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Defending Earth-Searching for Death Feeders

Page 6

by Saxon Andrew


  “Do you not think the other Feeders on the planet won’t notice the thoughts of those that see a spaceship arriving at their community?” Kyle closed his eyes and shook his head. He thought and ordered the blockers delivered to his ship.

  Chapter Five

  Kyle contacted Fleet Operations, “Have you recalled the barrier micro-probe from the Kerit’s planet?”

  “We have. The data has been downloaded to your monitor under the name Kerit.”

  Kyle lifted his wrist unit and pointed it at the huge monitor in his office. He said, “Kerit,” and the monitor illuminated. Legune watched him and saw a planet appear on the huge monitor. “This is how your planet looks from space.”

  “Where is my village on it?” Kyle went behind his desk and looked at the list of videos. He highlighted Legune in the list and pressed the button. The view of the planet moved in and they saw a view of the planet from above the southern continent. A red light was flashing on the surface and Kyle smiled, “That is where your village is located.”

  “Can you move the view in closer?”

  The red dot flashed up toward the viewer and small buildings began appearing. Legune gasped and Kyle said, “What’s wrong?”

  Legune shook her head, “There are more buildings than when I was there. The only reason they would have built more is because the population is growing. Something has happened.” Kyle rolled his eyes and Legune saw him, “What do you know?”

  Kyle blew out a breath, “Amelee told me she manipulated the Grondon she used to hide your escape and sent it to attack the Feeder at your village.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  Kyle looked at the list and saw the term Grondon. He highlighted it and pressed the button. They watched and saw the village in the bright green color of a night vision scan. As they watched, a giant creature emerged from the forest next to the village and moved into the main street. “I assume that is a Grondon?”

  “It is and it looks as big as the one Amelee used.” They watched the recording and saw the giant beast move silently into the center of the community and stop outside a large building. “That’s the Feeder’s residence.” Kyle paused the video and moved the view in closer. He started it running again and saw the giant bite the Feeder’s head off. It sunk its claws into the purple colored being and quickly left the village. Legune shook her head, “He should have died slowly. He didn’t deserve a quick death.”

  Kyle shook his head, “I suspect he never got a thought out he died so fast. If he had, I suspect the other Feeders would have shown up rather quickly.”

  Legune looked at Kyle, “Why didn’t it sense that Grondon?”

  “Amelee told me she had the thoughts in its brain suppressed and it was only acting on the instructions she left it.”

  Legune looked at Kyle, “It appears the other Feeders don’t know about it.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  Legune pointed at the monitor, “The population is growing. Feeders would never allow that much growth.” Legune looked at the monitor and turned back to Kyle, “Didn’t you tell me that the Feeder in my village was contacted by one of their leaders?” Kyle nodded. “What’s going to happen if that Leader attempts to contact it again and is unsuccessful?” Kyle looked at Legune and shook his head. “The other Feeders will come and kill every one!”

  “I have to believe you’re right.”

  “We need to go!”

  Kyle punched a button on his panel, “Operations, I want a stealth Colony Ship warmed up ready to go to the kerit Planet.”


  “Just do it and quit wasting time questioning my order!”

  “Yes Sir.”

  Kyle looked at Legune, “My ship is on the roof. Let’s go!” They ran up the steps and arrived at the Light Ship. “Amber, do you have the coordinates of the Kerit Planet?”

  “They are loaded in your console. I would suggest using the barrier to arrive.”


  “There is a possibility of a Feeder Probe in the system.”

  “How did Amelee go there?”

  “She used the barrier all the way down to the planet.”

  “Is there any way to determine if a probe is in the system?”

  “Not without running the risk of being seen.”

  Kyle shook his head, “Use the barrier.”

  Legune sat in the second chair and saw Kyle press the blue barrier button. She gripped the arms of her chair tightly as the universe around her rushed at the viewport at an amazing speed. In twenty minutes, they were above the planet. Kyle looked at her, “How do you want to handle this?”

  “We need to go in at night.”

  “Will there be guards?”

  “Probably, but they’ll be watching for a Grondon. Seeing a couple walking won’t set off their alarms.”

  “Even if we walk in from outside the village?”

  “Just follow me. I’ll get us in.”

  “Amber, take us down outside the city and stay in the barrier. Let me know if you see anything suspicious.”

  “Will do.”

  “Legune, keep your thought blocker on.” Legune nodded and watched the planet’s surface move toward them at an astonishing speed. She closed her eyes and after a moment opened them.

  “Kyle, can you take us to the northern edge of the village near the three tall trees.” She stared at the viewport and saw the three trees moving toward them. “This is good.” The Light Ship hovered just above the road leading out of the city and Kyle stood up. She followed him to the port and saw the shadow of the three giant trees covered their location. She put her finger to her lips and stepped out of the port. Kyle followed her out and she ran quickly to the trunk of the middle tree. She listened and suddenly jerked her head to the right. She put her hand on Kyle’s arm and they froze against the massive trunk. Legune waited and after a moment, Kyle heard two voices on the other side of the tree. He lifted his thought blocker slightly and listened. He immediately heard the thoughts of the Feeders and waited for one of them to notice his mind. He put his arm on Legune’s arm and she turned and saw he had his thought blocker raised. She started shaking her head but he held up his hand. After a moment, he looked at her and nodded.

