Wayward Trouble (Wayward Saints MC Book 5)

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Wayward Trouble (Wayward Saints MC Book 5) Page 13

by Renee, K.

  Arms wrap around me and my legs give out. “I can’t lose her Jase,” I whisper brokenly.

  He buries his face into my neck and whispers, “I can’t lose you either Sugar.”

  His hand covers the wound I have on my arm, and he applies the pressure I should be. I’m too worried about Carsyn to even think about myself. I hear the ting of metal hitting the glass and I feel my stomach twist. I get up and rush to the bathroom.

  His fingers pull my hair back just in time for me to throw up. Closing my eyes, I lean my forehead against the toilet seat, and just cry. How could a father not care enough about his daughter to have his men shoot at the house she is in? He has no heart, and I can’t wait for the day Jase takes him down.

  Jase goes to grab a towel when he knows I’m not going to puke again. “Sugar,” he murmurs into the quiet bathroom.

  I turn and look at him, and I can see the pain it’s causing him. He hurts when I hurt. “Carsyn is gonna be fine, and I will do everything in my power to make sure both of you are always protected,” he sighs and rubs a hand down his face.

  “But we are gonna need to start working on this plan of getting him to come out of hiding and face us. He’s sending in soldiers to fight this fight, and I think that when he thinks he can get us alone, he will come for you.”

  My head is mulling over all the information he’s just given me, and I already know what my decision is going to be. I want him to die a painful death. “I’ll do whatever you want me to. Just please make sure nothing happens to Carsyn.”

  “Brant will make sure she’s protected,” he says, moving the hair off my face.

  “What’s the plan?” I ask. My body is humming with fear, but I try to block it out, and focus on what needs to be done first.

  “We have a house owned by the club that can be accessed easily if something goes wrong. You and I will stay there until we can get word out that that’s where we are hiding, until shit dies down. We are hoping that when they think it’s clear, Saxton will come out of hiding and try to take me out and kidnap you.” My whole body goes still at his words.

  My mind flashes back to when I walked in on their conversation that they were having about what Saxton wants to do to us. He can’t take me. I won’t survive that. He knows I won’t survive that, that’s why he wants to keep me alive. He wants to break me.

  Closing my eyes, I suck in a breath, and try to focus on what Jase is saying.

  “Sugar, I will do everything I can to make sure that he never touches you.” His words warm my heart, and I know he means that.

  “I know. I love you Jase,” I whisper. He pulls me into his arms, and I bury my face into his neck. Even sitting on the bathroom floor in his brother’s house, I can’t imagine being anywhere other than his arms.

  A knock at the door causes me to jump, and he tells whoever it is to come in. “Hey Jase, Doc needs to talk to you both,” the biker I don’t recognize says, as he peeks his head in the door.

  “We’ll be right there,” he replies. He stands up, and pulls me up with him. “Everything will be okay Sugar,” he reassures me. I can feel my panic starting to set in again, and I’m afraid to hear whatever the doctor is about to say.

  Walking out into the hallway, I see a few of the men standing in the living room talking quietly. When they see Jase, they nod their heads, and go back to talking. We make our way to the doctor, and I see Carsyn looking up at us.

  I go to her and touch her little cheek. “Anie Win,” she whimpers quietly. I wipe the tears off her cheek.

  “Hi baby. Are you okay?” I ask checking her over. She nods her head a little, and looks over my shoulder at Jase. Her lip trembles, and she reaches her hand out to him. He walks over to us and stands behind me and grabs her hand. When she has both of our hands in hers, she closes her eyes.

  “She’s going to be fine. I got the bullet out and we were lucky she didn’t lose more blood. She will be weak for a while, and the stiches need to be kept clean. Jase you know the drill,” he says looking at him.

  “I would like to check you out now,” he says looking over at me. I nod my head, and gently pull my hand out of Carsyn’s. Jase kisses my forehead before I walk over to where the doc is standing.

