ROMANCE: BAD BOY ROMANCE: Entrapment ( Alpha Bad Boy College Romance Book 1) (Contemporary New Adult Alpha Male Romance)

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ROMANCE: BAD BOY ROMANCE: Entrapment ( Alpha Bad Boy College Romance Book 1) (Contemporary New Adult Alpha Male Romance) Page 39

by Amy Kyle

  “All it takes is dealing in the right goods.” Colin had told Dave one night. “Take it from me if we get the right things to sell, the demand will come.”

  He knew they handled weapons and drugs at times. At least that is what he learned from watching television. He’d also heard a few of the bikers he met tell some great stories. They may have been adding to the tales they wove. But Colin really thought that his ideas would be able to get the Pistols the power they need to run Portland.

  Judith moved back and forth as she tried to comfort Little John just a bit more. He had almost been back to sleep when he must have felt intense pain. She had watched as his face had gone from serene and both eyes just closing. Now he was a little boy who was howling out in pain.

  “I might have to get you something for that pain.” She stated. The baby orajel just wasn’t working as well as she had hoped.

  The last thing she really felt like was doing was taking the screaming Little John to the store though. She already knew the looks she would get from them all. “People are so condescending anymore.” She stated to Little John.

  He looked up a moment without pain and then wailed out again. “Oh Shh, Little John, I’ll get you something else.”

  Packing up a diaper bag, she hoped that she had something that would at least help him while they went out. But looking around she saw there was nothing. The baby aspirin was all out. “Maybe that with the Orajel will work for him?”

  Judith was wondering if she might have to take him to the doctor. “I hope not Little John I don’t think they’ll be happy with me if I have to call off.”

  Remembering again how her boss had been so mean about it last time. “Did he think I made this happen? If it was up to me they would still be alive and taking care of you right now.” She stated to Little John.

  Walking out she ran into Colin, almost running him over in the hall. “I’m so sorry. I wasn’t watching where I was going.” She had been looking in the diaper bag for the Orajel to put some more on Little John’s gums.

  “Going out?” He asked curious.

  “I have to go and get baby aspirin for Little John. It may help him get some sleep.” She told him.

  “Tell me what to get and I’ll go pick it up. I don’t think he’s too interested in going outside!” Colin chuckled.

  Judith laughed at his joke. “No neither of us really feel like going out. If you could do it for me I would appreciate it so much!” She smiled.

  “Sure tell me what you need.”

  She told him and gave him the money for the item.

  “Right, I’ll be back in a jiffy!” Colin took off.

  Colin went back out to his bike. He had run into Judith on the way out. She was carrying cranky Little John with her. He knew that she needed help. Most times Colin would have just ignored anyone else. But for some reason looking at her it pulled his chains.

  “But why am I reacting this way to her?” He asked no one. Colin finally figured it had to do with the fact he hadn’t been laid in sometime. It’s just those good old juices working themselves up into frenzy about any hot woman I see!

  He went to the store and picked up the baby aspirin Judith had told him to get. Going up to the cash register he put it on the counter.

  “Oh you have a sick little one?” The old lady behind the register asked.

  “It’s for a friend, but yeah he’s been crying a lot.” Colin stated, thinking back to being woke up that very morning.

  “Poor little one, how old do you know?” She asked.

  “I think she said he was 3 or 4.” Colin tried to remember. He hadn’t really been paying much attention to the words coming from her mouth. He had instead being studying the way it might look around his member.

  “Oh that’s a tough age; he’s probably counting some teeth still.” The lady commented.

  Colin shook his head and paid for the aspirin and left. He didn’t know a thing about babies, and really didn’t want to know more. The idea of being tied down with a kid at any age, especially his? No thank you. He thought as hopped back on his bike to take the aspirin to Judith.

  He wondered along the way if she would at least invite him in now. Why did it matter? He just felt like he wanted to get to know her more. But his mind was scampering to the dark places of his mind.

  If he was thinking he was in love that would just be bullshit. “I’m not the type who would fall so easily for anyone. I have to get to know them before I develop feelings of any kind. Right now it’s just lust.” He said to himself. It sounded as if he was trying to convince himself of something.

  Getting back he knocked on her door and waited for her answer. It had actually been quiet when he’d come in, he was shocked.

  She didn’t come to the door right away and he was getting worried. Finally she opened the door; she had that just woke up look.

  “I’m sorry I feel asleep when Little John passed out.” She yawned. “Did I give you enough money for it?” She asked, as she grabbed the bag from him.

  “Yeah there’s change in the bag too.” He watched as the door began to close.

  “Thanks so much.” She said as shut the door.

  Colin would swear her eyes were already half closed as she was falling back to sleep. He was upset for a minute, then thought how selfish of him. She’d stated she was up almost all night with Little John. Colin knew she needed the sleep.

  “Plus it’s a good thing you didn’t go in; you would only grow more attached to her!” His mind chuckled.

  Colin was not pleased with the thoughts he had. But he needed to get some more rest too. So he took this opportunity to catch up on his own sleep. Little did he know his dreams would be plagued by Judith?

