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The Demon Tamer

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  Damian snatched the book from his hands, looked at it and saw on the cover the presence of Osiris, Isis and Anubis next to a scale, on which on one side there was a feather and on the other a heart. Later with his dragon hand he incinerated the book with the blue fire. Naav began to become necrotic and his skin fell to pieces. Death was about to welcome him in his arms. The more the book burned the more Naav suffered.

  «No! His name had to remain written inside the book! Now he will have more power! Remember that when you meet the Devil he will want to give you everything, but in the end you will be the one to give everything to him». It was his last words, then he became ashes along with all his dead. His pyramid became a huge pile of white sand. The Hell Gate closed, all the demons of Egypt that carried its symbol perished and so the country and the other devastated territories were freed. The Sphinx collapsed and Damian, after reuniting with his shadow, came out of his head and saw with his own eyes that it was all over. He skillfully descended from the sphinx climbing up his face.

  «They are gone! Victory!» Diosmed exulted with all the others, including Gabriel, who had his left sleeve damaged due to an enemy attack and it could see three skulls cut into his skin from the opening. A detail that escaped others, but not Mohat.

  «Damian! You are our hero!» Emmanuel said.

  Damian smiled, but inside he felt sadness for the man subjugated and used as a puppet by the Devil. He rejoined his friends and the turtle also reappeared.

  «Pepos pepos, pepo pepo pesoos!» the little demon said.

  «What does he say?» Diosmed asked.

  He said: «Thank you, now I must return to the abyss because my family is in danger!» Damian translated to his friends.

  «His voice is particular, I remember something about it. It’s called Pepin’s language, it’s used by turtles. How is it possible that he still talk about it? Now he’s a white demon!» Tanya said.

  «I’m wrong or he’s a land turtle! How can he go into the sea!» Emmanuel noted.

  «Wait a little friend, I’ll help you» Damian said.

  «Pepoos!» The tortoise shouted with joy.

  «I suppose he accepted?» Shayla said, who heard the voice of the demons.

  «Yes» Damian confirmed.

  «Thank you blue-eyed boy», Raven said and knelt down, «you saved Egypt!»

  «Get up, nobody has to prostrate themselves at my feet» Damian said.

  The clearing was full of dust and rubble, but the vegetation had not been damaged. Suddenly the huge hawk appeared in the sky.

  «Young heroes! I will always be your debtor!» he said in Ancient Egyptian.

  He waved his wings and all the dust disappeared, while the vegetation grew even more. The Sphinx was placed in its place. A great number of blue-colored souls appeared in the sky near him.

  «Watch! She is the goddess Isis» Tanya said.

  «There’s Sobek! He has the head of a crocodile and the body of a man!» Diosmed saw.

  «The goddess Selkis! Seth and all the Egyptian gods are in their original form!» Emmanuel said.

  «We are free! Naav has been defeated! We are no longer tied to the Book of the Dead! Now we can leave this world» the Great Hawk said.

  The Blue Door appeared and all the gods crossed it, including Anubis who had been bound.

  «Who really was that hawk?» Mohat asked.

  «The God Ra» replied the soul of a boy.

  «Malph! What are you doing here?» Mohat asked him in amazement.

  «Look!», Malph replied showing him a small stone, «This belongs to the secret tunnels, to which my soul is bound. He was in your hair. Who do you think awakened you when you were absorbed in your thoughts during the fight?»

  The frog rasped loudly.

  «Weasel!» Mohat said, then they all laughed together.

  «Finally, we souls can leave this place. I know, indeed I always knew that I was dead, but the truth is that no dead wants to stop living! Goodbye Mohat, goodbye friends!» Malph said.

  All the souls of Egypt and all the territories in which the Symbol of Naav had been placed, reached the necropolis of Giza and were finally free from the control of the Book of the Dead and so they were able to cross the White Door that appeared above them.

  «He has no control over the dead, they are free!» Damian exclaimed.

  Raven with his power created butterflies of fire and threw them into the sky.

  «Travel to every place and tell everyone that Naav has been defeated and that they can return to their villages!» the man said.

  The butterflies brought the news everywhere and in a brief time the inhabitants returned to Giza and to the other uninhabited places. The Fire Village was warned and everyone cried smokes of joy.

  «We celebrate! This time it will be great!» Diosmed said.