  “Take a seat. I will try to make this as painless as I can. Maybe we can get the other thing done while I’m here.” My eyes snap to his, and I nod my head embarrassed. I had forgotten all about it, but if Jase and I are going to be locked in a house alone for who knows how long, I need to make sure I get on the pill.

  Halfway through him cleaning the wound on my arm, I look over at Jase, and he has Carsyn curled up in his lap. Her little hands are gripping Jase as hard as she can, almost like she’s afraid he will leave her too. When he notices me staring at him, he winks.

  “Let’s go into the other room to finish the rest of the exam. Your arm will be fine. It just grazed you. You are very lucky.” I get up and follow him into the laundry room. He grabs a chair and tells me to take a seat, and then starts to pull a few things out of his bag.

  After a few dozen questions and some poking and prodding, he gives me a prescription, and tells me what to do before he sends me back into the kitchen.

  I walk over to Jase, and run my hand over Carsyn’s hair.

  She stirs a bit, but doesn’t wake up. Seeing Jase with her makes my heart skip a beat, and I fall even more for him. He’s taken her in like his own child and promised to protect her, even though she isn’t ours.

  I press a kiss to his cheek, and he just smiles up at me.

  Now that the glass and broken pieces of wood are cleaned up Anslie, Henley and the rest of the kids are all sitting in the living room quietly playing.

  When Anslie and I look at each other, she gets up and makes her way to me. She grabs my hand and leans in to whisper, “I won’t let anything happen to her while she’s with us. I hope like hell that bitch gets what she deserves for putting that little girl through this shit.”

  Squeezing her hand, I reply, “Thank you.” She gives me a small smile, and then kisses Jase on the cheek. “Good luck and be safe please.”

  He looks up at her and smiles. “You know I will sis.” He doesn’t move Carsyn, but he motions for me to come and sit with him on the couch.

  Sitting next to him I lay my head on his shoulder, and prepare myself for what’s about to happen next.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  One Month Later

  Sitting on the couch, I’m watching Wynter pace the room. For the last month, we’ve been fucking holed up in this place with nothing to do. She’s going stir crazy, and I have to admit I am too. The last time I spent this much time in confinement, I was in the big house with Dom. At least there I was able to leave the damn building every day.

  Hell I’ve even fucked Wyn on every surface of this place, at least twice

  Right now she’s muttering about something and I just want to pull her down on top of me and silence her with my mouth or my dick. Either way would work right about now.

  “How is Carsyn?” she asks, when she finally sits down next to me.

  “You just talked to her a few hours ago Sugar. She’s fine, and having a blast hanging out with the boys.” She sighs, and then rests her head on my shoulder.

  “You know,” I trail my finger down her arm. “I could keep your mind off of everything for a little while.” Her head turns towards me and gives me a sexy grin. She turns and straddles my lap, pushing her chest into my face, and I can’t help but kiss my way down into her cleavage.

  She grinds her hips down onto my erection, and I slide her panties to the side.

  Best part about being here alone all the time, I get to convince my girl that her walking around in panties and a tank top, is totally okay. Just as I’m about to sink into her, the silent alarm goes off, triggering my phone to start beeping.

  Pushing her up, I fix her panties and pull my jeans up all the way. I get a text message, and check to see Brant’s name on the screen.

Brant: We got the alarm. We are on our way.

  I toss the phone on the couch, grab Wynter’s arm, and pull her behind me.

  “Jase,” she whimpers.

  “Sugar, we are gonna be fine. Just do what I say, unless I tell you to run, then go towards the clubhouse and stay there.” I watch her as she nods her head in understanding.

  Dragging her behind me through the house, I grab the guns from the bedroom and hand one to Wyn. “Remember what I taught you over the last few weeks?”

  “Yes,” she says with determination.

  “That’s my girl,” I murmur, kissing her just in case this is the last time.

  We make our way through the house, and I try and listen to hear which direction they are coming from. I hear a window break and Wynter jumps, causing her to back right into me. I pull her behind me, and aim my gun right for the window that just broke.