  “Thank you very much.” She said to Colin as he ran out to get Little John’s aspirin for him.

  Going back into her apartment she sat heavily on the couch, rocking Little John in her arms. “Hush sweetheart, the pain will soon be a bit less. Just let our nice neighbor for going out and getting it.” She sighed.

  Little John for the most part seemed to be a bit better are the last application of baby Orajel she had placed on his gums.

  Judith wished there was a magical button you could push on a baby to get all their teeth in quickly. “While we’re at it let’s get a button for no pain while this is happening!” She pleaded to her ceiling.

  “Oh Little John I wish your mom and dad were here.” Judith let the tears take over.

  It felt good to let the pain out once in a while. So often she would hold it in, and it would just seem to build up and get worse. Depressing her for days or even weeks at a time, this time though she let it out.

  The next thing she remembered was hearing a knocking at the door and the doorbell. She sat up quickly, checking to see if Little John had stirred. Judith saw he was still sleeping. “Oh thank you God. If he just stays asleep while I answer the door I can go back to sleep too!”

  She answered the door and saw Colin standing there. His hair had that windblown look of being on a bike. Judith thought it made him really sexy.

  Shaking her head she composed her thoughts and apologized that she had fallen asleep. She asked if she had given him enough money. He had said something about change being in the bag, she wasn’t sure.

  As she stood there listening to him all she could think of was sex and sleep. For a second she was far too awake for having too little sleep lately. “Why did I think sex?” She asked herself quickly.

  Judith had thanked him and closed the door. Those last thoughts she’d had of Colin and how much she would like to jump him right now.

  Judith hoped she hadn’t sent off any type of smell to show her attraction. It would be embarrassing needless to say, and she wasn’t really sure about bringing someone into her and Little John’s lives.

  She liked the fact it was just the two of them. Plus she would have to be careful with the type of man she dated. Judith knew there were bad people out there who touched kids. How devastating th
at thought was to her, she had been through the same thing as a child. It was hard to think of even now.

  The idea of taking a chance and having that happen to Little John just wasn’t acceptable. She had even considered becoming celibate until Little John was older.

  Now with those thoughts of Colin and the look of his hair and those eyes, and he had a decent body. Yes she had checked it out, she had to admit it.

  “Plus he was such a sweetheart, running to the store for me and everything. I mean he doesn’t even know me and he still helped me out. She liked those types of guys. However, there was something else she had noticed about him. He had been wearing a biker gang jacket. “It said The Portland Pistols on it.” She said out loud.

  “Is that really a biker gang? I know nothing about them, how would I even find out?” Judith commented.

  So was he a biker that added a bad boy feel to him. Which made Judith even hotter then she had been at the door.

  “Oh for fucks sake.” She moaned. All she wanted to do was get back to sleep. She lay there and waited for the exhaustion to come over her. Finally it was too much and her eyes shut, but her mind kept the tale spinning in her mind.

  Judith dreamed about Colin and how sexy he had looked. But now he was in front of her, naked expect his jacket. She dreamed that they had made love and it had been great.

  Colin watched as in his dream she undressed in front of him. He walked over to her and caressed her smooth skin with his rough fingertips.

  “You have such soft skin; I love the feel of it!” He had whispered to her in that dream.

  Colin could hear her moan like it was real. He played with her body, tracing his fingers to several strategic places that had made her moan even louder.

  He also felt her silky soft hands as they traced over scars that had graced his body for years. With each scar she touched she would ask, “Where did you get this one?”

  Gladly he had shared with her each and every story. She had listened like they were the most important things she would ever hear in her life.

  It had made him smile. He heard his mind say, that’s because you can tell she loves you. Even in his dreams that word scared him. Feeling his mind reeling and his body fighting the idea just as quickly, well accept for one thing. But everyone knew that part of a man’s body had a mind of its own.

  She had cupped his member in her hand and gently moved it back and forth. Colin felt the power being sapped out of his body with each of her strokes.

  He woke up to his first wet dream since adolescence. Colin was slightly embarrassed by how erotic the dream had been. His mind searching for answers to this strong pull he felt towards her.

  Hoping in the shower he cleaned up from the dream and let the hot water soak his body. He loved how the shower head could be adjusted. Soon he was enjoying the massaging touch of the jets of water.

  “Ah that feels great!” He muttered.

  ‘Almost as good as the dream and her touch right?’ His mind whispered. You are a traitor, he thought to his mind.

  Colin tried to fight the pull of masturbating while thinking of the dream. He even turned the water on full cold.

  Shortly he was whispering “those bastards lied a cold shower does not work.”

  Colin let his mind go and he thought of her and the dream. It had been an exceptional dream, so lifelike. He had been known to have a few really lifelike dreams, but none of them had ever been dealing with sex. Usually they were nightmares of things that had happened in his past, or fears of the future.

  Not this time, it had seemed he’d finally been smiled on from above. He let his mind float completely back to her and finished his shower.

  Judith woke up about four hours later when she heard Little John beginning to fuse. She picked him up and took him to get a dose of baby aspirin. He had felt a little warm, but near as much as before.

