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The Tempest: A Guy of Gisborne Story

Page 16

by Charlotte Hawkins

  She glanced at him for a long moment…and he wanted to speak, to say something grand and romantic. But the words would not come. She looked rather hurt, and gave him a small smile as she turned to go…but before she could leave, he reached out to grasp her hand.

  “Do not go yet.”

  For a moment she seemed surprised. Then her eyes took on a loving, sensual light…as if she knew just what he was thinking of, and had been thinking of it just as much. She leaned forward as if to kiss him, and he ached to meet her lips with his own. But first, he placed the little object in her hand. She seemed shocked by the strange and sudden movement, the feeling of something he’d given her. He watched as she opened her palm…and he felt his pulse race as she took in a breath, staring at the emerald ring.

  “Marry me, Cassia.”

  The words came out in a rush, as if they’d been fighting to escape his lips for a long time, and were finally free. He looked up at her, waiting for her reply, half mad with impatience…and fear.

  “Guy, I…”

  “Marry me,” he said again, almost demanding it. Her hesitation frightened him, making him terrified that she would refuse. And he could not bear to face rejection…not from her. He clutched her hand in both his own. “Say you will be mine. Tell me you love me and will stay with me always.”

  Tears began rolling down her cheeks, and his fear grew to near frenzy. Her voice was low. She shook her head. She lowered her head, looking at the ring she held in her palm.

  “Guy of Gisborne, how can you marry me? I am but a poor peasant, with nothing to offer. No dowry, no lands. Not even simple status. You are not meant to have such a lowly wife.”

  He rose to his feet, gathering her in his arms.

  “I care nothing about status or rank. I need no lands, no dowry. It is only you that I want.”

  She said nothing, only weeping silently. And he could bear the tension no longer. Taking the ring from her, he quickly put it on her finger…and in his mind, they needed nothing more. She wore his ring, and for him t>

  As he held her in a crushing embrace, their mouths wildly seeking one other, some wild part of his mind feared that this was all an illusion. This woman he held in his arms…this beautiful, incredibly passionate and loving creature could not really be his. He was not a man to be so blessed by fate. And yet she was here with him, clinging madly to him and returning his kisses with a fierceness that matched his own.

  But what if she were to vanish? What if she was just a dream, soon to fade away and leave him here…abandoned, hopeless. All alone, as he’d been so many times before. Desperation gripped him. If, by some merciless stroke of fate, he were to lose the one great thing he’d ever possessed, she would know how he’d cherished every moment they’d had together…how very much she meant to him. Pulling back from their kiss for a just a moment, his breathing was hectic…his voice trembling with intense emotion.

  “I love you.”

  Looking deep into her eyes, he saw her love for him reflected back. She gave him a little smile…and when she whispered his words in return, the dam that had held back his passions crumbled.

  Overwhelmed with need, he pressed her back against the window casement, resting her bottom on the stone ledge while her hands quested through his hair. He quickly unlaced himself. With their mouths still fused together he lifted her skirts, running his hands along the backs of her thighs, grasping her behind her knees. Pulling her forward in one swift movement, he plunged into her welcoming body, groaning with pleasure at the hot feeling, and without hesitation her legs wrapped around him to hold him in place. He wanted to grind himself into her like mad, to pour into her every ounce of passion he possessed. She was whimpering now, urging him to take her.

  With the slightest thread of self-discipline, he kept himself from it.

  She was no longer his mistress…some momentary vessel to satisfy his lust. She was his heart and soul…his very essence, and he would not consummate their love in this way, up against a slab of stone like some common doxy.

  Grasping her hips firmly he carried her, still joined together, out of the kitchen. The small servant bedchamber was nearest, just across the hall. It would have to be there, for he couldn’t wait much longer to have her, and from the desperate little pleas she was making in his ear, neither could she.

  “Oh Guy, please love me now,” she whispered.

