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The Tempest: A Guy of Gisborne Story

Page 24

by Charlotte Hawkins

  “I want to speak to you, if you please.”

  “Who is it?” she asked, standing with her arms folded.

  “You know who it is. It is Stephen.”

  “Who is it?” she repeated.

  “It is Stephen, Cassia. Open the door.”

  “I ask again, who is it?”

  There was a long silence…and then he replied, “It is I. Your brother.”

  She opened the door to him, but only a space. And she glared at him.

  “Are you certain you are my brother, or are you my jailer? Of late, I have a hard time distinguishing between the two.”

  “May I come in?” he asked, his tone more gentle than she’d heard it before. “I do not wish to converse in the hallway.”

  She considered his request for a moment…and then she stepped back. But instantly she turned away from him, her arms folded defensively. “It is your home. You will do as you please with or without my consent.”

  “Cassia, do not be a child.” He stepped into the room, closing the door behind him. “I came here to speak to you, and to offer an apology.” He approached her, but she sat on the bed and faced the window, giving him her back.

  “Speak if you will. Apologize if you must. It does not mean I will hear a word of it.”

  He walked back and forth, his hands clasped behind his back. “You are angry with me, and you have every right to be. But I have my reasons for all that I do. You are my sister, and I cannot help being protective.”

  She rose to her feet, coming to stand before the window, her back still turned to him in silence.

  “I made Gisborne my Steward as a favor to you. I am aware of your feelings for him, and for that reason I am willing to allow him to stay here. But you cannot know how difficult it is for me to fully accept him.”

  Now she turned to him, furious.

  “He is not the man you knew all those years ago! You do not know him as I do!”

  Stephen did not answer. He crossed his arms, continuing to pace back and forth. Now Cassia came close to him, sitting on the edge of the bed as she looked at him.

  “I love him Stephen, and he loves me. Whatever his past actions, they are simply that…past actions. He is the only man I wish to call my husband. And you know I will do anything to be with him.”

  “I know that very well!” His shout took surprise…and his next words nearly knocked her down. “And that is why I’m allowing the union.”

  She clutched the bedpost for support, completely stunned. “Are you in earnest? Will you truly not stand in our way?”

  He shook his head, though he kept his eyes on the floor. “In the morning I shall make the announcement.” Clearly, he was not pleased with his own decision. But he had consented. He had given his blessing of marriage...and she was so ecstatic, she leapt up and threw her arms around him. At first he was reluctant to embrace her, but she was too happy to care. She clung to him all the same, tears of joy sliding down her cheeks.

  “Thank you, brother. I cannot tell you what this means to me.”

  At last he put his arms around her. His voice was sad, and he sighed. “You are my sister. I cannot pretend to understand your feelings for that man…but I do not wish to battle with you. We have been too long apart for such pettiness.”

  She kissed his cheek, hugging him even tighter. After several moments he withdrew himself, holding her slightly away. He placed a kiss on her temple…and left the room, saying nothing more.

  When he was gone she jumped on her bed and fell back on it, bouncing like a giddy little girl.


  Sitting in his chair by the fire, Guy tried his best to be patient. He had poured a goblet of wine and sat sipping at it, trying to relax as he waited for her return. He was certain that she was simply being cautious, biding her time until she could make her way back to him, and he told himself that at any moment she would come slipping in like she had before. He longed to see her there, looking so soft and beautiful in her white nightgown.

  But as the minutes went by, he found himself rising from the chair to walk back and forth, occasionally straining his ear in the hopes of catching the sound of her footsteps falling on the hall floor. But except for the crackling of the fire, all was silent. He began to wonder if she’d been detained in some way. Perhaps Stephen had caught her in the hallway and ordered her back to her room. But if he’d done that, then wouldn’t he be here flying into a rage? His curiosity and concern became too much at that moment, and setting his wine goblet aside, he moved to his door and eased it open. Peering out into the hall, all was dark silence…and he made the decision to go in search of her. If she couldn’t come to him, he would go to her. Perhaps it was a foolish thing to be slinking about in the dark as he was, boyishly eager to be with the woman he loved. But he’d hardly seen reason since those first yearnings he’d had for Cassia, and there was no point in being sensible now.

