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Branded by the Texans [Three Star Republic] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 11

by Branded by the Texans (lit)

  Kylie marveled at his restraint and her emotions softened toward him. He may have roped her like a calf, then barbarically abducted her, yet with each languid powerful thrust of his cock, he made love to her. He didn’t just fuck her.

  She’d had enough of being fucked to last her a lifetime.

  “Kylie.” Her name came from deep inside his soul. Simultaneously, his enormous cockhead pumped to her core.

  Caught in the throes of extreme passion, she threw her head back. A long whimper rushed past her lips as sharp waves of rapture suddenly swept up her flesh. “Yes. God, yes.”

  She resisted the urge to tell him how awesome he made her feel as he took her. Kylie merely hung on as his beautiful giant shaft slowly pummeled inside her.

  Fierce and exquisite, flames crackled through her. So it felt. She arched to his thrusts. Strung tight as a bow with the arrival of her orgasm, her sex channel opened to him, as if she gave him everything of herself.

  “God Almighty,” he rasped, “you’re my heaven.”

  Kylie felt insubstantial. Her climax transformed her bloodstream into wine, and the heady delights spilled through her, then flowed toward him.


  His cock struck deep. He groaned like low thunder as his hot cum filled her.

  Her orgasm heightened, and ecstasy poured through her limbs warm as sun-kissed honey. Before her mind’s eyes a golden light glowed. Unable to move, Kylie collapsed, lost inside a stupor of splendid pleasure.

  She barely felt it as he rolled with her. She merely sprawled on top of him, glad he wouldn’t be affected by her weight. His loud ragged breathing seemed to soak into her very being and she felt claimed again.

  Except that she’d just experienced it, Kylie would never have believed having sex could be this good. The realization of how good streamed through her. Dimly, she heard the lashing rainstorm, his fast heartbeat louder beneath her ear.

  He smoothed one huge hand down her hair, then gently splayed it on the small of her back. For a long while, they lay like that, silent yet joined by what had happened between them and joined by his shaft.

  “Damn, you’re good,” she murmured, not knowing if he heard her.

  He rumbled a short laugh. “I intend to be much better, little Kylie.” Tenderly, he caressed the small of her back.

  She started inside at the thought of him being better. “I might die.”

  Her cheeks steamed with her lapse in judgment. How much of herself was she going to reveal to him? It’s not like men could be trusted. They’d use anything and everything to get their way, whether it was sex or something else they wanted.

  “I’ll never let that happen.” His tone was deadly serious.

  “Is it that dangerous here?” Of course, compared to what she’d been through that question seemed relative.

  “There are, what I call, pockets of danger.”

  He sifted layers of her hair through his fingers. Kylie basked in the sensual sensation, stroking her palms up his chest. How could a man feel this good?

  “You’re going to have to trust me, darlin’.”

  “I’m not too good at trusting.”

  “You’ll learn, Sparks.”

  “Or you’ll beat on my butt again.”

  “I’ll think of another way to punish you. I want your butt for pleasurable activities.”

  Kylie trembled. Wishing she hadn’t, she restlessly rubbed the side of her face on the spring of hair that lightly covered his chest. Shit, what didn’t she like about his body?

  “It’s going to be good between us. Every time I’m with you, I’m gonna be glad I’m a man.”

  Kylie blinked, speechless. What did a woman say? Torn by several emotions including a feeling of inadequacy, she remained silent. She’d never been the take-charge seductress type anyway.

  “Kylie, there’s something I need to explain.” Grasping her hair with a light touch, he tugged and gently angled her face so their gazes met. “I can’t father a child right now.”

  “Oh,” was all she could manage. Knowing her cycle, she’d known in the back of her mind she wasn’t ovulating. Of course, she hadn’t asked about diseases. No, her passions had definitely ruled.

  “Here, most men in the Texas Republic don’t allow their seed to be viable unless they want to be a daddy.”

  “Why is that?” Lame, but it seemed like the question to ask.

  “There’s a bounty on our sperm.”

  Kylie’s eyes popped open big time. “A bounty.”

  “Once we survived the bio-engineered plagues,” he paused, “do you remember what I told you?”

  “Immune system enhancement. Something about not aging that much.”

