The Demon Tamer

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The Demon Tamer Page 30

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  Because of his thoughts he was distracted and the Man of Light wounded him on the cheek, but thanks to a strange presence, which pulled his hair, he returned lucid. Despite the wound, for the great joy he felt at that moment, small tears fell from his eyes. He had managed to see the light and his friends, almost as if he had not been blind. He quickly retaliated to the enemy’s sword of light and using the whirlwinds of wind succeeded in disarming him. The light did nothing to him, because he could not have blinded him. His enemy had a white beard and was much thinner than the others. His sword of light had a quadrangular hilt and a very pointed blade. The wrinkles were vivid on his face and the signs of old age could be seen on his naked body. Mohat using the wind broadsword, with a blade made of a gray vortex, he stabbed him in the chest from side to side. The enemy at that moment looked at him steadily.

  «Mohat, your eyes are my greatest defeat!» the Demon Number 105 said.

  As the fighting continued, the goddess Isis in the bard of Aphul, arrived at the triangular black door that gave access to Anubis room, at the top of the pyramid. She touched it and it opened. She entered a pyramid-shaped room, all made of diamond. Inside there was a circular red carpet on the floor. The light that entered from the four walls, illuminated the entire environment with great purity. Anubis sat on his gilded bench, whose sides were painted with his depictions. It had a jackal head, white eyes like all gods, a long dog nose and two pointed ears. His body was human, the lower part was covered by a warrior’s skirt, gray and smooth, while the upper part was bare. It was all black in every part. He wore gold bracelets on his wrists and with his right hand he held a long black stick that on top had an Ankh, symbol of life, wrapped in dark energy.

  «Well arrived, Isis. Have your little friends finished making noise? Do you still think you can run away from me? Pharaoh Naav sees everything and provides! The Mummy Demons, which I created myself, are invincible! They will never be able to defeat them!» Anubis said with a canine voice in the language of Isis.

  The Goddess gave other rose petals to the donkey, but she blocked his mouth making him understand that he should not eat them now. Anubis approached her and with one hand blocked her neck, then with his dog’s tongue he licked her face. Isis was disgusted by it.

  «Are you still refuse me? Maybe this will be better!» Anubis said.

  He became Osiris, beloved and husband of Isis, who wore a long white linen dress with a silver cloth belt at the waist. The dress had long sleeves and on its upper part rested the Usekh necklace which was tied at the neck. It was a necklace formed by various rows of precious stones merged together, it was a typically divine ornament. In his head was the white crown called Atef, from the oval shape and at the top had first a narrowing towards the inside, then a bulge towards the outside. Together with the crown there were two black ostrich feathers, one on each side, which symbolize justice. He had a false beard, a black fake beard with a curved end on his chin. His eyes were white and his eyelids were made up with a black contour line that at the junction of the eye contours continued horizontally towards the ear but did not reach it.

  Anubis later, with his stick, made the crown of the goddess appear on Isis’s head, formed by a red solar disk placed between two white horns of ox.

  «You’re perfect now. Come on, let’s enjoy our kingdom! Soon those bugs will be smashed and everything will come back as before!» Anubis said.

  «How dare you assume his appearance! How dare you say these words!» Isis retorted with great anger.

  The Goddess looked at the golden donkey and the animal quickly began to eat the rose petals in his mouth. Anubis after that accusation, summed up his features and with great force slapped Isis. The golden eyes of the donkey lit up, gave off a great golden yellow intense energy from his body and exploded. The explosion generated was so strong that it destroyed the top vertex of the pyramid, the floor of the room and part of the upper right wall of the pyramid to create a huge hole in the wall where Damian and the others were fighting. The strength guarded by the donkey was so powerful that Anubis did not even have time to fight back. The two gods and the golden donkey died in the explosion. Damian and his friends were stunned because of the great energy released. Along with Anubis, his Demonic Mummy died as well. All the Numbered Demons that were outside became black sand.