  Within several strides they were within the bedchamber, and they tumbled down upon the feather mattress as they moaned together in their eagerness. At last he moved, thrusting violently into her, each gasp of pleasure she gave urging him on. Her hands clenched him through his trousers, begging for him to drive himself as deeply as he could. Over and over he thrust hard and deep into her, mindless with desire, until he felt the end building. He tried to hold it back, never wanting this mad pleasure between them to cease. But when she cried out his name, her own release sendinger over the edge, it was his undoing, and with a harsh cry he erupted within her.

  Panting wildly, still fully clothed except where their bodies were joined, they lay tightly intertwined, neither willing to release the other. For many moments they remained so, until Guy lifted his head from her shoulder, looking at her intently. Her eyes still burned for him…and he still burned for her. Their explosive joining had hardly taken the edge off of their hunger for each other. He longed for the feel of her soft skin against his. He wanted to explore the loveliness of her body with his fingertips. He wanted to feel her hands on him, the wonder of her touch unleashing deep emotions that he’d never known with another human being.

  His arms under her, he rose with her to a sitting position. Quickly he untied the laces of her gown, eager to free her from the confines of her clothing. Gladly she lifted her arms as he pulled the dress over her head, tossing it aside. Seeing her clad in just her thin underclothes, he was seized by a wave of lust that made him pull her close, kissing her deeply. She eagerly opened her mouth to him, sighing at the rough velvet feel of his tongue. It was enough to make him wild again, and he was briefly tempted to push her back down and forget the matter of undressing. But she pushed at his shoulders, making him release her from the kiss for just a moment. Her voice was breathless.

  “The boots,” she said to him.

  He smirked wickedly, bending down to remove his boots. And when he turned back to her she was pulling off her shift, leaving herself in complete and glorious nudity. Eagerly he reached for her, but she pushed him back slightly to clutch at the hem of his tunic. Without hesitation he worked himself out of it, along with his undershirt, and he was rewarded with the feeling of her hands on his bare skin, grazing his shoulders and his chest. Snaking his arms around her he pulled her body against his, groaning at the thrill of her soft breasts pressed against him. Then he felt her hands dipping down, running along his abdomen and then lower, and he gasped against her mouth as he felt her fingers around him. Quickly as he could he pulled off his braises and breeches, throwing them down to join the other garments on the floor. And at last they were both completely bare, fully exposed to each other in every way.

  As he leaned her back down again, his hands moved wondrously, exploring the smooth plane of her back and the beautiful slopes of her shoulders. His lips sought her neck and traveled down to her breasts, his hands palming the soft skin as his mouth taunted the rose-colored peaks. With his hot mouth he teased her until she was pleading with him to end the delicious torment. His hand traveled down her belly, the way her fingers had just done to him, and he touched her sensitive little bud, making her gasp with fevered desire. She came hard against his hand, crying out, and as she was trembling with completion he joined their bodies again, thrusting rhythmically within her. Their bodies rocked together again and again, desperate for one another until at last they reached the greatest heights of ecstasy, their cries of joy in unison as they fell back to earth together…and still it was not enough. It would never be enough, for either of them.

  Though not completed satisfied, t
hey were both fatigued from their passionate coupling. Content enough for the moment to give in to their weariness, they adjusted their positions for comfort, but still held fast to one another a as y drifted off to sleep.


  When she woke, she found he was still quite asleep…and looking about, she saw that they were now in the great bed of the master chamber. He must have brought her in while she slept, and seeing his long rangy body stretched out, it was understandable that for the sake of comfort, a narrow bed like that in the servants room would not suit him.

  She smiled at the sight of his peaceful expression, so different from the look of fierceness he usually wore. She thought of his look when he’d proposed, how his eyes had burned with an intensity she’d never seen before. It might have been a frightening thing to witness, were it not for the fact that the same flame of intensity burned in her own heart. For so long she’d been madly in love with this man, wanting him more than anything on earth. Now, here he was beside her, his head sharing a pillow with hers…as in love with her as she was with him.

