Alpha Elijah (The Crown Series Book 1)

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Alpha Elijah (The Crown Series Book 1) Page 2

by Tallulah Bell

  "Your mate," I said struggling to breathe. That seemed to only make him angrier. He tightened his grip even tighter, blocking my airways.

  "You're not my mate. So who are you?" Before I could reply, he was roughly pulled off of me. "Dude" the man quietly exclaimed while pushing the Alpha back. I stayed standing in place, staring at my mate who was choking me. Before the stranger could turn back around I took off to my chambers. I slid down the door, letting the tears fall. How could I let him do that to me? I let my mate choke me. For what?

  After a couple of minutes of crying, I heard a banging on my door. "Open up!" yelled from outside the door. Before the guys barged into my room, I walked to the bathroom ignoring their presence before looking in the mirror at the handprints that surround my neck. Because an Alpha has made these marks, they won't be quick to heal. Sure they will be gone in a day or two. However, that length of time is considerably longer than my average healing time.

  When I looked up in the mirror once again I noticed the boys crowded around me, all staring at my neck. "What the fuck? What happened? Who did this to you? Are you okay baby girl? Whoever laid their hands on you is dead! Who did this?" Question after question is rapidly fired at me.

  "Guys please. It's nothing," I said pushing them out of my way. "The fuck it is!" James yelled "Who fucking did it, Estelle? You fucking tell me now!" He yelled again. Face red in anger, his wolf rising. I placed my hands on his face trying to calm him down. "I'm okay" I whispered, staring him in his eyes. "I'm okay James. It was an accident"

  They, of course, didn't believe me. "I will find out who did this," James said before walking out and slamming my door shut. I looked up at the other guys and they all had sympathetic looks on their faces. "Guys I'm fine. Really," I said before going into my closet and changing into Roans favorite t-shirt that I stole.

  Once walking out and climbing into bed. "Hey, that's my shirt," Roan said loudly causing everyone to shake their heads. "Our shirt," I said proudly. I have a couple shirts of each of the guys. Causing the guys to laugh.

  "Now please make your exit. I need to sleep. Go back and enjoy the rest of dinner."

  They put up a little protest before sighing, knowing I wasn't messing around. They shut the door behind them as I threw myself back on the bed and let out a breath of air. Sighing once again as everything that happened in the last hour runs through my brain.


  Waking up the next morning all I could think of is that I can go home and see my mom. It's my day off. Before anyone could wake, I got dressed and headed off to my mother's house. I need my mother. I need her advice. She would know what to do. She would know how to comfort me. She's a mom after all. When I reached my mom's house, which is not far from the castle, I walked in.

  "Mom!" I yelled through the house, waiting for her reply. "In the kitchen honey!" she yelled right back. She was making pancakes and eggs. You can smell the bacon that was sitting on the plate. Along with the sausage. Yummy. My stomach growled just looking at the delicious breakfast. I love it when my mom makes breakfast. She always goes big.

  "Sweetie, what's wrong?" she asked, putting the rest of the food on plates and sitting herself down right next to me. She places her hand on my forearm, rubbing her thumb back and forth in a soothing motion.

  "I found my mate mom," I said looking down at my hands. "Oh honey that's wonderful." She squealed in excitement but stopped as soon as she saw the look on my face.

  "Are you not excited? This is something you have always wanted. You've always wanted a mate and now you get one. And you're not excited?" She is confused because she does not understand the whole situation.

  "Mom," I said breathing slowly, thinking of how to explain to her the problem at hand.

  "Who is he? Who is your mate?" she asks impatiently. "Mom, my mate is..." Before I can answer the questions the boys rush in.

  "Estelle, you can't just do that. You can't run away." Nick said, before hugging my mother and helping himself to a plate of food, which only causes her to laugh.

  "The queen needs us back at the castle. They need to speak to you," Tyler said, while happily stuffing his face with my mom's warm bacon.

  "The Queen sends her apologies, Gizelle," Liam said before stepping back.

