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Paradise Awakened Trilogy

Page 6

by Mackenzie Morris

  Connery looks at it with wide eyes. "Does it have a special power?"

  "Sure. It can cut through a man in one swing. I just gave it a fancy name because sounds better than some random sword my dad gave me. Got it?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "Good." Doss sheathes the sword and finishes off his beer. "So, Alexander Connery. I feel like I've heard that name before."

  "My father had the same name. He was a weapons manufacturer that supplied the Inquisition until last year's accident."

  "Ah. Well, condolences to your family. He was a good man. I didn't know he had a son."

  "I don't get out much." Connery says.

  "How old are you, anyway? You look very young."

  "Sixteen, sir. I joined the Inquisition as soon as they'd let me."

  "Welcome to the force. I was actually eight when I joined, but I was allowed because of my father being the Master Director. Of course, the age for joining has only gone up. I think it's a good thing. But that's how I'm such a high rank at only twenty-five." Doss says. "One piece of advice. Don't go around talking to everyone like they're your friend. I may be okay with it, but the other two Grand Inquisitors won't appreciate being bothered by a recruit, even if you do give them beer."

  "Yes, sir. Sorry, sir."

  "Who is your chief inquisitor?" Doss asks.

  "Inquisitor Samuels. You know, the one with the sideburns and the bazooka?"

  "I know him. You go tell him to add another petal to your daisy. You've earned it."

  "For talking to you?"

  Doss gives him a smile and hands him the empty can. "For the beer."

  * * *

  Doss steps through the automatic doors as a receptionist takes his coat from him. When she tries to take his machine gun, he shakes his head. "These stay with me."

  "But sir-"

  "Isidore knows me. It's cool." He takes off towards the stairs as a young red-haired boy runs down the stairs.


  "Dmitri!" Doss picks him up and spins him around. "How's my buddy?"

  "Good. I just built a robot." Dmitri says excitedly.

  "Another one? What does this one do?" Doss follows the boy up the stairs and down the long hallway.

  "So, I thought about what you said about the Inquisition needing more members and I built something that I think could help." He opens the door to his room then returns a few seconds later with a large black orb.

  "What is it?" Doss asks.

  "A drone."

  "A drone? Nice." Doss places his sunglasses on his head and examines the drone. "Sorry, but I don't know much about electronics."

  Dmitri sighs impatiently. "It's a robot."

  "Isn't it an electronic one? Or am I completely out of touch? You know I don't do the whole technology thing."

  Dmitri only laughs and pats his arm. "It's okay. I can teach you."

  "I'd rather not learn right now. It's just not my thing. I have all the technology I need right here." He pulls out his two laser pistols. "Salvation and Damnation."

  "You named your laser pistols?"

  Doss spins them in his fingers before replacing them in the holsters. "You bet I did. Now run along. I have to meet with your father. Oh, is your sister here?"

  "She is, but I don't think she'll want to talk. She is with her new husband."

  Whoa. When did this happen? "Husband? When did she get married?"

  "Last night." Dmitri says. "To Byron Erikson."

  "Wow. I thought that she was . . . never mind. I'll talk to you later and you can show me how to fly that thing of yours."

  "Okay. Bye, Doss." Dmitri says as he runs off.

  Katarina's married? Since when does Isidore not keep his promises? He'll have to ask about this as well. Doss pushes open the doors to the Oval Office and tosses his machine gun on the desk.

  Isidore jumps as he wakes up then smiles at Doss. "Inquisitor Monroe. Hi. Sorry. I didn't get much sleep last night. Have a seat."

  "Do you know what your son just told me?" Doss asks as he sits across from Isidore.

  Isidore pours them both a cup of coffee. "I have no idea."

  "That Katarina got married last night. Tell me you knew."

  "Oh. That's part of the reason I summoned you here."

  Doss takes his coffee and drops a couple cubes of sugar in it. "Since when do you not keep your promises?"

  "Hold on a second. You didn't keep your side of the bargain. Besides, that was all contingent on her expressing an interest in you. I was never going to force her to marry you."

