She Said Yes (Falling For A Rose Book 6)

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She Said Yes (Falling For A Rose Book 6) Page 11

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “Hey Desiree, are you in there?” Claudia called.

  Desiree swallowed and tried to get her voice together while Julian hips bucked back and forth.

  “Um,” Desiree said just as her eyes rolled again. “Yeah, I’ll be out in just a second,” she said hurriedly.

  “Okay, well, whatever you’re doing, try to make it quick, Daddy Rose and Auntie Norma have an announcement to make that they want us all to hear.”

  Julian slammed into Desiree’s ass so hard the slapping of their skin resounded around the room. Desiree’s head fell forward into the wall again, and a wailing whimper escaped her lips.

  “Desiree?” Claudia asked.

  “I got it!” Desiree shouted as she ground her hips into Julian’s damaging blows with a bite of her bottom lip.

  Keeping her mouth closed tight and biting down on her teeth Desiree braced herself against the onslaught of Julian’s rowdy strokes. Regardless of her will, a high-pitched squeal left her mouth and Julian pulled her off the wall and placed a hand across her lips.

  Desiree bit down on his fingers, and Julian fucked her hard, making her come on his shaft with a tide of cream.

  “Oooh my God,” she sang, and Jaden serenaded her with his linguistics as his language barrier crossed as he succumbed to his on release. Desiree loved when Julian went from speaking French, to Spanish, then Italian. Telling her all the many ways he desired her. Julian rested a head on her shoulder briefly before slowly slipping out of her womb and turning her in his arms.

  They kissed, long and steady, with warms mouths showering each other’s lips, faces and chins with impassioned love.

  Drowsily, Desiree prompted, “We better get downstairs and see what all the fuss is about.”

  “I know,” Julian answered, “but would it be bad if we skipped the announcement and went straight to bed?”

  Desiree smiled, still in a fog of love. “I don’t think so, but the others might.”

  Julian nodded. “Always the voice of reason.”

  Desiree chuckled. “Maybe if we get down there quick enough, they’ll be frank, and we can head on out.”

  “You think they’ll notice if we skip out on dinner?”

  “Damn,” Desiree said. “We’re doomed.”

  Julian chuckled, pushing his lips against the side of Desiree’s forehead.

  “Bathroom first,” she said. Desiree sauntered to the guest bathroom with Julian’s arms wrapped around her from behind. They cleaned each other and washed their hands, tucking Julian’s shirt back inside his pants and reapplying buttons.

  They readjusted Desiree’s dress, and she finger combed her straight bob cut hair before they joined hands and made their way to the dining hall. As they got close, they stole goofy grins at one another, unware that they both glowed with a shine only a coupling could cause. When they reentered the kitchen, everyone turned to look at them, Samiyah particularly since she had been ready to eat from the moment they arrived.

  “Did you two get lost?” Christopher asked.

  Desiree and Julian glanced at each other with the highlight of a smirk dancing around their mouths.

  “Sorry for our disappearing act. We heard you have an announcement to make,” Julian said, diverting the attention back to his father. Desiree squeezed his hand softly in a silent thanks, and Julian squeezed back.

  Just then the doorbell rang. Christopher and Norma exchanged glances, and they both excuse themselves to answer the door. When the door opened, Nicolas and Alejandro stood with huge grins on their faces and thick coats wrapped around their cold bodies.

  “Mamá!” they chorused.

  Norma’s mood brightened significantly, and she opened her arms. Both Nicolas and Alejandro moved to her, and they hugged tightly. Christopher closed the door and held back while the family reunited. It warmed his heart that the boys had made it in town and just in time for their exciting news.

  After greeting their mother, Nicolas turned to Christopher. “Mr. Rose,” he said, holding out his hand for a shake. “Happy Holidays.”

  Christopher returned Nicolas’ stern handshake. “Indeed,” Christopher said. “How are you, son?”

  “Doing very well. San Antonio has been good to me,” he said with a smile.

  “That’s good to hear. I’m told you and your brother will graduate this upcoming spring.”

  “Yes, sir,” Nicolas said. He was proud of his achievement, and his smile bubbled over.

  Alejandro took his turn greeting Christopher, and they also chatted briefly about his graduation.

  “We’re so sorry we couldn’t make it to the event.”

  “Well it’s no fault of your own,” Christopher said. “Why don’t you two follow us to the kitchen and have a seat? We are about to eat dinner, but first we have some great news to share.”

  “Sure, sure,” Nicolas said.

  They meandered to the dining room and all eyes turned to them as they entered.

  “Hey!” the family sang.

  “Nicolas, it’s felt like years since we’ve seen you!” Jonas said, approaching Nicolas with an incredulous smile.

  “I know,” Nicolas said, “it’s been too long, but school and studies have kept me preoccupied. I promise I wasn’t ignoring you.” The men laughed as everyone exchanged greetings.

