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Ravaged: A Dark Sci-Fi Reverse Harem Romance (Vakarran Captives Book 4)

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by Sara Fields

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen


  Additional Books in the Vakarran Captives Series

  More Stormy Night Books by Sara Fields

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  Sara Fields

  Copyright © 2018 by Stormy Night Publications and Sara Fields

  Copyright © 2018 by Stormy Night Publications and Sara Fields

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Published by Stormy Night Publications and Design, LLC.

  Fields, Sara


  Cover Design by Korey Mae Johnson

  Images by Shutterstock/Andreas Gradin, iStock/PeopleImages, iStock/Renzo79, iStock/vuk8691, and Dreamstime/Artofphoto

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults.

  Chapter One


  It had been more than a year since Alaina disappeared off into the forest, leaving only me and Kaela. Two Stryke sisters versus the world. Against the mighty Vakarrans who ruled over Earth with an iron fist. Who’d stolen away nearly my entire family just because they could. I hated them. Hated the lives we’d been forced to lead, surviving deep in the caves, safe at least, for the time being. I’d do anything to change that and live a real life again.

  Kaela had taken command. I hadn’t wanted it. Couldn’t do it.

  No one had expected me to either. I was always the wild one, the one who did things without thinking, the one who’d almost gotten her ass caught by the aliens more than once only to be rescued at the last second by her big sister Kira. Our band of human survivors would never have trusted me. Too young. Too foolish, they would say.

  Kaela was quiet and demure and, most important, trustworthy and wary of all the dangers our lives entailed.

  Not like me. Untamed.

  She was off in her gardens, tending to them, picking vegetables and fruit for our dinner tonight. I was walking through the woods, trying to gather my thoughts. Eventually I wandered far enough to find a slow-flowing river, the water clear, the sounds of its trickles calming to me. I sat down and stared at the water for a while, lost in my thoughts.

  The sound of a stick breaking behind me made me jump and I whirled around, only to breathe a sigh of relief when I saw who it was. I grinned at first, then frowned, trying to act angry that he had scared me just a little bit.

  “Kaze! You shouldn’t go around sneaking up on a girl like that!” I scolded him, trying to match his usual macho tone. He grinned, his eyes darkening dangerously, and my insides twirled with happiness.

  “Pretty ladies like you shouldn’t be wandering this deep into the woods all on their own. Could be trouble,” Kaze murmured, making my heart flutter all over the place.

  He was human, like me; another refugee just trying to make a life for himself. And although neither of us had made it official by any means, I kind of wanted to make a life with him.

  His gray eyes watched me, smoky and stormy, swirling with emotions while he sat down beside me. He took my hand in his and squeezed it gently, smiling down at me. He wasn’t a terribly big guy, but he had a certain roughness and the muscles of a man who worked the land, which I enjoyed looking at from time to time. His dark brown beard was mottled with gray, just like the hair on his head. He was older than me by a good ten or fifteen years, but he’d always been there for me whenever I had needed him. I really liked him for that. Whether I was angry, sad, confused, or happy, he always seemed to know what to do.

  For some reason, he seemed to tame my wildness. My need for rebellion. He understood me. My wanderlust, he called it.

  “Where do you think this little stream goes?” I whispered aloud, dipping my fingers into the chilly depths.

  “I’m not sure. We shouldn’t wander too far from the caves though,” he warned, but even then, his tone didn’t sound all that serious. After a moment, he pointed in the direction the water was flowing. “That way,” he added with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

  “Come with me. You’ll keep me safe,” I murmured, watching as a little brown minnow darted between the rocks. All around us, the trees swayed in the wind and I lifted my head, listening to the peaceful sounds of the forest all around us. Birds singing, water trickling, bugs chirping. It made it hard to imagine everything that had gone wrong, just in the past few years. How we would never have a simple life ever again. How I’d probably never see Kira or Alaina again. I felt so lonely, but at least I still had Kaze and Kaela.

  Kaze studied me, but I didn’t look at him. He didn’t say anything either, but I saw him reach into the pocket on his belt, pulling out the silver flask I’d once stolen from him when we’d kissed some time ago, back before Alaina had gone out looking for Kira. That kiss was seared into my memory. It had only happened once, but I had never forgotten how his lips felt on mine. How my body had warmed to his touch. The feeling of his fingers traveling down my spine.

  He handed the flask to me with a smirk.

  “I filled it with some more tequila, since the time you emptied it last,” he admonished, his tone joking as his eyes danced with amusement. I smirked and rolled my eyes.

  “Totally worth it,” I joked, sticking my tongue out at him as I took the container in my hands. He laughed at my sassiness.

  I opened it and took a big swig. The liquor burned, but in a way that I deeply enjoyed. Standing up, I wandered in the direction that the water flowed, following the path of the river as the sun rose high in the sky. I didn’t have a destination in mind. I just went, enjoying the feeling of being surrounded by nature and with Kaze by my side. I heard him walking behind me and I smiled. I knew he wouldn’t leave me to the dangers of the woods. Always dependable, that Kaze.

