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Forever Mine (Providence Series Book 1)

Page 24

by Mary B. Moore

  Evidently deciding he’d also had enough, Tony saved took over. “Sweetie you’re the definition of a slut. Your legs spread wider than damn Ebola, and there’s no stopping the diseases you spread with your rotten coochie. Now, this is the last time you come anywhere near us. Do it again and I’ll have a restraining order on you so quickly your head will spin. Know how?” He turned to little Isla, who was now ready to fight having obviously got over the shock of the photos. “Meet the chief lawyer for the Montgomery’s. Mhmm slut friend, she’s a lawyer and a successful one too because you don’t get that position for nothing. Not that you’d know about successful positions seeing as the only ones you know are missionary, doggy, trois, quatre and, however, many you can stuff into your gaping maws. Now totter off to the girl clinic sweetie, I’m feeling itchy standing near you.”

  Grabbing both our hands, Tony walked Isla and I back into the office letting out a sigh of relief once we made it inside. I walked into my office and closed the door locking it behind me. Could I get past this?




  I’d just got to work on the Charger that had been dropped off on Saturday when I heard Cole say, “Oh what the fuck now?”

  Scooting out from under the car, I looked over at the entrance to see the bane of my life walking through the door. After her stunt yesterday, I was way past done with her.

  “Hey Renny,” she walked up to me with a huge grin on her face immediately putting me on edge. “So I bumped into Maya today…”

  I was up off the board before she finished the sentence with Cole beside me. “Why can’t you just leave us the fuck alone? You and I, we had nothing,” I yelled.

  “Mmm, somehow I don’t think Maya is going to be wanting you anymore sweetie. You see,” she reached into her bag and pulled out a handful of paper or something, I didn’t pay attention because I was too busy panicking about what the hell she’d done. “I played show and tell with her today. I showed her these, and I told her all about it.”

  Looking down, I did a double take at what was on the top of the pile of whatever was in her hand. Cole saved me by reaching out and taking it from her and flipping through them with me looking over his shoulder. I couldn’t believe what the fuck I was seeing! Through the buzzing in my brain, I could hear Cole murmuring to someone behind me, but all I could see was the photos and what I was doing in them and then picturing Maya’s face when she’d seen them.

  I started to push past the venomous bitch, but a strong hand wrapped around my arm and pulled me around causing me to swing, just missing Cole by centimeters.

  “Let me fucking go!” I roared in his face. I could hear my voice echoing around the inside of the garage and knew that, by now, my guys were all standing around me ready to lend their support.

  “Fucking calm down Ren, I mean it. Before you go off half-cocked not knowing the explanation for what the fuck is in those photo’s and try and explain to Maya, which FYI brother will not help right now, we need Luke to look at these too and see what he remembers.” Cole had moved close to me and was looking me dead in the eyes. He was pissed off too, but he was keeping it under control. His eyes cut over my shoulder. “Now now now where do you think you’re going? Phil, make sure she and her friends don’t leave here will you?”

  Francheska and her wicked bitches had been edging toward the door, but and Phil was now standing in front of it with his arms crossed over his chest. I walked up to them watching them the whole time, just as I opened my mouth Luke walked in and stormed past them only giving the wicked bitches a cutting look as he passed them.

  “Show me.” The muscle in his jaw was working furiously, and I could see that he was holding onto a thread just like I was. Fuck I hope he can explain what the fuck I’m seeing in those photos.


  I was just about to go after Isla, who obviously been crying, just as my cell rang in my hand. Answering it as I walked in the direction of Isla’s office, I heard Cole’s voice just as she slammed the door.

  “Man, you need to get here now. You are not gonna fucking believe what I’m looking at and I’m willing to bet everything I have that this involves Isla too.”

  “Fuck,” I snapped. I was so over people trying to mess with Isla and me. Ending the call, I entered the office and closed the door behind me.

  Her head snapped up, and I saw how pale she looked. I hated whatever had caused it and knew this had to be my priority; I couldn’t lose her again.

  “I don’t know what’s happened, but I’m going to get to the bottom of it. When I do, we will talk about this. What we have means everything to me, do you understand?”

  When she didn’t answer, I knew that I needed those answers ASAP, so I bent over quickly and pressed a kiss to her lips. Pulling back, I looked her in the eyes. “Wait for me.”

  I walked out, passing the desk where Reid sat. I hated that she’d hired him as her assistant because it meant she worked closely with him and was around him when I wasn’t. I knew they’d been best friends for years, but I still didn’t like it.

