Wayward Trouble (Wayward Saints MC Book 5)

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Wayward Trouble (Wayward Saints MC Book 5) Page 12

by Renee, K.

  When the clock says twenty till six, I grab her hand, and drag her to my brother’s place. When we got out of the shower, I called the doc and he said he would get her what she needed, and all that shit. I won’t be using condoms with her ever again.

  Pulling up to Brant’s, I park my bike, and then help Wynter off. I grab her hand and we walk to the door and before I knock, she gives me a sweet smile. “Thank you Jase.”

  “For what Sugar?” She smacks my stomach gently, and smiles.

  “For everything you’ve done for me in the past month. You are the most amazing man I’ve ever met, and I don’t know what I would do without you on my side.”

  “I’d do anything for you Sugar. Name it and I’ll do it for you,” I kiss her forehead and knock on the door.

  Her arm wraps around my waist, and she rests her head on my chest. When the door opens, I see Anslie watching us with a huge smile.

  “You guys are so cute,” she gushes. I shake my head and walk inside, gently pushing Anslie to the side. “Stop being a peeping tom,” I joke with her. She grins and leads us to the living room where the twins and Carsyn are playing some kids board game. Brant’s on the floor with them, and they are all giggling and screeching when someone lands on a certain spot.

  Brant sees me, and he tells them that he’ll be back in a second. When he gets to me, he slaps me on the back, and hugs Wynter.

  “I’ll take over for you,” Wynter says making her way towards the kids.

  “I need to talk to you,” Brant says pulling me towards his office.

  When we get in there, he closes the door behind us, and takes a seat.

  “They put a price on your head.” His eyes harden and I know he means Saxton did. “They also put a price on Kyleigh’s head. They are getting ready to clean house, and the only one in this shit that doesn’t have a price over their head is your girl. Word is that Saxton wants to teach her a lesson, and is gonna do it by selling her to the highest bidder.”

  I feel my anger getting the best of me, and I clench and unclench my fists a dozen times. I can’t wait to find this fucker. I’m gonna enjoy putting a bullet in his goddamn head.

  “What about Carsyn?” I ask.

  “Nothing. No one is even talking about her. I don’t think he cares about her either.” He’s a piece of shit just like his wife. I hope they both fucking die, so that Wyn and I can take that little girl and give her the life she deserves.

  “What’s the plan?” I ask. I know they already have one. They don’t just get intel and not make a plan; especially when it has to do with our family.

  “We bring him out of hiding.” I know there’s more to that. They want to use one of us as bait.

  “Who?” I grit my teeth as I wait for his answer. Instead of answering, he just watches me.

  “No fucking way. I’m not putting her in harm’s way,” I yell.

  “Jase, we have no fucking other option. The only way he’s coming out is if he knows where she is, and thinks he can take her. We can make sure you’re with her at all times, but something can still go wrong and you know that.”

  “You’re asking me to risk her life.” He nods his head, but doesn’t say anything.

  “If we switched positions, would you be able to put Anslie’s life on the line to take someone down?”

  I see his expression harden, and I know that it’s not an easy thing to decide on. “If she was the only way to bring the motherfucker out, I would run it by her, and if she wanted to do it, then I would make sure that fucker never put a hand on her.”

  The door creaks open and I see Wynter standing in the doorway. “Sorry,” she squeaks, “dinner is ready.”

  We both watch her and she looks like she wants to say something, but then she changes her mind. I motion for her to come to me, and I sit her on my lap when she reaches me.

  “What were you gonna say?” I ask. I am curious to hear her answer.

  “I want to do it. I want to help you guys take him down, so I don’t have to live in fear anymore. I’m tired of running and being afraid.” She has a look of determination on her face, and I have to say I’m proud of her. Even though it scares me shitless that something can happen to her during this.

  Brant looks over at me and waits for my answer. “Okay, but you’re not leaving my side.” I wrap my arms around her, and she places her hand on my arms. “I won’t.”

  Before we say anything else, Brant’s phone starts to ring. “Yeah,” he asks.

