Wayward Trouble (Wayward Saints MC Book 5)

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Wayward Trouble (Wayward Saints MC Book 5) Page 10

by Renee, K.

  “I remember my sister being angry when I asked where the money was coming from. Heck thinking back on it, maybe she’s known the whole time, and that’s why she’s never left with me. Maybe she’s just as bad as he is.”

  Tears roll down the side of my face as this realization hits me hard. Is that why she never believed me? She knew and didn’t want me to figure it out? My stomach starts to turn and I feel sick. Jase’s hands grip me tighter, and I remember that I’m supposed to be telling him everything.

  “Every time I asked where they got the money, Kyleigh would get super defensive, and tell me to mind my own business. After a few times, I just let it go and didn’t worry about it. If I didn’t ask, then I got along fine with Saxton. I think my sister would tell him, and that caused a strain between them. At Carsyn’s first birthday party, I noticed a few men that I’d never seen before. They were dressed all in black and to the nines, at a one year old’s birthday. They looked out of place and thinking back, they could have been members of the mob, but I have no idea. The day I met Shawn, I thought that maybe I would stop worrying about Kyleigh and Carsyn so much, but I think it got worse. We would do stuff together all the time, and I could tell that Saxton was being secretive. Whenever he got a phone call, he would go outside and take it, or I would walk into a room and hear him whispering about stuff. I never really got any information from any of the conversations I heard, but when I walked in on a conversation about hiring a hit man to kill someone who had crossed them, I knew there was something wrong.”

  I shiver at the memories. The look on his face when he seen me, scared the crap out of me. I had nightmares for weeks about it, and when I came home to Shawn lying in a pool of his own blood, I knew I had to get away from Saxton.

  “Sugar, you can stop there for tonight. We can finish this in the morning if you want.” His voice is different. He sounds like he’s pissed and upset.

  “Okay,” I whisper. I watch him pull his jeans and boots back off, and I can’t help but stare at this beautiful man standing in front of me.

  His fingers grip the back of my head, and he pulls me in for a kiss that rocks me all the way to my bones.

  I moan into his mouth, and he moves us so that his hips are in between my thighs. Feeling his naked skin against mine, I can’t help but grind against him. The spark between us never fails to shock me when we touch.

  His hand slides around my body, and lands on my breast. He pinches my nipple and rolls it between his fingers, before he kisses a trail down my body. He stops at my belly button, and then leans over to the nightstand and grabs a condom out of the drawer.

  The sound of him tearing the wrapper makes me squirm, as I lay in anticipation of him slowly sinking into me.

  I watch him roll the condom down his shaft, and then he looks up at me with a smile. Not his cocky one that he typically gives me, but a genuine one that makes me melt.

  I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him to me, so I can seal my lips with his. The kiss is forceful and hot as hell. Before I can even pull away, he sinks into me, causing me to moan in his mouth. I tear my mouth away from his and groan, “Fuck.”

  Instead of the urgent pace he set earlier today, this time it’s slow and deliberate. It’s like he’s planned every move, and he is only trying to get me off. “Oh god,” I moan when he pulls all the way out, and slowly thrusts inside of me.

  I grind down on his erection, and he grits his teeth. “Fuck Wyn, you keep doing that and I’m gonna fucking come right now,” he hisses.

  When I keep it up, he brings a hand to my pussy, and rubs my clit until I break apart around him. I yell out his name, and he bites my shoulder as his body shudders.

  Panting, he rests his forehead on my shoulder where I’m sure he left teeth marks, and he doesn’t bother to move off of me. I welcome his weight on top of me. For some reason it makes me feel like I’m safe here in his arms, and that no one can hurt me.

  I know it’s not true, but I like believing it while we are in the moment.

  After a few minutes, he groans, and slowly pulls out of me. I whimper at the loss of him, and I watch as he pads across the room and into the bathroom to dispose of the condom.

  When he comes back, I see a smile tugging at his lips. It looks like he’s deep in thought.

  He turns off the light on the nightstand, and slips under the covers with me. I turn over so I’m facing him, and I cuddle in closer to his body. He smirks, wrapping his arms around me.

