She Said Yes (Falling For A Rose Book 6)

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She Said Yes (Falling For A Rose Book 6) Page 10

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “Ouch,” Phoebe responded.

  “That has to be awful this time of year,” Jasmine said.

  Octavia nodded. “I’m sure it’s really hard on her, which is why we’ll need to make sure to check on her.”

  “I will when we leave,” Claudia said.

  “I’ll get her the next day, so we don’t bombard her,” Samiyah suggested.

  The ladies all nodded.

  “Good afternoon, Christopher.”

  Christopher turned to find Martha Jean standing to his left. Her smoky gray eyes were highlighted, and her lips were colored a stark red. Without trying, Christopher also noticed the dress Martha Jean wore. It was saucy enough to show a hint of cleavage. Her way of being sexy without being disrespectful at his late wife’s event.

  “Good afternoon, Ms. Martha Jean,” Christopher spoke. “How are you, my dear?”

  “Much better,” she oozed, “now.”

  Norma tried to hold in a giggle, but the low chuckle seeped out. It caught Martha Jean’s attention, and Martha Jean turned to Norma.

  “My, my, my, don’t you dress up nicely?” Martha Jean said. “How was the rest of the Edible arrangement?”

  A resplendent smile fell across Norma’s face. “It was great,” she said.

  “Sure was,” Christopher nodded. “We appreciate you bringing it over.”

  Martha Jean couldn’t help but notice the “we” in Christopher’s sentence, but she decided to ignore it.

  “I’m glad you were able to have some,” Martha Jean purred. “It was my pleasure.”

  “It’s interesting,” Christopher stated. “Norma mentioned you brought it over for her birthday, but her birthday isn’t until the first of the year.”

  “Hmm,” Martha Jean said. “I must’ve gotten the date wrong.”

  “I figured as much,” Christopher said, silently amused.

  At that moment, Antonio made his presence known, walking in like the lead singer in a Rhythm and Blues band. Behind him, Antonio’s sons Xavier, Kyle, Isaac, and Isaiah sauntered up in sync, completing the R & B group. The suits they wore were sharp, fitting them just as much as their confidence. Dark brown, gray, and hazel eyes ran around the family. When Antonio’s deep brown gaze met Martha Jean’s, it changed the mere air she breathed. Behind their group, Fred, Sampson, and their dates strolled to the table.

  “I think we’re about to begin,” Fred said.

  As the family moved to take up four tables, Phoebe tossed a glance to the table next to them at Quentin. When she’d first strolled in, Phoebe cruised the room while making sure not to bump into him. Not that she hadn’t seen Quentin, she had. Every time she changed positions and shook a different hand or leaned in for a soft hug and air kiss, she’d seen him. But he didn’t know it because she’d been that good to evade his probing gaze. It was bad enough his stare gave off a burst of heat that seeped into her skin with daring penetration. But to Phoebe’s delight, Quentin hadn’t brought a date, and neither had she.

  Everyone took their seats as Jonathon approached the podium. He tapped the microphone a few times to test the sound and a high-pitch sound flooded the room.

  “Good afternoon, and welcome to the fifteenth annual Jan’s Roses Fundraiser,” his deep voice boomed.

  The crowd sent applause through the room, and a charming smile slipped across Jonathon’s handsome face.

  “I’m Jonathon Alexander Rose, and I have the honor of being the executive director of this beautiful charity. Some of you may know how this foundation came to be, but for the ones that don’t, I’ll catch you up to speed. When my siblings and I were barely considered teens, a group of masked men kicked in our front door and stole our mother’s life. She was still young and had a full life ahead of her, but unfortunately, she was robbed of her time with us from that home invasion.”

  The crowd was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

  “Going through a tragedy this severe can cause mental strain, post-traumatic stress, and recovering from it can be impossible without the right assistance. If you’ve ever known someone who is distressed, unable to sleep or do normal activities like going to school or work, someone who feels guilt, anger, or shame because of a calamity; then you’ve witnessed what a home invasion can do to someone you love. It is a silent killer. So as a collective, my family and I, in honor of our mother, decided to make sure no one in the city of Chicago were left without the resources they need in the ill-fated case of a home invasion.”