  A smoke bomb comes through the window and I push Wynter back towards the bedroom. “Stay down,” I whisper. I walk her backwards until we come to a hideout we made a few years ago, just for this fucking reason. I open the false wall and tell her to get inside.

  “Wyn I love you. Don’t open this door for anyone unless you know who they are. The guys know the drill for using this place and won’t just open the door without announcing themselves. If anyone opens it, shoot first, and ask questions later.”

  I watch her eyes fill with tears, and I give her one last kiss. “I love you Jase,” she whispers against my lips.

  I give her one last smile, before I close the wall, and move everything back into place as quietly as I can.

  Walking down the hall, I check the rooms one by one, and wait for someone to show themselves.

  When I get back to the living room I see a light being shined in, and one of the guys slowly creeping in through the window. I see a few more lights, and then three more people make their way inside. I stand in the hallway and wait for the first one to turn towards me, before I fire one bullet into his chest.

  He falls through the window and collapses in a heap on the floor, causing the others to panic and start shooting.

  I hit another in the neck, and then move to another spot that they can’t see. One of the men comes towards my position, and I put a bullet in his head when he gets too close. I give away my location, and the remaining men grab ahold of me and knock me to the ground with a gun to the back of the head.

  The front door opens, and I look up to see Saxton make his way inside.

  “Well, well,” he snickers. The dick dresses like a wannabe gangsta that got ousted from a music video. He walks closer to me and presses his Nike on the side of my face.

  “Where is that stupid little cunt?” His lip is curled in disgust, and he looks around the room to see if he can find her.

  “I wouldn’t tell you if you were the last fucker on this planet,” I sneer.

  He kneels down next to me, and brings his fist down on the corner of my eye. Where the fuck is my brother and the rest of the Saints?

  “Tell me where that bitch is and I won’t put a bullet in that pretty little pregnant brunette,” he smirks.

  “You touch her and you’ll rain a whole lot more than just me and my club down on you. You hurt her and every single chapter of ours will be hunting for you, and they won’t let you hide like the little bitch you are.”

  He brings his fist down on my eye again, and I struggle against the fuckers that have me pinned down.

  “Thanks for sending my wife back out into the open for me to find. I had one hell of a time getting reacquainted with her. Have you ever had a bitch sell you out before?” He motions for his men to let me up, and they back away slowly. I pull myself to my feet, and look him right in the eye.

  “You know what I hate about pussies like you?” I ask, wiping the blood out of my eye.

  He smirks at me and doesn’t respond; instead he just stands there looking like a little bitch.

  “They think that people belong to them because they have some money to throw around, but in reality they are just pathetic fucks like you.” I watch as two of this men fall to the ground at the same time, and his eyes widen when he figures out what’s going on.

  “You probably would have had a better shot if you kept them on me,” I grin. Brant hands me a gun, and I aim it right at his head.

  “You know brother, I’m pretty sure he threatened your ole’ lady a few minutes before you got here,” I say looking over at Brant, who has his gun trained on him as well.

  “I think I heard him say something about her. What was it you were gonna do to my ole’ lady?” he sneers.

  He stalks towards Saxton and he backs up until he runs into Ryder, Dom, and Prez. I see Prez put his gun into Saxton’s back, urging him to go back to stand where he was.

  “I want to know who you’re working with and if when I put this bullet in your head, will there be someone else coming after me and Wynter?” I demand. He doesn’t say a word, so I place the gun to the side of his head and cock it. His eyes widen, and he almost looks like he might piss himself.

  “I’m the one that has the prices on your heads, but that doesn’t mean they won’t come after you.”

  “Who?” Brant demands, punching him in the gut as hard as he can. I whisper in Brant’s ear, and he nods his head. Walking down the hallway, I knock on the panel twice, before I open it.

  “Sugar it’s me. Don’t shoot.” I hear her cry out and she comes launching herself at me.

