Hunter Killer
Page 12
but that we nearly made home base. We would have done, except for the power." I tried to get him again, but the radio was dead. Dead, Revs, for want of the sort of power SNAP
can give the next generation of missiles.' He added slowly, Davis and Acton were dead, too.'
A steward tapped and came in carrying coffee in the traditional United States Navy blue-trimmed crockery. The wait while he set out the cups seemed endless. How would Peace break the news to Tyler that the operation from St Brandon onwards would exclude him?
The steward went and Tyler poured coffee. He said impatiently, ' I don't want to gripe about security arrangements, but this whole thing seems a bit lopsided to me. First, we send Little Bear out in a French freighter. The u.s. Navy is quite capable of flying it out and looking after it en route. Or I could have brought it out myself in one of
Willowtrack's Polaris silos.'
That would have meant too many others being brought into the know on the project,' said MKG. No, the fewer people who are aware of Little Bear, the better. This was very carefully thought out. Semittanté was the best and most unobtrusive way to transport Little Bear.'
Tyler rode the rebuke. ' I get a new briefing from St Brandon onwards. From whom? Where do we go for the test-fire?'
MKG, I'd like a word with you alone,' said Peace.
Tyler reddened. "This is my ship and I'm in sole command. Anything you have to say can be said in front of me. Nothing behind my back.'
Peace checked his anger. Very well. The plan has been changed because there has been a security leak. There is a new schedule from St Brandon onwards. MKG comes with, me in Devastation.'
The hell he does,' snapped Tyler. Just like that. You
give me the orders. The Vice-President comes
with me. 91
He glared at us and thumped the table with his fist. ' I take my orders from the United States Navy. On this mission, I
take 'em only from the Secretary for the Navy. I don't aliow the Vice-President to go off with two Limeys who come aboard my ship and say the plan is changed, the Vice-President comes with us. Nor do I like the look of a submarine with her identification numbers painted out and her sail damaged!'
We ran into a devil-fish in the Saya de Malha!' said
Fish!' snorted Tyler. Don't give me that bull!'
You can check—' began Peace, but Tyler would not
listen. What happens to Willowtrack?'
You go home,' said Peace roughly. ' Your job's done.'
MKG stood up between the two tough skippers. Sit down,
both of you,' he said. There was steel beneath his quiet tones. Order some more coffee, Revs,' he went on. We all need it.'
Tyler picked up an intercom. ' Dan! Come here—damn'
I told you to order coffee; Dan's the radio operator,'
intervened MKG.
Tyler picked up one of the plastic coffee spoons which had fallen on the table. He jabbed it down on the surface. The snap of its shaft sounded like a pistol shot. He swept his hand towards the intercoms.
I got four telephones and two speakers,' he said tightly. I can pick up anyone. I can signal anyone, anywhere, in the world. I can start a nuclear war with that one, see? I am the captain, a Navy captain entrusted with the responsibility of the person of the Vice-President of the United States, and I don't buck my duty. And I don't simply hand over the Vicepresident to two guys who come aboard without credentials, from a suspicious ship.'
Willowtrack's crew certainly knew how to jump when they heard that note in Tyler's voice, for before MKG could reply, Dan had arrived. The boy looked scared.
Dan,' ordered Tyler. Send this signal—'
MKG stopped him. Revs, I am the Vice-President'
Sure, sure,' replied Revs. ' It's a responsibility I take
No signals whatsoever are to be sent until I authorize
them,' said MKG. Get that, Dan?'
The boy glanced uncertainly from mKG to Tyler. Yes, sir,
I mean, Mister Vice-President.'
'Get out!' snapped Tyler. Get the hell outa here!'
Dan fled.
I admired the superb command MKG had over himself
It was he who had taken over the situation, now.
Coffee!' he ordered.
Tyler picked up a phone, never taking his eyes from MKG.
In a moment, it seemed, fresh coffee was on the table. Tyler kicked the door shut.