  “Shit. Yeah, me, and J are on our way,” he pockets his phone and says, “Dom needs our help. He just got some info on his baby momma and needs us to go with him to check it out.” I nod my head, and kiss Wyn’s cheek.

  “Sorry Sugar, we’ll be back as soon as we can.” She nods, and squeezes my hand. “We’ll go over what’s going to happen later?” I nod my head and she gets up off my lap. I walk with her out into the living room, and Brant tells Anslie we have to go. He gives her a kiss, and then gives all three kids a kiss too.

  Walking out to my bike I feel like something’s gonna happen, I just don’t know what or when.

  We make the short ride to Dom’s place, and when we pull up, he’s sitting in the garage working on the motor of the bike he bought a few months ago.

  “What’s goin’ on?” Brant asks as he takes a seat on the workbench next to Dom. I lean against his truck, and just listen.

  “My old man called. I guess Danvers called and he got some information on Axle’s birth mother.” He sits there quiet for a few minutes before he continues.

  “Apparently that bitch who had him, killed his real mother. Danvers found out that she was pissed at me because I wouldn’t sleep with her. When she found out that Axle was my son she hatched this whole fucking delusion in her head that he was our son and that we were fucking meant to be or some shit. The bitch has a fuckin’ screw loose. Henley said it was an open and shut case against her. I just hope they put the bitch away for life.”

  “Bitches are fucking crazy,” Brant says shaking his head.

  “So what about his mother? Did you find out who she was?” I ask.

  “Yeah. Her name was Olivia Jackson. He gave me the address to her apartment, and I wanted to check it out before they took everything. I want to see the life he had, and who his mother was, so I can tell him about her when he gets older.” Both Brant and I nod our heads.

  I’m sure the kid will want to know when he gets older, especially since he only looks like Dom and not Coley.

  “You know we will be there with you brother,” Brant says.

  “Yeah let’s head out. I’ll tell Coley we’ll be back later,” he says as he cleans his hands on the rag sitting on top of his bike.

  “Tell her to take Axle over to my place. Anslie and Wynter are hanging out with the kids and getting ready to eat dinner.” He nods and walks inside.

  Brant and I stand in the garage in silence. I can’t even imagine what Dom is going through.

  When he comes back out, I see Coley and Axle right behind him.

  “Hi guys,” she says brightly. We both give her and Axle a hug, and Brant calls Anslie to tell her that they are coming over to hang out with them. I can hear Anslie’s excitement from where I’m standing, and Dom just shakes his head.

  “I’m just fucking glad you get to deal with her now,” he says helping Coley get Axle into his car seat.

  Brant hangs up and just snickers, “She makes up for it in the sack.”

  We all groan, and Coley just laughs. Way too much info.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  When we pull up to Olivia’s place, we try the door, and it’s unlocked. Walking in first, I look around and check the rooms before we actually do anything else. I watch as Dom picks up a teddy bear that was on the couch. He looks pissed, but doesn’t say one word to us.

  We all walk around looking at the pictures, clothes, books and toys. I come across a picture of Olivia and Axle on her dresser, so I grab it and take it to Dom. He studies the girl in t
he photo, and I can tell he doesn’t recognize her.

  “Do you remember her?” I ask. He shakes his head, and just continues to stare at the photo.

  “I can’t fucking remember her. How the hell do I tell him that when he figures out that Coley isn’t his mother?” he asks.

  He tucks the photo into his cut, and grabs the teddy bear.

  “All you can do is be honest man. Don’t lie to him, and show him that picture. When the time comes, explain what happened, and that you and Coley both love him more than anything,” I say honestly. If it was me, I’d want the truth and not some candy coated lie.

  “You’re right. Let’s get the fuck out of here. I want to go see my boy and wife.”

  Both Brant and I nod our heads, and follow him out to our bikes. “We might as well head back to my house. Do a family night or something,” Brant says.

  We all start to laugh. “You know I never expected to say this, but that sounds pretty fucking good right now.”

  “Yeah I never thought I would hear those words out of your mouth J,” Dom jokes.