  The two scouts moved away from the trees and started walking back toward the village. Legune was still shaking her head but she moved silently from the tree into the edge of the brush and followed the two scouts. Kyle followed her closely and saw two more scouts moving toward them from the city. The four stopped and talked for a few moment and the first two continued toward the village. The two new scouts moved down the road and didn’t even look toward the brush. Legune waited until they passed and quickly sprinted to the first hut and flattened against eh wall. She edged forward, looked around the wall, and saw the scouts turn to the left and move toward the east. She grabbed his hand and walked swiftly between four huts and then turned to the right. She pulled him along behind her until she arrived at a larger hut and went behind it. She flattened against the wall and he followed her example. She put her finger to her lips again and after a few moments, he heard more voices approaching. She had chosen well; the wall they were against was in the shadows and their dark uniforms made it almost impossible to see them. A group of fifteen scouts passed and one of them looked their way. Legune grabbed Kyle, pulled him into her arms, and kissed him. The guard saw them and smiled. He continued moving with the group and left the two lovers to their stolen privacy. Legune saw them keep moving toward the northern road and she released Kyle, “Come on!”

  Kyle was shocked when she kissed him but he gathered his wits and followed her. In four minutes, she stopped outside a large hut and knocked on the door. His eyes narrowed and he opened his mouth but an older Kerit opened the door, “What is it!? Can’t I have a little peace?”

  Legune stepped into the light coming out of the door, grabbed the old Kerit, and hugged him, “I’ve missed you so much, Father.�
�� She didn’t know who was shocked the most by her behavior; her father or Kyle. The Elder was shocked speechless. Legune pushed him back into his dwelling and motioned Kyle to follow. They moved into the main room and Legune slammed the door behind them. She turned to Kyle, “Put a blocker on him!” Kyle pulled a thought blocker out of his pocket and went to put it on the Kerit’s head and he resisted. “Father, be still! You and all of the people in this village are in danger. This device will make you invisible to the Masters!!” The Kerit shook his head but allowed Kyle to put the blocker on his head.

  “Where have you been?!”

  “My death was faked, Father. Please sit down and let me explain.”

  “Who is this you’ve brought with you!? You know it’s improper for you to be out with a male at this time?”

  “Father, shut up!” The old Kerit’s mouth closed and he stared at Legune. “I’ve come back to try and save our people from being killed by the Masters.”

  “Where have you been?”

  Legune sighed and looked at Kyle. “Can you mentally send him everything that’s happened? He won’t move forward until he knows.”

  Kyle looked at Legune’s father and said, “It’s very important that when I lift this band from around your head that you try really hard not to let your emotions run away with you. Do you understand?” The Kerit’s eyes narrowed but he nodded. Kyle lifted the band and sent the thought transfer of everything that had taken place since Amelee took Legune to Earth. He quickly pulled the thought blocker back on as the Kerit’s eyes opened wide. He fell to the floor as Legune tried to hold him up. He sat there and tried to absorb what he had just been given. Kyle looked at Legune, “Give him a few moments. It’s a lot to absorb.”

  Legune went to the floor and held her father as he stared at the front door. Kyle looked at Legune, “Where’s your mother?”

  “She endured the Master’s embrace ten years ago.” Kyle shook his head and sighed. He sat down on the floor and felt extreme sadness at what her species must have endured under the Feeder’s rule. The extent of their depravity was brought home to him in her simple statement. He looked at the old Kerit and waited.

  • • •

  A Feeder on the Northern Continent sat up straight. “What are you doing?”

  “I heard a thought and then it disappeared.”

  “If you don’t finish this, I’m leaving! I detest being around you!”

  “You’re no intelligent meal yourself!”

  “Get this done so I can have the child and be done with it.”


  “There are thousands that have a thought and then die. Get on with this now!”

  The Keeper looked at the female and snarled.

  • • •

  Kyle was holding his breath and he slowly released it. Legune looked at him, “One of them heard your father’s thoughts when he saw you. It’s ok.” Legune nodded and slowly rocked her father back and forth as he tried to understand what was in his mind. An hour later, there was a knock on the door and Legune’s heart went into her throat. There was no way she could answer the door. Kyle pulled a stunner, stood, and walked toward the door.

  “WHAT IS IT!?”

  “Elder, I need to discuss…”

  “If you bother my sleep again, I’ll have you going out after the next Grondon we find!” Kyle looked at the elder Kerit and saw his eyes were open.

  “Yes, Elder. I’ll come back in the morning.”

  The kerit looked at Kyle, “How did you do that?”

  “He has a mind more powerful than the Masters, Father.”

  “Is what you put in my head true?”

  Kyle nodded, “It is.”

  “Help me up, daughter.” Legune helped him to his feet and he looked at her, “I ought to beat your backside for what you’ve put me through.” Legune closed her eyes and nodded. The Kerit turned back to Kyle, “So if that Lead Master tries to contact the one the Grondon killed, they’ll come and kill us all?”

