The Demon Tamer

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The Demon Tamer Page 29

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  «Ghiaaa!», With a shout of courage he launched the attack against the abdomen of the demon. Seth was pierced by the sword, he became angry and with great dark energy he threw Diosmed away. He drew his sword from his abdomen and threw it on the ground. His eyes were healing slowly.

  «Dieee!» Gabriel shouted and neatly cut off his arrow-shaped tail.

  Seth vomited black blood, staggered and then fell writhing and screaming, until he became ashes.

  «Gabriel! You saved us!» Emmanuel said in great astonishment.

  The boy had revealed to him the words of the goddess Isis, who knew Seth’s weak point. He had said something so important to a stranger and from that gesture he realized that he could trust Gabriel. The room returned as before, but the damage remained.

  Isis was relieved, but she looked sad. His white eyes lit up and a yellow light enveloped everyone. The Goddess of Magic treated them and their wounds disappeared in no time.

  «Thank you for liberating Seth from the clutches of Evil. Now we must go to the highest floors, to put an end to all this!» Isis said.

  «Her voice is heavenly and her language is very similar to the Language of the Gods» Diosmed noted.

  «Yeah, I didn’t notice you talking to us in a divine language» Tanya added.

  «Every deity speaks a divine language, all similar to each other. Every God believes he speaks the most divine language of all, to be the strongest and to have given origin to everything. Together with Osiris I made Egypt rich and fertile, which was created by the God Ra, the Father of all the Egyptian gods. Then during the Third Divine War the Demon killed many gods, some turned them into demons and others instead allied with him» Isis explained.

  After those words, she conjured out of nothing a donkey with golden hair and gold eyes.

  «Aphul, help me» the Goddess said, after which she mounted the small animal.

  The others rose from the ground, helping each other, then went to Isis to thank her.

  «What is the way?» Mohat asked, who could see her.

  «Follow me» Isis answered.

  The Golden Donkey walked a few steps, then Isis placed her right hand on the white wall and the large basin moved to the right, making room for a rectangular-shaped opening. They began the journey with Isis inside a corridor, on whose walls there were hieroglyphics depicting the life of the pharaoh, the demons that destroy the villages and all his deeds.

  «What a horror!» Emmanuel said in horror.

  They came to a yellow staircase that went upwards, they went up and arrived in a room with purple colored stone walls and a series of lighted torches, juxtaposed on the walls.

  «My lady, what are you doing here?» the Egyptian female servants with a bow said.

  «It’s time to leave!» Isis answered.

  In the room there were ten servants, both men and women. The men wore white triangular bands of linen that were wrapped around the hips, while the vertex hung behind. They were bare-chested, on their heads they had a white bonnet that wrapped around their heads and opened laterally so that they reached their shoulders, and finally they wore papyrus-fiber sandals at the feet. Instead, the women wore very long and transparent white tunics that showed their breasts slightly. The men all had short hair, while the women had short or long hair, loose or braided. Everyone ran quickly to the goddess.

  «Who are you?» a young Egyptian man said.

  «We are here for Pharaoh Naav, are you perhaps?» Diosmed replied with an inquiring tone.

  At that moment the man petrified, as if he had seen a ghost. He had recognized those words spoken in the Language of the Gods.

  «How do you know this language?» he asked in the same language.

  «You are...», Diosmed said, looking at the man better, «Zakhier, are you?»

  «Dioosmed!» the servant shouted with joy and embraced him.

  «Is it really you? Are you the son of the baker Zakhior?» Diosmed said amazed.

  «It’s me, my friend. What brought you here?» Zakhier asked.

  «It’s a long story. Damian! He comes from the Village of the Gods!» Diosmed said to his friend.

  Damian was amazed, someone else had survived despite everything that had happened. He was silent as a sign of respect.

  Zakhier was tall and very thin, with a fair complexion and green eyes. He also wore the white sash and stood bare-chested like the other servants. He had short brown hair, small lips and an upturned nose.

  «Why are you here? Your father doted on you. He was a great man» Diosmed said.

  «He was? What do you mean Diosmed? What happened to him?» Zakhier asked, distressed.

