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Triplet Babies for My Billionaire Boss

Page 21

by Lia Lee

  As they ate and talked about their respective journeys over the ocean, her very first, Nathan could feel a warmth of a different kind come over him.


  Natalie had thought she would be exhausted by now, but food and Nathan's company helped. She had read enough about him to think that she had an idea of his personality, but the magazines had been wrong. They talked about his good looks, but they never mentioned how wickedly funny he was, or how sly. He could make her blush and laugh by turns, and before she knew it, the clock was striking midnight.

  "We should likely roll into bed," she said without thinking of it, and Nathan stood, pushing the detritus of their dinner aside.

  "What a good idea," he purred, and before she knew what was happening, he tugged her into his arms.


  She wasn't even sure what she was protesting. In his arms, she felt that heat she was half-convinced she had made up, and that was before he kissed her. This kiss was as wild as the one they had shared in Chicago, taunting and brilliant and hot enough to scorch. As she had in Chicago, Natalie melted into it, her arms going around him to bring him close as much as to steady herself.


  "Don't worry, pretty girl. I won't hurt you, I'll take good care of you..."

  Something inside her melted at his words, and she nodded. "All right..."

  He swept her up in his arms, carrying her up to the master bedroom. She knew from her explorations before that it was done up in shades of red and gold, imposing and gorgeous. It was the perfect bedroom for a man who was as rich and powerful as Nathan, and as he lowered her to the bed there, she felt like a peasant wrapped in silk.

  "Slow, okay?" she whispered nervously, and he laughed, coming to rest beside her.

  "Whatever you like, pretty. We have all night..."

  He kissed her again, and this time, he lingered over it, his touch gentle and slow because they had all the time in the world. By slow increments, she relaxed into the luxurious mattress, letting his skilled hands stroke over her face, shoulders, hips and belly. He avoided anything too intimate, and in doing so made her crave his touch in exactly those intimate places. His mouth moved over hers before dropping down to the collar of her shirt, nibbling at her throat and collarbones. She swore she could feel the heat of his hand straight through her jeans.

  "You feel so good, Natalie," Nathan murmured. "Do you have any idea how good you feel?"

  She made a small sound of need as he ran almost maddeningly ticklish fingers over her ribs and down to the waistband of her jeans.

  "So good, you feel so good," she whimpered, and he laughed a little, the sound echoing through his frame.

  "Not yet," he said. "But you'll see how good I'll feel. First, though, I think I want you aching for it."

  His plan soon became terribly clear. He touched her with the expertise of a master, but he danced just shy of allowing her any kind of satisfaction. With every touch and kiss, he was ratcheting her desire higher and higher. She could feel his hard frame pressed against her, so different from her own slight body, and it was slowly driving her crazy.

  "P-please, Nathan," she murmured, embarrassed at her own need, but he refused to be hurried. At her words, it felt as if he was slowing down, and then slowing down again.

  His touch felt so good, so amazingly good, that it took Natalie a moment to realize that he had stopped altogether. One arm was curled underneath her, the other rested heavily on her waist, still warm enough to make her squirm.


  A snore was the only thing that answered her, and for a moment Natalie was simply too shocked to think of anything.

  I don't know what it says about me that he fell asleep in the middle of that, she thought, but it really was too ludicrous. She stifled a giggle and thought about her situation.

  He really is exhausted. If I go back to my room and catch some shut-eye myself, we can both be on London time. That would probably be for the best.

  She started to rise from the bed, but then she squeaked as his arm tightened over her. Even asleep, Nathan was ferociously strong, and he dragged her against him, her back to his chest, his arm an iron band over her waist.

  "Nathan," she whispered. "Nathan, let me up."

  He stirred a little, but his only response was to cuddle her tighter.

  Well, he'll probably relax his hold in a little bit, she thought. For reasons she couldn't quite explain to herself, she was loath to wake him.

