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The Heart Remembers

Page 12

by Irene Hannon

  They gazed at each other for a moment in silence, and then she glanced down. He reached for her hand, forcing her to meet his gaze. “However, lately I’ve been thinking more and more about settling down, getting married, raising a family—the whole nine yards.”

  She gave him a smile that looked forced. “It’s probably a good time for you to…to get married and start a family, if that’s what you want. Raising kids is an experience everyone should have.”

  One time. She hadn’t said that, but the implication was clear. She was telling him she’d done the family scene, that if a family was in his future, it wouldn’t be a future that was linked with hers. He could understand how she felt. Raising twins, especially when one had had a medical problem, would have been difficult enough for two people, let alone one. But it was different when the responsibility was shared.

  Before he could suggest that, however, the twins appeared at the door carrying a birthday cake topped with glowing candles and launched into a spirited rendition of “Happy Birthday.”

  The twins set the cake before Maggie with a triumphant flourish.

  “Make a wish, Aunt Maggie,” Allison instructed.

  “But don’t tell,” Abby added. “Or it won’t come true.”

  Her gaze met his over the golden light of the candles, her expression enigmatic. Then, she took a deep breath and blew out the candles on the first try, to the applause of her small audience.

  Jake reached down next to the table and retrieved two small packages, which he held out to her. “Happy birthday, Maggie.”

  “Oh, Jake, you didn’t have to do this!”

  “Of course I did. What’s a birthday party without presents? Actually, the small one is from me and the larger one is from Dad, who sends his best wishes.”

  Maggie took them as the girls quickly and efficiently cut and served the cake. Then, despite her entreaties to stay and join the celebration, they whisked the cake away and returned to the kitchen to enjoy their dessert, leaving the guest of honor once more alone with her dinner companion.

  Maggie shook her head. “Their single-minded determination is amazing. Especially when I think about all the years I struggled to get them to concentrate on their homework.”

  Jake chuckled. “I have to admit, I’m impressed by their thoroughness.” He took a sip of coffee and nodded toward the packages on the table. “Aren’t you going to open your presents?”

  She chose Howard’s first, exclaiming over the intricate pair of wooden candlesticks that were nestled in tissue. “Oh, Jake, these are lovely! Did Pop make them? I thought he didn’t do woodworking anymore?”

  “He doesn’t. He’s had these for years. He made them right before Mom died.”

  Maggie’s face grew thoughtful. “I saw all his woodworking equipment in the garage the day I tried to fix your plumbing. You know, it might be good for him to get back into this. It’s not too taxing physically, and it would give him something productive to do.”

  “I agree. But he hasn’t show any interest in picking it up again.”

  “There’s a fair coming up at church. We have it every fall. A lot of area crafters exhibit and sell their work. And the church sponsors a booth where we sell donated items. Maybe Pop would make a few things for us, since it’s for charity. It might be a good way to get him back into it.”

  “It’s worth a try. But I doubt he’ll be receptive to the idea if it comes from me.”

  “Then I’ll talk to him tomorrow.” Maggie laid aside the candlesticks and turned her attention to Jake’s present. When she tore the wrapping off she discovered a leather-bound travel diary, with a note scrawled on the first page.

  To Maggie,

  May all your travels be exciting—and may they all lead you home.


  She looked over at him, touched by the thoughtful gift—and the thought-provoking inscription. “Thank you, Jake.”

  “You’re welcome. I hope your upcoming trip is the first of many.”

  They focused on the cake, then, and just as they finished the twins made another appearance.

  “Why don’t you two go sit on the porch while we clean up,” Abby suggested.

  Jake grinned. “Sounds good to me.” He stood up and reached for Maggie’s hand. She glanced over at the twins who were, as she expected, beaming. She intended to have a long talk with those young women later, but for the moment she’d let them hold on to their misguided romantic fantasy. So, with a “Why fight it?” look, she placed her hand in Jake’s and stood up, strolling with him in silence to the front door.