  «You just think about getting drunk!» Tanya scolded him as usual.

  Animals appeared that brought fruit to the heroes. Even the lions and the tigers paid homage to them. The people of Giza also arrived, who for a long time had been hidden in the nearby caves.

  «We will give you everything you want! Feel at home!» the oldest of the commoners said.

  The boys walked among the vegetation, but the path created by Naav was gone. They came to the center of the city, in a large square surrounded by statues that depicted Egyptian gods. The common people set up a nice banquet of fruits, vegetables and special foods such as the Giza green sauce, Egyptian bread, cheese, dates, dried fruit and finally fava beans. No animal meat was put on the table.

  «Today no more blood will be spilled!» a populate said.

  The turtle rushed over the vegetables and along with the animals also ate fruit. Even the ferocious beasts were docile at that time and they ate with exotic fruit.

  «Taste this fruit, the “Moyanks”» Mohat said.

  It was a round white fruit, whose interior was filled with a purple juice. They ate it and were ecstatic about it.

  «Try this! It’s a green grass, it’s called “Friaks”. Careful though, it could get stuck in your teeth!» Zakhier said.

  «Hey! That jaguar wanted to steal these bananas!» Diosmed said.

  «Or maybe he wanted to eat your arm» Tanya said, then laughed.

  «I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Now I will return to my village. Take care of you Mohat» Raven said to his friend, interrupting the comic scene.

  «I’ll be back soon to see you at your village» Mohat said, shaking his hand.

  They ate and laughed with everyone and the night fell quickly. A series of wooden beds with wool sacks was set up for them in a large house. Zakhier greeted the boys and went to his friends, the servants of Isis. The common people gave the young heroes white tunics for the night and new clothes. The boys received black linen trousers that left their ankles uncovered, closed shoes, similar to calceus, brown and of various shapes, black or brown belts to put on life, and finally long-sleeved shirts with a neckline at V. Diosmed received a green jersey with an embroidered lightning bolt in the upper left, while Emmanuel obtained a white jersey with a sun with embroidered spokes. Mohat a gray jersey with an embroidered tornado, finally Gabriel a purple jersey with an embroidered dagger. Instead Damian’s clothes were refurbished by the tailors of Giza, while the two girls received two ankle length dresses with a slight neckline. Tanya received a red dress with an embroidered fire on top, while Shayla a gray one with an embroidered tornado. They also received closed shoes, but they had a more pointed shape. Once they wore white tunics, they went to bed.

  «You know, as bad as Naav may have been, after all he was only a slave man of the Devil, who struck him deeply» Damian said, then explained to his friends the whole story.

  «Gabriel, thanks for your help. Now I know I can trust you» Emmanuel said.

  «It’s an honor» Gabriel said.

  «What’s the name of your dagger?» Diosmed asked.

  «Anathema» the Man from the Future answered

  Meanwhile the tortoise went to stand next to Damian and then fell asleep.

  «Good night!» Said Diosmed.

  «Good night!» All the others answered.

  «Woe to you, depraved! If only you dare to do something in the night! That’s the last time I sleep in a room with you!» Tanya said.

  «What did I do wrong...» Diosmed complained, then fell asleep like the others did.

  It was dawn.

  Damian woke up last, the turtle still sleeping. He woke him up and he seemed happy.

  «Pepos pepos, pepo pepos pepos!» he said as soon as he woke up.

  «My name is Pepos! I am a male! My family is in danger! Demons have taken the Marine World in hostage!» the boy understood.

  «What the hell! Even in the abyss! Then we’ll leave today!» Damian said.

  He changed his clothes, took the turtle with him, and ran out of that house with a green roof and white walls. The houses in the city were all the same shade. On some walls Damian saw the God Ra with the head of a hawk, a red sun on his head and the body of a man. He arrived near a square, where his friends were, surrounded by columns on which were painted hieroglyphics depicting snakes, hawks, rabbits, beetles, ibis and other symbols.

  «Here is Mohat... I... I want to be with him!» Shayla said blushing and Zakhier was embarrassed.

  Mohat pouted, then said: «Take care of my sister».

  Shayla stroked his face and said: «Even if you are far away, I will always feel your eyes».

  «And I will always be able to see your voice» Mohat added, then hugged his sister.