?' said MKG, turning to Peace.
The CIA got wind of our plan, somehow. They put a man on to tag me.' I nodded confirmation of this cryptic account. ' So the DNI decided it was safer to change the plans. I picked John up at sea, left no trail.'
' I can't accept a statement like that,' said Tyler stubbornly. '
I don't know either of you from a wave in the ocean.'
God's truth!' exploded Peace. At this stage I can't go into a round-by-round explanation. You have my word for it. That's why I wanted to consult alone with MKG. He'll vouch for me.'
I only take orders from the United States Navy,' repeated Tyler, the cigar clamped in his teeth. I want proof and documentation before I aliow MKG to leave my ship.'
MKG glanced quickly at Peace, whose anger at Tyler had begun to flare. Revs,' he said, Little Bear is more than a mere missile project. It is the ultimate weapon which will put us—the United States and Britain—way out ahead of any other nation for a decade at least. It's so good that I am going for a space-ride in Little Bear. This mission is not a simple test-fire. I am blasting off to Santa Fe in Little Bear.'
The colour drained from Tyler's face. He rose, sat down
heavily again, and started to spoon sugar into his coffee, staring into the strong liquid.
The ultimate weapon, Revs.'
Peace gave a slight shudder. Perhaps the scar of the DNI's briefing in the blood-and-oil days of war would never heal, for him.
Tyler did not seem to hear. He stirred his coffee unseeingly. This thing has bucked me,' he said at last, ' I won't say it hasn't.' He looked up at MKG. I gotta Mark One eyeball check I'm speaking to the Vice-President, a top scientist of our age. Or else I'd think some boot seaman was razzing me with a phoney news item in the ship's newspaper. He says, I'm blasting off into space. To Santa Fe. In Little Bear. Experimental missile. Untested—'
The tough skipper stood up mechanically and sat down, automatically dumping more sugar into his coffee. MKG went over to him and put a hand on his shoulder.
Tyler jerked up, brushing aside MKG'S hand and facing him. '
The Vice-President test-fire an experimental missile and go to Santa Fe! We know you got the spellout, MKG: Anacostia. Naval Research Lab. And a great guy. But no Vice-President of mine goes on a space-ride in an experimental missile
—not while Revs Tyler is around. The safety of the VicePresident of the United States is my responsibility and I won't duck it.' His hand went out to the intercom.
Revs!' The power in the controlled tones stopped Tyler. '
I ordered you not to touch that phone.'
Tyler's hand wavered uncertainly and then fell back. The four of us were so close round the tiny table that I could
smell the detergent from their sea-khaki, blended with the aftermath of the pungent Pinnies. It did not seem incongruous that MKG, in direct line for the Presidency, should wear drab khaki—in all the long line of Presidents there had been men in the garb of lawyers, doctor, businessmen, farmer, soldier, clergyman, artisan, and at that moment MKG symbolized our age, the space age. His was the ascetic raiment of science, the technocrat risen to the highest political rank and now seeking to set a seal on the new hierarchy by a
voyage into the far-flung spaces of the heavens.
There was a curious, luminous light in the Vice-President's eyes. Little Bear is not only a question of justifying a supreme missile,' he told
Tyler. It is also a question of justifying the spirit of the age—my age, the age of science.'
I'm not with you,' muttered Tyler.
I am the supreme representative of the new American technocratic society,' replied MKG. In the age of science, science's top representative and the American people have chosen me as that. Science must be at the helm ; therefore I have to make the flight to Santa Fe!'
In an experimental missile!' burst out Tyler.
MKG went on quickly, Von Braun, the father of American rocketry, had the same basic idea way back in the fifties,
namely, a sea-based missile. Von Braun's was rough-andready—pontoons in the water, the missiles to be sown like mines round the enemy's shores. But the seed-idea was there and it ripened—' he swung on Peace= in the brain of that remarkable old man, the DNI. Little Bear is the ultimate weapon.'