  "Okay mom, I'm needed. You know the drill" I said chuckling before continuing, "I love you and I'll talk to you soon." I kissed her cheek and she stopped me and said "Make a plate and take it with you. You haven't even eaten yet." She packed up most of the food and sent it with us back to the castle.

  "Bye now sweetie. Don't forget we still need to finish our little talk", she said winking at me, before practically pushing us out the door.

  "What was that about," Roan asked as impatiently as ever, while on the walk back to the castle. "Nothing," I said, continuing to walk ahead of them.

  "Obviously it's something. Is it about those bruises we saw on your neck?" Liam asked quietly. "I said drop it. I'm fine. The bruises will heal. They will disappear. " I said, before running the rest of the way to the castle. I ran wildly bumping right into the one person I didn't want to see. My mate.

  "Watch it," He said gruffly. The man next to him stared at me with a look of sadness on his face mouthing "Sorry" before following after him. You know what, I don't deserve this. I deserve a mate to treat me the way my dad treated my mom.

  "Jackass!" I yelled back. I heard his deep growl before he whipped his head back around to me. He started stomping his way over to me. I just winked at him and walked away before he got any closer.

  I laughed as I heard another growl this time it wasn't just from him. This time it was of all the guys standing up in front of my mate growling.

  "I suggest you turn around Alpha, I'm sure you don't want any trouble?" James said through gritted teeth. I couldn't help but be amazed at how he is standing there saying that to the strongest and most ruthless Alpha alive.

  "Wolf, If I were you I'd get out of my way. I have business with that little she-wolf over there." He said staring in my direction.

  "The fuck you do!" I yelled, stalking up to the guys before pushing both of their chests. I gasped out loud at the shocks of electricity that seemingly flowed through my hands and the Alphas strong chest. He must have felt it too because he growled before walking away again.

  "Yeah, you leave my baby girl alone!" Tyler being the idiot he is, yelled back at him. Which then caused a menacing growl to escape.

  "Tyler lets go," I said, grabbing his hand for extra effect as I knew my big bad Alpha mate was watching. Only to have him growl again. If I wasn't his mate why was he so upset?

  When we finally walked into the castle Leroy practically dragged me to where the queen was standing not so patiently. "Estelle" The Queen said before grabbing the same arm only to drag me somewhere else.

  "Estelle what happened to your neck?" she asked, grabbing the hem of my shirt and bringing it down so that she could better see them.

  The bruises have started healing so now instead of the deep purple and blue, they are an ugly greenish and yellowish color. They don't look so bad anymore.

  "Nothing my Queen, I'm fine." I said looking around the room. "Estelle." She said bringing my attention back to her. "You need to tell me what happened." She said in her authoritative tone.

  The tone that doesn't let my wolf say no. Commanding me to tell her. "Ma'am I got into it with one of the Alphas. " I said playing dumb. I mean it's not a lie because it was one of the Alphas that did this to me. I wasn't ready to tell her that I found my mate yet.

  "Estelle, the truth." She said one more time. I knew I'd have to tell her the whole truth. " I met my mate. When I walked up to my room last night, he followed me there. He asked who I was, so I told him his mate. But it was like he couldn't feel the mate bond. So he got mad when I said his mate. That's when he placed his hands tightly around my neck." I said before looking at my hands. A habit I did when I was either nervous or uncomfortable. "Estelle I am so sorry," She said holding my hands i
n hers.

  "Who is it?" she asked me. "Please" I begged, not wanting to speak about him anymore. "I need to know Estelle." She said, "No, I can't." I replied before walking away. Sure I might regret walking away from the Queen. But I didn't want to speak about my mate anymore.

  When I made it up to my room, I threw myself on my bed and blew out the breath I didn't know I was holding in. Why me? Why couldnt I be blessed with a mate that actually wanted me?

  The only thing that I could think of to take my mind off my Alpha mate situation would be training. So that's what I did, I got dressed in a neon green sports bra and black and white compression shorts with matching black running shoes. Once my hair was contained in a high pony tale, I was set and ready to go.