  «The Romans invaded and destroyed our village, because they were looking for me. Later, because of my anger, I freed the evil that was inside me and destroyed everything. If you want to hate me, you have all the reasons» Damian said, distraught and his face almost in tears.

  «It didn’t really happen that way! We’ll talk later... tell us where Naav is!» Diosmed said.

  «He tried to deceive his enemies. And unfortunately it is you! He is not inside the pyramid. This place is full of traps, which I created by his will! Since he arrived here in Giza, he has upset the whole of Egypt. One day I decided to leave our village to travel to this World of Men. I visited many places, saw the seven wonders of the world and came here to admire the Pyramid of Cheops, the seventh wonder. And just on the day of my arrival, that man changed my life. I have been working at his service for ten years, against my will. Whoever escapes is killed and whoever wants to go away dies» Zakhier explained.

  «What a scoundrel!» Shayla said.

  Zakhier decided to reveal his secrets, he showed them a series of papyruses depicting the pyramid and everything in it.

  «The Pyramid of Naav is six Khet high. The whole exterior is of diamonds, but inside there are stone walls and floors in various colors. At its base is the great Hell Gate and in the surrounding walls there are six small triangular doors that open only from the inside. These allow the newly arrived demons to exit the pyramid. From the main entrance, instead, you arrive in a corridor raised above the Hell gate. You must be careful, every mistake can cost you your life. There are seven floors in this pyramid, now we are on the third floor. Be careful where you put your feet, every wrong step leads to death» Zakhier explained.

  «The huge boulder that nearly crushed us!» Diosmed said.

  «Exact. There are other traps, like spears and arrows coming out of the walls. I know all the safe routes, since I designed all this» Zakhier said.

  «You have always been a lover of art and your strange calculations. Who built this giant pyramid?» Diosmed asked.

  «The Demons. In three months they erected the largest pyramid in Egypt that had ever existed. We picked up the diamond and the rocks from the nearby quarries, the big blocks were transported by the most forceful and precisely positioned demons» Zakhier explained.

  «How did you carve the diamond?» Shayla asked.

  «I used my diamond tools, like the hammer, the chisel and the pickaxe» he replied.

  Meanwhile the goddess Isis was looked after by servants and was still on her golden donkey. She herself fed him.

  «What does he eat?» Damian asked.

  «Rose petals» replied the Goddess.

  He created them from nothing and gave them to the donkey, very fond of those petals.

  «Look!» Zakhier said. He touched a boulder in the wall, pushed it inward and opened a door in the south wall of the room.

  «Where does this door lead us?» Mohat asked.

  «It’s safe from here! You can safely reach Anubis room on the top floor, right at the top of the pyramid» Zakhier said, showing him the way.

  As he spoke those words, red circles appeared with the Symbol of Naav on the floor.

  «They are coming!» Damian said.

  «Zakhier, run off with Isis!» Diosmed said.

  «No, I will help you! Servants leave a
nd protect our Goddess!» Zakhier ordered.

  The servants and the Goddess, on board the donkey, escaped through the door, after which Zakhier closed the passage.

  «How did he find us? He has eyes everywhere!» Mohat said, who noticed a medium-sized Demonic Blue Beetle on the ceiling with the Naav Symbol drawn above.

  «Mohat doesn’t matter» Damian said.

  «You are attracted to death...» Gabriel whispered.

  Eight of them remained to fight against the enemies that were about to arrive. From the five symbols appeared five golden sarcophagi, typically Egyptian, which presented the appearance of a man with a head, body and feet. On them were drawn snakes, birds, lines and various hieroglyphics. The coffins opened and out of them came five mummies wrapped from head to toe with white bandages. One flies stretched her legs, tore off the bandages and show their true appearance. There was a man made entirely of water, another of earth, another of ice, one of darkness and one of white light. Everyone had gray eyes with red pupils.

  «They are the Village Chiefs! Damn Naav, how dare you do this to him!» Mohat said.

  «There are five, we have the advantage!» Diosmed said, but at that same moment the man made of darkness multiplied and three beings equal to the original appeared. Thus they were eight enemies against eight heroes.

  «Did you say?!» Tanya said angrily.

  «They have numbers in front» Emmanuel pointed out.