  He barely gave a nod. “For those of us who gained those good consequences, our sperm became valuable like rustled cattle used to be. Few were willing to sell to our enemies, so sperm rustling began.”

  “Wow. Who would have thought?” A moment later, she thought to ask, “What? Did they send beautiful women collect?”

  “That, and men were waylaid. Induced by virtual reality to give.”

  “Yeah, that could work,” she murmured, a whole range of possibilities flying before her mind’s eye. “Were you ever collected from or waylaid?”

  “Collected from, yep, once. But, me and my brothers ambushed the lady in question and sterilized my sperm with a citrus solution.”

  “Yeah, I read somewhere an acidic environment lessens sperm count.” Kylie figured there was more to that story, but she wasn’t asking. “How do you…”

  “It’s an herb formula we keep secret, put in shaving cream.”

  “Interesting. Does every man shave?”

  He grinned, a lazy upturning of his mouth. “Nope. There’s a manly hand lotion.”

  “Yeah, manly.” She eyed him, then took the plunge. “Do you have sexual diseases here?”

  “Used to. Not anymore. Or the diseases can’t get a hold of anyone, do any damage.” He let loose of her hair and softly played his hand across her shoulders. “Are you going to let me put some salve on your rump, little filly?”

  Evidently he wasn’t concerned about her having any sexual disease. Course, if his immune system was super strong why would he be? Kylie sighed in frustration. “I can put the salve on.”

  “Yep, you could.” He devilishly grinned for a split second, his eyes twinkling. “But I want to do the honors.”

  Kylie’s face flamed. “Whatever. You big Viking brute.”

  He stilled so completely Kylie thought she’d offended him, and tensed against his reaction.

  “I like that.” He spoke after a moment, his tone pleased.

  Why push her luck? Kylie didn’t reply.

  “Sweet thang,” he rumbly crooned. “Since we cain’t ride the trail yet, why don’t I take care of that beautiful ass of yours. Then we’ll get some more sleep.”

  Kylie nodded in acquiescence, seeing no sense in arguing with him. No doubt, she needed rest. “Sounds like the rain has let up some.”

  “Yep. I might be prayin’ for more rain.” He swept his palm down her back. “Spend most of the day inside with you.”

  Curious, she asked, “What all do you do on your ranch?”

  “Take care of and train the horses. Watch out for the cattle herds. Keep watch on the perimeter. Then there’s all the day-to-day chores that keep everything running smooth enough. We also have what’s called a natural tannery.”

  “Tannery, as in leather?”

  “We made a small business out of it. It began for repairing and making our tack, mostly.”

  “Your saddlebags?”

  “Yep. And our chaps.”

  “Then you kill your cattle.”

  “Herd management, Sparks. And we gotta eat.”

  “Yeah, it makes sense. I wasn’t raised that way.” She heaved a sigh. “No, I’m just one more soft, over domesticated American. Though, growing up in a smaller town, I knew where food came from, other than the grocery store. You
’re not going to expect me to…to deal with that, are you?”

  “You are soft, very soft.” He stroked both of his hands down the length of her back. “Kylie, I won’t make you do anything as far as ranch work. Once you get settled in, I do want you to tend the garden, plant whatever you want, including roses.”

  “I did say something about roses, didn’t I?”

  “Just before you dropped into dreamland.”

  “No dreams. I was out like a light.”

  He sat up with her, his strength so impressive Kylie nearly groaned her feminine appreciation. Reaching forward, he brought out the salve. Kylie glimpsed the grass-green colored container, flat and round in design, before he closed his hand around it.

  “Damn. This is embarrassing.” Kylie averted her face, wanting to hide.

  “Not for me.” He sounded way too enthusiastic.

  Maneuvering them both, he eased her from his cock, then placed her over the saddle, so her butt shone up at him. Mortified down to her toes, Kylie tensed and squeezed her eyelids together, trying to block out what was happening.

  The thought that some women would be turned on to the max crossed her mind. Nope, not her. She’d always preferred a gradual escalation in having sex with her boyfriends.

  “Woooweee, if you aren’t the prettiest little thing.”

  His smoky drawl zinged through her deliciously.