  Applause ran throughout the building, piercing and stifling in an echo. When they settled, Jonathon went on.

  “Fast forward two years later. Jan’s Roses was born. Although Jan's Roses was created with the memory of our mother in mind, this organization is greater than any single person. From the beginning, our undertaking has been to give the city of Chicago an outlet for the mental services they may need due to the aftermath of a home invasion.”

  Jonathon took his gaze around the room to land on the sea of individuals there.

  “This year, Jan’s Roses has been able to facilitate one on one mental health services not only in the city of Chicago, but also, it’s surrounding areas. With more families being displaced after this life-changing event, Jan’s Roses has given keys to brand new homes to over two hundred and seventy families.”

  An applause went throughout the room, and Jonathon lifted his hand slightly in a gesture of pause.

  “That is good news, and sad news wrapped in one, but with the help of fine people like you, and the ocean of volunteers that assist us every day, Jan’s Roses will stand the test of time, and continue being an open door to all in need.”

  More applause echoed around the room, and Jonathon let them continue until they calmed.

  “If you’ve been here in previous years, then you know how this tradition goes.” Jonathon stepped to the side of the podium and moved his feet in a smooth glide. “You’ve got to dance your way to the donation center located on both sides of the aisle.”

  The attendees laughed.

  “If you have a partner, you guys can go two at a time.” He wiggled his brows, and they laughed again. “When you finish, make sure to see my family and I so we can thank you personally.”

  The crowd clapped as Jonathon stepped down from the stage. He strolled to the table, a handsome grin on his face.

  “Gee, Jonathon, I didn’t know you had moves like that,” Octavia said.

  “Yes, you did.” He wiggled his brows more, and everyone laughed.

  Octavia blushed. “Okay, I’ll take that back.”

  “I love you, baby,” Jonathon said.

  “I love you, too.” Octavia reached out to him, and Jonathon pulled her hand to his lips, placing a kiss, soft and warm, on her fingers.

  Octavia blushed again, and Jonathon winked and threaded their fingers together as he took his eyes over the table.

  “Well, you ladies are looking exquisite tonight.”

  “Thank you,” they all chimed.

  “What about us?” Josiah prompted.

  Jonathon looked him up and down.

  “You aight,” he joked.

  Everyone laughed.

  “I’m just playing, little brother.” Jonathon snapped and pointed at Josiah. “You got it.”

  Josiah made a show of modeling his side profile, making everyone laugh again.

  “Do you mind if we eat?” Samiyah said, breaking into the laughter. “I don’t mean to be a buzz kill, but I have got to get some real food.”

  “What’s wrong with the hors d’oeuvres?” Octavia asked.

  “It’s not real food,” Samiyah said.

  “We have dinner planned after the event,” Jonas said, “but if you need a full meal now, just say the word, and I’ll have something special made just for you.”

  “Word,” Samiyah responded, causing another round of laughter.

  “I’m on it, sweetheart.”

  “Thank you, baby,” Samiyah said, making a show of rubbing her belly.

sp; Jonas kissed her on her cheek and left the table.

  Claudia smirked. “Poor ting,” she said.

  “Watch it now,” Samiyah returned. “This will be you one day.”

  “One day soon, I hope,” Jaden added.

  “Oooh,” Samiyah cooed. “Let me be the first to welcome you beforehand. It’s a beautiful thing, and if you’re lucky enough to have a caring spouse like mine, he’ll hold your hair back when your morning sickness flares up.”

  Claudia laid a hand across her belly, and her eyes widened. Samiyah chuckled.

  “That’s okay,” Claudia said, “my baby will be here every step of the way.”

  “Mmhmm,” Samiyah said.

  “Excuse me.”

  Everyone turned around.

  “Clifford!” Adeline said. “What are you doing here?”

  “Hello to you, too, sweetheart.”

  Clifford looked to everyone else at the table. “Ladies,” he said, “Gentlemen.” Taking his gaze back to Adeline, Clifford took in the full dress of her. “You’re beautiful,” he said. “I hope you don’t mind me stopping by. I wanted to pay my contributions to Jan’s Roses also. Do you mind dancing with me to the donation center?”

