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Alpha Elijah (The Crown Series Book 1)

Page 5

by Tallulah Bell

  I grabbed my last suitcase and went to bend down to get my other two backpacks and purses. But me being me, I didn't make it look so easy like Elijah did.

  "Here sweetie, let me help," Marisol says, reaching for one of my backpacks. I shook my head as if saying "I got it" but she grabbed it anyway.

  I nearly dropped my bags when I made it into the grand foyer. Stunning marble floors, two huge staircases that meet at a landing. The dark wood clashing the marble floors in the most beautiful way possible.

  "Let me show you to your room and then how about a tour, yeah?" she asks. Before I can say okay, my mate clearly has other plans.

  "It's okay Marisol I got this" I couldn't help but roll my eyes. So now he acts like the doting mate. He then grabs my bag from her and proceeds to try and take the rest of mine.

  "I Got It," I said, before gesturing to him to lead the way. He huffs noticing I wasn't going to let him carry the rest. He led me to the top floor. Why would he do that? Those were the Alpha Quarters.

  "Why are you taking me to the Alpha Quarters? Let me have a room near Tyler" I exclaimed, making him growl but I stood my ground. I wasn't gonna let this overgrown man intimidate me anymore.

  He shook his head before continuing to walk to the double doors near the end of the hallway. He doesn't think I am going to be sharing a room with him, does he? He pushed open the doors and walked in setting my bags next to the others at the end of the bed.

  I was speechless standing in the doorway. This room was magnificent. Grey walls with a blood red accent wall. Massive king size platform bed up against the red wall. I walked in the room still in a state of complete awe of the beauty that is this room.

  I ran my fingers over the red silk sheets. I thought my room at the castle was beautiful. This was much like a room for a queen. I then turned around the room noticing the balcony. I walked over to the balcony, running my fingers along the antique door handles. My eyes darted around the room, settling on the big flat screen tv mounted on the wall with a full-size couch placed in front of it. My eyes take in as much as I can.

  Elijah finally spoke. "I take it that the room is to your liking?" He was still standing where he placed my bags.

  "It's more than I could have ever asked for” I whisper yelled, running and wrapping my arms around his waist before I could comprehend what I was doing. Elijah wasn't expecting it. His body was rigid and tense so I pulled away, a blush forming on my cheeks.

  "I'm sorry." He, however, didn't say anything, he just walked out the door. Leaving me alone to think about what just happened. Why did I do that? I asked myself. Throwing myself onto the bed. My body still tingled from making contact with him. I was interrupted from my thoughts when the little girl from earlier came barging into my room.

  " Hi," she said running and jumping onto my bed landing next to me before saying "I'm 5," while holding up five fingers.

  I couldn't help but laugh before saying "I'm E, and I'm 23" I replied, holding up two fingers on one hand and three on the other. She just shook her head laughing. "E, 2 plus 3 is 5," pointing at my fingers I was still holding up.

  "Lilian" Elijah's voice boomed through the halls. "In here Daddy!" she yelled rolling onto her side to look at the door. Patiently waiting for him to walk in.

  "Estelle is Lili.." he goes to say before he could finish his sentence his eyes landed on Lily laying on the bed next to me. He looked shocked for a moment before saying, "Lily let her get settled," while holding out his hand for her to grab onto.

  "But daddy I wanna show her the house," She said pointing around. "Lilian Grey," He says softly, not trying to frighten her. It was actually really very endearing.

  "Daddy," She said right back, giving him as much attitude as a 5-year-old girl could, before turning to me and saying, "E, can I show you around?" She looked at me, giving me those puppy dog eyes that I can't possibly say no to.

  I looked between her and Elijah before nodding and saying, "I wouldn't want it any other way" knowing Elijah said he was going to take me.

  She laughed looking at her father who just stomped off. Wow real mature Elijah. "C'mon." She grabbed my hand, trying to drag me but she is still too small and not strong enough. So I make it look like she is dragging me.