  “Sleep Sugar. We have a lot to do in the next few days,” he murmurs against my temple.

  I bury my face into his chest and close my eyes, just hoping that the bad dreams stay away tonight.

  Chapter Twenty

  Three Weeks Later

  It’s been three damn weeks, and I still can’t find that stupid son of a bitch. I’ve fucking called all of my favors in, and no one has anything. Everyone thinks he’s underground. I want to believe that, but fuck, who knows. My brothers are all fucking antsy to take this fucker down, and not being able to find a trace of him is grating on my last nerve.

  Hearing my phone ring, I gently pull my arm out from under Wyn, and roll over to grab it. “Yeah,” I whisper. I don’t want to wake her up since I kept her up most of the night last night. Every fucking time we have sex, it gets better and better.

  “I found his wife and kid. They aren’t underground with him. We need to bring them in A.S.A.P. or we’ll miss our chance.” Getting up, I pull on a pair of jeans and some socks. “I’ll meet you outside in ten,” I say as I hang up on Sebastian. Grabbing the first shirt I find, I pull it over my head, and then look over at the bed to see Wynter watching me.

  “Morning Sugar,” I say as I walk over to the bed, and lean down to kiss her.

  “Morning,” she yawns. “Where are you going?”

  “My brother found your sister and niece and we are gonna bring them here.”

  Her eyes light up, and she gets a huge smile on her face. “You are?” she squeals.

  “Yeah baby, I’ll call you when we’re on our way back. Stay inside until I get back. I don’t know when he’s gonna show his face again, and I’ll be damned if he hurts you.”

  “Thank you,” she whispers against my lips. I pull her closer to me, and kiss her deeply before releasing her, and walking out the door.

  Making my way through the clubhouse, I see a few of the guys standing around just waiting. Slapping Seb on the back, I ask if he’s ready.

  “Yeah. I called a few brothers to help just in case shit goes sideways.” He looks around and then nods. “Let’s go boys,” he grins.

  Walking out to the parking lot, I see Brant, and he looks pissed off. I make my way towards him, and ask what the hell is wrong with him.

  “Anslie is being a fucking bitch. I swear her being pregnant makes her bitchy and horny, all at the same time. I would almost rather shoot myself than deal with her mood swings.” Chuckling, I slap him on the back.

  “You’re the one that wanted that crazy bitch.”

  “Fuck man,” he groans rubbing his eyes with his palms.

  “She doesn’t have much longer to go brother. Plus I’m sure her feisty side makes up for it. I heard about what she did at the bar before Dom’s wedding,” he chuckles. “Yeah when she gets all fucking protective of me, I get a fucking boner to top them all.” I shudder at the mention of him and boners. He’s my twin and I don’t really need to hear about that.

  Straddling my bike, I turn the key, and let her roar to life. We all wait for Dom’s word, and then take off towards our destination.

  It takes us an hour to get to our destination, and we park about a mile back. We load into the back of the van, and have the prospect drive us to the house that they are in.

  We check the perimeter, and then they send me in to knock on the door. I need to get them out of the house, or at least force my way in so we can grab them both.

  When my knuckles hit the door, I think of the best way to get Kyleigh to leave with me.

  When the door opens, I see the girl from the photo that Brant had shown me a few weeks ago. She looks nothing like Wyn, and I have no idea how they can even be sisters.

  “Hi, can I help you?” she asks looking me over.

  “Yeah, you’re Kyleigh right?” I know she is, but I just want her to confirm it before I force her to leave with me.

  She nods her head, and looks at me with a strange look. “Your sister Wynter was hurt and she’s in the hospital. They don’t think she’s gonna make it,” I lie. People always go willingly when their family is in the hospital.

  She gasps and places her hand over her mouth. “I can take you if you want,” I say eyeing her. She doesn’t look upset that I told her that her sister is hurt, more like shocked that I said something about it.

  Maybe Wyn was right, and she is part of whatever this is. Finally she nods her head, and lets me in the house. “I have to go get my daughter. I’ll be right back.” Her voice cracks, and she walks out of the room. She returns a few minutes later with a little girl that can’t be much older than my nephews. “We’re ready,” she says quietly.