  “Not so little,” she muttered. A prickly flush crept up her neck while she waited.

  “Darlin’, I’m not going to hurt you. Promise.”

  His extra large fingertips swirled a cooling salve on her left butt cheek, then on her right cheek. His touch was deft and gentle, almost clinical. With her throat so constricted she could barely swallow, Kylie asked, “What’s in it?”

  “Mostly plantain, catnip herb and peppermint oil in lanolin, and beeswax. Dono makes up a batch whenever he can get to it. Or Gracie, our nearest neighbor, trades her salves for our meat.”

  “How close is Gracie?”

  “About thirty-five miles. We stop in at her place on the way to El Paso.”

  Oh no! His hands lightly rubbed her ass, soothing more than sensual. Still, no way did she trust him not to take advantage, especially with how explosive their passion had been already.

  Maybe once wasn’t enough for the Viking cowboy. But once was enough for her recovering, somewhat sore pussy.

  Tempted to twist around, Kylie halted herself. That might incite his lust faster. Who knew? “Isn’t that enough?”


  His growl might as well have been the smoke from a wind-fed wildfire. Kylie suppressed her urge to shiver, especially as his thumbs massaged with a finesse that seemed at odds with his stature.

  Well, hell, what was she going to do? Whip around and sock him in the jaw? Yeah, that would work. He’d handle her like she was a kid throwing a fit.

  Besides, it was feeling way too good now. His thumbs pushed deeper, and he began kneading her butt. Surrendering, Kylie focused on how pleasurably he manipulated her ass. More bliss sizzled through her upper body as he subtly increased the pressure, owning her flesh with his hands.

  “You are a big bad cowboy Viking,” she whispered.

  “Very bad. Especially with you.”

  “How bad are you going to be?”

  “Bad enough to let your body tell me what you like.”

  Kylie wondered what the crap that meant exactly. All the while, lovely jolts of ecstasy seized her body and kept her compliant. With his touch utterly possessive, he no longer disguised that he aroused her. He explored her ass, sliding his hands over her full curves.

  “You don’t miss a trick.” Kylie let herself shift slightly, her butt naturally thrusting toward him. And, shit, am I ever complicit.

  A groan erupted from low in his throat. He trapped her butt cheeks with his rough hands sending more ecstatic sparks through her. Kylie indulged in every sensation, wondering how many erogenous zones she had on her ass.

  “Oh, more,” escaped past her lips and her moan caught in her throat.

  “Sure, sweet thang.” For a long moment, he gripped her butt tightly. Her cheeks tensed in response as she bathed in the pleasure. “That’s it, babe.” He lessened his hold, his thumbs brushing over the top swell of her ass. Slowly he stroked, pressing deeper.

  “Oh-my-gawd, that feels good.” Why did she have to keep encouraging him? Kylie mentally scowled at herself. The next instant, she whimpered as his thumbs sensuously slid along the inner curve of her butt. Deliberately exciting her, he rubbed back and forth.

  “That’s it, darlin’. Tell me what you like.”

  His gravelly, turned-on voice ignited her lust and eliminated her inhibitions. Kylie would never have allowed any other man this type of sexual intimacy, so quickly.

  Each time he stroked upward, his thumbpads gradually slipped higher on her tailbone. Overwhelmed by arousal, her sex hungered for the plunge of his cock. At the same time she wanted more of what he did to her. Moaning, Kylie widened her thighs as the saddle allowed.

  “Babe,” he rasped.

  Slick as sin his thumbpad pressed up the indentation of her tailbone. Kylie gasped from the torrid pleasure gripping her. Her pussy hitched from the top of her mound to her opening, then throbbed. As his thumb slid downward, her butt opening seized. The following bliss was sharp and utterly unexpected.

  “Good.” His hoarse whisper did terribly naughty and wonderful things to her.

  “Yes, good.” Kylie wondered if anyone ever died from too much sexual pleasure.

  “Feel this,” he darkly encouraged.

  Several times, he stroked over the sensitive flesh of her tailbone. Erotic beyond belief. The thought ran through her head as more bliss ripped up her torso and clenched her sex.