  "This is my room," She said excitedly. "It's pretty" I replied, looking around the princess room. It was adorable. She had a big canopy bed with pink drapes hanging down. The walls were painted pastel pink except for one wall, which had chalkboard paint. I looked closer to see the date on it. In three weeks she will be six years old. I'm still in shock that this little girl is Elijah's daughter.

  Lilian must have noticed my eyes land on the chalk wall where she has her birthday countdown written. "I'll be six," She said holding up six fingers before showing me around her room.

  "This is my princess bed as daddy says for his little princess. Me!!" she yells while climbing on the bed. I nodded. Elijah must be a great dad. It's sad that this little girl has had to grow up without her mother. I was pulled out of my thoughts by Lilian pulling my hair lightly, running her fingers through the wild curls.

  "Pretty" she whispered, continuing running her fingers through my hair. "Can you braid?" She asks, stopping and looking at me.

  "Yes, I can princess," I said, pulling my hair into a ponytail on top of my head.

  " Here" she climbed into my lap. Obviously wanting me to braid her hair. Her beautiful blonde hair.

  "I need a brush dear," I said laughing when she jumped out of my lap only to run back and jump back into my lap only this time with a pink brush in her small hands.

  "Daddy doesn't know how to braid, he just ties knots," She said quietly as I began braiding her hair, making sure not to braid it too tight.

  "So who does your hair?" I ask. "Mary does sometimes when she has the time to do it," she replied back, picking at the edges of the bedspread. It took another two minutes to finish french braiding her hair. Once I was finished she jumped out of my lap and ran to look in the mirror, lifting her hands to her braids.

  "Wow," she said amazed by the braiding. "Do you like it?" I asked which caused a big smile to form on her face before she took off, running at me at full speed and throwing her tiny arms around my neck.

  "Yes, It's so pretty" she whispered into my ear right as the room busted open and a growl escaped Elijah's chest.

  "Daddy" Lilian yelled, running to his open arms. "Look," she said, turning to show him her newly braided hair. "It's pretty, baby girl," he said before dragging his eyes up to me and glaring before saying, "Lilian Marisol's looking for you downstairs. Uncle Alex is in the kitchen with her" he said, causing her to turn to me and say a rushed, "Thank you" before running out the door.

  I go to walk past Elijah who stood in the doorway still glaring at me while blocking me in. "Excuse me" I said trying to go around him, only for him to grab my wrist saying "That is my daughter," I just rolled my eyes before saying, "No shit! Really!! I never would've guessed thanks for telling me" pushing him out of my way only for him to grab my wrist again this time tighter, saying, "She has a mother and you're not her, so leave her alone." I rolled my eyes once again before pulling my wrist out of his rough grip. Well, that's gonna bruise, I said to myself, walking away.

  I refuse to stay in the Alphas quarters. I went straight to my temporary room and grabbed my phone before texting Tyler. He didn't reply back to me so I went and searched for him. Sniffing out his scent mixed in with multiple other wolves. He was on the floor below me. It didn't take long before I found his room. I didn't bother knocking it's Tyler he wouldn't care.

  "Tyler" I yelled walking into the room, looking around and not finding Tyler but I heard the shower running so he's in there. I jumped on his bed. Well I guess I will wait here for him. I took my phone out to text James while I was waiting.

  James, did you know Elijah had a daughter?

  I patiently waited for his reply. It took another minute for James to reply.


short reply angered me.

  So you knew he had a mate and she died

  I texted back only to get the same one worded text back.



  I asked in all caps and once again I got the same one worded text back.


  He didn't even try to explain why they kept that from me.


  I replied, throwing my phone against the wall, shattering it to pieces. I got up and left the room right as Tyler was coming out of the bathroom.

  I can't believe them. They all knew I was his second chance mate but decided against telling me. Why? I couldn't help but ask myself while walking up the stairs to my temporary room. Once again throwing myself onto the bed.

  Sometime during that time, I fell asleep, until I was woken by jumping on the bed trying to wake me no doubt. "E dinner," Lilian said, bouncing up and down trying to get me to get up.

  "I'm not hungry sweetie" I replied pulling the pillow over my head.