  I nod and lead them to the door. The little girl looks up at me and smiles brightly. “Are you friends with my daddy?” she asks. Her dark hair bounces as she practically skips out the door. Once the door closes, I answer her. “No sweetheart I’m not. I’m your Aunt Wynter’s boyfriend.”

  I look back at Kyleigh, and she freezes. She knows who I am. She calls for Carsyn to come to her, but I grab her and pick her up, so she can’t get away from me.

  Kyleigh’s eyes widen and she looks terrified. “You’re coming with me. You call that husband of yours, and I’ll make sure you never see your little girl again.” She nods her head, and I lead her to the van where the rest of the guys are waiting.

  I help Kyleigh into the van, and then go around the front and sit Carsyn in the front seat. “Sweetheart, be a good girl and sit up front with Mike until we get there, okay?” She nods her head giddily, and I strap her into the front seat.

  I go back to the back of the van and get in, closing the door behind me.

  Kyleigh has a pissed off expression on her face, and I know she’s gonna be a pistol. Looking over at Brant and Seb, I can see them both trying to figure out how they are related.

  “Kyleigh?” I ask. She turns her head towards me, and just stares at me waiting for me to continue.

  “You’re not really sisters with Wynter are you?” She shakes her head no, but doesn’t offer up any other information.

  “So why don’t you tell us who you really are then,” Brant sneers. Carsyn turns to look at us.

  “Go fuck yourself,” Kyleigh growls at him.

  Seb grins, and I know that this shit is gonna be bad. He likes his girls feisty, and I have a feeling she is gonna be a match for him.

  Grabbing my phone out of my pocket, I send Wyn a text message to tell her we’re are on our way. Before we all get out of the van, I grab a pair of handcuffs out of the back, and handcuff Kyleigh to the tie down hook on the side of the van wall. She huffs out, and I just smirk at her.

  “Can’t have you trying to jump out of a moving vehicle.”

  “Fuck you,” she sneers.

  “No thanks, I’ve got your sister in my bed, and she’s more than enough,” I smirk and shut the door, before she can say another word.

  We make the ride back, and as soon as I park and get off my bike, Wyn comes running towards me.

  “Jase?” her voice is hopeful, and it kills me to know that Kyleigh isn’t really her sister.

  Wrapping my arms around her, I pull her to me, “They are both here.”

  Her eyes meet mine, and I can see the happiness all over her face. The prospect opens his door, and then walks around to let Carsyn out of the front seat.

  As soon as she sees Wynter, she comes running full speed to her. Wynter wraps her in her arms, and they both giggle and give each other hugs and kisses.

  I watch as the prospect finally lets Kyleigh out. She’s pissed, and she’s staring right at me.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  When I seen Carsyn come running towards me, I wanted to cry. It’s been so long since I’ve seen her beautiful little face, and I’ve missed her so much. After getting my cuddles from her, I look up and see my sister staring at Jase like she wants to murder him.

  Standing up, I grab Carsyn’s hand, and walk over to my sister. She looks exactly like she did the day I ran. She doesn’t even look excited to see me. She has a scowl on her face, as she watches me walk towards her with her daughter. I can feel Jase’s presence right behind me, but he lets me keep getting closer to her.

  “Carsyn get over here,” she demands. Carsyn’s lip trembles, and she slowly walks to her mother.

  “Why the hell are we here Wynter?” she grates out. She’s never been angry with me before, so I’m not really sure what to do or say.

  “You’re my family. I had to make sure you were safe from him,” I stutter out. She rolls her eyes and turns to walk away, but the guys don’t let her leave.

  “We’re not your family!” Kyleigh yells when she turns towards me again.

  I feel my mouth drop open, and I don’t even know what to say. She’s not my family? She told me that we were sisters when she found me. Oh my god. She’s been lying to me since I was eighteen. When my parents died, she said she found out that her parents had died, and that she was my sister. God how could I be so fucking stupid?