  We hiked for hours in silence, my thoughts consuming me as we traveled. What would I do now that my older sisters were gone? Should I go looking for them? Should I just move on?

  If both Kira and Alaina had gotten caught, what good could I do? I sighed with my sorrow. No, it didn’t matter. I couldn’t help them. Didn’t stop me from missing them though. My fingers clenched at my sides and I struggled to contain my scream of anger and sadness inside me.

  It wasn’t fair. Life wasn’t fucking fair.

  Humans didn’t deserve this fate. To be captured by aliens on our very own planet, trained for their use and sold off for profit, used to carry Vakarran babies. My emotions battled inside me, a war just begging to be let loose.

  “Danika,” Kaze said softly, breaking me out of the beginning of a long line of thoughts that would ultimately lead me into depression. He always knew what I was thinking even before I thought it. He was a good guy. Sometimes I almost didn’t think I deserved him.

  “Look up ahead,” he murmured, pointing in front of me. I was so lost in thought
that I hadn’t even realized flow of the water was much faster here. The grasses swayed back and forth, the sound of the small white rapids louder. Following his finger, I saw what he meant in the distance.

  “A waterfall,” I whispered with wonder. We’d never gone this far before. It felt exhilarating and even a little bit dangerous. Everything would be fine though. Kaze was with me.

  Giggling like a schoolgirl, I rushed on ahead with Kaze laughing quietly behind me. Before I knew it, I was far away, and the sound of his snickers quieted with the distance. I ran, and I ran hard, too excited to see what was ahead. For once, wandering out in the woods with him felt ordinary, and I wondered if I could ever hope for some semblance of normalcy in our lives. Maybe together even.

  I raced down the banks, climbing down rocks and jumping over puddles until I reached the bottom and turned to look back at the waterfall. It wasn’t big by any means, but it was beautiful. Water splashed over green mossy rocks, the sounds soothing. I could watch the flow of water forever, it was so breathtaking. I sighed with happiness, the sounds of the forest taking all of my worries and making them float away. It was a moment of beauty that I knew I would never forget.

  I heard Kaze yell off in the distance, telling me not to run too far ahead. I didn’t pay him much mind. We hadn’t encountered anyone in the woods, be it man or alien, so it felt pretty safe.

  And then it all fell apart. I should have been more careful, should have stayed with Kaze. I should have known better.

  A boot scuffed against the rock behind me and I jumped, looking behind me only to feel the barrel of a gun pressing against the side of my head. My stomach dropped to my toes, and at once, I knew something was terribly, terribly wrong. My breath caught in my throat and my heart pounded in my chest. My blood rushed to my head.

  “My, my, what do we have here? Pretty little brunette like you wandering out in the woods, all alone, just begging to be taken?” a gruff voice began, and my blood ran cold. Shit. I wasn’t alone.

  “Damn, it’s been a while since I’ve seen gorgeous pussy like this,” another male said, as a pair of arms wound around my waist. I flinched at the man’s touch, but I was too afraid with the gun to my head.

  “Fuck, Neil, you’re right. Look at that pink little mouth. I bet it’ll feel really good when she’s sucking my dick. Mmhhmm. Those lips of hers will surround it just like a picture frame. Fuck… I’m hard just thinking about it,” one said. My eyes darted around me and I realized I was surrounded by three different men. The gun dug into my skull.

  Humans. Not aliens.

  And they were filthy. Their hair was unruly, so matted with mud and grass that I could barely tell if they were blond or brunette or even gray. One of them was rather large, his what was once white t-shirt covered with disgusting sweat stains, both wet and dried. I doubted he’d changed his shirt in weeks, and in the heat and humidity here in Georgia, that was saying something. His eyes were dark gray and something about them seemed decidedly cruel and inhuman. His beard was long and unkempt, like a caveman. My nose twitched, detecting rancid body odor like none I’d ever smelled before. I doubted these men had bathed in a very long time. I knew without a doubt that they had rather foul thoughts on their minds too. Involving me.

  I wanted to throw up.

  By the way the two other men stood around the fat one, I could tell he was the leader. Of what, I didn’t know, and I really didn’t want to find out. I needed to get out of here. Now.

  The gun barrel dug into my scalp and I tried not to let my fear show, but I was scared. No one had ever threatened me like that before and even though I knew how to fight and defend myself, I was definitely not prepared for the feeling of a gun pressed up against my head. It did something to my courage, making it melt away while I froze instead. To have death but a trigger pull away was something I don’t know if I could have ever prepared for. My lungs rattled from the exertion of taking a breath.

  But I would have to be brave. My life depended on it. I was not about to let these men hurt me without fighting back for my life. I was a Stryke. We were fighters. My sisters would expect more from me. I owed my family that much.

  “Who the fuck do you think you are?” I sneered, doing my best to foster that small sense of valor that was just beginning to swell inside me.

