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Dirty SEAL (A Navy SEAL Romance) (The Maxwell Family)

Page 40

by Alycia Taylor

  When it was Brooke’s turn, I watched Tristan watch her perform. She did a bad job. That’s not my jealousy speaking; honestly, she sucked. Tristan flinched and winced a few times. Diva had her hands on her head and the record producer covered his ears at one point. When they finished telling her how bad it was, Brooke left the stage in tears. I felt bad for her. She was talented, but obviously having a bad night. I had to wonder if her problems stemmed from the same place mine did: Tristan Rogers.

  He went next. I found myself holding my breath every time he performed; hoping he’d do well. I couldn’t read the look on his face when he took his place at the microphone on the stage. He looked tired…or high. His eyes were streaked with red and he had dark circles under them, as if he hadn’t slept in a while. He signaled to the band and they started playing. As soon as he hit his first note, I knew that this was not going to be one of those performances he owned. This time, I only had to hold my breath for several seconds before I realized that there was going to be nothing good about it. He was screaming again; it sounded like he was furious. He looked angry and I could tell that the judges hated it, maybe worse than they’d hated Brooke’s performance.

  When Tristan finished, he stood there looking at the judges as if he was daring them to tell him what a crappy job he did. If that was what he’d really wanted, they didn’t disappoint.

  “Wow, Tristan…it’s hard for me to believe you’re the same guy that wowed us last week. You have to be more consistent, man. One performance like that is all it will take to get you voted off the show. In real life, a performance like that could have a stadium full of people requesting a refund. I’m sorry man; I know that’s not what you wanted to hear….” Tristan’s face was neutral. I’m sure it’s not what he wanted to hear, but he either knew how badly he’d done, or he was learning how to react for the cameras—or both. He gave the country singer a barely perceptible nod and turned his attention towards Diva.

  Once again, she looked like she was going to cry. She’d been a pop singer for years, but I really think she missed her calling as an actress. She did know music, though, and it was apparent from the look on her face what she’d thought of the performance. She started to open her mouth, and then she shook her head and closed it. Finally, she said, “I’m sorry baby. That was so bad.”

  She left it at that and the record producer said, “I have nothing at all positive to say about that. A positive person might say, ‘At least he showed up,’ but considering that performance, it may have been better if you’d stayed at home. I won’t be surprised if you’re in the bottom three tomorrow night.”

  The camera had a close-up on Tristan’s face. He was getting good at keeping it neutral. He had to be hurting. I couldn’t imagine performing and then having to stand there and be told how awful it was. I was a coward like that. It was the reason I refused to sing solo—I hated the thought of people judging me. Tristan let them finish though and then walked off the stage with his head held high.

  Chapter Ten


  I knew before I’d hit my last note how bad I did during round six. I couldn’t blame the judges for saying how bad it was. The truth was, I would have lost respect for them if they hadn’t. I had so much shit in my head and I couldn’t let it go. I think it all came out in my song…and it wasn’t pretty. I stood there and listened to the judges, knowing that the camera was on my face, and I tried not to give anything away. I was scared to death that if I let my face move, it would betray me to millions of people and the whole world would know how disappointed I was in myself. I wished I really didn’t give a fuck what anyone thought. That would have made it easier. I should have gotten high before I came; that would have made me numb.

  I didn’t look at Elly’s face when it was all over. I could see her in my peripheral vision and I knew she was watching. As bad as it was to have to face the judges, it would have been a hundred times worse to see the disappointment in her eyes. She probably would have blamed it on me being high. I blamed the poor performance on sobriety. So far, it sucked. After I filled out the rehab papers, I had dumped everything. I flushed it down the toilet, or I would have been digging it back out first thing in morning, or maybe sometime during the night. I woke up with a pounding head and my hands were shaking so hard I could barely hold my own dick to pee.