There was a pause so intense that again I could hear the
cheerful voices of the crew on the casing above as they rejoiced in the sunlight.
Tyler stood up, his eyes hard. ' I don't buy it,' he said curtly. Nor would the American people. The office of President—and you are part of it—is one of the three bastions on which the Constitution rests. See Revs Tyler shooting off part of his heritage into space!'
We are only as great as we are to our inward vision,' said MKG. Remember that, Revs.'
Tyler raked the coal of his cigar across the ashtray and then threw it into the trash basket under the desk. He lit " another as automatically. Peace sat like a coiled spring. From the casing came the shout of a swimmer and the thump of his body against Willowtrack's hull.
Tyler looked from Peace to myself. Two Limeys—why
bring them into it? Two Limeys I don't even know!'
"The motor is British—SNAP,' MKG repeated, his voice tinged with asperity. I don't have to explain it all again.'
Tyler wheeled on Peace and me, his face livid. 'That's what burns me up—two Limeys!' he shouted. It's not your goddam' Vice-President! What do you care if he's burnt to hell in a test-missile!'
' Sit down, shut up!' retorted Peace. He turned to mkg. '
My dinghy's waiting. Let's get aboard Devastation. Don't forget to bring your code so that we can signal the White
House at sunset.'
Tyler grabbed Peace by the shoulder. Who are you to order me and MKG around, fellah?'
Peace shook himself free and MKG interjected, ' You know the set-up with Commander Peace, Revs'
' You say you know this guy, but who in hell is this?' He indicated me. You didn't know him, did you, until now?'
MKG was on his feet, too, an angry light in those strange eyes. I know Commander Peace and anyone he vouches for I
But I don't!' came back Tyler. ' See here, this whole thing stinks to me. And when this guy says, bring along the White House code, it stinks more!'
MKG looked dangerous. Revs, as Vice-President I order y o u — '
I'm signalling the President direct,' replied Tyler. I dunno the original plan you talk about. I dunno the changes. I dunno this sonofabitch freighter's course, even. I thought all along there was something crook about a French ship carrying an American classified weapon. I don't like the look 95
of that sub across the bay. I don't like taking orders from anyone but the Secretary for the Navy, leastways this guy.'
He picked up the empty coffee-pot, tried to pour from it, and with an oath tossed it away, consoling himself with yet another cigar and glaring at us.
The essence of this mission is secrecy,' said MKG. If you signal, you destroy it.'
Tyler paused and then reached across for an intercom before MKG could intercept him.
Bridge—Captain! Clear the casing! Clear the bridge!
Rig for diving!'
MKG wrenched Tyler round to face him. ' I ordered y ou----!'
The alarm-klaxon brayed its mournful note, a double blast, through the ship. The thudding of feet overhead and the slam of steel doors foliowed.
Tyler put down the phone. He was in full command. ' You said—sure. But who are these guys? I'm taking no chances. I'
m a Navy captain and I know my duty, and that duty is to the person of the Vice-President and the office of President of the United States. Santa Fe! It needs no speliout what
it would mean when the world heard what a sucker Revs Tyler had been!'
' You are an American officer. I order you to put me aboard Devastation!'
There was no wavering or hesitation about Tyler. His voice was hard, his face strained with the weight of the decision he had taken. My duty is to protect the VicePresident with every means at my disposal—and that means I'
d even set the birds flying to start a shooting war' He wrenched a key similar to Peace's from around his neck. If
the Vice-President is going to Santa Fe, he is going in an allAmerican missile with American scientists under the eyes of the American people. If. That's as maybe, depending on a lot of things which ain't my concern. But it ain't gonna be this way.'
