing room on the first floor. There stood Roan, Nick, Tyler, Liam, and James. My best buddies. Being the only female Royal Warrior was a curse, as well as, a true blessing. A curse, because the other guys don’t like that a woman can do a better job than them. My guys are like proud parents. Honestly, they are very loving.

  James is the more silent one out of us, but he is always there if I need to talk. No matter what, he makes time for me.

  Roan is a big muscular build guy who likes to think no one can beat him. He is one of those men that pretend not to have feelings. But he is for real one of the most sensitive men that I know. Shocking right?

  Nick and Tyler are twins. They are just about the most annoying, but funny, guys ever. They act like everything is just a big joke. At the same time both are incredibly serious when it comes to their jobs. Both have dedicated their lives to this after losing both of their parents to rogues.

  Liam is the youngest. He is two years younger than me. Nick and Tyler are 25, Roan is 27 and James is 26. We are all pretty close in age. Most of the other Warriors are aged 29 to late 30’s. Except Angus. Angus thinks he is better than everybody else. He has tried to get with me more times than I can count and does not like to take no for an answer.

  The guys scare him away every time he tries to talk to me. They are all a blessing. I am glad I have them by my side. Tyler has told me multiple times if he can’t find his mate he will pick a chosen one and he said he wants it to be me. BOf course I shot that down. He is one of my best friends and I'm not ruining any of that for a relationship we don't know will work out, you know?


  “Alright let’s get this briefing started” I said before taking my seat. Leroy stood up and started the briefing. “Okay gentleman and Estelle,” he said, as everybody else started laughing at that.

  “Quiet down now,” he said before continuing, “ So we have a very big and well known Alpha coming to the castle today. Along with a couple more. Now we don’t quite know his full agenda with the King and Queen. The Queen personally requested you six to dress in “civilian clothes” and to blend in with the Alphas and their people. They will be staying for the week and will be staying in the castle. The Queen requests that you are on your best behavior. All of you will remain in Civilian clothes all week. The King will have multiple guards. If anything is suspicious you are to report back to me. I will be there. Now good luck and get out of here. Except you Estelle, I need to speak with you for a minute.” he said before waiting for all the guys to leave.

  “There are going to be some unmated males. If you ever feel uncomfortable come to me and I will rescue you. If you find your mate, you know the deal. You go and speak to his Majesty.” He said in his fatherly tone. To him, us six are like the children he was never able to have.

  After he found out his mate couldn’t have children, they took it upon themselves to treat us like we were their children. Rosa is a kind hearted soul and is perfect for Leroy. They balance each other out.

  “Alright Leroy, I’ll see you later,” I said as I waved him goodbye and walked out the door. As expected, the guys waited for me outside the door. They waited no
time to bombard me with questions.

  “What’d he say? Did he yell at you for being late? Did you get into trouble? Oh, you got kicked out didn’t you? Man that's a shame.”

  “Guys!” I yelled. “None of that happened. I didn't get into trouble and I didn't get kicked out. All he said was that there were going to be unmated males and if I am ever uncomfortable to go speak to him and if I find my mate to follow protocol and go to the King and Queen.”, I said before walking away.

  Nick and Tyler yelled, “No, you can’t find your mate. He will want to take you from us. We need you. We called dibs.” I laughed and continued walking away.

  I was walking to the kitchen to get something to eat when Martha stopped me. "Sweetie the boys are looking for you" I chuckled and said, "I know and I ran away from them." She just shook her head before going back to cooking.

  "Would you like some help?" I asked, really wanting to bake. "No sweetie but you can bake. I see that look in your eyes. It's the same whenever you feel the urge." She said laughing and letting me scooch in.

  "Thank you", I said before getting all the ingredients to make a three-tier german chocolate cake. Once I put the cakes into the oven, I started making various cookies.

  About 3 hours later the cake was chilling in the walk in fridge and the cookies were nicely plated on the counters. There was chocolate chip, red velvet, white chocolate macadamia nut, sugar, peanut butter, raisins plus the cake. There should be plenty of desserts now.

  I snatched a couple cookies before making my way out of the kitchen and to my quarters to shower before our guests arrived. When I reached my room, there sat all the guys on my king size bed making it look small.

  "Where have you been?" Roan almost yelled. James looked at me then noticed the cookies in my hands and said "She was obviously baking again", before walking out of my room not saying another word. No doubt heading straight for the cookies. I hid a batch of peanut butter cookies just for him.

  “That's where you have been? Martha said you left." Nick said, throwing the pillow on the ground. I ignored them before grabbing a new set of clothes. I settled for a nice black dress that goes mid thigh. It was flowy like a sundress.

  I also selected a basic lingerie set. It's one of my favorite things. I always wear matching sets. This one is a red laced set. Very basic, but it will match my low top converse. They are red and black like my high tops.

  I walked straight to the bathroom and started the shower before shutting the door and stripping. Once in the shower I did my business making sure my legs were shaved. Since I am wearing a dress it's kind of required that I shave.

  After I showered I wrapped a towel around me and stepped out, slipped and sliced my knee open. "Fuck!" I screamed. In rushed all the boys, including James who had his face stuffed with cookies.

  "What happened?" Roan said bending down and picking me up. "I fucking fell", I said, stating the obvious. He should have put two and two together. They just laughed before wiping the blood away to see that my wound had already healed. Dad always said I healed quicker than most.

  "Okay guys I need to get dressed so go" I said pointing out the door. Tyler laughed then said "But we've seen you naked before". "Yeah" called out the rest putting their two cents in.

  "Out" I repeated before pushing them out the door. I slipped the lingerie on then lotioned my body. Keeps my skin from drying out. Then I slipped on the black dress. Once, I was dressed, I opened the bathroom door before going and getting my shoes.