  “Perhaps this will be a short lived problem with this tooth!” Judith told Little John who smiled up at her.

  “Oh I do so love you Little John!” She kissed his cheeks. He giggled; she loved the sound of it.

  “Now open your mouth Colin was nice enough to get us this aspirin!” Judith cooed to Little John.

  With that her mind went to Colin. She blushed as she remembered some of her dream. It had been very erotic.

  “There you go.” She wiped along Little John’s mouth. “Are you hungry at all?” She asked.

  Judith had only recently begun to work with him to get him talking. She wasn’t sure how much of a vocabulary he should have. But she wanted him to be ready for school when he would go in a few years.

  “I do wish you could tell me everything!” Judith looked at him.

  For his part Little John started giggling and laughing as Judith made silly faces at him.

  “You know I should really do something nice for Colin. He didn’t have to go and get this for us, you know that. Maybe I’ll cook him supper.” Judith told Little John. “Oh what are you going to say?” She bent down and tickled Little John.

  Judith didn’t mind when he was like this. The crying was always hard for her. It depressed her and made her only miss her aunt and uncle more.

  “That’s what we’ll do, but I want to make something I know he will like. I know let’s go ask him.” Judith grabbed Little John and went out her door.

  She knocked on his door and waited for him to answer.

  “Oh I’m sorry I didn’t mean to bother you.” Judith said as he opened the door his towel wrapped around him, his hair still wet from the shower. Her body heated up way too quickly and she felt like she wanted to jump him.

  “I just got out.” He commented. Not even seeming embarrassed for standing in front of her half naked.

  Judith licked her lips. “Well I wanted to ask if you would come over to eat dinner. I figured I owed you something for going to the store after all.”

  “Dinner that sounds really good.” Colin said.

  “What do you like to eat? I don’t want to make something you hate!”

  “Anything will be fine. What time should I be there?”

  “Uh, four or five would be fine.” Judith walked away quickly. She had to get away from him right now. Or she would go get Little John’s playpen and rush Colin off to bed.

  Colin had just got out of the shower. He heard the doorbell and went to answer it. The fact he was covered only with a towel didn’t even cross his mind. He had no idea who it would be, so when he opened it and saw her, he smiled.

  She was truly beautiful and now that she had some sleep she looked even better.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to bother you.” She said to him.

  Colin had answered her, but his mind was picturing her as she had been in the dream. How she had touched him.

  “I’d like to have you over for dinner?” She asked him. But he didn’t hear all of it. He had noticed how she licked her lips before talking. It had made him think of what kissing her mouth might feel like.

  He barely had enough blood left in his brain to even think at that moment. Colin had said something and thought about baseball. He had to stop the flow before it got too low.

  Thankfully, she had told him a time and left. He had been about two seconds away from inviting her in to take care of what she was causing. He had positioned himself well enough that the little bit of erection he had couldn’t be seen.

  But if she would have stood there for just one more second it would have been too late. Now he was standing in the middle of his living room. With his little friend making sure he knew it was alive and quite well!

  “What the fuck? Am I going to be able to be in the same room with her and not rip her clothes off?” He stated.

  It was a thought that he felt quite honestly. Colin had never been this attracted to another female the same way. They had always been just pieces of ass to him. But even when he was excited with them, or about them; it didn’t feel quite like this.

  He didn’t know how to really explain it. His mi
nd felt cloudy as if nothing was quite clear. He felt lost in the maze of life. Colin had heard that being horny did some crazy shit to people, but this was ridiculous.

  Tempted to go into the bedroom to calm himself down, he muttered into the air. “Why in the fuck does she have to have a kid?” He hung his head down and wished that life was different.

  Just his luck he falls for a girl who has baby. “A kid that isn’t even here’s.” He said.

  Colin wondered what had happened to his parents. She hadn’t really said the story, only that it had happened a year ago.

  It was for him to comprehend how tough it must be on her raising a kid. She must be around his age, maybe 23 even. “Man that would be tough. I don’t know if I want that added responsibility or not.” He admitted.

  Thinking this way might be the only thing that would keep him from jumping her. Because if they had sex, she would probably get attached to him and that wasn’t good.

  “Not since you already love her!” He heard in his mind.

  Judith went home and looked through her cupboards to figure out what she was going to make. But no matter how much she tried to think of cooking, she could only see him standing in front of her.

  She turned around and saw that Little John was playing in his playpen, happy as a lark.

  “Colin sure is sexy.” She said, knowing that Little John wouldn’t understand her comment. She let her mind run back to his door. He was in front of her only the towel around his waist. She had licked her lips thinking about what she had dreamt was underneath the towel.

  Judith had wanted to move the towel aside and touch him. But thankfully she had Little John with her. If he hadn’t been on her hip she might be in Colin’s apartment right now.

  “Oh but I bet I’d be enjoying it!” She smiled. Judith had seen the firmness of Colin’s stomach, he was young and he was in shape. “I bet he can go for hours!” She smiled remembering a past boyfriend who’d been young.


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