  «We won!» Diosmed exulted.

  «What happened?» Damian asked.

  «The pyramid shook and the wall fell. I don’t understand anything anymore!» Shayla added.

  «There is only one explanation for all this, Anubis has been defeated! That’s why his Mummy Demons are dead!» Zakhier explained.

  «Who could it have been?» Emmanuel asked.

  «Isis» Mohat replied.

  «Yes, it was she», Zakhier said with a tear in his eyes, «when I saw Aphul I understood what his intentions were. His little donkey when he eats many rose petals explodes and exudes great energy. She sacrificed herself for us! We must not disappoint her!»

  «We won’t!» Diosmed added.

  Due to the great explosion, the ceiling began to collapse.

  «Watch out!» Damian shouted and so they avoided the boulders. Something strange came down from above that fell right into Damian’s hands.

  «Pepooos, pepos!» the little creature said.

  «Thanks, thanks!» Damian understood. “Who is this little demon?” He thought to himself.

  It was a gray ground turtle that had white stars, with five long points, drawn on each scute of its black shell. It had a carapace twenty centimeters in diameter, consisting of five vertebral shields placed between two rows of costal scute, each made up of four scutes. These main scutes were surrounded by twenty-four marginal scutes, smaller than the others and with a square shape. The principals had different forms, among the vertebrals the first was a pentagon facing the head, the two following a hexagon, the penultimate pentagon facing the last scribe in a quadrangular shape. Those ribs had the polygonal shape and complementary to the other scutes. The Turtle Demon had an elongated head and its mouth was protruding, as if it had a small beak. His eyes were blue and his nose was formed by two small holes. A small thin black tail was opposite to the head and had four mighty legs, with five long white claws. The forelimbs looked like two small arms bent outwards, while the hind legs looked like two legs. His body had resistant scales and when he opened his mouth, it could see his pink tongue with a pointed shape. The platter instead was white and Damian when he noticed that his eyes showed eyelids with the closing from the bottom upwards like the dragons, he fell in love with that little demon.

  «Where did this turtle come from?» Tanya asked.

  «She was a prisoner with me» a voice from above said, then a stairway made of fire steps appeared and a man descended quickly.

  «Raven!» Mohat and Shayla said in unison.

  He was a red-skinned young man with short fiery hair, even his clothes were made of flames. He was wearing a red vest with yellow buttons and shorts, made of a very lively and moving fire. His face was very dry and pure, bursting with energy from all the pores.

  «Mohat! Shayla! You are my saviors! How are they in the village?» Raven asked.

  «They are all well! But now we must escape from here, before everything collapses!» Mohat said.

  «And how do we do that? Are we jumping down on that horde of demons?» Diosmed asked.

  «Do not worry. He will help us. Go ahead!» Raven shouted.

  From the upper floor came a small hawk that gradually grew larger and almost touched the ceiling. He had white eyes, a black beak and a white face. He had two legs with three huge black claws, while the feathers of his whole body were colored with all the existing colors. A row of feathers was red, another blue, and so on.

  «Soon go up!» Raven said and then climbed onto the animal’s back. Then one by one, the young heroes climbed and clung to his colorful feathers.

  «Wait! I have the turtle in my hands!» Damian said frantically.
  «Come up with her! We did 30, let’s do 31!» Diosmed answered.

  «We are two khet high! Will we get here safely?» Zakhier said.

  The Great Hawk swooped down and opened its large wings. The nine and the tortoise clung tightly to its colored feathers and flew over the great army of demons.

  «The Mummy Demons have disappeared! There are fewer enemies!» Emmanuel pointed out.

  «But there are still many. I see a hundred and eleven skeletons!» Gabriel added.

  «Watch! The Sphinx moves!» Zakhier said.

  «I see! Inside there is someone evil. He will be Pharaoh Naav!» Mohat said.