  “Do you see it any other way?”

  The Elder shook his head, “No. I’ve wondered why they haven’t already come to investigate. What can we do about it?”

  “I’m going to have to take all of you with me and make it look like the Grondons killed everyone in the village.”

  “You mean when you say go with you that we’ll have to leave this world?” Kyle nodded. “Are you sure that’s the only way?”

  Kyle sighed, “There’s nothing else I’ve been able to think of that would work.”

  “When does this have to happen?”


  “You’re not asking much.”

  “My civilization’s High Leader says that the Master here is usually contacted on a regular basis and the contact is slightly overdue. We need to move you immediately.”

  “Just how do we do this?”

  “How many live here?”

  “About a thousand two hundred and twenty six.”

  “How many are infants?”

  “About four hundred.”

  Kyel looked up, “Amber, drop a box of thought blockers outside the door of this building.” They looked at Kyle and a few seconds later heard a thump outside the door. Kyle nodded toward the door and the Elder went and opened it. There was a large box in his doorway.

  “If I had any doubts about who you are you’ve just removed them. What do I do?”

  Legune said, “Call the scouts in and put one on their heads and order them to every house and put them on the occupants.” The old kerit nodded and stepped outside. Legune looked at Kyle, “You didn’t tell me the contact was behind schedule.”

  “You have enough to worry about.”

  • • •

  Three hours later, the Kerit were gathered outside the Elder’s home and he looked around at the gathering. “I have to tell all of you something that is going to shock you but I need you to follow my directions and trust that I love all of you enough to never have you do anything that would harm you; can you do that?”

  “What is it you want, Elder?”

  “Jennets, we are going to have to leave here and I need all of you to go to your homes and only take what you can carry in your arms. You have ten minutes to make that happen.” The gathering stared at him and he yelled, “NOW YOU HAVE LESS THAN TEN MINUTES! GET MOVING.”

  Kyle lifted his arm and punched a button on his wrist unit, “Captain Donovan, does your entire crew have on thought blockers?”

  “Yes Sir.” Kyle looked around and turned toward the planted fields next to the community.

  “Bring the ship down into the field next to the village and prepare to open the port.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  The Elder looked at Kyle, “A vessel large enough to carry all of us will be seen by the communities around us.”

  “I’ll take care of that, Elder.”

  The Community began gathering again and were talking among themselves. A female yelled, “What is this thing you’ve made us put on our heads?”

  “It will prevent the Masters from hearing your thoughts, now be quiet.” The gathering was shocked silent. Legune stepped out of the hut and the entire gathering was stunned.

  “You need to remain silent! I was saved by the female that came here selling flowers. She faked our deaths and I was taken to another world where the Masters don’t exist. We are taking you there now.”

  “I won’t go!”

  The Elder looked at the young man and smiled, “You may stay for the Master’s arrival, which will probably be tomorrow. Give them my regards.” The female standing beside the young male slapped him on the back of his head. He winced and then wilted. The Elder turned to Kyle, “What do we do now?”

  Kyle lifted his wrist, “Open the port but keep it dark.” Kyle looked at Legune, “Take all the women and children to the ship and tell the Captain to move the port back into the barrier. I need all the males to stay with me.”

  “What are you going to do?”

�Legune, now is not the time. Get moving!” Legune stared at him and closed her eyes. She looked at the gathering and said, “All females and children follow me.” She walked toward the fields and after a moment’s hesitation, the females followed with their children. Kyle looked at the Elder, “You aren’t going to like this but it must be done.”


  “I need you to go where you buried the ones killed by the Master and move their bodies into the village.” The Elder’s eyes narrowed and many of the males that heard him felt their rage. Kyle looked around, “I am going to use Grondon’s to destroy this village and what do you think will happen when the Masters show up and don’t see any bodies. If you don’t do this, every living Kerit on the planet could be killed. I know those that die in the Master’s embrace would want you to use them to prevent their species from being exterminated.”

  The Elder took a deep breath and looked at the males. He shook his head and said, “My murdered wife Glendra would want me to do this.” He looked at the males surrounding him, “And I know all the others would want us to do this. Do any of you disagree? If you were in your grave and your body could be used to save others, would you want it done?”

  The males looked at each other and an older kerit said, “My children would demand it.” He went to the fence and picked up a shovel. He started walking toward the south end of the village. The Elder went to the fence and picked up another shovel. After a few moments, the other males joined them and Kyle saw their tears. He lowered his head and prayed for forgiveness.

  Sunrise was an hour away when Kyle saw the village was covered in the carcasses of more than a thousand kerit. He looked at the males and said, “Please move to the field and enter the door you’ll find there.” He lifted his arm, “Captain, the males are headed your way.”

  The Elder looked at Kyle, “I’ll go with you.”

  “It may not be safe.”

  “I will go with you. My people demand it.”

  Kyle nodded and moved behind the males toward the colony ship. He saw the port hanging a foot above the ground and watched as the males walked through it. “Captain, get them out of here.”


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