  All day long, I went back and forth, telling myself that I didn’t want to do this shit and Elly could go fuck herself if she didn’t like it; and then telling myself that I should do it if for no other reason than I didn’t want to be my parents someday. I considered calling my guy. I had enough cash to get something to get me through at least for a couple of days.

  I’d get pissed at myself for dumping it all. I should have saved just a taste of it…but I hadn’t, and I didn’t call him. If I was going to commit to this rehab shit, I was committing to it. I was brave about it for a few hours at a time, and then I’d freak out again. Before the show, I’d downed two beers. It was enough to take the edge off, but they lasted about an hour and then I was climbing the walls again.

  I didn’t think I was a junkie. I was not sweating and twitching and hallucinating and shit, but my mind was spinning and it hurt to think. I went out on stage feeling like that, and as soon as I opened my mouth, I knew it was a mistake.

  I was sitting on the stage during the results show, again trying to keep my face neutral. I hated knowing that fucking camera was pointed at my face. I was in worse shape than I’d been in during my performance. I was pissed at everyone and everything. I’d already snapped at half the crew. I avoided Elly because I was really pissed at her. This was all her fault. I was doing fine until she came along and fucked everything up.

  When it was my turn, I swore the host enjoyed once again replaying my horrible performance and the judge’s reactions to it. I’d never been a violent guy, but for some reason, I firmly believed I could whoop the shit out of this little man without giving it a second thought. I had to actually will myself not to punch him right there on stage and in front of the cameras. The last young teenybopper we had hanging on, the one that looked like daddy’s little princess, was in the bottom three again. She landed there a lot, but she always made her way back. She never looked worried. I wondered if she was a good actress or if she was just that confident. The host finally looked at me and said, “I’m sorry Tristan, but you’ll have to go join Hayley in the bottom three.” He didn’t really look sorry. You think with all the money they paid him to do his job, he’d at least be able to fake it better.

  I got up, went to the death chair, and waited for my fate. Within the next ten minutes, Brooke was sitting next to me in the other chair. She looked pissed; I don’t know if it was because she was in the bottom three, or because she had to sit next to me. Her performance last night was as bad as mine. I wondered if it had anything to do with the fight we’d had the night before. I probably should have felt bad about that, but I didn’t. She was the one throwing around accusations and threats. She should have left it alone.

  Ten long minutes passed with another commercial break and a promotional trailer we’d shot for a car company. Then the host finally sent Hayley back to her seat. She looked like she hadn’t doubted that she was going back. I was trying like hell to, if not feel confident, at least look it. I knew that fucking camera was on me. I was reminded of the old adage that news people used: If it bleeds, it leads. During the elimination rounds, they kept a camera tight on the faces of those in the bottom three, hoping to spot blood.

  I glanced over at Brooke. She had tears dried on her face and she had her stool swiveled so her back was both to me and the cameras. She apparently hadn’t told anyone what she was threatening to about me and Elly—not that I gave a shit if she did or not. If I win this thing, that’s great. If I get disqualified for having the best sex I’d ever had, it was still worth it. Besides, as long as Elly didn’t confess, as long as she didn’t have pictures or audio tape, we could deny it.

  When the host c
alled us both to the center of the stage, he asked the judges if they thought the voters had gotten it right by putting the two of us in the bottom. The judges agreed that by last night’s performance alone, we should both be going home. Then the host went on to say that the votes had been closer than they’d ever come before. The one of us who was staying had only beaten the other one by less than a hundred votes. Considering that millions voted, that was a slim margin. If I wasn’t going home, I was doing it by the skin of my teeth, as I should be.

  At last, after all the host’s time-filling drama he said, “Brooke, I’m sorry, honey, but you’re going home tonight. Tristan, have a seat.” I suddenly realized that I’d been afraid to breathe all night. I took a big, deep breath and went to take my seat. I hoped that my face didn’t betray how worried I had been.

  Brooke was crying, but silently. I had to give her kudos for taking the microphone and singing her song. She did have a pretty voice, and she was a pretty girl. I didn’t doubt that someday she’d find someone willing to bank on those two things. She’d be okay.