  The Great Sphinx, with the face of a man and the body of a lion, had risen on its legs and walked as if it were alive. He pointed at them, he flashed them with his red eyes. A stone monster and an army of demons stood against the young heroes. The hawk landed in a clearing less than a hundred meters from the enemies. They all got off the ground quickly.

  «They are too many! How will we do!» Tanya said.

  The tortoise issued his verse: «Pepos, pepos pepoos!»

  «Thank you, I will return the favor!» Damian understood.

  He left her on the ground, the little creature walked slowly towards the demons. It began to transform, suddenly it became much larger, reaching five meters in height and its shell reached three meters in diameter. He gave off a white energy, his blue eyes shone and then he shouted once more:

  «Pepo pepo pepooos!»

  «Wave of the Turtle!» Damian understood.

  He opened his mouth and from it came a flash of blue energy that was thrown against his enemies, defeating ten of them. Later, the white energy that enveloped it became even brighter and, like a rocket, launched itself at the demons. It was so powerful that by the impact thirty demons died instantly. Little by little the turtle became smaller and once it returned to its original size, it escaped underground and gave it up to its heels.

  «Wonderful! That turtle is a miracle!» Diosmed exulted.

  «I’m going to fight the Sphinx, Big Hawk take me there!» Damian said and the hawk nodded.

  «And what should we do?» Tanya asked.

  «Fight!» Mohat replied, summoning the Wind Power.

  They extracted the blades and showed their powers, Damian climbed the giant hawk and began to fly in the direction of the Great Sphinx. Before he could reach it, from a huge Naav Symbol on the ground appeared a green royal cobra fifteen meters high, with a head half the size of that of the Sphinx. He shot fire from his mouth and the hawk rolled in the sky to avoid the blows. When Damian was close to the Sphinx, he lunged at her and with the Dragon’s Claw cut her nose, creating an opening to enter his head. He clung to the face of the giant statue and entered inside, while the hawk began to fight against the snake. Upon entering, he was greeted by someone.

  «Apophis, Snake of the Kingdom of the Dead, will eat that bird soon!» a hoarse voice said.

  «You’re Naav!» Damian said.

  «Welcome, Son of the Dragon» said Naav, laughing.

  Inside the head and body of the sphinx, there was a large room with red and purple stone blocks. Naav was sitting on a throne made of diamonds. He looked tired and had difficulty breathing. He clutched a golden Ankh with his left hand, while with his right he protected a strange brown book formed by a series of papyruses bound together and with a strange cover. He wore the funerary mask typical of the pharaohs all gilded and with the Nemes which had black horizontal lines. The mask had a cobra with a green eye and a blind eye on the forehead, two holes for the eyes, the false beard and the typical Egyptian necklace around the neck. Naav wore a black dress that left her arms and legs bare, and a golden belt at her waist.

  «Look at my dear, this is the “The Book of the Dead”. Thanks to this book I received great powers. Now you and your friends, who have destroyed my Hell Gates, will pay with your life! How did you kill the Behemot? Because of you, the Devil has deprived me of all his help! That beast should have returned to the Hell, but it has disappeared forever! Who helped you get in?» Naav said, then with his Ankh he summoned four rotting dead who had white eyes and sabers. As they appeared from the Naav Symbols on the floor, they attacked Damian who was forced to fight against them.

  «Look what you’ve done to me!» Naav said.

  He took off the funeral mask and showed his face. Half of his face was young and handsome, while the other half was old, putrid and mummified. He had an eye with a black pupil and an all-white, blind eye. One half of the hair was long and black, the other was white and sparse. His whole body was half young and half old. His nose was half flesh and half bone. That face full of wrinkles and suffering shuddered and saddened Damian at the same time.

  «It was Old Zhen who gave me the green gem that opened the door of your pyramid! And you tell me what prompted you to do all this! What did you get? Was it worth selling to the Devil?» Damian asked him as he fought the dead.