  I crank the engine of my bike, and rev the engine a few times. They follow suit, and we all take off towards Brant’s house.

  When we finally pull up to the house, I get the feeling that someone is watching us. I park my bike and get off it, and scan the trees. One bad thing about this place is how far out in the middle of nowhere we are.

  Dom looks over at me and asks, “What?”

  “I feel like someone is watching us right now,” I state looking around.

  He looks around for a second, and then Brant walks over to us.

  “You feel it too?” Brant asks scanning the trees in front of his property. I just nod my head.

  “I feel it. Or maybe it’s just the weird twin thing we used to have when we were younger.”

  I chuckle, “Yeah Mom and Dad hated it when we would do that shit.”

  We all look around again, before walking inside the house.

  As soon as we get inside we hear the giggles of kids running around, and the girls gossiping about who the fuck knows what.

  We all make our way to the kitchen to see what the girls are talking about. Looking at the table, I see a couple of empty wine bottles, and three glasses that are almost empty.

  “Well you should have seen the look on Cason’s face!” Henley giggles. Anslie looks up and gives us a huge grin. “You’re welcome.” She mouths to us.

  Wynter looks up at me, and gives me a huge grin. I hear a Harley coming up the driveway, and I bet it’s Cason coming to claim his ole’ lady. There’s a knock on the door and then Cason walks in. Before he can even close the door, gunshots erupt.

  The women jump up and rush into the living room. “Doll, take them into the master bedroom now,” Brant yells.

  The girls each grab a kid, and run towards the bedroom. Prez and I both run to the gun safe, and pull as many guns out as we can.

  “We need everybody at Brant’s now! We have gunshots fired on the house,” Prez barks out before he tosses the phone on the table. We all go to check the windows, and see that all the bikes have flat tires, but other than that nothing else was wrong. Listening closely, we wait for the next shots. When none come, we make out way out to the porch, and scan the area.

  I see a shadow of someone move across the trees and I take off after it. Brant yells after me, but I don’t slow down. When I finally get close enough to where I saw the person, I can’t find anyone. When I make my way back to where the guys are standing, I hear another gunshot.

  They all raise their guns, just as a truck comes blazin’ up the drive firing shots at us.

  We return fire and I can hear our bullets hitting the truck. I take a bullet to my arm, and Brant shoots the driver in the head. Prez shoots one of the guys in the back of the truck, as they break a few windows in the kitchen.

  We run towards the truck as it crashes into a tree, and the last few guys jump out and fire at us. I hit the first guy, and Brant hits the last one, but doesn’t kill him. We all run towards him, and Dom puts a boot against the bullet wound and yells, “Who the fuck sent you here?”

  He coughs and groans, but doesn’t answer Dom’s question. “Who the fuck are you?” I ask kicking him in the side.

  “Fuck you,” he grits out.

  I walk over to one of the dead guys, and search his pockets. I pull out his wallet and search for his id. Calling Trace, I tell him to run the name and get back to me with all the information. He says he’ll get back to me, and hangs up.

  “Don’t worry asshole, I’ll find out all about your friends and we won’t need you. Go ahead brother, you can put a bullet in his head for shooting up your house.” Brant walks closer to him, just as the bikes come roaring down the drive.

  “We only want the bitch and her little boyfriend,” he gasps out when Prez puts pressure on his bullet wound.

  “Jase?” I hear Wynter call out.

  Turning, I see blood all over Wynter’s shirt. Running over to her, I check her over and see that she has a bullet wound in her shoulder.

  “Fuck Wyn, are you okay?” I scan over the rest of her body.

  She shakes her head no, and I can see the tears in her eyes. “What?” I ask. She isn’t telling me something. “Is everyone okay inside? How the fuck did you get hit?”

  “Carsyn went running when the gunshots started again, and I ran after her.”

  The tears start to fall down her face even faster and I ask, “Is anyone else hit?” She nods her head, and starts to sob.