  «They’re walking dead!» Gabriel added.

  «Yes, they are the Mummy Demons. Thanks to the power of Anubis, the old village chiefs were turned into mummies and then into demons under the control of Naav. Anubis numbers his mummies as he likes and seems. The Dark Man is the warrior number 53, the Man of Light is the number 105, the Man of Water is the number 21, the Man of Ice is the number 16, finally the Man of Earth is the number 14 .They have mutated now, nothing can reverse their demonic transformation» Zakhier explained.

  They were all old people with more or less long beards, reduced to rotting mummies. They had taken the form of their own power, so that their flesh and blood had turned into water, ice, earth, light and darkness. The eight enemies created weapons made with their own power. They had, respectively to their own power, a sword with a long blade of ice and one of water, a saber of earth and a sword with a broad blade of light and a sickle of darkness.

  «On guard guys! Don’t underestimate them!» Damian urged them.

  They held their weapons, Damian the Dragon’s Claw, Diosmed the Dragalòs, Gabriel the dagger, Emmanuel the Shining White Sword and Zakhier the Diamond Sword, like his father’s.

  «Tanya and Shayla! Show the results of your training!» Shouted Mohat.

  «Yes!» the girls replied and both created with their powers two daggers, Tanya’s were fiery, while Shayla’s were made of wind swirls. Mohat, instead, created a huge sword of wind, a weapon that only he could hold. The weapons created with the powers presented the hilts and blades made entirely of fire, wind, darkness, light, water, ice and earth.

  The four dark 53 attacked Damian, Diosmed, Emmanuel and Gabriel. The Man of Light attacked Mohat, the Water Man rushed to Tanya, instead the Man of Ice on Shayla.

  The Earthman took it out on Zakhier, who firmly grasped the Diamond Sword and with it succeeded in cutting the adversary’s sword of earth, but this immediately recovered and the battle continued for long. Zakhier threw a series of multiple attacks against the Earth Man, who parried each blow and responded with extreme power. In life he was a great village chief, now he had his whole body made of brown earth, very hard, his eyes were gray like those of others. He had gray stones that came out of his face and body. Instead of hair, it had green leaves with a wavy shape and a nose with a tree root. He had no clothes and his nudity was not present, the same thing for his other cronies.

  Meanwhile, Tanya fought against the Water Man, who with his long sword, made of water and light blue color, rejected Tanya’s attacks.

  «Auch!», Tanya complained because of the hot steam, «Help me! Fire and water cancel each other out!»

  In that total chaos, nobody could have helped her. Whenever his daggers of red fire collided with the enemy blade, fire and water were canceled and from the contact sprang a hot steam. The Man of Water, from the light blue color, also threw water jets with his mouth at great speed against the girl. Tanya struggled to avoid them, the enemy was very strong.

  Shayla, on the other hand, however, with his swirling daggers of wind could not tarnish the hardness of the ice. His rival was all made of ice and had three pointed horns on his head. He had a sword with a long blade of ice, able to withstand everything. The man angrily attacked her and Shayla avoided the sword by using the wind to move quickly. Thanks to his power, she made small concentric whirls flow from her feet and so she used the wind almost as if it were a trampoline, managing to jump over her opponent’s head and when she touched the ground, pierced him with her daggers behind him. He retracted the blades, which unfortunately did not create any mortal wound in that being of ice.

  At various points in the room, the four heroes fought against the Dark Man, number 53.

  «It’s very strong!» Diosmed said, from the center of the room.

  «I can’t hit him!» Emmanuel complained, from the lower right corner of the room.

  «I hit him! But it didn’t help!» Gabriel shouted, from the lower left corner.

  Damian also fought with demon number 53. He had black hair that looked alive, almost like snakes. They tried to grab it and crush it, but Damian cut them in the blink of an eye with his sword, unfortunately these quickly grew stronger and longer than before. The man had a long, black, twisted beard, and was the most agile of the village chiefs. He held a large scythe with a curved blade and a short handle, which he was able to keep up with the Dragon’s Claw. Damian began to launch a long series of blows, the enemy backed away and parrying every attack. At some point in the fight, the two found themselves near Diosmed fighting with the other Demon Number 53 and Damian noticed that the Dark Man was gradually getting slower.