  In the gallery between the guest quarters and the family apartments, he paused at the glow of a candle across the way. Stephen was leaving Cassia’s room. It seemed it was just as Guy had suspected…her brother had sent her to her chambers and probably ordered her to remain there. His eyes narrowed bitterly, feeling a surge of anger at the Baron’s treatment of his sister. Brother he may have been, but he was treatr more like a ward. Stephen had been treating her as such ever since Guy had first known him…and he was growing tired of such disregard. Although he had never been a man of easy temper or great patience, for Cassia’s sake he had tried to tolerate Stephen’s overbearing ways.

  But enough was enough. In the morning, the Baron would make his decision about the marriage. If he allowed it, then all would be well. But if Stephen refused it, then by God, he would take Cassia and run with her to find the nearest priest.

  Let not that which has been joined together by God be parted by man. So said the scriptures, and so it would be.

  He waited a few long minutes, giving Stephen ample time to reach his bedchamber. When he was certain all was safe, he moved to her door and stole into her room, latching the door behind him. He turned to see her sitting up on her bed, a slightly stunned expression on her face…but she was quite pleased to see him, judging from her little smile. He wondered at her happy mood, if she had been confined to her quarters. But he couldn’t help but smile back at her.

  “I waited for you,” he said in a whisper, crossing the floor quickly. “But patience has never been one of my strongest virtues.” On the edge of her bed she rose to her knees, holding her arms out, and he fell into her embrace. The warmth and softness of her body never ceased to temper any ill feelings he had. Instantly her brother was forgotten. The thought of all other things was replaced by the contentment of having her in his arms. Then she spoke, softly and tenderly, her tone full of great joy.

  “He said yes, Guy. He is allowing our marriage.”

  He pulled back for a moment, his eyes widening slightly in surprise. “Are you quite certain?”

  She nodded, clutching the back of his neck to pull him close for a kiss. Winding his arms around her, they fell down on the bed together, embracing and sharing small heated presses of their lips.

  “He is not altogether pleased with himself,” she said between kisses. “But it matters not. He has given his blessing.”

  His words were muffled slightly, his lips exploring her neck. “Thank God for that.”

  “No more sneaking about like criminals in the night. Now we can be together just as we wish to be.”

  He raised himself up, looking at her. “As often as we wish to be?” He stroked her cheek, and smiled at the daring look in her eyes…the crooked little smirk she wore.

  “Very often, I hope.”

  He brought his lips to her ear. “Believe me love, if I had my way, we would hardly set foot outside our bedchamber.” He felt her shiver when he placed a kiss just behind her ear…and his heart beat fast with delight when she giggled.

  “You are a brazen, debauched man,” she whispered, laughi
ng softly at the same time. “And I never want you to change. Stay just as you are, you wicked beast.”

  She clung to him tightly, and ahe put his head upon her shoulder, a deep feeling of tranquility came over him. For the first time in his life, he looked to the future with a complete sense of hope. There was no fear, no despair. He closed his eyes against a wave of great emotion that came over him. He loved her so very much, and at last he knew that she truly was his…and that she would always be.

  “My Cassia,” he whispered. “My love and my life.”


  After the wedding announcement was made the next morning, the manor became a whirlwind of activity. The happy couple, having been openly introduced as being engaged, would have enjoyed some time to themselves, but the chaos of nuptial planning left little time for anything else. They would be wed in a fortnight, which meant that every moment was precious. Cassia was immediately summoned to make decisions about her bridal attire, leaving Guy to begin his new duties as Steward. To say the least, it was a hectic time.