  Once outside, she eased her hand from his. The evening was drawing to a close, and though she’d enjoyed spending the time with Jake, she didn’t want to get used to it.

  “Those two.” She stepped away from him to stand at the porch railing and look out over the moon-silvered bay. “What would they have done if my birthday hadn’t been on a Sunday? Any other day the inn would have been full of guests.”

  Jake moved behind her, closing the distance she’d put between them, and rested one hand on her shoulder.

  “Somehow I think they would have found a way.”

  Maggie heard the amusement in his voice, felt his breath whisper against her ear. He was so close that she was afraid he would be able to tell that she was trembling. “You’re probably right.” At least her voice wasn’t shaking.

  “Shall we sit? Or would you rather walk a little?”

  Maggie glanced at the wicker porch swing, a perfect invitation to romance—obviously what the twins had in mind—and made her choice. “Let’s walk.”

  “I think the girls will be disappointed.” Jake grinned at her.

  “Too bad. They’ve had their way all evening.”

  Maggie moved toward the porch steps, certain that walking was a far safer alternative than sitting next to Jake on the porch swing.

  But when he reached for her hand, laced his fingers through hers and led her into the moonlit night, she suddenly wasn’t so sure.

  Chapter Nine

  “Are you chilly?”

  Maggie glanced up at Jake. He must have felt her shiver, but she could hardly tell him it was caused more by the warm, tingly feeling his presence evoked than by the cool night air. She swallowed and shook her head.

  “No. I’m fine.”

  Which wasn’t true, either. Not when he was stroking her clasped hand with his thumb and smiling at her with that tender look in his brown eyes.

  “Well, you’re welcome to my jacket if you need it.”

  That was the last thing she needed. Having him place his jacket around her shoulders wouldn’t do a thing to calm her accelerating pulse rate.


  Jake seemed content to stroll in silence after that, and Maggie was glad to follow his lead. She didn’t trust her voice anyway.

  After a few minutes, Jake paused and nodded toward the water. “Looks like a good spot for a view of the bay. Can your shoes handle the path?”

  Maggie considered her slender-heeled pumps, then checked out the gravel path he’d indicated. Her shoes should handle the detour with no problem. But she wasn’t so sure about herself. The path led to a small dock that jutted out into the silver-flecked water—the perfect spot for a romantic tryst. Better to play this safe and take the out he’d offered her.

  But when she opened her mouth to decline, different words emerged instead. “They should be okay.”

  He smiled then, a smile so warm and tender, it made her toes tingle and her stomach flutter—and convinced her that she’d just made a big mistake.

  But he didn’t give her time for second thoughts. He took her arm and guided her down the narrow path to the water’s edge, then onto the rough wooden planks of the dock. They walked to the railing, and as she gazed over the moonlit sea, she realized that the gentle cadence of the waves lapping against the shore was much steadier than her pulse. That was even more true when Jake draped an arm around her shoulders. A flutter of panic rippled through
her. What had she gotten herself into? She was attracted to Jake, yes. But she wasn’t ready for this. Not yet. And maybe never. She still had too many tangled issues and emotions to work through.

  Jake felt Maggie trembling, knew she was scared, knew she was still grappling with her feelings for him and fighting their mutual attraction every step of the way. He couldn’t blame her. She was afraid of being hurt again, afraid to let herself believe that maybe this time things would be different. But they had to get past that if anything was ever to develop between them. Which was exactly what he hoped would happen.

  Once upon a time, he had never even considered a future without Maggie. He felt the same way now. The challenge was to convince her of that.

  A drop of water flicked against his cheek, and he glanced up at the sky, surprised to discover that dark clouds had crept up behind them. But he wasn’t ready to go back to the inn. He nodded toward the small, abandoned shed they’d passed at the end of the dock and took Maggie’s arm.

  “Come on. I’d hate to see that spectacular dress ruined.”

  She followed his lead without protest, pausing only when he stopped to push open the rickety door of the structure. The hinges objected with a loud squeak, but at last the door gave way, and he ushered her inside.