  After a few minutes, Nicolas and Alejandro removed their coats and got comfortable at the table. The room was warm and toasty, and the table had been set. Standing at the head, Christopher cleared his throat. He scanned the room, looking from one face to the other, warmed even further by the joining of his family and the new additions that had been added. The only person not in attendance was Quentin, who’d headed to his parents’ house with a sudden emergency. Christopher hoped they were all right, and he knew he’d find out soon.

  “Don’t keep us in suspense, old man,” Josiah cracked out, causing a few snickers to float around the room.

  Christopher chuckled then his face became serious. “For a long time, after your mother passed, the only ones we’ve depended on was each other. Although we received sympathy and condolences from those on the outside, it was us,” Christopher pointed to his boys and his girls, “that held each other together. We went through a time so dark it was almost tough to make it through the day, but each of us became a listener, advisor, and leaned on one another’s shoulders became the thing that bonded this family together even more. None of that, could’ve been done without this woman right here.”

  Christopher reached out and pulled a blushing Norma against his side.

  “True that!” Josiah said while all the others nodded in agreement.

  “Norma and I have both had the pleasure of watching you grow up, move out, and add to the Rose dynasty. Today, I’m happy to announce that I will be doing the same.”

  The room had gotten quiet while they all hung on Christopher’s words.

  “You see, while Norma was busy being our friend, our sounding board, our nurturer, and a mother figure in our lives, I was busy falling in love with her, and recently, I asked her to be my wife, and she said yes.”

  Not a single person moved, blinked, or made a sound. They all sat with eyes wide, taking in the significant news that Christopher just laid on them. Next to him, Norma froze, her limbs paralyzed, her lungs closed to the oxygen in the room. Her eyes went around the table, landing on each of them one at a time, but she couldn’t gauge their reaction as they sat with blank faces looking over at them.

  The moment Norma thought she could feel her limbs, she silently informed her legs to move. But they didn’t, holding in place next to Christopher as he draped an arm across her shoulder and rested a hand against her arm.

  The silence broke when Phoebe burst into tears and dropped her face into her hands. Everyone turned to her as she stood and trotted around the table toward her father. As she neared, Christopher dropped his arm from Norma’s shoulder and reached out to Phoebe. He pulled her in for a hug and let her cry into his chest, giving Phoebe the time she
needed so she could say her peace. Phoebe sniffed and took deep breaths, then gathered herself enough to speak.

  “For the longest time,” she paused and attempted to steady her breathing again. “For the longest time, I didn’t know if you would ever love someone again.”

  Her voice cracked, and Phoebe paused then let out another deep calming breath.

  “I thought you would live in this house alone, forever.” She pulled her lips in and rubbed them together. “Honestly, Dad, it broke my heart.” Phoebe began to cry again, and Christopher held her tight. Jaden and Jonas rose from their seats and so did a few others. Slowly they made their way to Phoebe as she cried against her father’s chest.

  “I never meant to worry you,” Christopher said. “When you’re a parent, you put the needs of your kids before your own. Falling in love with Norma happened over the years as we all grew and healed together. There’s always a divine plan in place, and I don’t want you to worry about me anymore.”

  Phoebe’s tears fell continuously with her arms wrapped around her father’s waist. Behind him, Phoebe reached out, grasping for any sign of Norma.

  Norma eased into their space, and Christopher opened up and pulled Norma in, and they all hugged as Phoebe tried with all her might to calm her spirit.

  “When?” Phoebe asked.

  Christopher glanced over at Norma, then around to all of his kids.

  “Christmas,” he said.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Christmas Day

  Guacalito de La Isla, Nicaragua

  The emerald coast of Nicaragua’s waves lapped at their feet before retreating back into the crystal blue waters. Standing on a dazzling white-sandy beach, Christopher and Norma held hands as they gazed at one another. Behind Christopher, his sons stood in line, suave in Tom Ford tailored suits, while Christopher stood sharp in Giorgio Armani. Behind Norma; Phoebe, Jasmine, and Eden stood along with Samiyah, Claudia, Desiree, Santana, and Octavia. The ladies were draped in Vera Wang pleated ivory dresses while Norma was adorned in a Carolina Herrera gown that also revealed her bare shoulders. With their family and close friends in attendance, the couple shared and exchanged vows with a slight wind chill at their back. Norma’s gown fluttered softly in the sailing winds as she spoke her eternal oath with tears in her eyes and an extra beat in her heart.

  Christopher’s sight had also been blurred momentarily by the drops that fell from his eyes. As he spoke, Christopher pledged his love for Norma until the end of time.

  As Christopher had known, the family took the news of their wedding with a happiness he couldn’t explain. After loving and hugging on Phoebe, they’d all shared congratulations with Christopher and Norma, knowing the two were perfect for each other. Norma couldn’t have been more delighted. Seeing Phoebe’s tears in the beginning had almost broken her heart, but they were tears of joy, which Norma was ecstatic about. The celebration had gone on throughout the night. Norma could honestly say it was the first time in a long while that she’d had anything remotely close to an alcoholic beverage. But it was an occasion like no other, so she obliged.