  «And what will you do? Will you come with us?» Damian asked.

  «If that’s what you want, I’ll come!» Mohat replied, surprised.

  Damian smiled and Mohat could see it through his eyes.

  Tanya, Diosmed, Emmanuel and Gabriel arrived with baskets loaded with food and drinks.

  «Ah well! That’s just what we needed for the trip!» Damian said.

  «Whaat? Are we leaving already?» Diosmed complained.

  «And for where?» Tanya asked.

  «For the abyss! The Marine World is in danger!» Damian said.

  «How are you going to get there?» Gabriel asked incredulously.

  «Pepos pepos!» the little demon replied.

  «The turtle said it was he!» Damian explained.

  He placed it on the ground, went away from the houses and assumed large dimensions. Then he popped a bubble from his nose and it gradually became huge and positioned itself right on his shell.

  «Pepooos!» he shouted.

  «He said we have to get inside» Damian translated to the others.

  «How do you understand her?» Emmanuel asked.

  «He’s a boy. Maybe because he’s a white demon, but I think I understand him thanks to my heart» Damian replied.

  They greeted Shayla and embraced her one by one.

  «Damian, it wasn’t your fault. Diosmed explained everything to me. Know that the Village of Gods has always been out of time. I do not know how long he lived in the village and I do not even know my true age, since living outside of time means that everything coincides at the same time. From my calculations, however, I realized that a year lived in the village corresponds to ten years spent in the World of Men» Zakhier said with respect.

  «The time. I wonder if it really exists!» Damian replied.

  «Zakhier, my friend, I will miss you! I still remember when we had fun singing the song of our elf friend!» Diosmed said, getting closer to greet his friend.

  «You are right! That elf wrote songs on tobacco leaves, as he did... “Iheppehqàd, wù vi qà padaiheppehqàd”».

  The three boys, survivors of the village, laughed together and shook hands.

  Having greeted the commoners and the two friends in love, the six heroes climbed onto the turtle using his long black tail. They entered the bubble and Pepos left for the Nile.

  «Hang on! He runs very fast! But were the turtles not slow?» Diosmed said.

  «Apparently not» Emmanuel said, laughing.

  Pepos reached the river Nile very quickly, just before it jumped it changed shape becoming a turtle with the typical legs of those of the sea.

  «Wow, it has changed!» Gabriel said with amazement.

  «What do you say, do you like this time travel?» Mohat said and the man smiled.

  «Full speed ahead!» Damian ordered.

  Pepos threw himself into the Nile and began to swim quickly.

  «This bubble allows us to breathe. Don’t break Diosmed!» Tanya threatened him.

  «I won’t touch anything!» the young man promised.

  After ten minutes, Pepos arrived in the Mediterranean Sea and began to descend into the depths of the abyss.

  «A new adventure awaits our heroes. For today it may be enough, we will continue next time».

  «Ugh! I wanted to know how it ended!»

  The teacher and the young student laughed together.


  «Well. He destroyed the book and killed the Behemot!» an Infernal Prince said.

  «Your pet was weak, brother!» another prince said, laughing .

  «Do not laugh. Neither yours have completed his duty» he replied the Infernal Prince of Earth, pointing to his brother that he had in his hands a small Leviathan.

  «Your beasts will put him a strain, they will train him and he will become mine! No one can escape me!» the Dark Lord said.



  First of all I thank Terry for her great help and for the support she gives me every day I thank my sources of inspiration: the mangaka Eiichiro Oda, Masashi Kishimoto, Tite Kubo, Akira Toriyama, Hiro Mashima and all the authors of my favorite Japanese anime and manga. I thank Einstein for teaching us to understand the Universe. I thank Dante Alighieri and Roberto Benigni for teaching me to understand the language of the Supreme Poet. I thank J.K. Rowling, J. R. R Tolkien, George R. Martin and all the other creators of fantastic creatures, for making me appreciate the fantasy world. I thank Martial, Apuleius, Giovanni Pascoli and Giovanni Verga for their compositions. I thank Google, Wikipedia, YouTube and Alberto Angela for teaching me the story. I thank Microsoft Word my phone and my computer for the help given to me to make my novel. Finally, I thank Amazon for the valuable advice and opportunity given. One last thank you, but not least, to you who have come this far.




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