  “Babe, I need your help real quick.” She nods her head and wraps her arms around me. I walk her out into the living room, and she gasps when she sees my eye, and how fucking swollen it’s already getting.

  “Sugar when I first met you, you told me who Saxton was working with. I need that info again. He won’t tell me, and I need to know who might come after us later.”

  “He’s still alive?” she whispers.

  I nod my head and point towards the kitchen. She starts walking in that direction and before I can stop her, she knees him in the dick. We all wince, and I watch as she does it again. I grab her around the waist, and pull her off of him before she does too much damage to herself.

  She turns in my arms and asks me the one question I never expected from her pretty little mouth.

  “Can I be the one to do it?” Her voice is uneven, and I’m not even sure if she means it.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  The words that come out of my mouth surprised even me, but I wanted to do it. I want to be the one that puts that bastard out of his misery. I know it sounds like a terrible thing, but I want him to know how bad he has hurt me. I want him to suffer because of something I did to him.

  “You want to shoot him?” Jase asks with wide eyes.

  I nod my head and hold out my hand, waiting for him to place the gun in my hand. I left the other gun in the hideout, but now I wish I wouldn’t have.

  “Wyn, you don’t know what you’re asking. This can ruin you and I don’t want that to happen to you Sugar,” he runs his fingers down my face.

  “I need closure Jase. I know you understand that. I’m sure you all understand that.” My voice is getting stronger with every word I say, and I’m hoping he listens to me because it’s the truth.

  Making sure that Saxton can never hurt anyone again is the only way that I will be able to get over what he’s done to me. I know it doesn’t sound like a sane thing to say, but I can feel it deep down inside. Almost like if I’m not the one to do it, then he might not really be dead, and I can’t live in fear anymore. I won’t live in fear.

  He looks over at Prez, and he nods his head at my request. “Sugar, we need information first.” I nod my head and he places the heavy gun in my hand.

  “Who is Emilio?” I ask Saxton.

  He gives me a dirty look before spitting blood at me. Jase growls and throws a left hook into his face causing him to fall to the ground. Dom and Ryder pull him up, and push him back in front of us.

  “Fuck you!” he sneers, blood drippi
ng down his face.

  I grab the knife off of Jase’s belt, handing him the gun for a second and walk over to Saxton. I open the blade and grab his face. He tries to pull away from me, but Ryder and Dom grab him and hold him still for me.

  I touch the blade to his cheek, and his eyes widen as he starts to beg for his life.

  “I’ll give you whatever you want. Emilio is the largest women trafficker in this fucking town, and he probably won’t even remember your names. We never really discussed either of you. They only know about Kyleigh and my daughter. I never made you their business. I was going to if I couldn’t find you, but I found you and that was all I needed.”

  I look over at Jase and Saxton head butts me. Both Dom and Ryder knock him down to his knees and Jase steadies me.

  “Sugar, you okay?” he asks running his fingers over my forehead and my eyes water from the impact.

  “Yeah, I’ll be fine. Do you need anything else?” I ask, wiping the tears from my eyes.

  He looks over at Prez again, and he nods. “I know you have a backup plan, so give it to me or I’ll let her actually put that knife into your skin,” Prez growls.

  “I don’t know fucking shit,” he says.

  Jase grabs him by the throat and squeezes, “Give us the fucking information now,” he grits out.

  I run my finger along the blade and smile. Looking at Saxton, his eyes widen when I take a step closer to him.

  “Fine. Fine!” he yells.

  I don’t take my eyes off of him until he spills the information they want.

  “If anything happens to me, they will pack up shop and move it on a dime. They won’t risk getting caught by the feds or the local leo’s. When they find out that Kyleigh is gone too, I have no fucking clue what they might do. They might just leave you alone, and cut their losses,” he whimpers out the last sentence.

  Jase walks over to me, and Prez nods his head at us. Jase hands the gun back over to me, and takes the knife out of my hands.


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