  "Warriors, our guests are starting to arrive" was said over the announcements in our quarters. "Guys go. I'll finish up before coming downstairs and finding one of you." I said before sliding my shoes on then going back into the bathroom to finish my hair and makeup.

  I blow dried my hair so it's in it's natural curly state before starting my makeup. I went basic with my foundation and light eyeshadow before putting on mascara and a nude lipstick. After checking the mirror once more I decided I was ready to join this thing.

  I then proceeded to make my way down to the first floor of the castle. James waited for me on the last step of the staircase. This was how he was. He has to make sure I'm okay at all times, though he knows I'm not fragile. I can in fact take care of myself. He still feels the need to protect.

  "James" I said as he held his arm out for me to grab. "You know you don't always have to wait on me" I said before letting him lead the way. Of course he didn't reply to what I said about waiting on me. He just ignored me like he always does. He led me right to where the Queen was speaking to Leroy. Once they saw me they stopped talking at once and Leroy excused himself.

  The Queen then turned and looked at James before he turned and walked away as well. "Estelle, you look beautiful. Tonight and the rest of this week is very important. We need to make sure that the Alphas don't start fighting with each other." I nodded before saying, "You got it Ma'am." She looked deep into my eyes before opening her mouth to say something else but her husband interrupted.

  "Sydney more guests have arrived. Dinner should be served. Please have a seat." He said through gritted teeth. I never understood their relationship. She does everything she is asked. BThis is her kingdom not his.

  Yes he is the King now but without her he wouldn't be in the position of King. As she turns and walks away he looks at me with that death stare like he always does before following after the Queen.

  Why may you ask? I truly don't know but I'm used to it. Tyler thinks it's because I'm the only girl but Roan thinks it’s because the Queen has taken a liking to me. No one will ever know, so I just ignore it.

  I sat down at the end of the table, far away from the Queen and King. A safe distance so if anything were to happen I can react quickly. While everyone was quietly seating themselves, I noticed one Alpha had not made an appearance yet.


  The one and only Alpha Elijah. He is feared among all. Even the King is afraid of Alpha Elijah. I've heard many stories about him and the rumors of why he became like this. Some say he was going crazy because he couldn't find his mate. Some say he caught his mate with someone else. Some say he killed his own mate one tragic night.

  Others say he has always been ruthless. As a matter of fact, that is how he got the title of the most ruthless and feared Alpha around, with the strongest pack around. Anyone who dares to challenge him is signing their death wish.

  While looking around I noticed the King with his eyebrows raised before asking another Alpha which Alpha we are missing. How could he not know which Alpha we are missing is beyond me? Didn't he know who was to attend this meeting? Didn't he know who would be staying in the castle with him for a week?

  Just as he spoke, the palace doors were pushed open hard, making them slam the wall with a resounding clang. The sound echoed wildly throughout the castle. This all happened at the precise moment the King was beginning to stand. At once I was assaulted by the most sensational scent I have ever smelt. My wolf Iris is getting uneasy.

  The woodsy scent that smelled of cinnamon and the outdoors walked through the door to the massive dining room. I slowly dragged my eyes up to see a tall man around 6'2 standing there, wide as a door frame. Well built. Draggin my eyes down his chest, I can easily see his abs hiding just underneath the tight grey t-shirt that clung to his chest as if it were spray painted on. He was wearing dark blue jeans that hugged every inch of his thighs and ass.

  I slowly and reluctantly dragged my eyes back up his body to focus on his face. Strong chiseled jaw. Tanned skin. Tattoos peeked out from underneath his shirt. He was beautiful. I noticed a scar that lined his cheek. The scar made him look quite intimidating. His blond hair is trimmed to perfection. As my gaze finally reached his eyes, I knew then, he was my mate. That's why my wolf was so anxious. She knew her mate was around. I begin to say mate and I am rewarded with a deathly glare from him.

  I was torn away from his gaze when the King interrupted asking, " And you are?" Looking pointedly at the tall man still standing in the doorwa

  "Alpha Elijah" He said before the Queen could say it. "Please have a seat. You're late" the King says. All I could think of is. I am mated to Alpha Elijah. The Alpha Elijah. How is this possible? I always assumed my mate would be some regular ranking wolf, not an Alpha. I certainly did not expect to be mated with Alpha Elijah.

  Tyler leaned over after noticing the difference in my mood. "What's wrong?" I just shook my head. Tyler said,

  "Whatever it is, baby girl we can talk about it tonight." Tyler then kissed my hand which caused a deep growl to resonate throughout the packed dining room. I looked up to notice the look of hatred on Alpha Elijah's face.

  I looked next to him to see his men with shocked expressions on their faces. After a couple minutes of no one saying anything, someone began to speak. I was left with my thoughts as the meal started.

  As everyone around me began to eat their fill, I was left with my thoughts. All that ran through my mind was did he not want me? Was he going to reject me? Was I not enough? Was I not good enough to be an Alphas mate?

  I sniffled before mindlinking the Queen to ask if I could be excused. My reasoning being I wasn't feeling well. Once she approved, I slid my chair back before saying "Thank you for dinner, enjoy", before walking out the door and slowly making my way up to my quarters.

  My mind was racing like a bee flitting from flower to flower. Was that blue-eyed man casually eating dinner as if he didn't just find his mate? How could he possibly ignore me so completely? How could I be so stupid to think an Alpha would want me?

  I made it only halfway to my room before I was pushed hard against the hall wall with a tight hand around my neck. "Who are you?" My own mate asked through gritted teeth. When I didn't reply right away he tightened his grip on my throat before demanding, " Answer Me." All I could think was, this was how I was gonna die. All because I did not answer my mate.


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