  I started making my way downstairs and out back where the training grounds are. I noticed the whole crew here. Since I was off today I didn't need to be here but it takes my mind off everything.

  "Estelle it's great you're here. You can work with Angus today." Leroy said. He knew how much I despised Angus. So it figures he would pair me with him. "This should be easy." Angus mumbled causing all the guys to laugh. I just rolled my eyes. He has no idea what is about to come his way.

  "Begin!" Leroy yelled.


  Angus and I started circling each other, I saw my opening for an easy takedown. So I took it.

  Which caused my guys to yell , "That's our girl!" I looked over to the guys momentarily distracted, only for Angus to attack while my back was turned. Little did he know I saw it coming.

  No one would just let their opponent turn their back and not strike. I struck my foot out causing him to trip. As he fell, Angus dragged his wolf nails across my arm on his way down. I laughed bitterly before attacking once more.

  The laughs from the boys, seemingly made Angus angrier. Next thing I know his dark brown wolf pounces on me. His wolf is going in for the kill. Straight for my neck and jugular.

  I have yet to shift into my wolf, which causes everyone to yell at me to shift. Even Leroy was among them yelling at me to shift. But I didn't need to be in my wolf form to make Angus summit.

  I was pulled out of my thoughts when his jaws wrapped around my ankle. I screamed as his teeth dug into my skin.

  I heard seven different deep growls echoing throughout the air. One stood out most though. It sent shivers down my spine. Meaning it could only belong to my mate. I knew right away it was time to put on a show, I thought to myself.

  It didn't take much for Angus to let go. Kicking him right in his snout. It will always make them release. That gave me a couple of second advantages, tackling his brown wolf to the ground. His jaw snapping at my neck.

  "ENOUGH!" my mate roared. That caused me to stop fighting. No matter how much I wanted to say it didn't affect me it did. Of course, Angus used this distraction to his advantage and latched his teeth into my shoulder.

  My attention was solely on my mate. My eyes glued to my mates eyes. I noticed how dark his eyes were when he yelled then how jet black they became when he smelled my blood in the air.

  Alpha Elijah growled ferociously before stalking over to Angus and gripping his scruff and throwing him against the closest tree as if he weighed nothing.

  Everyone's eyes were on me. But I just turned my back and walked away. My disregard caused my mate to stalk up to me and grab my arm fiercely. "That was very dumb of you," he said in that gruff voice of his.

  "What I do doesn't concern you so please walk away. Actually I'll do the honors. Bye!" I said before making my way back to the castle.

  All the warriors are probably still in shock about what happened, but that's not my problem. I could've had Angus had my controlling Alpha mate not stepped in and thrown his considerable weight around.

  Alpha Elijah

  I couldn't think straight. That she-wolf blocked everything in my head. All I could think about was her. A simple she-wolf. But she was anything but simple. I laid my hands on a she-wolf because she said she was my mate. I have never laid hands on any woman or child. Unless the woman was a rogue and dangerous.

  "Eli, what the fuck happened yesterday and this morning? Did you forget that we are guests here at the castle?" Alex whisper-yelled, pacing my room. Alex is practically my brother. We grew up together. His father was my dad's beta so naturally, he became my beta.

  He lost his mother really young and my mother left me and my father. We were both raised by Marisol, she did everything for us. Both of our fathers weren't really present in our lives except for all the training we did so when it was time to take over we were ready.

  Alex's father was killed 5 years ago when my mate was brutally murdered by rogues, so not only did our pack lose their luna but they lost their ex-beta all in one day.

  "You may be my beta but you don't get to question me," I said, letting the command slide through.

  "Is she your mate?" he asked as if I didn't just speak to him. "No, my one and only mate was killed by rogues years ago remember?" I said through gritted teeth.

  "Second chance mates are real," he said as if he was trying to convince me. I knew they were real, but they weren't real to me.