  “The closer it gets to its copy, the weaker it become” he thought to himself.

  Damian started pushing him towards his counterpart and the enemy became slower, so he even managed to hit him in the right arm. “I was right!” He said to himself.

  «Diosmed! Guys! The more the four come together, the weaker they become» Damian shouted.

  The others understood his words and with every trick tried to approach the four Demons Number 53. Damian managed to bring his enemy so close to the enemy of Diosmed, that the two Dark Men merged and became one person.

  «Attack!» Diosmed and Damian shouted bravely.

  The two boys attacked the enemy in unison, who was ready to respond to the impetus of the two boys. He was holding a sickle by the hand, on the one hand he blocked Diosmed and on the other Damian.

  «Push it towards Emmanuel’s!» Damian said to Diosmed.

  Diosmed hit him with the Dragalòs in the belly, then there was a lunge of Damian on the enemy. The wounds inflicted healed quickly and the enemy did not signal to surrender. The demon was able to parry their blows by rotating like a top and used his sickles with skill. They pushed him more and more towards the other Demon Number 53, until he rejoined his other copy.

  «Go Emmanuel!» Damian shouted.

  Emmanuel charged against him with the White Sword. «Yaaah!» he shouted and struck the demon’s back, which was instantly blocked by a third sickle, which came out of his back with a third arm. The number 53 had lost speed, but it was still very strong.

  «Damn» Diosmed said.

  «Attack it! Gabriel, take him to us!» Damian ordered him.

  The enemy fought simultaneously against the three. Diosmed attacked him with the Power of Lightning, destroyed his black sickle and cut off his right arm. Damian and Emmanuel pushed him with the sword and finally Demon Number 53 rejoined in all its parts.

  «We did it!» Emmanuel exu

  The Dark Man, however, kept moving. The red pupils of his eyes lit up and his black hair began to grow and to attack the boys, same thing happened for the beard. His right arm recovered, but he had lost his sickle. Despite this he had four arms, the two canonical and one that came out of his chest and another from his back. Three of these held the same black sickle.

  «Be careful! This hair is more dangerous than his blades!» Gabriel said, after receiving various wounds on his body.

  Meanwhile Shayla continued his fight and could not stand up to the enemy.

  «Icicle! I will make you into a thousand pieces!» she shouted at him.

  His daggers of wind slightly scratch the ice, while the sword of the enemy was something indestructible. The Ice Man with his weapon destroyed Shayla’s daggers and these thinned into the air. The girl fell to the ground, the demon was ready to launch the coup de grace.

  «Power of Numbers show me the way!» Zakhier shouted and with his power he whipped white stones in the shape of numbers that hit the sword of the enemy and saved Shayla from a bad end. Then he ran towards the demon and with the Diamant Sword he cut the ice sword in two. With his right hand he drew a formula:

  The formula took on the features of a white stone and Zakhier with his power hurled it at the Ice Man, who exploded on contact.

  He went over to Shayla and helped her to stand up.

  «I always liked number 2» Zakhier said, laughing.

  «Thanks for saving me. Is he dead?» Shayla asked.

  «No. Like the other one I defeated a little earlier, he’ll soon be reassembled» Zakhier answered.

  To the north of the room, instead, Mohat fought against the Man of White Light. It was so bright that his features could not be delineated. Perhaps for everyone else it would have been so, but not for Mohat. As he fought against him, with his eyes he could see all his features and even the outline of his sword.

  “I can see the room and the walls full of demonic energy, I see my enemy with the features of a demon, but also of a man. I can see the aura of energy that envelops everyone else! That red aura is Tanya! That green is Diosmed, the indigo color is Zakhier, the white one is Emmanuel, the gray one is my sister, the purple one is Gabriel and finally that black and blue half is Damian, the only man I can see in its true form. It is not like the others who appear to me as simple colored bodies, I can see him with all his features. Their powers are at their best, perhaps for this reason I can see them. Now with my eyes I can also see the vital energies, besides the demons, the dead and the gods! For years I only managed to see my sister’s voice, it is the work of the power given to me by my grandfather, I am sure. He finally woke up!” Mohat thought.


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