Wayward Trouble (Wayward Saints MC Book 5)

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Wayward Trouble (Wayward Saints MC Book 5) Page 11

by Renee, K.

  “Shawn said he fell in love with you, and he wouldn’t let us sell you like we had planned. Saxton was pissed when he found out that you guys had been fucking all this time. You weren’t the pure little girl we needed any longer. Then you got nosey, and kept putting your damn nose where it didn’t belong. When Shawn told us he was taking his cut of the business and leaving town with you, Saxton got pissed and shot him. We couldn’t let either of you disappear knowing what you knew about the operation.”

  I feel my stomach turn. He loved me, and wanted to get me away from them. It wasn’t a lie after all.

  “Saxton killed him because he loved me? What the fuck kind of monster are you married to?” I yell.

  “You both have ruined my life, and I won’t let you ruin the only good thing I have left.” Jase’s hand tightens its grip on my hip. “Call Saxton off of Jase,” I growl.

  She gives me a smug smile. “You know that ain’t gonna happen. He wants your new little fuck buddy dead. He won’t give a shit what I say because he’ll know I told you everything, and I’ll end up dead right there with the rest of you.”

  How can she say that? “Don’t you care about what happens to Carsyn? Don’t you have any feelings at all?” I feel my body starting to freak out, and I know a panic attack is going to take over soon. I need to get away from her, but I also need to make sure Jase is safe.

  I won’t survive losing another man I love. Man I love. Shit. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath. No that’s wrong, I didn’t love Shawn nearly as much as I have grown to love Jase in this short amount of time. It took over a year to fall in love with Shawn, and part of me thinks that’s just because I settled and made myself love the first man to give me attention.

  Not that that was a bad thing, because it wasn’t. Shawn was an amazing man, but he doesn’t hold a candle to Jase. No one does.

  I need to get out of here, but before I turn and leave the room I wait for her answer. “Carsyn was a mistake. I never wanted her. As for you, I hope he finds you, and finally deals with you the way a whore should be dealt with,” she snarls.

  I don’t know what comes over me, but before she can react, I swing my fist into her face, and she goes tumbling over the edge of the bed. She gets up and comes at me, but Jase grabs her by the throat, and pushes her back on the bed.

  “You fucking put your hands on her, and I’ll put a bullet in your head. Saving your old man the effort.”

  He pushes me towards the door, and once he closes it behind us and locks it, I break down and cry. My hands are shaking, and I can’t believe the words that came out of her mouth.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Never in my life have I been more turned on by a woman than I am now. My fuckin’ girl is a trooper. She didn’t let what that bitch said hurt her until we left the room. I never expected Wyn to hit the bitch either; but I’m glad she did because I was about to.

  Leaning down to hold her close, I whisper, “I’m so fucking proud of you.”

  She looks up with tears in her eyes, and I want to take all the pain away from her. She doesn’t deserve what those bastards did to her, but part of me was glad that the Shawn dude didn’t use her. As for Kyleigh, I hope that bastard kills her before I put a bullet in him, so I don’t have to.

  Walking with Wynter to the room, I keep her close to me, and wait for her to let me know what she needs from me.

  “Jase,” she whispers as she takes a seat on the bed.

  “Yeah Sugar?” I ask lightly. I don’t want her to cry any more than she has, but I have a feeling this is gonna affect her for a while.

  “I meant what I said about you.” A smile tugs at my lips, and I take the seat next to her, and pull her in my lap.

  “Good,” I reply, kissing her lips. “No. I’m not done,” she says pushing me back.

  “I… I… I’m falling in love with you,” she finally gets out.

  I pull her back to me, forcing my tongue into her mouth, and I swallow her moans. When I finally release her mouth, she has a huge grin on her face.

  “Good, because I’m fuckin’ fallin’ too Sugar.” She giggles and wraps her arms around my neck.

  “I want to keep Carsyn,” she whispers after a few minutes of silence.