  "I am well aware. I have one mate and she was shredded apart. I have a beautiful daughter waiting for me at home, so no, I don't have a mate." I said walking out of my room and heading towards the training field.

  While I stood on the back porch, I noticed the she-wolf Estelle from before fighting a full-grown wolf in human form. When I saw him latch on to her ankle and I couldn't stop the growl that ripped through my chest. Why was she fighting a full-grown wolf in human form?

  Why wouldn't she shift? Even when most of the guys were yelling at her to shift. It didn't take long for her to tackle the brown wolf to the ground, but when I saw him snapping at her neck I couldn't hold back.

  "ENOUGH" I roared. Causing everyone to stop, all except the wolf. He sank his teeth into her shoulder when he got the chance, trying to make her submit. The menacing growl that ripped through me even surprised me; my wolf didn't like that one bit. I stalked over to the wolf before throwing him into a nearby tree.

  "That was very dumb of you," I said through gritted teeth as she turned to walk away. My eyes still black as my wolf was still on the surface.

  " What I do doesn't concern you..." I didn't pay attention to the rest of what she was saying because she was right. But why do I care? I shouldn't. I refuse to believe she is my second chance mate.


  After showering I got ready for dinner with all the Alphas again. I was dressing in my closet luckily when James barged into my room.

  "Estelle, why didn't you tell us you found your mate? Let alone your mate being Alpha Elijah of all people." James said, picking up the closest thing he could grab onto and threw it at the wall across from him.

  "I don't want to talk about it," I said going back to sliding my dress on. I went for an emerald green bodycon dress. I walked out right as he went to throw something else.

  "Hey if you wanna break shit, go do it in your room not mine!" I yelled and ran to take my elephant statue out of his hands.

  "Why Estelle?" He asked his eyes pleading with me to tell him. "Is he the one who put those bruises on you?" I just nodded.

  I sat down on the corner of my bed before saying, "He doesn't want me, James. Am I not enough? Am I not pretty enough? I get redheads aren't for everybody. I don't understand. He said I'm not his mate but then he gets mad at everything. Growling at guys around me as if he was jealous" I said with my head in my hands.


  “Well baby girl, we need to make him jealous. Just till he has enough before he claims you as his. Alpha males are very possessive of what's theirs. That is something a girlfriend would say to you if you had one right?" he said making me laugh. Not like a little laugh, no a rolling on the floor laugh. But I was able to nod my head.

  "Operation 'make the big bad Alpha jealous' is about to commence," He said dramatically, which only made me laugh harder. James
is not like this around anybody else except me and the guys.

  He is normally very reserved. Whomever ends up as his mate will have the most caring and loving man ever. We sat for an hour before we were called for dinner, strategizing our plan.

  I put on my heels and some light makeup before James escorted me down the stairs. We held hands even when we made it into the enormous dining room where everybody was finding their seats. "MiLady" James said, pulling my seat out for me, knowing Elijah's eyes were on us.

  "Why thank you handsome," I said, kissing his cheek. They guys were looking at us curiously, while the queen had a knowing look on her face. Throughout the night I was laughing and touching James' arms and hands, causing two growls one much louder than the other.

  I looked up to the source and noticed one was Elijah and the other one was the guy sitting next to him glaring at James. I believe that is his beta.

  "Will you excuse me?" I said standing up before leaning down and kissing James on the check. I then made my way towards the bathroom to "freshen up".

  I opened the bathroom door a second before I was forced inside. The scent gave it away that it was my mate. That and the shocks and tingles I felt rippling all over my body when his hands made contact with my arms.

  "What do you think you are doing?" He seethes. When I looked up I noticed this was his wolf had surfaced and this was him speaking.

  "Well, you don't want me so I'll find someone who actually wants.." Before I could finish my sentence I was slammed against the door hearing a deep growl. Before my brain could process what he was doing, I felt his sharp teeth sink into my neck.

  I howl in pain before moaning as the pain subsides. He pulled his teeth away and licked the blood away. I looked up and noticed the smirk on his devilish face.


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