  "But it's dinner," she said confused as to why I wasn't getting up to go eat.

  "Maybe another time Lilian," I said, taking the pillow off my head. She just nodded jumping down off the bed and making her way to the door. Turning and shutting the door quietly behind her.

  I need to let my wolf run. I thought creeping my way down the stairs, opening and closing the front doors softly. I walked around back to head for the woods. Going behind a tree and making sure I wasn't seen before taking off my clothes, shifting into my black and white wolf. The only part of my wolf that is white is the tips of my ears and my paws. Unique, I liked to think. That's what my dad told me the first time I ever shifted.

  Oddly enough, I've only shifted in front of roughly ten people. That included my dad, my mom, Tyler, James, Roan, Nick, Liam, Leroy, and Rosa, all with the same amazed look on their faces. The Queen has also seen me shift. For a she-wolf I am a little bigger than a beta wolf.

  I took off running, darting between the trees. I stopped at a beautiful clearing by the lake to Lap up some water. Stopping mid drink when I heard a twig snap. A growl escaped my chest when I smelt that familiar scent. Rogues.


  I turned around just in time for both to attack dodging one before the other jumped on my back, latching onto my shoulder making me howl in pain. The other attacked, latching onto my ankle. The same ankle Angus bit into just days before.

  My survival instincts kicked in. Kicking the rogue off me and into a tree before grabbing the other wolf and flipping it over, so I'm on top of it. It snapped its chomps at me trying to get at my jugular. My wolf latched her sharp K9s into the rogue's throat, feeling the life drain from it. At the same time, the other wolf attacked me once again. My wolf Iris wasted no time before snapping the wolf's head right off its body.

  I heard twigs snapping. Iris crouching ready for the next attack, growling only to stop when a bunny ran out. I quickly shifted after making sure there were no other rogues.

  Picking up my clothes I dropped when getting some water, I then quickly dressed. I cautiously made my way back to the pack-house. Barely finding my way. I didn't make it to the back door before I was tackled to the ground. Suddenly there was growling in my ear.

  "Get off me!" I growled out. "Take her to the cells", one of the guys said before the other picked me up. It wasn't a far walk. I was placed in a cell with another rogue. A teenage boy passed out on the cold hard floor.

  "You've fucked up" I seethed, placing my hands on the bars only to smell my flesh burning. Silver. "It's not worth it," a female voice said from the cell next to me.


  We were in the middle of eating a delicious dessert made by Marisol when I felt a sharp pain in my back. I growled. Not long after, I felt a sharp pain in my ankle.

  "Where's Estelle?" I growled out "Eli, I saw her go out the front door when I came back from the bathroom" Marisol replied. "Mate is in trouble" my wolf growled.

  "Find Estelle" I said loudly through the mind link getting multiple "Who is Estelle?"

  "Alpha rogues we're sighted on the east by the lake '' one of the men on patrol said through the mind link.

  "Fuck!" I growled getting up from the table, followed by Alex and Tyler before taking off into the direction of the rogue sitting.

  When I reached the site blood flooded my senses. I released a menacing growl as my wolf attempted to take over. I looked at the bloody bodies. Both men and rogues. "Where is mate?" my wolf Axel kept repeating.

  "Sir, we have a rogue in the cells", one of the patrolmen said through the link.

  "I'll deal with it later", I said back before telling a couple of guys to burn the body's.

  “Where is Estelle?" Tyler growled before looking at me seething and saying "This is all your fault. If you never marked her she wouldn't have come here and she wouldn't be missing.”

  "Wolf if I were you, I'd watch your mouth. I'm your alpha" I growled out, my wolf not liking being disrespected like that. "Not yet" he replied before walking away from me.

  "Send out a search party. Don't stop till she is found. I'm going to deal with this rogue" I said to Alex before heading to the packs cells.


  I was standing by the gates waiting so patiently. "I'm not a fucking rogue!" I yelled to the guard at the end of the hall. Grabbing the bars getting angry.

  "I'm the alpha's mate!" I screamed once again only for the two rogues in the cells near me to reply "She died years ago." The guard walked up to the cell reaching through and grabbing my neck.