  "But you let her marry her owner? What kind of marriage is that?"

  Isidore scrolls through his PDA. "Listen, I owed my friend a favor and they love each other. Byron is dying."

  Dying? But Byron has always been so strong. "Oh, no. The nanobots?"

  "Yep. He only has a couple years to live. After that, if Katarina will have you, you have my blessing to marry her."

  "It's just such a surprise because when I rescued her yesterday and introduced myself, she seemed to be flirting with me."

  Isidore shakes his head. "She's a bit flirtatious with every man in her life. I guess she inherited that from her mother. That's why I haven't introduced her to you. I was afraid she would try to play with your heart. Anyway, I have placed Paradise under a code red."

  "Red? Who could be trying to attack us? We're a mile under the surface."

  "It's just a precaution until we can get the space transport up and running." Isidore says. "I want you to join me and Katarina when we go up to the moon base."

  "Have you spoken with my father?"

  "Yes. He agrees with me. We will need about ten inquisitors from your squad to come with us in case things get dangerous. I'll leave the selection up to you. We leave tomorrow morning."

  "Tomorrow?" Doss asks. "You've never been one to give advanced notice, have you?"

  "Is this a problem for you?"

  "No, sir. I will send you my list of inquisitors once I speak with them."

  Isidore leans back in his chair and puts his bare feet up on the desk. "Be prepared to fight and only bring the inquisitors you feel you can trust with your life. If I know Vladimir Evans, this could get really bloody really quickly."

  "I'm always ready to fight and I trust every inquisitor with my life. That's part of the job." Doss reaches into the pocket of his jeans and pulls out a slip of paper. He almost forgot about this. He slides it across the desk to Isidore. "Here. I had one of the priests write this for you this morning. I figured you could use a prayer."

  Isidore reads over it and smiles. "Thank you, Doss."

  "Remember that I can help you if you ever need to talk. God hasn't forgotten you, sir."

  "You're the only human who feels that way."

  "Then I'm the only human you need to be concerned with. Oh, and Dmitri, of course, but he doesn't seem to be very interested in religion." Doss says as he holds onto his wooden crucifix.

  "Dmitri is . . . different. I'm afraid he's one of those Technotheists."

  This is the first Doss is hearing about this. "Technotheists? Is that what Kazimir Dark is calling his religion now? You know my views on technology, Isidore."

  "I know. You're one of the only ones left. Just don't let your personal convictions lead you to do something wrong."

  "Don't worry. I'm not of those technology burners." Doss says. "I just don't want humanity to be lost in it all."

  "That's an admirable cause."

  He crosses his arms. "Says a computer android. How ironic."

  "Eventually you will have to embrace technology."

  "Why? If it's not written in the good book, I don't have to follow it."

  "I used to be like you, but I opened my eyes to it all." Isidore says.

  "You mean you found out that you're a robot."

  Isidore's demeanor changes as he glares at Doss. "Leave my office immediately."

  "Sir, I didn't mean anything by that."

  "Do you question my capabilities to
run this country?"

  "No, sir. I was only-"

  Isidore interrupts him. "I know you hate technology with a fiery passion, but it will do you good to remember that we are a technological society and always will be. I will never force you to worship it like some people do, but if you value your position in the Inquisition, I suggest that you put aside your prejudice and be able to serve both the humans and the androids. If not, then I will have to replace you."

  Doss bites his lip to keep from saying something that he will regret. Sometimes he forgets that Isidore isn't human and is therefore more protective of technology. He will have to be more careful in the future. "Forgive me, sir. I didn't mean to insult you."

  "You do realize that Katarina is half android, right?"

  "Yes, sir. I am aware."

  "If you harbor such hatred for our kind, why should I even entertain the idea of you being her future husband?" Isidore asks.

  "I would never hurt Katarina. I don't hurt androids. I'm not like those other humans. I abhor the owners who beat their androids. If you would look at my record, I have been one of the most adamant protectors of android rights. My contempt lies not with you, but with zealots."