  Instead, Natalie snuggled down next to him, prepared to roll away when his grip loosened. At least, that was the way it was supposed to go. Instead, less than fifteen minutes later, her eyes grew heavy, and she dropped off to sleep herself. She couldn't help it. In his arms, there was a kind of sweetness and safety she had never known, and she could no more resist him than a daisy could resist being carried along by a fast-moving stream.

  Chapter Four

  Natalie awoke to the sound of singing. For a moment, she was back in college where a roommate had kept her alarm turned to the radio, but her college dorm room bed was barely a fourth of the size of the bed she slept on now, and she had never had silk sheets.

  "What the..."

  The memory of the night before came back to her, and she realized she was still fully clothed in Nathan's bed, though his side was conspicuously empty. The door to his bathroom was closed, however, and over the hiss of the shower, she could hear his surprisingly sweet baritone.

  "Hunt the hare and turn her down the rocky road, and all the way to Dublin..."

  She knew she should creep back to her own room, at least change out of last night's clothing, but instead she sat up in the bed and listened to Nathan sing.

  He came out of the bathroom still singing, nothing but a towel around his hips, and he stilled, an eyebrow raised.

  "I didn't think you would be up yet," he said. "Did I wake you?"

  "No, but I like your singing." God, where did she look? She had just spent the night in bed with the man, but now it felt like far too much intimacy to look at him in his towel.

  Get used to it, a small voice said. You're going to be getting a lot more intimate.

  She could feel herself blush even harder at the errant thought, and almost as if he could hear what she was thinking, Nathan came to sit down beside her. Without thinking, she scooted away from him and then winced. When she glanced up at his face, she was relieved to see that there was no anger there.

  "Having second thoughts, pet?"

  She thought absently that his accent, faint as a ghost in the States, was stronger here. His eyes were as bright as ever, but there was a kindness to them that made her want to hide. She looked down at her hands knotted in her lap.

  "No," she admitted. "I...I'm not having second thoughts. I guess I'm just not sure how to treat you, or even how you want to be treated..."

  She was looking down, and so she didn't notice his approach. He cupped the back of her neck with his hand to keep her still, and his mouth dropped over hers. This kiss was almost shockingly sweet, even if there was that ever-present warmth to it, and it still took her breath away by the time he sat back, smiling with satisfaction.

  "There," he said. "I like you well-kissed far more than I like you nervous."

  "Well, thank you for that," she said with a slight smile. "But that doesn't explain what I'm meant to be doing..."

  "I'll make it easy for you. Hang on."

  She did allow herself to watch his broad, muscled back as he went to his bags tossed carelessly in the corner. He pulled out his wallet, and with a quick motion of his hand, he tossed something at her. She was surprised when the object landed lightly in her lap, a black credit card embossed with slick gold.

  "Get yourself some clothes to wear, maybe a few toys to keep you entertained," he said. "Laptop, tablet, whatever. I'm actually in meetings today with some investors from Dubai, and I won't be back until late."

  She stifled some of her disappointment that he wouldn't be around, becau
se why would he? He wasn't here to date her, they were here to...

  Her mind shied away, and she looked up, focusing on what he was talking about instead of the argument that occasionally raged in her mind.

  "And I wouldn't want you to be bored. I should be back tonight around ten, maybe midnight at the latest."

  "I'll be here when you get back," she said without thinking about it, and he grinned at her.

  She had seen Nathan smile before, but this grin seemed to suck all of the air out of the room, leaving her gasping with breath that had been replaced with heat. There was something so hungry about it that she had to repress a whimper, and from the dark look that stole into his eyes, he knew exactly what she was thinking.

  "Good," he said, and she felt as frozen as a bunny as he stalked towards the bed. "Because last night, I disappointed myself. Believe me, I really had better plans than to eat the food that you had bought and to collapse on you snoring."

  She blushed, and his grin widened.