  Adeline opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

  “You can do it,” he ushered. “I’ll be with you the entire time.”

  An easy grooving smile spread across his freshly groomed face.

  “Dad,” Claudia spoke, “I’ve never seen you in a suit before.” She half gawked at his spiffy transformation.

  “You like?” he asked.

  “I love,” Claudia responded. Desiree agreed with a nod then glanced to Adeline.

  “Mom,” Desiree said, snapping Adeline out of her haze.

  “Oh, ah… I don’t know.”

  Clifford reached down with both hands and pulled Adeline to her feet. She gripped his hands tightly and smiled up at him before glancing around to everyone else at the table. Stepping to her side and sliding his arm through hers, Clifford took small steps with Adeline, and before long, they were strolling in a comfortable waltz.

  Watching their retreading back, Josiah spoke up first. “It looks like your father wants that ol’ thing back.”

  They all laughed, chuckled, and agreed; then Claudia looked at Desiree. “Is this weird or no?”

  “I’m still trying to figure that out myself, sis.”

  “Would it be a bad thing if your mother and father reconciled?” Jaden asked.

  “No,” they both chimed. “It’s still weird,” Claudia said, and again Desiree agreed.

  “I guess there’s no sense asking how he found out about Jan’s Roses since it’s been all over the news,” Martha Jean tossed out.

  “I also sent him a formal invitation,” Christopher added.

  Everyone turned to Christopher with surprised eyes. Christopher smiled with a twinkle in his eye, and a grin so bright covered Martha Jean’s face you would’ve thought she’d won the lottery.

  Of course, in her mind, she had. Surely, if Christopher had sent Clifford an invitation, it was because he wasn’t interested in Adeline, but Martha Jean. Feeling confident, Martha Jean fixed her lips to speak to Christopher when Antonio moved in to sit next to her. His nearness caused her body to react, effectively pulling her attention over to him. When their eyes met, a grin grew on Antonio’s face.

  “It’s good to see you again, Ms. Martha Jean.”

  Hearing his voice sent a flare of chills down Martha Jean’s shoulders and the warmth was conflicting, and alerting.

  “Hello, Antonio, it’s good to you see you, too.” Martha Jean glanced around to find everyone else pretending to not be paying attention.

  “If I’d have known you would be attending without a date, I would’ve asked you to be mine. What a missed opportunity,” his deep voice grooved.

  “Hmm,” Martha Jean hummed, “you can create opportunity at the drop of a dime, so previous misfortunes are not to be considered.”

  Antonio’s brows rose, and a devilish grin trekked across his face. “Is that so?”

  Martha Jean nodded with a playful smile, her flirtations with Christopher all but forgotten. Sitting so close to Antonio, Martha Jean could smell his spicy cologne, and it lingered under her nose, beckoning her to move close.

  “What do you say we make a dance to the donation center?” Antonio said.

  Butterflies tussled in Martha Jean’s belly. She pretended not to be overly excited. “Sure,” she said.

  Antonio held out his hand, and Martha Jean accepted as they got up and trailed away.

  Norma stole a peek at Christopher who covered her hand with a light pat and rub as they held a lingering smile on each other.

  “Oh, thank God,” Samiyah blurted as Jonas sailed back across the room with a plate in his hand.

  He sat it on the table in front of her and uncovered the dish. Steam vaporized as it rose, drifting away from the chicken fettuccini alfredo.

  “Aww, baby, it’s my favorite… how did you get this?”

  “I can’t tell you all my secrets, sweetheart. Just know that I would go to the moon and back for you and my baby.”

  “And I love you for it.” Samiyah kissed Jonas on the cheek and said a quick prayer before digging in. After taking a few bites, she looked up at the others and spoke, “You guys don’t mind, do you?”

  Chapter Thirteen

  The Jan’s Roses event lasted for another hour and a half, with each member of the Rose family approaching the stage to speak briefly about their personal experiences volunteering for the foundation. They pulled smiles and a few tears from their retelling of being able to touch someone’s heart because of the organization.