  I shake my head. No. She has to be lying. I cover my mouth to keep the sobs in. Jase’s strong arms wrap around me, and he pulls me to his chest. She’s been lying to me for six years.

  “Why would you lie about being my sister?” I choke out.

  I am very aware of everyone eyes on us, but I can’t get myself to care about what they are thinking. The only thing that matters is that she betrayed me. She lied about everything and who she was, but why?

  “Because you have always been part of the plan. But when Shawn came around, the plan changed and we had to find a way to get rid of him. You were just too stupid to figure it out,” she sneers.

  “I can’t believe I’ve ever trusted you.” The tears are running down my face, and I can’t believe someone would be so cruel. I pull out of Jase’s arms, and take off running.

  I hear him call my name, but I just keep going until I’m in the safety of the room I’ve been sharing with him.

  Opening the door, I practically throw myself on the bed, and hide under the covers. Tears pour down my face and soak the sheets, but I don’t care. I just want the pain in my heart to disappear.

  I feel like I did the day my parents died. Nothing could take the pain away then, and I’m not sure if anything can take it away now.

  I hear the door open a few minutes later, but I can’t bring myself to move.

  “How could she?” I whisper. The bed dips, and I feel his body against mine.

  “I’m sorry Sugar. She was out for something. Just don’t know what yet. You don’t deserve what that bitch has been putting you through,” he moves the hair out of my face, and places a kiss on my neck. I turn in his arms, and sob on his chest.

  She made me believe that we were a family, and that she would always be there for me.

  The only thing keeping me together right now is Jase.

  “You always know what to say,” I mutter against his chest. I feel his body rumble with silent laughter, and he just holds me tighter.

  “No I don’t. I say a lot of stupid shit typically. You’re the only one that gets my sweet side.”

  That makes me giggle.

  “We need to find out what the original plan was. Do you think you can talk to her again and find it out?” I squeeze my eyes shut, and take a few calming breaths. I need to prove that she doesn’t matter to me anymore, even though she does.

  “Okay. I’ll do whatever you need,” I sniffle.

  “Thank you for being strong Sugar, it’s what I love most about you.” My eyes snap up t
o his, and I feel like they are bugging out. He smirks, and kisses my nose.

  He doesn’t say anything more, so I just ignore what he just said.

  After I have finally calmed down enough, I tell him I’m ready to talk to her again. We both get up and he leads me down the hall to one of the extra rooms. There’s a lock on the door from the outside, and I just look over at him. “We didn’t want her to try and leave until we talked to her again.” He looks unhappy that they had to do this, but it was probably the only way to keep her here.

  Before he opens the door, I tell him another way to keep her here. “If you don’t want to let her leave, send Carsyn away with someone else. She won’t leave without her, and if she does, then she doesn’t deserve that little girl anyway.” He nods and then opens the door.

  “What the fuck do you want?” she questions with a smirk. I see Carsyn sitting in the corner all by herself, and I motion for her to come to me. She does, but before she can reach me, Kyleigh grabs her and pulls her back to her. I see Jase grab his phone, and type something out.

  “I want to know why you did this to me. Why did you make me believe that we were family and then let your husband kill my fiancé and try to kill me?” I demand with gritted teeth. I want her to suffer. I want answers but most of all, I want her to pay for making my life into a drama that didn’t need to happen.

  “Because I had been watching you for months. You had the perfect family, and the perfect life. Saxton picked you because he thought that you would be perfect for one of his clients. When you met him it wasn’t by accident. We handpicked you, and were gonna sell you to the highest bidder. You were still pure and men would pay good money for that, and then Shawn met you and fucked up our whole plan…” she trails off when the door opens, and a very pissed off Emily walks into the room.

  She walks up to Kyleigh, and pulls Carsyn out of her grip. “Let go of my daughter!” Kyleigh screeches.

  Emily turns and gives her one of the nastiest looks I’ve ever seen, causing Kyleigh to shrink back and I watch as Jase’s mother leads her daughter out of the room. I grip his hand, and squeeze it in thanks. She doesn’t need to be part of this conversation.


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