  "I'm not going to disappoint either of us tonight, Natalie. I think you should be ready for that. Rest up, if you have to."

  She could feel her face flush with heat, and Nathan laughed, a warm rumble of sound she could almost feel as well as hear.

  "Get going," he said not unkindly. "I need to dress, and I'll be honest, I might not stick with waiting until this evening if you're still around when I'm naked."

  The sound that Natalie made was definitely not a squeak, and she scuttled out the door, his card in hand. She could hear his laugh echoing in her ears, and by the time she made it to her own room down the hall, her heart was beating faster.

  "God," she whispered.

  She had some idea what he meant about plans changing if she was around when he was naked, because she could feel herself wanting to change them too. She wished suddenly that she was back in his room, watching him strip that towel off, watching him approach her.

  She shook her head, wondering at herself. She had never considered herself very passionate before, but apparently, Nathan was teaching her different.

  She kept the door closed, because otherwise she might do something shocking, and resolutely, she took her shower and looked at the bag she had left on her unslept-in bed.

  Oh. I think I can see why he might want me to go shopping for new clothes...

  Her clothes from Chicago were serviceable enough, and they were as sturdy as her rudimentary mending skills could make them, but there was no denying the fact that she was a bit frumpy in them.

  Now she was in London with whatever buying power an Irish billionaire's credit card could buy, and years of shopping the sales racks at the major department stores had left her completely unprepared.

  What in the world am I going to do now? she wondered, and then inspiration struck.

  Dressed in an oversized T-shirt and eating some leftover flatbread from the night before, she found her phone.

  "Hi, Brooke? Yeah, it's me again, and I have a favor to ask. He got in just fine, and yeah, thanks for your help before..."


  Life was apparently full of revelations for her right now, and Natalie wasn't sure she was ever going to get used to them. Unlike regular stores, where you tried on your clothes and then carried them out if they suited you, things worked different at the stores Brooke sent her to. They were in buildings that had brass plaques like "est. 1849" on them, they offered you snacks and expensive fruit juice, and when you had made a decision, they said they would be delivered in a few hours.

  She had to admit that she had gone a little crazy. Natalie had always had a secret love of beautiful clothes, but her budget had always left her in bargain bin attire, even if she did take care to keep it clean and classy. Now, though, armed with Nathan's credit card, she could buy whatever caught her eye, whether it was silk, cashmere or wool.

  She didn't get home until close to eight that night, and taking in all the clothes she had bought, she felt more than a little guilty. The arrangement said she would receive her two million dollars after their business was conducted, but that Nathan would look after her needs until then. She wasn't sure buying her an entire fall wardrobe was quite on the list of needs.

  Brooke had been firm that's where Nathan often took women to buy their clothes, however, and though Brooke spoke blandly enough, Natalie had heard the implication. Nathan was known for glamorous mistresses, women who he spoiled and spent time with. She supposed she could count herself in that number, even if it stung a little.

  "It's just business," she said to herself. "That's all it is."

  Still, it didn't feel like business when she nervously took another shower before going out to look at her clothes again. Besides the stately shopping bags and boxes, there was another silver bag tastefully tied with black velvet ribbon that she kept returning to. It had been her last stop, but she had spent a fair amount of money there.

  "Ugh, I can't take this," she finally said.

  She dressed hurriedly, finishing in a long wrap dress that gave her a faintly Grecian look, falling in soft folds almost to her ankles. It was simple but amazingly soft, and she figured it would do well enough to greet Nathan in.

  It was getting late, and she was nervous, but the thought occurred to her that the fridge was still empty and Nathan would be coming home late. She bit her lip, because it seemed suddenly presumptuous to worry about a man who was well-used to looking after himself. Finally, she tossed her head. If he didn't like it, he didn't have to eat it.

  She had also bought herself a tablet, and she was catching up on world news when the door opened. She looked up and thought that it was curiously domestic to catch Nathan in the foyer, his jacket draped over his arm, his shirt collar undone and his sleeves rolled up.