  “Make sure she’s OK,” I growled as I passed him. He just looked at me with a blank expression on his face, which I can only imagine again did not bode well for me. He was her best friend and obviously knew what was going on and wanted to punch the shit out of me, but I was his boss. Truth be told, I’d actually respect him for standing up for Isla that way, but I wasn’t going to tell him that.

  Pushing through the door of Ren’s garage, I saw his guy Phil blocking the entrance and could see the black roots and platinum hair that belonged to that psychobitch Francheska next to him. What the fuck had she done now?

  Before I could say anything, Cole handed me a stack of photos. “Francheska is doing her civic duty by showing your girl and Maya these pictures. Care to lend us your thoughts?”

  Looking through them I felt my gut churning; Isla had seen these photos. In the first one, Francheska was on all fours facing the camera with Ren behind her and me in front of her; it was obviously done to make it look like we were giving her a good roasting. During our teens, Ren and I hadn’t been angels. In fact, few of us in Piersville had been angels and yes we had shared, but this I did not remember. Each photo showed either more detail or different positions.

  “Do you remember any of this?” I asked Ren, who had been standing there staring into space.


  What are the chances of two guys being so fucked up that they don’t remember one detail of the night? I mean sure, we’ve all been seriously drunk at some point in our lives but never once have I forgotten what happened the night before. Pulling out my phone, I snapped photos of a couple of them and sent them to Mace, seeing as it involved him too.

  A question suddenly hit me. “Who have you shown these to?” I kept my voice as calm as possible as I walked back towards the bitches.

  They all looked at each other, looked back at me and shrugged. Walking up to Bianca I stood as close as I could get and leaned down.“We had fun you, and I didn’t we? Lot’s of fun if I remember correctly. In fact, at one point you told me that you loved me didn't you?” I moved back still keeping my face close to hers with a small smile on my face so that she wouldn’t back away.

  I could see her panting and knew that I had her. “Yeah,” she licked her lips nervously, and then looked back up at me with an almost smug look on her face. Oh, dear, dear, little witch!

  “Who saw those photos? They’re really well done too, was that you?”

  By this time she was beaming with pride, “Tiff did. I’m glad you like them, I have the one of you and me framed in my bedroom.”

  That last bit made me pause as I swung in Tiff’s direction. “You have a framed version?”

  “Well, it’s not quite framed yet, but it’s going to be,” she stammered. I needed to deal with that bullshit too, but first things first.

  Moving back toward Tiff, I saw Ren walking towards her too out of the corner of my eye. “Why d
id you do it?”

  Her eyes flicked to Francheska and then back to me. “Tell us sugar; we won’t be mad.” I made sure to keep my voice as soft as possible because I knew one thing - this nutcase was about to crack, and crack the other nutcases behind us.

  “It’s time for us to go,” the skank behind us shouted, but I knew they weren’t going anywhere, and the sound of scuffling proved that.

  “Francheska made us do it. She said it was meant to be the four of us with the four of you.” Tiff said looking straight at me like I was a steak.

  “Four of us?”

  “Yeah! You, Ren, Cole and Mace. It does make sense, and now here we are!” Bianca said beside me and then threw herself at me. She had her arms wrapped tightly around my neck while she tried to stick her tongue in my mouth. For a little thing, she had the grip of an anaconda, and her tongue was determined, but all it did was make my balls shrivel up into my gut and my stomach churn. Pushing her off me, I stepped back and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand; it wasn’t enough; I could still feel her.

  “Here man,” Cole pushed a wet wipe under my nose and clapped me on the shoulder as he went back to the door. I swear he had packs of these everywhere, no matter where we went or what we did he always pulled these things out, but I’d never been more grateful.

  I watched her as I wiped my mouth. She was looking at me with hurt, but she still had that deluded look about her. Why hadn’t anyone noticed this before?

  “I think we need to sort a couple of things out with you…ladies, and I use that word loosely,” Ren said walking towards the group as Cole and the men let out a snigger.

  “Loose is such a dirty word,” Cole snorted.

  After this, I needed to get back to my girl and explain all of this to her. She needed to know it all, and as soon as possible. Firstly, though, it was time to call the Police. These psycho’s had just messed with us for the last time.




  Sitting at the bar, I looked at yet another empty beer bottle. Why would someone give someone an empty beer? I know I’m already past drunk, but come on!

  Luke and I had gone back to the office after the police had taken the witches and photo’s away, but Maya and Isla had been away for different reasons; Tony hadn’t been there to talk to either. I still didn’t understand why Francheska was so fixated on me and why she’d go to the lengths she did to break us up.

  “Beer and Jack Jilly.” Her head snapped around to me, and her eyes narrowed. I was drunk but not drunk enough not to know what that meant. “Please?”

