Publishing a Book
Page 14
- internal consistency and accuracy of spelling and book style
- typographical alterations including layout, heading weights, indents, turnover lines, spacing and font
- running heads
- contents list
- page numbers
collate alterations to text proofs when text has been read by more than one person (eg author, editor, publisher, freelance proof reader).
Check, edit and mark up index, ensuring consistency with text for spelling, hyphenation, capitalisation etc.
Book Design
Design factors to consider include:
type of paper
number of pages
colour printing
binding style
illustrations and their integration into the text
use of tints and colour
legibility and aesthetic appeal.
Book Production
Prepare production specifications, covering:
page size
quality and weight of paper
print run
ink colours
number and type of illustrations
Page 140
binding style
covers, jackets and printed paper cases
packing and delivery requirements.
Operate within planned purchasing policy, budgets and schedules, taking into account:
terms of trade for payment and invoicing
credit terms and arrangements
competitiveness of quotes (price, quality of work, capacity, delivery dates, past performance etc).
Record production costs.
Control the quality throughout the production process:
check printing for quality and evenness of inking; position and alignment of pages; text and cover
check paper for quality, quantity and size
check binding for strength, durability, trimming and finish.
Publicity and Promotion
Identify publicity and promotion objectives.
Select appropriate publicity and promotion strategies, taking into account:
promotional budget
overall marketing plan
book production schedules
projected sales targets
Prepare promotional materials and organise advertising:
advertising copy to identify
- key features of product
- benefits
- publisher
- author
- publication date.
Create and exploit publicity opportunities:
publicity strategy to be influenced by
Page 141
- author's publicity profile
- contents and topicality of title
- unique selling points
- personal media contacts
publicity campaign strategies to be considered and evaluated include
- author-based promotion including press, radio and TV interviews, conferences, lectures and demonstrations
- competitions, editorial mentions and book shop promotions.
Create and maintain media contacts.
Monitor and evaluate publicity activities.
Plan and execute direct mail campaigns:
develop, manage and maintain mailing lists, derived from
- past purchasers
- mailing and prospect lists
- exhibition attendees
- market response devices
- directories
- societies and associations
- subscribers to relevant journals, list exchanges etc
establish direct mail systems for customer payment options and order returns
ensure systems cover
- address labels
- letters, inserts and other promotional materials
- files and other records
- packaging
- delivery
monitor and evaluate direct mail campaigns.
Organise publicity and promotion input to sales conferences and exhibitions.
Page 142
Accountant, 43
Accounts, 43
Advertising, paid, 92-93. See also Marketing
Advertising circular, 79. See also Marketing
Association of Little Presses, 127
Awards, applying for, 91-92
Bankruptcies, 115-116
customer, 115
limiting credit, and, 115
printer, 115
Barcodes, 51, 127
Binding, 68
Binding styles, 50-51
Blasphemy, 26
Book clubs, 102, 128
Book sizes, 50
Booksellers, 94-97
Association, 128
local, 96
museums, 96
return request note, 98, 99
specialist, 97
British Association of Picture Libraries & Agencies, 128
British Council Book Promotion Department, 129
British Printing industries Federation, 70, 129
British Library, 32
Cataloguing in Publication Data, 33-34, 42
Business, running, 15-17
Business sense, 17
Business stationery, 29-32
Camera ready copy (CRC), 58, 62 Cash, 15
Cataloguing in Publication Data, 33-34, 42
CD Rom system, 53
Celebrities, approaching, 90, 91
Commissioning, 137-138
Computers, 20-23
design, and, 53
desk top publishing, 23
guidance on using, 22-23
health risks, 22
production, and, 53
programs, 21-22
repetitive strain injury (RSI), 22
scope, 21-22
Confidentiality, 26
Contempt of court, 25
Contracts, 46-49
royalty, 48-49
Copyright, 24
Costs, 71, 72
County court, 116-117
Cover design, 51-52
Credit, bankruptcies, and, 115
Damaged books, return of, 100
Debt collecting, 116-118
court action, 117-118
Design, 45-74, 140
computer-aided, 53
covers, 51-52
demands of, 56
finding, 56
services of, 49
Desktop publishing, 23
Page 143
Direct mail selling, 97-100
Discounts, 94-95, 96
Disk, 21
typesetting, and, 62
Distribution, 13, 94-111
book clubs, 102, 128
library suppliers, 100-102
meaning, 106
network, 95
returned copies, 100
Distribution firms, 106-111
stock report, 110
terms, 107 USA, 108, 109
Editing, 21, 138-139
Envelopes, 32
Excerpts, payment for, 86
Expert help, 17-18
Financial risk, 15
Free copies, 82
Freedom of expression, 23-27
Halftones, 63
Handwriting, 19
Hardbacks, 50-51
jacketed, 50
paper case, 50
Illustrations, 63-64, 139
categories, 63
tips on handling, 63-4
Income tax, 43
Indents, 21
Independent Publishers Guild, 130
Indexing, 73-74
International Standard Book Number (ISBN), 33
allocation, 36
Invoices, 29, 31
fication, 21
Legal deposit of new books, 32-33
receipt, 35
request for, 34
Letter heads, 29, 30
Libel, 24-25
marketing to, 82-84, 130
Library suppliers, 100-102
Line illustrations, 63
Luck, 17
Mailing list, 81-82 Management sense, 17
Marketing, 13, 75-93, 140-141
AIDA principle, 78
approaching celebrities, 90
approaching organisations, 82-83
contacting organisations and associations, 82
free copies, 82
identifying individual prospective buyers, 81-82
libraries, 82, 85
local newspapers, 84-86
local radio, 86-87, 88-89
mailing list, 81-82
media, 84-90
national newspapers, 86
national radio, 80
order form, 80
outline plan, 76
paying for advertising, 92-03
personal contacts, 77
press launch, 93
radio producers, 88
sales leaflet, 78-80
signed copies with personal message, 80
techniques, 75-77
television, 90
trade reference books, 90-91
Motives for publishing, 14-15
Museums, approaching curator, 96
local shops, 96
Name of business, 29
National radio, 89
Newspapers, local, 84-86
approaching editor, 88
approaching features editor, 85
excerpts, 86
features, 84-85
reviews, 84-85
national, 86