  When the show was over and everyone was scattering for the night, I went to look for Elly. She was standing in the back of one of the conference rooms talking to that other chick that works the contestant room. I walked up to her with the rehab papers in my hand. They were completely filled out and signed. I could hear them talking about going out the following night for someone’s birthday.

  As I approached them, they both stopped talking and looked up. Elly looked like she was going to have a heart attack and the other girl, who sensed something was up, or maybe even knew, said, “I’ll give you guys a minute.” After she walked away, Elly was still looking around the room like a paranoid schizophrenic. I swear she almost looked like she was hearing voices.

  “What the hell are you looking for?” I asked her.

  “I was making sure that no one saw us. Damn it, Tristan, I keep telling you that we can’t be seen together. I can’t afford to lose my job, and I don’t want you to get disqualified.”

  “And I keep telling you that I don’t give a shit,” I told her. “Here!” I shoved the papers against her chest. She took a step backwards; maybe it was from the shove I gave her. Giving me a dirty look, she brought them up and looked at them. She flipped through them and saw that I’d filled them out completely and signed them. She looked surprised, and then happy. She hadn’t expected me to agree to it.

  “This is great, Tristan…I’m so glad….” she started. I wasn’t in the mood for more talk.

  “Yeah, yeah…blah, blah, blah. I did my part. I want my reward.”


  “You said if I cut off the other women and filled out the papers we could have sex. I want my sex.”

  “Not here, Tristan. Come on, you’re putting us both at risk here. Besides, filling out the paperwork isn’t the same as committing to it.” She backed away from me a bit.

  “I’m committing. I will leave them with you so you can go turn them in. Are you backing out of your part now?”

  She looked around. “No…just not here…we’re going to get caught….”

  I sighed. “For the millionth time, I don’t give a fuck about that,” I told her. There was an empty office next to us. I grabbed her arm and pulled her in after me, closing the door behind us. She looked like she was having an anxiety attack. She really needed to lighten up.

  She looked terrified. “Tristan, someone is going to come in here. This is too risky.”

  I turned back around and locked the door. Before she could protest, I shoved everything that was on the desk off into a chair, picked her up, and sat her on the desk. She was looking at me like I’d lost my mind.

  Chapter Eleven


  I thought Tristan had lost his mind as I watched him sweep everything off the desk. “Tristan! Someone is going to hear us!”

  He grinned at me, as if it was a game. I started to speak again, but he leaned forward and covered my mouth with his. As he did, he put his hands on my bare knees and started sliding them up my thighs, pushing my skirt up out of his way as he went. His touch sent a jolt surging through my body. I had missed it more than I wanted to admit. He kept moving his hands up until my skirt was flipped up over my hips. Then he moved them to my waist and started pushing up my blouse.

  I’d lost any sense of resistance by then, and when his palms ran across the curve of my breasts, I put my arms up and let him push the shirt up off of me. He continued to kiss me, moving his hands across my collarbone and neck, sliding his fingers into my hair and tugging on it as his tongue explored my mouth. I had been a bundle of nerves when he’d pushed me into the office, but as soon as he’d touched me, the tension had released—almost violently.

  I was meeting his kiss with a frantic kind of hunger, pushing in my tongue, nipping at his lips with my teeth, and wrapping my own fingers up in his hair. He let out a little moan as I tugged on it. That only served to fuel the fire that was burning inside of me.

  Tristan reached around and unhooked my bra. As soon as my breasts escaped their binds, he’d broken our kiss and sucked one hard, dark, nipple into his mouth. He rolled it around on his tongue as I felt a forceful, hot rush of liquid gather between my legs. He kept opening his mouth wider, first taking in the whole areola, and then most of the breast. It was the first time in my life that I was happy my tits were somewhat small. It felt so damn good, coupled with the feel of his hot hands still roaming the rest of my body.