  The gross fat one with the beard sneered back at me with contempt, before he grinned darkly, as though this was all just a game to him.

  “What’s your name, sugar?” he replied, his eyes dancing with amusement. My insides recoiled in disgust.

  “What’s it to you?” I replied. The man holding the gun to my right twisted it into my skin and I couldn’t help but gasp quietly at the pain.

  The message was pretty clear. Answer, or you’ll get hurt. My whole body twitched, just waiting to react, to be given the chance to fight for my life. As soon as any of them moved toward me, I was going to kick them in the balls. Fucking hard.

  “Danika,” I spat back, trying to keep myself from growling in their direction. My sneer said enough.

  “I’m Neil. Nice to meet you, gorgeous. Fancy meeting an exquisite little whore like you out here in the woods. Last time I saw one like you, I had her chained to a fucking wall. I forget her name. What was it? Started with an A or something,” he replied, his gaze dragging up and down my body, and I shivered with revulsion. Even though I was entirely clothed, under his scrutiny I felt naked. And I did not like it one bit.

  “Alaina, boss. I think,” the guy on the left said.

  The guy with the gun moved even closer, his grimy hand grabbing my waist, and I wanted to whirl and kick him so bad. The gun dug into my scalp, reminding me that they could kill me at any second. I’d have to wait.

  “Not an ounce of fat on her, this one. I bet she’ll look real fucking pretty without them clothes. I bet she’ll dance real pretty for us too,” the man said, and I gagged in my mouth.

  I stilled, waiting. I’d get my chance to fight back soon. I just needed the right moment.

  But then, I heard footsteps crashing down toward us.


  My eyes tore forward, seeing Kaze rushing toward me, the anger and fear for me clear on his face. His eyes widened, not moving from mine for a second. I didn’t even have time to shake my head, to yell at him that he should run. Not that he would listen, he’d try to save me anyway.

  Neil laughed.

  “Kill him.”

  My moment to fight was now.

  My blood ran cold. I forced my body away from the man holding it, whirling and lifting my leg up in a solid, strong roundhouse kick, but it wasn’t fast enough. The gun left my head, leveled in Kaze’s direction, and the booming sound of a gunshot echoed all around me.

  My foot connected with the man’s balls, but it was too late.

  My ears rang, the sound of the shot deafening, and my lungs stopped working. In that single moment, my entire world collapsed in on itself.

  The ringing didn’t stop. It wouldn’t ever stop.

  Cold. I felt so cold.

  I whipped around, looking back at Kaze, and our gazes held each other’s for a single moment.

  He smiled softly, as if he was saying goodbye.

  I screamed, fighting like a banshee to get to him, but I couldn’t move fast enough.

  And then, the bullet tore through his chest. He looked sad, angry that he couldn’t save me, angry of the fate that lay before me. In that span of a second, he told me everything. He loved me, and I loved him. Always. I’d never forget the look in his eyes as my fear ripped through me. His eyes, so full of warmth and emotion, slowly dimmed until I knew he was gone. He collapsed to the ground and all that emotion that was in his eyes faded away.

  My ears were still ringing, and tears flooded down my face.

  I felt numb.

  Kaze was gone.

  Dead. Forever. Leaving me all alone in the hands of these evil monsters.

  I choked. I cried. My vision turned red as he lay there on the ground
, blood pouring out in a massive puddle beneath him. My sobs racked my body, disbelief racing through my mind. In that moment, watching the man I loved be murdered in front of me, I shattered. I broke into a million pieces and I was afraid I’d never be put whole again.

  The fight left me. Everything floated away, and a feeling of numbness overtook me. I couldn’t push it away. I didn’t want to feel. Hands grabbed at my arms and legs, until they pushed me to the ground. I didn’t fight, I couldn’t. My grief consumed me.

  I had nothing left.

  It didn’t matter anymore.

  I closed my eyes and drifted away, escaping to a place in my mind where I couldn’t feel the hands all over my body, ripping away my clothes, touching me in places where they shouldn’t.

  I was too far gone. I couldn’t feel anything anymore.

  Loss. That was all I knew.

  My heart felt like it was dying a slow death, shredding my hope until at last, there was nothing left at all.

  * * *

  I was their prisoner for weeks. I didn’t know exactly how much time passed by, but my numbness never ebbed away. The sound of that bullet still echoed in my head. My detachment was my escape from the horrors of being their prisoner, of being forced to be their whore for their amusement.

  Sometimes, my lack of emotion would spur them on, would make them do even more unspeakable things just to see how far they could push me, but it didn’t matter. I was already broken. They could do whatever they wanted to me, but nothing would ever compare to how much seeing Kaze die right in front of me had broken me. I had died that day, but unfortunately, my body continued on living.

  I hadn’t known such cruelty still existed within the human race anymore, but I guess I should have known better. I’d been kept safe in our little band of human rebels. I’d experienced kindness and friendship among them, surviving on our own together for more than ten long years.


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