  Kylie mewed as his thumbpad gradually rubbed downward, then slipped between her ass cheeks. Gently, he stimulated the juicy spot with his thumb. Kylie fisted the blanket hard. “Oh, yes!” Surrendering to the next strike of pleasure, she cried out again, unable to do anything else.

  “Oh, darlin’.” His lusty drawl penetrated her, making her pussy drip

  “Please.” Kylie didn’t know what she begged for exactly. She remained suspended in a state of extreme lust and extreme rapture, until a sharp ache began in her sheath. Was she going to orgasm this way?

  “I want to learn every inch of you.”

  For emphasis, he pressed, subtly manipulating the slick spot just beneath her tailbone. Held motionless by her molten rapture, Kylie no longer cared what he did, as long he kept doing it.

  “Let go, babe. I’ll take you there.”

  Something inexplicable broke loose inside Kylie. An instant later, she soared into a mind-blowing orgasm. Nothing else existed. Finally, time caught up with her, and she became aware his thumb abandoned her.

  Drunk on the dregs of bliss still pulsing her sex mound, Kylie collapsed on top of the saddle. She wanted to think about her out-of-this-world reaction to what he’d done to her. But, with her mind in no mood to cooperate, she immersed herself in the dream-like sensations.

  Moments passed and she wondered what he waited for. Why hadn’t he grabbed her hips and…unless he wasn’t erect. That didn’t seem possible as she judged him. Kylie shifted enough to take a peek.

  “Don’t move.” His husky whisper surrounded her, halting her. “Don’t move, woman. I want to cradle my cock in that more than fine ass of yours.”

  If she’d learned anything, he was not a man to be disobeyed. Besides, Kylie’s curiosity kicked in. She wanted to know how his amazingly large shaft would feel.

  He smoothed his hands over her butt cheeks as if he touched her for the first time and with a near reverence that astonished Kylie. Even though she panted, her lungs seemed deprived of air and fought for breaths.

  Moving above her, he swept his hands possessively up her back, and her body naturally opened to him again.

  “I know it’s going be tough for you, little darlin’,
adjustin’. I know you’ve got a mule’s stubborn streak.”

  He slid his hands upward and cupped her shoulders, and Kylie felt wonderfully petite, not stubborn at all, though, he was right. She’d given up denying it at twelve years old, deciding to use stubbornness to her advantage instead.

  Stroking his hands from her shoulders, he planted them on either side of her. “Trust me, Kylie, my pretty thang, I’ll be there for you. I’ve got your back. Remember that.” His deep bold voice traveled along her spine. More than that she believed him.

  Besides, he did have her backside. Some tiny part of her giggled at that thought.

  With commanding ease, he settled the length of his furnace-hot cock between her ass cheeks. “Oh, God,” she moaned. He didn’t move, except to let the heavy weight of his cock take her butt crack more.

  “Remember, too, you’re going to be free in the way a woman truly wants.”

  His words ignited her rebellious nature briefly. Who was he to know that? To know what she really wanted? As a woman. But, shit, he knew what she wanted right now. Him, what he was doing to her. A sweet type of pleasure consumed her flesh. Kylie closed her eyes and savored.

  “Clench for me, darlin’.”

  Kylie didn’t think about it. She gave him what he wanted, tightening her butt around his shaft. Her effort hardly seemed sufficient. Still, he groaned, sounding like a great civilized beast.

  Rearing back, he orgasmed. Since no cum spilled onto her back, she figured he must have spent what he had inside her sheath. As his groan of pleasure continued, rapturous waves flowed through her.

  Feeling limbless, Kylie decided being his woman might be worth it, even if he was an obvious chauvinist. An open mind wasn’t a sin, as her grandmother used to say.

  Still arched above her, he rumbled a loud growl. Obviously, his climax continued at a super level. Somewhere inside, Kylie experienced pride in being a woman sexy enough to give a man such pleasure, a rare feeling for her.


  He growled her name as if she was his salvation. With the gentleness of a bear, as she imagined it, he lifted his cock from her. Maneuvering his big body beside her, he wrapped her close, and pillowed his head on the saddle.

  Settling them into a more comfortable position, he encouraged her to rest her cheek on his upper arm. The fragrances from the healing salve he’d used on her butt clung to him, mingling with the smell of his prowess.


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