  Maggie took a quick inventory of the shed as she stepped over the threshold. When the girls were younger she’d brought them to this dock a few times to fish, not wanting to deprive them of any of the experiences they might have had with a father. She’d peeked into the old fishing shack, but never ventured inside. It looked more dilapidated than ever. The spaces between the weathered gray clapboards had widened considerably through the years. The floorboards had long since rotted away, leaving hard-packed dirt and rock in their place. But at least the ground was even.

  She walked over to a framed opening in the wall that had once been a window. The rain was coming down steadily now, but the roof still seemed water-tight. The shed would do as a shelter from the storm.

  But what about the storm inside of her?

  Suddenly memories of another rainy day came flooding back with an intensity that took her breath away. In a shed much like this one, her life had changed forever. It was her sixteenth birthday—twenty-one years ago—but right now it seemed like yesterday.

  Maggie glanced up at the sky and wrinkled her nose as the first raindrops splattered again the asphalt, leaving dark splotches in their wake.

  “Oh, great! Now it’s going to rain on my birthday!” She tossed the comment to Jake as they pedaled side by side down the country lane.

  He laughed. “Sorry about that, squirt. But I have no control over the weather.”

  She made a face at him. “Very funny. And will you please stop calling me that?”

  He grinned. “Why?”

  “Because I’m not. At least, not anymore.”

  “My, my. Aren’t we getting uppity now that we’re sixteen.”

  Maggie made another face, then pointed to a small, seemingly abandoned shed off to the side of the road. “Let’s go in there till the rain stops.” Without waiting for him to reply, she rode off the pavement and onto the bumpy ground.

  Jake followed her, and as they reached the ramshackle structure the rain morphed into a downpour. They dropped their bikes and dashed for cover.

  “Wow! Where did that come from?” Maggie frowned at the huge, pelting drops. When they’d loaded their bikes into the rack on Howard West’s car earlier in the day, there hadn’t been a cloud in the sky. Nor had there been any when they’d started their ride an hour ago.

  “I guess the clouds crept up behind us while we were riding.” Jake checked out the sky. “I think it will pass soon. Might as well make ourselves comfortable in the meantime.”

  “Right.” Voice laced with skepticism, Maggie gave the shed a once-over. The rain beat a noisy refrain on the rusted tin roof, but at least the floor was dry. She started to sit.

  “Watch that mouse!” When Maggie jumped, Jake laughed. “Just kidding.”

  She glared at him. “Very funny.”

  He looked around. “Actually, I think we’re alone here. But I promise to defend you if any cheese eaters show up.” He lowered his tall frame to the floor and leaned back against the wall, drawing his knees up and clasping his hands around his legs.

  Maggie looked around again, then sat gingerly in the middle of the floor where she could keep a three-hundred-and-sixty-degree lookout for small, unwanted visitors. She dusted her hands on her khaki shorts and crossed her legs, then glanced at Jake. Her eyes widened in alarm and she gasped, pointing behind him.

  “Is that a poisonous spider?”

  Jake jerked away from the wall and turned to look. Maggie erupted into giggles.


  Jake’s eyes narrowed and he gave her a disgruntled look. “How old are you again? Sixteen—or six?”

  “You did it to me.”

  “Once is okay. Getting back isn’t.” He arched an eyebrow at her, his tone condescending.

  Maggie gave him a speculative perusal as he resettled himself. In a way she was glad it had rained, glad they’d found this isolated shelter. Because she had something she wanted to ask him. After all, Jake was more than a year older than she was. He was popular with the girls, dated a lot. In another week he’d be going off to college. Today would be her best chance to pose the question that had been burning in her mind for weeks. But she wasn’t quite sure how to go about it.

  “Jake?” The word came out tentative. Uncertain. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Sure.” His eyes were closed now, his head dropped back against the rough planks of the wall. He looked comfortable, and Maggie hated to bother him with this, but he was her only hope.