  «I loved nature and the sea. I had a humble life and a family, then one day, those vile Romans plundered our city, killed my son and my wife. Then I sought revenge! I traveled in search of the Book of the Dead, kept in the tomb of Cheops, and when I found it, I was stunned. I could have brought my family back to life, since the name of all the dead is written on this book and when it is erased, the dead come back to life. I learned to use his power, but what I got was just a disappointment. What is dead remains dead. I was able to see my son and my wife again, but in the form of walking dead. They showed themselves before me together with Anubis, who told me that the two of them had passed his fateful test: “the weighing of the soul”. If the soul has the same weight as a feather, it can go to the kingdom of the God Ra. Then I realized that it was all in vain and that I should die with them that day, only so I could live with them for eternity. Anubis made my family disappear and soon after, inside the pyramid of Cheops, a dark shadow appeared that assumed the forms of a particular being. A black goat with two large pointed horns standing on two legs. His appearance was terrifying, but at that moment I was not afraid. He started talking about a strange project and promised me that he would bring my family back to life, while in Anubis he promised the Kingdom of the Dead. The Dark gave me the power to see everything thanks to my symbol, it was enough to place it on someone or something. Everything was possible thanks to the Eye of the God Horus, stolen from the Devil. Later, he created the three Hell Gates, the source of my power, he granted me his army of demons and on them I placed my symbol. Anubis received the power to transform his mummies into demons and even on them I placed my symbol, which chains them to my will. Thanks to the power of this book I can command the dead, instead with the Ankh of Power, his other gift, I built my pyramid and gave life to the Great Sphinx. Now that I’m losing my strength, I realized that I was deceived! Look at me how I find myself now! Anubis, the one who rules over the dead, died at the hands of a donkey! What a shame! The only good thing I did that day and told him that I would accept his agreement on condition of one thing. He should have written his name on this book, because whoever writes his name on the Book of the Dead remains dead forever. He accepted the same and in return I got these great dark powers to serve him. I never imagined meeting you. The Demon desires you and you will have to obey him with good or bad! These beings you are fighting now are my friends dead in battle and soon your friends will die and become my servants!» Naav said in a wicked tone.

  Damian fought those dead, gaunt and rotten, who had great strength. He could fend off the blows of one while jumping and avoiding the blows of others. With a kick he knocked an enemy to the ground, then cut off his head and, to his amazement, that one re-attached to the original body.

  «The Devil will never have me! You have only been deceived! Remedy your sins!» Damian shouted forcefully.

  «It’s too late! I don’t need to fix it, with my eye I can see everything, even my family in the Kingdom of Dead!» Naav said, then stared blankly and thought of someone, «Di
d you say Zhen? That scoundrel pirate! He stole one of the two gems that I keep here, inside the eyes of my snake! Only one of these gems can open the main door of my pyramid! You will pay dearly! I will destroy you and so the Dark Lord will give me my full powers again and I will return to being young and powerful!» Naav screamed so hard that he spat blood.

  His subordinates attacked Damian who managed to keep all four at bay with difficulty, while Naav suffered from the pain, since he had lost almost all the demonic power that made him strong and young, but he still had the Book of the Dead on his side.

  «To the right! His heart is on the right!» Naav said to the dead.

  «It was you! It was your voice that I heard in the village of Zikùr!» Damian said.

  The boy parried all the blows, summoned the Power of the Dragon and then whispered words: «Show yourself».

  His shadow took on its appearance, with the only difference being that the sword and the dragon arm were white. Thus appeared the Dark Damian, who fought in his place against those monsters and so Damian had the chance to reach Naav.

  «It’s over Naav! Each of us decides how to live and how to behave in life. You could have refused! You could have avoided killing and destroying Egypt! In each of us there is good and evil, the important thing is to accept it. I did it!» Damian said proudly.

  «Pity!», he coughed up blood, «Please!» Naav pleaded, crying like a child, so that the human essence of the old, the young, and the child coincided in one person.


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