  Josiah had been the funniest, cracking jokes, and looking on the bright side. While Julian had been more relaxed, congenial, and forthright. It was amazing to see them work the crowd without even trying, and as Norma sat watching, she couldn’t help but swell up with pride. Everyone was practically on the edge of their seat, and no one but Norma noticed when Christopher sat back and tossed an arm across the top of her chair.

  Norma bristled and waited for the curious stares and sudden frowns she had expected would come their way. But no one batted an eye; instead, they were engrossed in what Jonas was saying. It had relaxed her just a bit, more than she was willing to admit, so when Christopher closed the evening with his kind words and evening prayer, Norma had hope that things would work out, as he said.

  It was in her nature to serve. Pushing through the swinging double doors of the kitchen, Christopher approached Norma from behind and slipped his arms around her waist. She jumped and tried to pull away from him, but he kept her locked in place.

  “What are you doing in here?” he asked.

  “What do you think? Someone has to keep things in order around here.”

  Christopher turned Norma around to face him.

  “This is our night. I’ve hired a chef to cook for the family for a reason. So you wouldn’t be in here like you are now.”

  “I know,” Norma said, exhaling a breath.

  “You’re nervous,” Christopher said.

  Norma nodded. “Believe it or not, I had actually calmed down a bit, but as soon as we crossed the threshold, the nervousness came back. Then Nicolas and Alejandro’s flight were delayed, so they missed the entire event, and I’m not sure if they’ll get here tonight.”

  Christopher rubbed her shoulders up and down.

  “I could make some calls to see when their plane will touch down.”

  Norma peered up at him. “Could you?”

  Christopher gave Norma a knowing look. “Of course,” he said. “I’ll let the family know we’re waiting for Nicolas and Alejandro before we eat.”

  “No, no,” Norma said. “Let’s not keep everyone waiting,” she said.

  Christopher rubbed her shoulders again. “Amor…” he drawled. “I insist.”

  Norma smiled softly. “Listen to me, oso de peluche,” she said. �
�I don’t know how much longer I can wait to have this conversation with la familia.”

  “Would it be better for you if we got this over with before we eat? I for one would be extremely happy to get it out of the way.” Christopher paused. “That’s what we’ll do, right now.”

  Norma’s eyes lurched, and her heartbeat raced. They’d been at home all of thirty minutes, and now she went back and forth over whether to spring their news on everyone so soon or wait until after dinner.

  “Sweetheart,” Christopher said, grabbing her attention, “no more waiting.”

  She sighed. “Okay. Let’s do it.”

  Christopher’s smile was giant. “You sure?”

  Norma smiled up at him. “Yeah.”

  Christopher grabbed her hand and held on to it before pulling it to his lips for a kiss. They strolled through the kitchen door to the dining room. One by one, heads turned, and all in attendance noticed the joining of their hands. Christopher scanned the room and noticed a few members missing.

  “Has anybody seen Julian and Desiree?” he asked. “Norma and I would like to make an announcement that everyone should hear.

  “I’ll go look for them,” Claudia said, rising from her seat.

  Upstairs, in the guest bedroom at the end of the hall, Julian had Desiree pinned against the wall, with her head turned sideways and her cheeks pressed into the sheetrock. She breathed heavily and tried with all the power in her not to shout as Julian thrust into her heated core. With her dress pulled up and her see through white lace panties around her ankles, Desiree’s eyes rolled as Julian drove into her with deep commanding strokes. With his feet braced on the outside of hers and his hands melting into her waist, Julian lifted her hips and dug into Desiree’s center with a fierceness that caused them to rock into the wall.

  “Oooh, shit, oh my God, baby…” Desiree moaned. With her back arched, Julian leaned into her bottom and nibbled her ear as he hammered into her backside.

  “Aaaah shiiiittt…” Desiree moaned again. “Fuck me, baby, yeah, yeah, yeah,” she sang as Julian tapped into her ass.

  There was a knock on the door that caused Desiree to freeze, and her eyes stretched in horror that they would be caught. But not Julian, as if he hadn’t heard a thing, he continued his assault on her pussy, grinding into her hot center with deep plunging thrusts. Desiree couldn’t help but bite down on her lip. She didn’t want Julian to stop no more than he did.


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