  I know how much that little girl means to her, and I sure as hell don’t want that little girl to go back to Saxton or that bitch Kyleigh.

  “We can do that.” I kiss her cheek, and then get up to go talk to Prez.

  “I’ll be back in a couple of hours. I have to go talk to Prez. My mom probably took Carsyn upstairs to the game room if you want to go hang out with them.” Her eyes get all teary, she nods her head, and follows me out into the clubhouse.

  I show her where to go, and then press a kiss to her mouth. I watch her walk away, and think about how less complicated my life was before I met her. But, then I think about having her in my arms at night, and that makes it all fucking worth it.

  Now I finally get what Brant, Gunner, and Dom where talking about when they would tell me that all the shit is worth it, as long as they had their girls in their arms at the end of the day.

  Knocking on Prez’s office door, I hear a grunt, and then some shuffling before Henley answers the door.

  I give her a grin, and she blushes slightly. She gets ready to walk out, but I stop her. I might need her help. “Henley can you actually stay. I need some advice.” She looks back at Prez, and he nods his head so she follows me inside.

  “What’s up Jase?” Prez asks.

  “Kyleigh told us what the plan was for Wynter.” I can tell that catches his attention. He motions for me to take a seat on the couch in front of his desk.

  “Well?” he asks.

  “Kyleigh isn’t her sister after all. Her and Saxton are working together and they’ve been conning her. When they found her, she was a virgin, and they were gonna sell her off to the highest bidder.” I see Henley’s eyes widen, and her hand grips Prez’s forearm.

  “One of their guys fell for her and was gonna get the fuck out of the business with his share and take Wyn away from them so Saxton shot him. Both of them knew too much apparently, and they didn’t want anything getting out.”

  “Fuck,” Prez grumbles. “What about the little girl?”

  I laugh bitterly. “That bitch could give a fuck less about her. My mom come in and took the kid upstairs to play while we were talking to that bitch. When Wyn asked what about Carsyn, she said she didn’t care about her and didn’t even want her. She also mentioned that Saxton would kill her when he finds out she told us anything. So that’s where you come in Henley. Wyn wants to keep Carsyn. What do we need to do?”

  They both stare at me with huge ass eyes. I don’t think I stuttered.

  “You sure about this?” Prez asks.

  I nod my head. “If Wyn’s happy, I’m happy,” I stated simply.

  “I get that kid, but you’re gonna take on a child? Are you ready to be a father to this little girl?”

  A father. To a little girl.

  “Yeah. She’ll just get lost in the system without us. I won’t let that happen. Wynter loves this little girl way too much. They are family, even if it isn’t by blood.”

  I see Henley check her phone, and then pass it to Prez. Watching him read it, I see his expression change for being worried about me, to fucking furious in the matter of a second. “Fuck,” he grits out before dialing someone’s number from his office phone.

  “Trace, get the fuck in here now,” he barks out, and then slams the phone back on the receiver.

  “Hen what do you think they should do?” he asks.

  She thinks it over for a few minutes before she starts to speak.

  “Jase, it’s not gonna be easy for you guys to get custody of her. Neither of her parents are deceased, and neither of you are her family. The courts won’t allow it unless you can prove that they are unfit,” she says with a sad smile.

  “What if they are both dead?” I question. I need to know all the options.
br />   “Well then I could make a case for that saying that Wynter wants to adopt her because she’s the only person Carsyn really knows. But family courts typically want two parent households, and blood relatives for adoptions.”

  She means married, hell I can do that.

  There’s a knock on the door, and Henley gets up to answer it. We watch Trace walk in, and he takes a seat next to me.

  “There’s another threat that just came through. I want it traced, and I want a name.” Trace nods his head, and pulls out his phone and types in some information after looking at the text message on Henley’s phone.

  I don’t get who is stupid enough to threaten Henley, when they know damn right whose old lady she is.

  “It’s a burner, Prez,” Trace states.

  Prez mutters few things under his breath, before he dials a number on his cell.