  He found the zipper on the side of my skirt and pulled it down while still driving me crazy with his mouth on the other nipple now. He was biting at it, wild, like an animal, and I fucking loved it. It didn’t hurt; instead, it sent waves of ecstasy through my body and straight to my soaking wet, hot pussy. He lifted me under my arms slightly and I knew what he wanted. I pushed the skirt off and I realized later that I should have done the same with the panties. Tristan didn’t have the patience to screw with those. Instead of lifting me up again he grabbed either side of my panties in his hands, flexed and ripped them off my body. I couldn’t help but squeal, and I pushed down on the desk with my arms, lifting my ass up enough for him to pull the shreds that were left down off my legs.

  He stepped back then and I had a chance to catch my breath as he dropped his pants. I tried not to think about what I would look like if someone opened the door right now. My naked ass was sitting on the edge of the desk with my legs splayed open wide for him. He was obviously as turned on as I was, as evidenced by the rock hard cock that came out of his pants. He pulled off his shirt and moved forward, sliding easily into my wetness. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist as put his hands on mine and pulled me more fully onto his cock. The feeling that I got when he was inside of me was indescribable. I’d never felt anything like it; it spoke to every fiber in my body. He wasn’t taking it slow at all—he was pounding into me hard with each thrust ending in a slap as our bodies lashed together.

  Tristan slipped his arms underneath my legs then and grabbed my ass in his hands, picking me up off the desk. I tightened my grip around his neck and held on while he moved me up and down, grinding me against him. His cock was buried as deep inside of me as he could get it, and each time he slid me down, most of my own weight landed against him on my engorged clit—the shock waves threatened to cause my head to explode. I knew that I was being too loud, but I couldn’t seem to stop the long, shuddering moans and grunts coming from somewhere deep inside me. About the time I thought it couldn’t possibly feel any better, he proved me wrong. He took a wider stance and instead of up and down, he started moving me in and out. My moans and grunts morphed into gasps and little squeaks. I wished we were anywhere but there so I could scream. I felt like I needed that release. I had my teeth tightly clenched, trying to hold back the screams of passion that were lodged in my throat.

  He slammed against me harder and faster. I held onto his neck, grazing it with my nails like a drowning woman being pulled from
the sea. My body began to spasm and I gouged my nails in deeper without thought as to what kind of marks I might be leaving on him or the pain it caused. I was in the throes of an orgasm that was coming from a place deeper inside of me than I’d ever felt before. The sound that finally escaped along with the rush of the orgasm was somewhere between a scream and a groan. It was a deep, throaty noise and it was a lot louder than I’d thought it would be until I heard it. I was enjoying myself too much to wonder if anyone could hear me. As Tristan would say, I didn’t give a fuck.

  He held me tight through my orgasm, keeping the same motion and continuing to dive into me while my whole body clenched up tight. I gasped for air while he man-handled me until I finally came down from my high and he stopped moving, just letting me deflate into him like a rag doll. He took a step forward and sat me back down on the desk. I lay back, still trying to get my strength back. Tristan was far from finished. He grabbed my hips and slid me towards him. Then he held my legs up with his hands on my ankles and slid back into me.

  Now that our passion was somewhat sated, we were able to go a little slower and spend a little more time just taking it all in. He caressed my legs as he slid in and out of me and, surprising me, he said, “God I missed this.” It was unlike him to disclose anything that he was feeling, even that much. Hearing from his own lips that he’d missed me was like an aphrodisiac. As he slid his hands down my legs and cupped my ass cheeks with his hands he said, “Just thinking about this ass makes me hard. Just watching you walk around makes me want to crawl up between your legs and devour you.”

  His words made me moan. I lay back, propped up on my elbows with my breasts out in front of me, and I wanted his lips on them again. Before I’d finished that thought, he slid out of me, suddenly dropping down to his knees in front of the desk, holding onto my thighs and shoving his tongue deep into my pussy. I whimpered and twisted my fingers into his hair.


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