' You've talked a lot about your responsibility, now listen to mine,' said MKG. The condition on which I came on this mission was that during the outward leg of the voyage
to St Brandon I would be in radio touch every day at sunset with the President at the White House. Anything could happen during such a long voyage. From St Brandon on wards things will be different. I'll be in friendly waters. close to the British base at Mahe. The arrangement from now on is that I'll signal regularly to the President through the DNI. It won't be the tight daily schedule because, if there is 96
anything I should know, the President will inform the DNI, and he can be in immediate touch with me. It's safer, too, at this distance from home, to use the British land-based communications facilities than a sub's radio.'
This is a United States sub and we're quite capable of looking after the Vice-President—' Tyler broke in angrily.
MKG ignored the interruption. ' If anything—anythingwere to arise during my absence from the United States which in the opinion of the President necessitated my abandoning
the Santa Fe space shot, I would drop it here and now,' he
said forcefully. He underlined each word, his, eyes going from Tyler to Peace in turn. "That is a basic condition of Little Bear. I know my duty to my office and to the American people as well if not better than you, Revs. So far nothing has cropped up to reverse the original plan, but if it did, I assure you I would call it off. The President and I both believe in this ultimate new weapon and I intend to prove
its worth. We have had to resort to these unorthodox ways,
but we feel them justifiable because of the supreme value of Little Bear to the free world.'
Tyler looked more rangy than ever. ' I'm taking this ship down,' he said doggedly. I'll use your sunset time to signal the President—direct.'
' You won't!' said MKG. Only two people know the code
—the White House and myself.'
Tyler shrugged. I'll send a signal en clair, then. I want this whole thing straight in my mind—from the President—
before I aliow you to go walking off with these two—two—'
He glared at us in unconcealed hostility.
As soon as this ship is ready—this is a crack Gold Crew and it takes less than three minutes—I intend to submerge to periscope depth. As a start, I'll signal Submarine Headquarters in New London.'
The loudspeaker blared metallically. All dear topside!
The ship is rigged for dive and compensated, Captain!'
Admiration chased the anger for a moment from Peace's
face. By any standards, it was some going.
An intercom buzzed. Tyler answered in monosyllables, but his face darkened. Bring it through Dan—damn' quick!'
He turned on Peace, his face livid. So you're on the level, are you, Mister Goddam' Commander Peace l—while your
sub tried to jam my radio!'
It was
Peace's turn to look astonished. He swung on MKG.
Tyler picked up an intercom. Stand by to dive! Periscope depth! I'll come through and take the conn.
Dan came and retreated quickly at the sight of our faces.
Tyler read the signal, looked round at us, unspeaking, reread it. His mouth was like iron.
He addressed MKG. You say you know this guy.' Re
jerked his head at Peace. Who is he?'
MKG looked pluzzled. Of course I know him, Revs. Commander Geoffrey Peace, Royal Navy.'
Tyler spun on Peace. That so?'
Peace nodded.
Then listen to this,' he replied grimly. It's a general signal from ComSubInd, submarine headquarters of the
Seventh Fleet in the Seychelles, incomplete because it was jammed towards the end. But enough' He quoted: " To all subs: Admiral Thornton, commanding u.s. Seventh
Fleet, has received the foliowing message from the British Prime Minister—on behalf of the Minister of Defence and myself, I wish to thank you and the officers and men of the Seventh United States Fleet, and especially units of the nuclear submarine force based on Mahe, for their generous gesture in according the last honours at the funeral of the distinguished British submarine ace, Commander Geoffrey Peace . ."
8 B L O W A N D G O
The two skippers stared at one another. Peace said nothing. His face was bleak, withdrawn. Tyler watched him as narrowly as a boxer coming out of his corner. He backed away to the intercom, facing Peace all the time, felt for the instrument, dialled. Hold it, Lou, I'm coming through' His vowels grew more pronounced with tension. ' Dan, keep the radio antenna up when we submerge, see. We'll be at sixty feet—I gotta lot of signalling to do. What—again!'
He moved forward towards Peace to the length of the intercom cord. His voice was menacing. So you're on the level, are you, the late Commander Geoffrey Peace! Every signal
of mine is being jammed at this moment.'