  "Did you order again?" he asked, faintly surprised.

  "I did, but I already ate. I got hungry."

  "Good, I don't want you to starve. That smells delicious."

  "It's Vietnamese," she said with relief. "Sit down at the table, and I'll set you up."

  He looked bemused, but he did as she said. Even after the way they had spent the night before, Natalie felt shockingly shy around him. She kept her eyes from his, instead talking about the shopping she had done as she set out his bowl of noodles and roast meat before drowning them in the aromatic broth and topping it all with sharp green herbs. She sat down with him as he ate, not surprised at all when he used chopsticks with skill.

  "This is pretty good for London," he remarked. "Thank you."

  She was smiling and ready to respond when he continued.

  "You know I didn't bring you here for your homemaking skills, right?"

  The words might have been harsh, but his tone was gentle. She glanced up at him, her hands tangling under the table.

  "I know that," she said softly. "I know what we're doing tonight, and I...I want it. I just don't think there's any reason ignore each other, is there? Not when we're both living here."

  Nathan hesitated, and for the first time, it occurred to her that he was as lost in all of this as she was. He certainly didn't go around inviting strange women to bear his children for him.

  "I don't want you to get the wrong idea," he said finally. "You''re sweet, God knows you're so beautifully sweet..."

  "But I'm not the kind of girl you go after." She nodded. "I know."

  He looked startled. "And how exactly do you know that?"

  She shrugged. "I guess it's obvious, isn't it? I didn't know who you were when we met, but I knew of you, and after that meeting, I did my due diligence and looked you up online."

  Nathan had a reputation as an unashamed playboy; nothing could have surprised her more than when he looked down with a hint of consternation. "I...suppose I have an idea of what you've seen..."

  "And it doesn't bother me," Natalie said, aware that she was being perhaps a bit too firm. "I saw it, and if it had really bothered me, I wouldn't be here."

  He looked startled at that, and she felt compelled
to explain.

  "The person you were a few years ago, who seemed to travel from big city to big city looking for the next bit of fun? I wouldn't be here for any amount of money. Over the last few years, everyone's talking about how dedicated you've become to your company and your legacy."

  She paused.

  "That was the man I wanted to help," she said quietly.

  Nathan was so quiet that for a moment, she wondered if she had offended him. Then he reached across the table for her hand. She uttered a tiny, soft sigh of satisfaction at his warmth, and then he lifted her hand, turning it so the palm was facing up.

  "Thank you," Nathan whispered, and then he leaned down to kiss her palm. The moment his lips touched the center of her palm, that electricity leaped between them again, as if their very touch was wild and almost unconstrained. Through slumberous, half-open eyes, Natalie could see he felt it too. His hand tightened convulsively around hers, as if he was afraid someone would try to take her away from him.

  Then he rose to his full height, not letting go of her hand.

  "We're going to bed now," he said roughly.

  She started to respond, but he swept her up in his arms. She gasped at his strength, but he was already walking, carrying her as if she weighed nothing, sometimes stopping to drop a hurried kiss to her mouth or her brow as they walked. Nothing had changed, but he seemed almost desperate to possess her.

  Natalie wondered if that should frighten her, but when she clung to him, an awakening heat inside her told her that she was really anything but frightened.

  He carried her back to his bedroom, the one they had shared the night before. They had been too tired to do much more than sleep, but now Natalie knew things were different.

  He laid her down on the bed, taking in her dress with approval.

  "Good, you did as I said. You look beautiful."

  Natalie started to stammer her thanks, but then he was undressing her with a deftness that only came of long experience.

  "You're beautiful dressed. Naked, I know you'll be stunning."

  She had never heard anyone say words like that to her before, and she was so dizzied with his praise that she totally forgot the other new items he was revealing. She remembered, however, when he tugged the dress down her shoulders and left her lying on the bedspread in her underthings.


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