  I love you. It was overwhelming to recall those words falling from his lips. And yet, when he’d said them, there had been such a light of fear flickering behind his eyes…and she knew well the reason why. Under that dark facade of his there was a deeply wounded man who longed for acceptance and love, but in a strange way was terrified of it, for fear it would be taken away. But she was determined to reassure him, to comfort him and make him see that he would always have her heart, come what might. She wanted to eradicate the darkness that had poisoned his heart for so long…and she began by moving just that small space between them to kiss him while he slept, gently pressing her lips to his forehead, his eyelids, and his lovely angular nose. And when she softly kissed his mouth, she was rewarded with the opening of his eyes. His beautiful gaze met hers and he smiled, a wonderfully loving gesture she gave back to him instantly.

  “You are so very handsome when you smile. More so than usual, and that is saying quite a lot.”

  His smile lessened, and he made a little grunt of doubt. “I do believe you are the only one who looks at me with such flattery. My looks have never been an attribute.”

  Her eyebrow raised in doubt. “I find that quite difficult to believe, if the rumors I’ve heard in the past are true. It is said that many women sought your company.”

  He gave a little sigh. “Yes, but I do not think it was my face that caused them to seek me out.”

  Without a second thought she punched his shoulder quite forcefully, unable to quell the sting of jealousy that arose from his insinuation. Even when he looked at her with a curious expression, as if he wondered what he had said wrong, she couldn’t help but feel resentful about his past liaisons. After a moment, he seemed to realize his blunder, and propping himself up on one elbow, he looked down at her.

  “What I meant was not what I implied. What I should have said was that women seeking out a nobleman such as I are most often attempting to gain a higher status.”

  He shrugged then, seeming to give further thought to what he was trying to say. “Perhaps there were more base reasons for their actions, but…”

  “Perhaps?” She raised an eyebrow at him, daring him to look her in the face and lie. She knew that, aside from his status as a nobleman, his reputation with women was quite the talk. He was dark and dangerous, and even if women didn’t find him to be the most handsome man in the world, they certainly wanted to find out what he could offer in the way of carnal knowledge. Thinking on the incredibly passionate times they’d had together…what his touch could do to her, how incredibly delicious his kisses were…it made her almost furious to imagine other women knowing him that way. Looking at him now, she could see him almost reading her mind. And in his voice, she could hear him seeking forgiveness for his past sins.

  “I am no longer that man, Cassia, and I do not wish to be. Whatever my former indiscretions, I wish only to leave them in the past and forget them.”

  In his eyes, she could see that he meant it. And yet, she could not resist giving him a stern look, and a slight hint of warning in her tone. “That is as it should be, Guy of Gisborne, for you belong to me now. And woe to the errant female foolish enough to set her sights on you.”

  He chuckled at her feistiness. “You need not worry on that score. I've said before that you've bewitched me. You’ve placed me under your spell, blinding me to the charms of all women but you. And I do not see that ever changing."

  “Good,” she replied. And then she smiled…a look of triumph on her face. “I pray that your memory is wiped clean of every lingering look, every naughty little gesture. Even whispered conversations.”

  “With other women, there was little…conversation.”

  She gave him a slight grin, and a wily reply. “What was there, then? Only monosyllabic grunting noises and other crude sounds?”

  A low, rumbling laugh escaped him. Lowering himself over her, she welcomed the feel of his strong chest pressed against hers. “Good God woman, you are direct.”

  “So I am, but would you have me be otherwise?”

  He ran gentle fingers through the hair at her temples, and she studied him closely. There was something so wonderful about his expression at that moment…as though when looking at her, he saw something he cherished above all things. Her heart beat fast at receiving such a gaze of admiration. He smirked in the way she adored so much, his voice soft.

  “I would not want you to be any other way. I adore that fire about you.”