  To say Martha Jean and Adeline Stevens were surprised was an understatement. For the entire time the family celebrated around each other, the two women sat stumped while mulling over the revelation. Martha Jean felt duped, and she thought about all the nonchalant times that Norma had giggled or merely watched from the sideline while she flirted relentlessly with Christopher. She had known the whole time that Christopher wouldn’t bite because the man only had eyes for Norma.

  “Well played,” Martha Jean had murmured underneath her breath. It was just as well since for whatever reason her attention had gravitated to Antonio. “You might want to close your mouth before something flies inside,” Martha Jean told Adeline.

  On auto pilot, Adeline had done what she said, closing her mouth but still astonished. It surprised Adeline that she wasn’t livid about what was happening. After all, for the longest time, she’d been under the impression that Christopher was single and open for the taking. It was then that Adeline had turned her attention to Clifford and a what if sailed through her mind.

  For the rest of that night, they family sat, and ate, seemly in a state of joy.

  Now on an island with her ex-husband, Adeline played around with what adventure she could get into with Clifford. They sat in the audience, half paying attention to the ceremony—same as Martha Jean and Antonio.

  Slipping into the ceremony with a hand tucked in his pocket, Quentin Davidson slinked past a few guests and sat where he could get a full view of Phoebe. His entrance didn’t get past Phoebe. As soon as his heavenly brown skin strolled in, quickly ducking between the rows, she saw him. Their eyes met and held for so long Phoebe had almost went into a trance. Brazenly, Quentin’s gaze traveled over Phoebe, intent on burning her dress from her very flesh with the dangerous flare of his gaze.

  Just then his lips moved: “Me… you… 2 o’clock.”

  Phoebe’s nipples hardened, and a trail of heat sank down between her thighs. It was the first time Quentin had actually initiated a meeting with. Phoebe didn’t know if the meeting would be innocent or not, but she was determined to find out. Piercing her lips with a smirk, she turned her head away, taking her focus back on her father and soon-to-be stepmother.

  “If anyone sees reason why these two should not wed,” the bishop said, “speak now or forever hold your peace.”

  A gust of wind swirled in, and the waves rushed ashore as everyone sat in stark silence. Norma’s heart smiled and so did Christopher’s.

  “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lee Rose. You may now kiss your bride.”

  Christopher wrapped an arm around Norma and pulled her in snuggly as he covered her mouth in a soft, soulful kiss. Everyone in attendance stood to their feet, and the family cheered thunderously as two became one.

  The End

  Enjoying the Falling for a Rose Series? Grab the next installment, which follows Phoebe Alexandria Rose and Quentin Davidson as they venture into a thing called love in Mine.

  Hey reading family, here we are again! I hope you enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. If so, take a moment and leave a review on Amazon. Check the next page for other books and get an exclusive teaser not found in stores when you subscribe to my newsletter!

  XOXO - Stephanie

  More Books by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  Contemporary Romance

  Everything I Always Wanted (A Friends to Lovers Romance)

  Safe With Me (Falling for a Rose Book One)

  Enough (Falling for a Rose Book Two)

  Only If You Dare (Falling For a Rose Book Three)

  Fever (Falling for a Rose Book Four)

  A Lifetime With You (Falling for a Rose Book Five)

  She said Yes (Falling for a Rose Holiday Edition Book Six)

  Mine (Falling for a Rose Book Seven)

  Romantic Suspense Thrillers

  Beautiful Assassin

  Beautiful Assassin 2 Revelations

  Mistaken Identity

  Trouble In Paradise

  Vengeful Intentions (Trouble In Paradise 2)

  For Better and Worse (Trouble In Paradise 3)

  Until My Last Breath (Trouble In Paradise 4)

  Christian Romantic Suspense


  Reckless Reloaded

  Crime Fiction


  Prowl 2

  Hidden (Coming Soon)


  Golden (Rapunzel’s F’d Up Fairytale)


  Against All Odds (Surviving the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) *Non-Fiction

  About the Author

  Stephanie Nicole Norris is an author from Chattanooga Tennessee with a humble beginning. She was raised with six siblings by her mother Jessica Ward. Always being a lover of reading, during Stephanie’s teenage years her joy was running to the bookmobile to read stories by R. L. Stine.

  After becoming a young adult, her love for romance sparked leaving her captivated by heroes and heroines alike. With a big imagination and a creative heart, Stephanie penned her first novel Trouble In Paradise and self-published it in 2012. Her debut novel turned into a four book series full of romance, drama, and suspense. As a prolific writer, Stephanie’s catalog continues to grow. Her books can be found on Amazon dot com. Stephanie is inspired by the likes of Donna Hill, Eric Jerome Dickey, Jackie Collins, and more. She currently resides in Tennessee with her husband and two-year-old son.




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