  "Could you consider yourself a zealot, Doss?"

  What? "I'm not having this conversation. Do not attack my religion."

  "I'm not attacking anyone. I used to be a priest. You know how I feel about the church. Why do you think I've been funding it?"

  Doss bows his head. "Again, forgive me. I just have a lot on my mind today and it's making me say the wrong things."

  A purple butterfly flitters into the room and lands on Doss's coffee cup. "I don't believe we've met."

  Doss jumps when he hears the voice. "Did you just speak?"

  "Yes. Does the name Blice McSage mean anything to you, Inquisitor?"

  "You're Blice McSage?" Doss looks up at Isidore who is laughing.

  Isidore pets the butterfly. "Yes. This is Blice McSage, my owner."

  "So you're dead."

  "Well, we don't really know exactly." Blice says.

  "Interesting. Let me fix that." Doss draws one of his laser pistols and aims it at Blice.

  Isidore puts his hand in front of the pistol. "What are you doing, Doss?"

  "Delivering divine retribution upon an unholy abomination."

  "Because he's a robot?" Isidore asks.

  "No. Because of what he did to you years ago. I will not sit here and let you still be abused by this monster. I don't care what kind of body he has. His soul is beyond salvation."

  Blice flies up in the air and hovers in front of Doss. "You want to put that pistol away before I make you eat your words."

  "Oh, I'm so scared of a tiny butterfly."

  "Isidore, can I do it?" Blice asks. "Please. I want to mess this guy up."

  "Go ahead. He's been a pain today, anyway. Just clean up your mess and don't hurt him too badly." Isidore picks up the coffee cups. "I'll move the coffee out of the way so we don't get it on the carpet."

  The air around the room begins to spin, picking up everything that isn't too heavy. The papers and books begin flying around as a crack of thunder sounds and the room goes dark. Doss screams as he drops to his knees and closes his eyes. When the wind dies down, he opens he eyes and his body stiffens as he stares at the glittering purple and black dark matter surrounding him completely. "Lord help me. I'm sorry."

  "Are you really?" Blice asks. "Not going to pull a gun on me again?"

  "No, sir. Just don't hurt me. Please let me out of this."

  "It's a dark matter cocoon. Nice, huh? Don't touch any of it or you will die a slow and painful death as the nanobots eat away at your brain."

  Doss replaces his pistol in its holster, careful to not move too much. "Isidore, sir, please tell Blice to stop."

  "I can't. He's my owner, not the other way around."

  The cocoon begins to fade until it completely disappears and Doss takes a much needed breath. That was way too close. He has always had a fear of dark matter and that didn't help at all. He sits down in his chair and holds his head in his hands. "Forgive me for my rashness."

  Blice lands on Doss's finger. "It's okay. Please understand that I have acknowledged my mistakes and I am a new person. Isn't that right, Niko?"

  "Yes, Blice." Isidore says. "Now, Doss, I suggest you go get packed and round up your inquisitors so we can get going bright and early in the morning. All right?"

  Doss shakily stands and kisses his wooden crucifix. "Yes, sir. Again, I apologize for my behavior."


  Katarina leans back in her seat and she watches through the window as Earth grows farther and farther away. The metal of the space transport makes her shiver as the air grows colder the farther out of the atmosphere they go. Even the heaters on board aren't enough to keep her warm. She looks up as someone puts their arm around her shoulders.

  Doss sits next to her and hands her a cup of hot tea. "Thought you might like something to drink."

  She sips the chamomile tea. "Thanks. Have you ever left Earth?"

  "Well . . . I'd rather not talk about it."

  "Sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

  "It's nothing." Doss pushes his brown bangs back and grins at her. "So, congratulations on your marriage."


  "How is Byron doing?" Doss asks. "Your father told me he's having some problems."

  "He um, he's dying. How do you know Byron?"

  "I'm kind of his nephew."

  "Kind of?"

  "My father married one of Byron's half sisters."