  “Brant I need you to up the security system at my house. Hen just got another threat.” He sits and listens for a second before he agrees, and hangs up on my brother.

  “Trace, find out what you can on the phone.” Trace nods his head, and then walks out the door on a mission.

  Prez looks back over to me and looks at me for a second. “You really sure about this girl?” he questions.

  “Yeah, I’m falling in love with her.”

  “You know me and the club will be behind you one hundred percent of the way to get custody of that little girl, but we have to be smart when we do it.” He looks over at Henley, and she nods her head.

  “We just have to make sure the case is a slam dunk and prove that you and Wynter are the best people to take on guardianship of her when the time comes,” Henley adds.

  Prez couldn’t have picked a better woman to stand by his side I muse.

  He dismisses me, and I get up and go in search of Wyn to tell her the new plan for getting custody of Carsyn.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  After Jase came to find me, he told me that Brant offered to watch Carsyn. Emily took her to their house to have a sleep over with Sev and Remy. She was so excited, and I couldn’t help but smile. At least being with Brantley and Anslie, I know that she will be safe.

  We make our way to the room before we talk about Kyleigh.

  “Sugar, I talked to Prez and Henley about Carsyn and Kyleigh. When the time comes, Henley will help us get custody of her. But there are a few things that need to happen to make our case good.”

  I nod my head eagerly. I want to know. I would do anything to get custody of her.

  “Henley said the courts typically want two parent households only.” He looks at me pointedly, and I guess I don’t get his meaning.

  “Married people, Sugar.” My eyes widen and my mouth drops open.

  “Married?” I squeak out. I haven’t thought of marrying anyone since Shawn asked me a year and a half ago.

  He nods his head, but doesn’t say anything. By his expression, you would think I hurt his feeling by how shocked I was. He must think that I wouldn’t marry him. Well would I? Shit I don’t know. Last time I agreed to marry someone, they ended up dead, and I can’t do that again. I won’t do that again.

  “You don’t want to get married,” he states in understanding. Well I think that’s what I get from him.

  “It’s not you Jase,” I start, but he silences me with his finger.

  “Sugar I get it. You’re scared. Let’s figure out another way. I’ll help you do whatever you need, and I just hope that at some point you let me in more than you are right now.”

  He’s right. I’m not really giving him the chance we deserve.

  “The other thing that has to happen is both of her parents have to be dead or they can fight us just to fuck with you. We will keep her with my family until shit ends between Saxton and us, then we will figure everything out.”

  I can’t believe what he is insinuating. He thinks they both have to be dead in order to get custody of Carsyn.

  “Can I think about everything before I make any decisions?” I whisper.

  He grabs my hand, and pulls me towards him. “Yeah Sugar you can. Take your time. But don’t forget that I’m in love with you, and will do whatever it takes to make you happy.”

  His lips descend onto mine, and he kisses me deeply.

  “You make me happy,” I mumble against his lips when he breaks the kiss. “Good,” he replies, grabbing my ass, and pulling me closer.

  My phone rings, and I pull away so I can answer it. Jase groans, but doesn’t release me.

  “Hey Anslie,” I answer.

  “Hey hun! Do you and J want to come over for dinner?” Jase is close enough that he can hear her question, and mouths that to me it’s my decision. With a huge grin, I tell her yes, and she tells us to be there by six. When I hang up with her, I kiss Jase a dozen times. I’m so excited to get to spend a little bit more time with Carsyn.

  “I love you Jase,” I say as I push him back on the bed, and straddle his hips.

  “Mmm,” he moans when I grind against his erection. His hands grip my hips, and I slowly lift my shirt up and over my head. I drop it somewhere behind me, and then lean over his body and push his shirt up so I can trail kisses along his stomach and chest. He leans up a little, and I pull his shirt up and over his head too.

  Sliding myself down his body, I pause when I come to his jeans. I’ve never given head before, but staring at Jase I want to. Once I get his jeans undone and I’m sliding them down his muscular thighs and calves, he kicks his boots off, and I pull his jeans the rest of the way off. I get up and stand back so I can pull my own shorts off.