  But they continued their late night meetings…neither of them willing to relinquish what time they could manage together. The only trouble was how quickly the nights passed. Guy in particular was growing frustrated with the limitations.

  “Nine days feels like an eternity,” he lamented, as they strolled through the garden one evening. “I shall be very glad when we can be done with these formalities and nocturnal meetings.” Then he gave her a wicked little smile. “Not that I mind our little meetings. I just wish we did not have to be so secretive.”

  The happy look faded from her expression, becoming more solemn. She sighed. “Guy, I think it best if I keep to my own bed for a time.”

  He paused in their walking, making her turn to look at him, and his face was full of disappointment.

  “Why?” he asked.

  She hesitated for several moments. But after a bit of prodding, she made him bend down so she could whisper the reason in his ear, and then her face flushed pink with embarrassment. His own expression was one of shock, for as many women as he’d known, he’d never dealt with their womanly troubles before. The subject made him quite uncomfortable. But when he saw the mortified look on Cassia’s face, he tried his best to be understanding.

  “You are a woman, after all. Do not be ashamed. We shall wait until the time is right.”

  They continued on in silence, and he expected her demeanor to change with his attempt at consolation. But she continued to frown, and he knew there was something more that troubled her.

  “Beloved, what is wrong? I do not like to see you forlorn.”

  She sighed, her tone sad. “I was hoping to be with child. And this means I am not.”

  It was a lng moment before he replied, and when he did, it was with his own outlet of breath. “I see,” he said gently. After another brief pause, he tried to change his tone to a more pleasant one. Gathering her in his arms, he rested her head on his breast, stroking her back. “Do not be distraught, my love. We will have children soon enough. I am certain of it. And what is more, they will be born in wedlock. I am sure that thought has crossed your mind at times. And while you wait and hope for our own children, you can take delight in your niece and nephew. They are quite fond of you, from what little I have observed.”

  Now she smiled…he could hear the change in the little sound she made as she leaned against him. And then he found himself being the one who frowned.

  “I fear they do not feel the same about me. Stuart, in particular. He flees when I look at him.”

  She chuckled. “I have seen that. And I think perhaps he’s not certain what to make of you. You can be quite intimidating, you know.”

  “Yesterday, he gave my leg a swipe before he ran away.”

  Cassia pulled back in his arms, looking up at him. “Really? He must have been trying to test himself. Mock charging, like young animals do. I would not be surprised if he makes more attempts. And when he does, you should encourage him. Come down to his level in some way. Let him see that you are not so frightening.”

  It was a strange thing to imagine a child not being afraid of him, and he had to wonder if Cassia would be right in her suggestion. He’d spent so many years being a monster in many a youngster’s eye, and he wasn’t quite certain if he could shake the reputation, even now. But when he thought about his own children to come, he decided that he should attempt to right those past wrongs. And what better way to learn than to interact with a child who was at hand. When Stuart came along the next time, Guy vowed he would be ready. Even if he looked foolish in his attempts…even if he failed in some aspect…he would try and learn for Cassia’s sake, and for the sake of the family he wanted to have someday. He’d failed in so many aspects of his existence thus far, but his future with his wife and family was a precious gift. They would be his chance to start his life all over again, and he didn’t intend to let this opportunity pass him by.


  Over the next week, Guy was quite busy as he helped to settle several property disputes that had come about with some of the tenants. The matter of getting to know his soon-to-be nephew was quite far from his mind, as he was rarely in the house before dark, and the children were already in the nursery when he returned.

  While Guy was quite occupied with his work, the house continued to be a hive of constant preparations. Additional help had been brought in to assist with the numerous tasks to be done, and each member of the house had their own jobs to do. Only the children were exempt, and Stuart took the opportunity to run from room to room, bouncing on beds and ducking under tables to watch all the activity. His nurse had quite a task in keeping up with him, and on more than one occasion when her attention was diverted, he managed to escape her and go about exploring on his own. His curiosity sometimes found him in precarious situations, and on one very busy afternoon his climbing led to a tumble from a garden wall. The height had not been great, but it was enough to provide a gashed knee and many tears, and his outburst caught the attention of several people in the stables nearby…Guy in particular.