  "You're not my Luna, she was murdered by you rogues years ago" he seethed, spitting in my face right as a loud growl echoed through the cells causing the guard to drop me, immediately bowing his head. The smell I know only as Elijah wafted through the cells causing the rogues to cower into the walls in the back of the cells.

  I looked up to see the guard up against the wall with Elijah's hands in a death grip around his neck. Like he had on me days ago. The guard clawing at Elijah's hands trying to make him let go.

  "Elijah please" I begged, he turned and looked at me, dropping the guard to the ground. But the look in his eyes told me his wolf had surfaced. That was no longer Elijah but his wolf.

  "Axel" I tilted my head before nodding "Axel please", I pleaded when he turned to look at the poor guard cowering on the ground.

  "It was an honest mistake" I said which caused him to cock his perfectly arched eyebrow at me. "I told him I was going to kill you when I get out of here," I said lying. He thought about it. I knew he didn't believe me but for some reason he nodded.

  "Open the cell" he growled out once more causing the guard to rush to his feet to open the cell door, only to drop the keys in the process. Rushing to pick the keys up after Axel growled at the shaking guard once again.

  Once the cell opened, I ran out ignoring my name being called from Axel. I ran straight through the back door, ignoring the looks of shock on everyone's face and went straight for my room. Locking the door, before looking at the burns on my hands. I needed to get that checked out.

  I crept out of my room before making my way downstairs looking for Marisol. Once I had found her, I whispered "I need to see the pack doctor. Can you show me where please?" I asked. She just nodded motioning me to follow her, so I did just that. Remembering the way just in case.

  "Dr. O'Connor, Estelle needs you to look at some of her wounds," Marisol said, nodding in my direction before smiling and walking out the door.

  "Alright Estelle. What can I do for you?" Dr O'Connor asked with a smile on his face. "I have come in contact with two rogues who attacked me. Patches of flesh are missing from my back, shoulder and ankle where they bit into me. I also have burns from silver" I said, showing him my hands.

  "Well let's see those bites first. Shall we? Are you comfortable taking your shirt off?" He asked. I just nodded, reaching back to take off my shirt. He looked at my back frowning.

  "Estelle are you sure you were bitten on you
r back?" He looked at me confused before asking me to roll up my pant leg to show their place. I was bitten only to see it was fully healed as well.

  Dr. O'Connor shook his head confused before saying, "It looks like your body healed from the rogue's bites. When were you bitten?" He asked, genuinely confused by how fast I healed.

  "Maybe an hour or so ago" I replied not knowing exactly how long ago it was since I was being held in the pack cells with other rogues.

  "Hmm… Well that's odd. Let me see these hands where you were burned by silver" he said, grabbing my hands. Suddenly the doors burst open with an angry alpha stalking towards that pack doctor when he realized I was shirtless.

  "Elijah!" I yelled jumping off the bench I was on and got in between the shocked Doctor and my mate. It was like he automatically calmed down when my hand touched his bare arms. Dropping his attention from the Doctor to me. He quickly took off his shirt and placed it over my body.

  He was still upset but I was able to calm his wolf down. I walked back over to the bench, nodding at the Doctor to continue.

  "My apologies Alpha," He said with his head bowed. I held out my hands once more after Elijah nodded at the Doctor and he grabbed my hands again.

  "Your hands are healing," he said rubbing some kind of antibiotic on it causing me to growl out. "Keep this bandaged on both hands and have someone change it tomorrow morning. Other than that you are all set" He said nodding at me. I went to stand when Elijah asked the Doctor, "Did you check the back and shoulder?" The Doctor looked at him confused before saying "Yes sir."

  "And..." Elijah said, demanding more information. I just got up and walked out the door. Making my way back up the stairs, stopping when Tyler ran and jumped on me. Almost knocking me and him down two flights of stairs.

  "E, baby you're all right! I was so worried!" he yelled into my ear, holding me in the death-like grip. I nodded before dropping him to the ground still angry about this morning.


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