  I run inside the house, and find Carsyn lying on the kitchen floor. I grab my phone and call the doc and tell him to get to Brant’s place now. Checking her pulse I feel that it’s still there, and I call for Wynter to come to help me.

  “Sugar I need to you grab a towels out of the bathroom and come put pressure on her wound until the doc gets here.” She runs out of the kitchen, and comes back with a few towels.

  “What can I do to help?” Coley asks from behind us.

  “Can you just stay with her until the doc gets here? Wyn you need to put a towel against your arm too,” I grab one and hold it against her skin.

  “I love you. I’ll be right back,” I whisper in Wynter’s ear.

  She nods her head, but doesn’t say a word. I think she’s in shock, and I wish I could do something more for her but I need to make sure Carsyn lives through this. Wyn will be devastated if she loses Carsyn too.

  I look over at Coley, and she’s holding the towel against Carsyn’s bullet wound.

  I run back outside, and Prez stops me. “What happened in there?”

  “Carsyn and Wyn were hit. I just called the doc and he’s on his way. Wynn has a bullet wound, and Carsyn is unconscious. She’s still breathing though.”

  Prez walks over to the guy on the ground, and puts a bullet in his other shoulder. He starts to scream, and looks like he’s about to pass out from the pain.

  “You and your fucking men put a bullet through one of my member’s ole’ ladies and a fucking child. Tell me what their fucking plan is or I’ll let my boys torture you like they do to child killers. We don’t take to well to them, and you’re no exception,” he grounds out, putting the gun to his forehead.

  “I’ll never fucking talk to you motherfucker,” he yells. Dom kicks him in the face once, and he starts to cough up blood.

  “Give me the fucking information we want,” Prez growls. Dom starts to direct the guys in what needs to be cleaned up, and where to take the bodies after they search everything.

  We have no information, but at least one of them has an id on them. I see the doc pull up and I run towards his car. Waiting for him to open the door, I scan the trees once more to make sure no one else is out there.

  “What do we got Jase?” he asks when he grabs his kit.

  “Wynter, my ole’ lady took a bullet to her shoulder, and Carsyn has a bullet in her stomach. Carsyn is three.”

  “Where are they?” he asks, looking around at all t
he bodies on the ground.

  “In the kitchen,” I say surveying the aftermath. Walking back over to Prez, he tells me that they have something.

  “He said that they are going keep sending people until they get her. Saxton doesn’t care who has to die in order to get Wynter.”

  “We need to fucking take him down and we need to do it now. These fuckers shot my ole’ lady and Saxton’s little girl. They don’t give a fuck who they hurt, and I won’t let them hurt anyone else in my fucking family. I will put a fucking bullet in all their heads if I have to,” I growl.

  Prez puts his hand on my shoulder. “We have your back no matter what kid. We will take care of our own and this shooting won’t go unanswered. We will get the plan rolling in a few days, and wait for him to come out of hiding and face us like fucking men.”

  “We have a house a few miles from the club house. We can set it up to where we will always have eyes on you both and if they show up, you have back up to take those fuckers down,” Dom says from besides me.

  “Okay, lets fucking do it. I want to get this fucking prick out of her life now. She doesn’t deserve to be fucking scared anymore. I will give my life for her and just knowing she’s safe is all I need,” I state with determination.

  I need to make sure she’s protected and will never have to deal with someone like him again. Men like Saxton need to fucking rot in hell, and I can’t wait to be the person to make sure he gets there.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  I hear someone walk inside, and see a man walking towards us. “Who are you?” I ask. He sticks his hands up, and I see the bag he’s holding.

  “Jase told me I could find you in here. I’m the doc for the club, and I’m here to check you out and make sure that little girl lives.” He moves closer to us, and I let him go to work on Carsyn.

  The only think I can think about is her dying. She can’t die. She deserves a better life than the one she’s had. Jase and I can provide her a better life. I watch her small body, with tears pouring down my face as the doc starts working on her.

  He barks out some orders, and I can’t get my feet to move. Coley looks up at me and I can see the sad expression on her face. She doesn’t say anything or ask me to help, she just does as he says, and I stand frozen in place.


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