  His horse had thrown its shoe, and since he was not far from the manor, he had gone back to see to a repair. While he spoke to the groom, he heard the sound of a child’s cries. Rushing out to investigate, he and the stable hands found Stuart lying near the garden wall, clutching his knee and wailing. Guy came to him, unsure at first of how he should respond. His first instinct was to panic, as the stable hands seemed to be doing. The two boys shouted to each other about rushing to fetch help, but neither was willing to go, for fear of attracting blame for what had happened. But then Guy thought about Cassia…how she would have remained calm in such a situation, assessing things before leaping to action. He waved off the two nervous young men.

  “Return to your duties, and I will see to him.” He knelt down at Stuart’s side as the hands looked on, uncertain about his orders. But he waved them away again. “Go,” he repeated, more firmly this time. And reluctantly, they left him. He turned to the little boy, who was still wailing quite loudly, and Guy spoke as gently as he knew how.

  “Come now, young gentleman, it cannot be so bad. May I look at it?”

  Stuart’s wailing softened somewhat, but he allowed his hand to be pulled away from the wound, and Guy smiled slightly at seeing it was only a cut. It bled, but not so very much, and it didn’t appear to be deep. He didn’t know much about tending wounds, but he was certain that Cassia would know if it needed more attention. Gently brushing away the dirt, he talked to the boy in the hopes of distracting him.

  "How old are you Stuart?"

  Rubbing his eye with one hand, he held up three fingers with the other, replying through his tears.

  "Almost this many."

  Taking a handkerchief from his pocket, Guy folded it into a band. "You are a brave boy for one so small." He tied the cloth around the leg as a way to stem the trickle of blood…and he was stunned by Stuart’s reaction. The boy looked down at the material that hid
his wound. It seemed that when he could not see his injury, he was not so upset, and his sobbing was reduced to sniffles and hiccups.

  “You make it better?” he asked.

  Guy smiled. “I hope so,” he said. “But let us take you to your Aunt. She will set it right.” Picking Stuart up, he carried him to the house…and he could not help but be amused by the way the boy babbled softly, alternating between complaints of his pain and exaggerations of how high up he had climbed before he fell. Guy found himself engaged in a strange but entertaining kind of conversation, and as he carried Stuart through the front door, a swarm of household staff came running to them, many in a state of near panic and all speaking at once in their native French. Stuart’s nurse was at the front of the small crowd, her face red with tears as she rattled on and on, and Guy suddenlfound himself feeling quite protective of his young charge. He ordered everyone away except for Cassia and Rosalyn, who was weeping as she tried to take her son in her arms. But Stuart shook his head. He looked up at Guy.

  “You take me to my room,” he said.

  Guy looked at Cassia and Rosalyn, who could only look at each other in surprise. They showed the way, and Guy followed them quickly.

  After he deposited Stuart on the bed, he stood back for a few moments and calmly explained what had happened. Cassia was cool and collected, as she usually was. Rosalyn was much more distressed and visibly upset, though she had now managed to regain her composure, and she thanked Guy many times for his help.

  “The hurt cannot be much,” he assured her. “And Cassia knows just what to do.” He looked at his fiancé, smiling, and she returned the gesture. Then Cassia took Rosalyn’s hand, comforting her.

  “I will take care of him, sister. Do not fear.”

  Rosalyn nodded, leaning down to kiss Stuart’s head and hands. Guy watched them, both moved and entertained by the motherly affection he was witnessing, and Stuart’s reaction to all of the attention, particularly his mother’s tears. He had ceased his crying altogether, and he looked at his mother with compassion, as if she were the injured party.


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