  “Um…well, I’ve been wondering…I mean, I know this is kind of a weird question, but…well…how do people learn how to kiss?”

  That got his attention. His eyelids flew open and he stared at her. “What?”

  Her face grew pink and she dropped her gaze. “I need to find out how people learn to kiss.”

  He grinned. “Ah, the squirt must be growing up.”

  She blushed furiously and scooted back against the far wall, suddenly wishing some poisonous creature would bite her and put her out of her misery. “Just forget I asked, okay?” She bowed her head and hunched her shoulders. Boys could be such dorks.

  Jake watched her retreat, sorry now he’d teased her. He and Maggie had been friends since his parents moved onto her block when he was six, and he’d enjoyed their easy give-and-take ever since. She was a good sport and lots of fun to be with. More fun than anyone he’d ever met, in fact. But she was also easily hurt. She must have had to muster all of her courage to ask him about such a personal subject, and instead of realizing how embarrassed she was, he’d given her a hard time.

  Contrite, Jake scooted over and sat in front of her, reaching out to touch her stiff shoulder. “Maggie, I’m sorry.” His voice was gentle, all traces of teasing gone.

  She refused to look at him. “It was a dumb question anyway.”

  Her voice was muffled, and she seemed on the verge of tears. Which only made him feel worse.

  “It’s not a dumb question.”

  “Yes, it is.”

  “No, it’s not. And I’m sorry I made a joke of it. I guess I just never thought about you growing up and thinking about those kinds of things.”

  She sniffed and risked a glance at him, her eyes frustrated. “Well, I am, Jake. And I do. Most of my friends date now. They talk about…stuff…and I feel so ignorant. I don’t even know how to kiss, and they…they’re way past that stage. I even turned down a date with Joe Carroll last week because I’m afraid he’ll think I’m…well, that I don’t know what I’m doing. And I don’t!”

  Jake frowned. “Joe Carroll asked you out?”

  She nodded. “Why are you so surprised? Don’t you think I’m the kind of girl guys would want to ask out?”

  Actually, he’d neve
r thought about it one way or the other. But the idea of Maggie going out with Joe Carroll, who acted as if he was the next Casanova, made his blood run cold. Maggie was too sweet and innocent to go out with a guy like that.

  “I’m not pretty enough. Is that what you think?” Maggie’s miserable voice interrupted his thoughts when he didn’t respond.

  Jake stared at her. He’d never thought about that, either, to be honest. Maggie was…well, Maggie. She was cute. She had pretty hair. He liked her turned-up nose. He’d just never thought about her in those kinds of terms. But it was obvious she needed some reassurance, and the least he could do was build up her confidence—and give her some warnings.

  “Of course you’re pretty. Too pretty, maybe. You need to be careful around guys like Joe. He expects a whole lot more out of a date than a kiss, from what I hear.”

  “Really?” Her eyes widened.


  She sighed. “Oh, well, it doesn’t matter anyway. I don’t even know how to do that, let alone anything else.”

  “You just need to practice. That’s how I learned.”



  “But…who would I practice with?”

  He looked at her for a moment as an idea took shape in his mind. “Well, I suppose you could practice with me. I could teach you.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “You?”

  “Yeah. What’s wrong with me?” He tried not to be offended.

  “Well…I don’t know. It just seems kind of…weird, you know? I mean, it’s not exactly…romantic…or anything.”

  “So? That’s probably good. This way there’s no pressure.”

  She considered the idea for a moment, her head tipped to one side. “Yeah, you’re right. In fact, the idea makes a lot of sense.” She scooted closer and looked up at him expectantly. “Okay. What do I do?”

  Jake shifted, all at once ill at ease. He was in this too far to back out, but it was weird, as she said. Besides, she might think he was an expert at this. But at the moment his limited experience seemed hardly adequate to qualify him as an instructor. However, his seventeen-year-old ego wasn’t about to let him admit that. He’d just have to try and pull this off.


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