  Feeling a womanly possessiveness for him, she gave him a slight push with her body to roll him to his back, and he allowed it quite gladly, if the growing flame in his eyes told the truth. She lowered her head to hover just above his, her lips grazing his seductively, her voice nearly a whisper.

  “Tell me what else you adore about me. I would love to be so enlightened.”

  She felt his hands crawling along her spine, moving down to grasp the soft roundness of her buttocks. Her mouth fell open in a silent gasp at the incredible feeling of his slow entrance. Instinctively she moved herself to take in every burning inch of him. His words to her were as potent as the heat coming from his body.

  “I would much rather show you…My beloved Cassia.”

  With gentle fingertips and heated brushes of his lips he worshiped her body, telling her without words how very much he needed her. They made love with deliberate slowness…sharing long, deep kisses as they caressed each other, their lower bodies moving together as one. When the wave of desire rose to a dizzying height and then fell in an incredible motion of sensation, they gripped each other tightly, whispering words of love to one another and wishing they never had to part.

  Chapter 16

  He looked at her as she lay beside him. Her head was on his shoulder, her arms around him. Snuggled close against him, soft and warm, she was peacefully settled…and he pressed her slightly closer.

  The realization dawned on him that in a few hours, they would be greeting the morning together. This time, there would be no need to part…no concern for time or fear of discovery. The notion of such freedom, such peace of mind, was something he’d never known before. It was incredible…this feeling of absolute peace she brought to his soul. He shifted his weight, turning to his side. She moved in her sleep, adjusting her position with him, pressing her cheek against his neck. There wasn’t the slightest space between them, and he did not wish there to be. He wanted only to remain there in the moment, basking in her warmth.

  But outside, rain had started to fall. A low rumble indicated a coming storm. With the windows open as they were, some of the torrent would soon find its way inside. He gave a reluctant sigh. Gently removing himself from her arms, he rose from the bed to close the window. While he was up he checked the other windows of the house as well, and saw to other little necessities. After washing up he went back to the room, and as he came in he saw her stirring. She sat up in bed, her tousled hair falling in fabulous display around
her body. She clutched the bed sheet to herself, and he found something incredibly alluring about such a gesture of modesty…coming from a woman of such incredible passion. Just the sight of her, lush and tempting as she waited for him…it stirred his senses to a fever pitch. He started towards the bed, intent on having her at that very moment. But she rose from the bed and started out of the room. He reached for her hand, whispering close to her ear.

  “Where are you going?”

  She whispered back. “I shall not be gone long.” She gave him a peck on the lips before slipping away.

  He smiled, crawling back into bed to wait for her, thinking of how perfect a mate he had found in her. He sighed, smiling at the thought of having her for his wife…of her being a mother to his children.

  The thought of siring heirs had always been on his mind. The subject had been drilled into him since childhood. It was the duty of a man to seek a wife, to have many children, and continue the family lineage. He had always thought of it as just that…a duty. An obligation he knew he must one day keep. But until now, he’d never imagined it as a joy he would long to have. To think of Cassia as a mother, giving all of her love to his child…to their child…it filled his heart with an almost painful kind of joy. It was quite possible that at this very moment, she was carrying his babe. He found himself filled with wonder at the possibility.

  This feeling of bliss he now felt…of being with someone he was meant to be with, someone who complimented him in every way. It seemed too good to be true. He felt so complete when she was near…and so very empty when they were apart. Even now, just having her a room or two away, he felt a slight pain of separation. A feeling of relief, of joy and anticipation, came over him as he saw her shadow in the doorway.

  Out of nowhere, a flash of lightning lit up the room, and a crack of thunder rattled the entire house.

  Cassia gave a shriek, rushing forward to the bed. As she threw herself into his arms, hiding her eyes against his shoulder, he couldn’t help but smile. It was the first time he’d seen her truly frightened…and though he still wanted her, he felt his excitement cool for the moment, desires giving way to the need to comfort and protect the woman he loved. Holding her securely in his arms, he ran his hands gently along her back, trying to sooth her.


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