  “That’s better!” She walked towards me uncapping a bottle and picking up a glass on her way. She set the beer down in front of me and walked back to get the Jack Daniels.

  I watched her pour a generous amount into the glass as I mulled over my problems.

  “Hey, Ren,” Ava said as she sat down beside me.

  “Ava, what are you doing here on a weekday?” I looked around to see if Mace was with her, but apparently she’d slipped her guard dog tonight. Looking back at her, I belatedly noticed that she was drenched. “What the hell?”

  “It’s raining hard outside, and I couldn’t park closer, so I had to run,” she explained pulling her hair up into a wet mess on top of her head. “So, you drowning your sorrows?”

  “Absolutely,” I saluted her with the jack and drank it back before putting the glass back on the bar.

  “Gonna tell us what’s happened,” Jilly asked, waving the bottle of Jack. I wasn’t a very open person, but the alcohol was hitting me now, and girls did this shit all the time right; so maybe it would help?

  Taking a deep breath, I sat back and let it rip.

  * * *

  “OK Ren, one step, then the next step,” Ava said as she helped me up the stairs to Mace’s. I’d had the most fantastic idea after I’d told Ava and Jilly everything that had happened and they’d let me know their feelings about it. I was getting the tattoo that I was meant to get while Maya was away and Mace was gonna do it. Drunk ideas are the best ideas!

  “No, they’re really not,” Ava muttered. Maybe I’d said that out loud?

  Banging on the front door, I leaned against Ava even more. Mace really needed to fix his damn porch; the fucking thing was moving. Someone could get seriously hurt!

  Lifting my hand to bang again, the door suddenly opened, and a pissed off Mace stood in the doorway looking at me. “What the fuck are you doing, Ren? Are you drunk?” His eyes moved to Ava and for a second they softened, and then turned pissed as he looked her over. “What the hell are you wearing? Your fucking shirts almost see through!” He ended it in a roar which really didn’t help my current balance predicament, Ava took a step back and leaned away taking me with her.

  “It was raining you asshole and so fucking what? It’s my body,” Ava snapped and shifted to push me forward to him.

  Just as I was about to break into the conversation and share my brilliant idea with my best best friend forever and ever and ever, Ava gasped and let go of me completely. Aw shit, I was going down. I started to tip slowly forward towards Mace, who was still glaring at Ava; then it was a case of timber, and I landed on him, taking him down with me.

  “Mace, what’s going on?” A female voice sounded from inside. Looking up I couldn’t believe my eyes; there was Calista Brennan, Isla’s bitch stepsister, standing in nothing but Mace’s shirt looking like she’d been fucked thoroughly.

  “What the fuck?” I was starting to sober up now. She’d played a part in helping Francheska’s bitches; he knew all of this because I’d told him the plan they’d had.

  “It’s not what it looks like,” Mace gasped out from underneath me trying to catch his breath with my weight on top of him. Good, fucker!

  I got to my knees and slowly got up using the wall to steady me as I glared at Mace. How else could it look? Oh, shit Ava!

  She was now walking back towards her car, and I could see her shoulders shaking. “You’re an asshole and a piece of fucking shit,” Mace stiffened as I let rip, “and now you’ve lost her. I hope it was worth it, but I doubt it”. I ran after Ava now on slightly more sober legs, catching up with her just as she got into her car.

  “I’m done, Ren,” she whispered as she started the engine and began to back out the drive. “Never again.”

  Was there something in the water? What the hell was going on just now?


  Luke and I walked around the site, inspecting all of the scaffolding and machinery to make sure it was safe. He’d told me what had happened yesterday explaining that the photos were photoshopped and not real. It sounded a bit far-fetched to me, but then this was Francheska, and she was capable of anything I’d realized. There were no limits, no boundaries; she would do as she pleased even with the restraining order that was being served to her.

  We were walking under some low scaffolding when I saw something hanging down and grabbed it. It was a piece of dark material; I wonder where it came from? Turning it over, I saw the word “SURPRISE!” written in white paint.

  Luke had just grabbed my arm to pull me out from under the structure when all of a sudden something hit me, and everything went blessedly black….


  Waking up this morning feeling like I’d been licking sandpaper all night was not a pleasant thing. I hated the morning after the night before, but today I had a purpose. I was going to fix this once, and Maya was going to move in with me. Why? Because I loved her and I wanted to experience more moments with her, and with us two-ing and fro-ing between each others houses, those experiences weren’t as often as they should be.

  My phone started buzzing beside my head and letting out the most god awful tune…was that the song from Armageddon? When did I do that?


  “Ren, it’s Tony.”


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