  "Oh. Well, I'll tell him you said hello."

  Doss shrugs his shoulders. "I don't like to admit that I'm related to him because that ultimately means I'm related to Blice and no one wants to be related to Blice."

  Katarina giggles and tries to hide it behind her hand."Where's your father?"

  "He's flying this thing." Katarina says.

  "Flying it? I didn't know he was a pilot."

  "He's not, but he was able to connect to the auto pilot system."

  "Oh, because he's a computer." Doss says.

  "Yep. It will be a while before we land. We are making a few passes around the base just to make sure we can get a plan together before landing. How are your inquisitors holding up?"

  "They'll be okay. There was some fighting this morning over some stupid card game, but they'll get over it."

  "Card game? And here I thought that inquisitors were all strict and never had any fun."

  He winks at her. "Only on Sundays."

  She laughs again as she takes his hand and rests her head on his shoulder.

  Doss pulls away quickly. "Forgive me, but I must be getting back to my recruits."

  "Doss, what's wrong?"

  "Please, just don't touch me."

  "What did I do?" Katarina asks.

  "You're married, Kat. I've taken a vow of chastity and celibacy. I can't be tempted by someone as beautiful as you." Doss leaves the room and the metal door slides shut behind him.

  Isidore's voice comes over the speaker on her watch. "Katarina, look out the window as we do a first flyover. I need you to tell me what you see down there. If it's what I think it is, then we are going to have more problems than originally thought."

  Katarina looks around at what lies before her. Under the glass ceilings are hundreds of what look to be humans all wearing metal collars as they are herded into a dark room in a more secure part of the facility. Guards in black jumpsuits are using cattle prods to force them past the doorways. As the transport flies over, she moves to the other side window and pulls her goggles down over her eyes. She adjusts the zoom and the focus to watch where a few guards are dragging one of the bodies off to. When they open a door and step inside, she thinks she's lost them until she spots movement through a glass panel in the ceiling. It's a kitchen. The guards begin hacking away at the body as a butcher would an animal.

  "Kat, what do you see down there?" Isidore

  She sits back in her seat and puts her goggles back on top of her head. "Tell me those aren't humans."

  "Androids, all of them except the guards."

  "Dad, are they . . . eating the androids?"

  "Looks that way. Those must be android farms. We have to get down there now. I'm taking us in."

  Doss steps back into the room, followed by his inquisitors. He turns to face them. "Okay. Everyone put your suits on and prepare to engage any hostiles. Our number one priority is rescuing the hostages."

  "Androids or humans?"

  "Humans are of the upmost importance. Androids will be secondary. However, our goal today is a complete rescue. If an android is begging for help and you are in a position to help, you are ordered to help. Is that clear?"

  "Yes, sir." They answer in unison.

  "Green squad, transport those extra space suits to the front by the airlock in case we have to make an emergency evacuation of hostages." Doss says. "Gold squad, you are with me, as always. And where's my recruit?"

  A young blonde inquisitor steps forward and bows. "Right here, sir."

  Doss gives him a warm smile. "Okay. Alexander Connery, you're with the president. I'm entrusting you with this because I believe in you. Don't let us down."

  "I won't, sir."

  "Good. Get to the bridge and meet with him while I get this going. Green squad, get moving to the airlock on the right side of that compound. Gold squad, gather over here with me for a minute before we head out there. I want to share something with you." Doss moves into the corner as the five inquisitors gather around him. "I want each of you to remember who we fight for. Have faith and stay strong no matter what you see in here. You are gold squad, handpicked by me for your bravery and your flawless dedication to the force. Don't disappoint me. This is your chance to impress me. One of you will be appointed as the next grand inquisitor based on your performance today so do all of Paradise proud. You are her protectors, defenders, and shining light. May God watch over you all. Now get those suits on and get out there. We have people to save."

  Everyone follows orders and leaves the ship as Isidore and Inquisitor Connery come into the room from the command bridge. "Are we ready to go?" Isidore asks.


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