  Kneeling in front of him on the floor, my eyes sweep his body. His dick is standing at attention, and I’m dying to get a taste of it. Licking my lips, I lean forward, and run my tongue along the base of him. His breathing deepens, and I feel powerful in this moment. I’m the one doing this to his body.

  “Wyn,” he groans when I swirl my tongue around his tip. His hand goes to my hair, and he gently pushes my mouth down on his erection. He guides me up and down, and lets me change pace when I want. Using one hand, I stroke it in time with my mouth, and his fingers tighten in my hair, tugging it back harder.

  I can feel myself getting wet with each stroke and hair pull. Looking up at Jase through my lashes, I see his head thrown back, and his eyes closed. His breathing deepens, and he groans again. “Wyn I’m gonna come in your mouth if you don’t stop.” He grits his teeth, and I up my pace. I want to taste his cum. I want to experience everything with him.

  I feel his dick get harder with each lick and suck, and then I feel the gush of cum fill my mouth. Swallowing, I lick him clean, and slowly pull away. He sits up on his elbows and looks down at me. “You are fucking perfect. Get up here.” He reaches towards me, and helps me up to where my pussy is now right over his dick.

  With one thrust up, he’s inside of me. The feeling of skin on skin is even better than before. Wait. Skin on skin. “Jase,” I moan, when he hits my g-spot.

  “We don’t have protection,” I moan out when he hits it again. I can’t bring myself to push him away because it feels so freaking good.

  “Fuck Wyn,” he groans. “I’ll pull out. I can’t stop, you feel way too fucking good.”

  I know I should demand that he puts one on right now, but I’m too far gone and it feels way too good.

  My body tightens with each thrust, and I know I’m going to come any second. “God. Jase harder,” I moan out. I slam down on him, and he slams up into me, making the perfect rhythm.

  He does just that, and I throw my head back. “God,” I moan as I come hard. My whole body shudders, and I dig my fingers into his chest. His stomach tightens, and he pushes me up and off of him. He wraps his hand around his cock to finish himself off.

  I collapse on him, and I feel his hot cum spill all over our stomachs.

  “Fuck Sugar,” he groans. “I always want to be skin to skin with you,” I giggle into his chest.

  “That can’t happen.” He gets a smirk o
n his face. “Yeah it can. Give me a day and I’ll get you an appointment with our doc, and we can get you on the pill. Then I’ll be able to fuck you anywhere I want, anytime I want.”

  I get the shivers. That sounds good. “But what if someone sees?” I ask. I don’t think I like the fact that someone might see.

  “That’s the fun part, knowing you could get caught at any moment, but figuring out ways not to. Plus I wouldn’t let anyone see what’s mine. They might see my ass, but you will always be covered by me,” he pulls my head down to his mouth, so he can kiss me.

  He smacks my ass cheeks and says, “Let’s get you cleaned up for dinner.” He shoots me a wink, and I know that my idea of getting cleaned up and his version are two different things.

  I get up and move off of him. Looking between us, I see all his sticky semen on my stomach. Leading the way to the bathroom, I sway my hips a little more than normal. He grips my hips, and pulls me back to him.

  “This shower may take a while. I have a lot of places that I need to make sure are clean.” He smacks my ass again, and turns on the water.

  This is gonna be one hot shower.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  When we finally got out of the shower, the water had run cold, and I had made her come a couple more times. She was begging me to let her rest, but there is no rest for the wicked. Her body was becoming my new favorite addiction, and I can’t imagine my life without her beauty.

  In just a few short weeks, everything I’ve ever known has been turned upside down, and I never want to let her go.

  I know she has some issues about really letting her self be completely with me, but that just means I have to prove to her that I ain’t goin’ nowhere. She thinks that if we were to get engaged or whatever, that something was gonna happen to me, but it’s not. I will always come back to her.


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