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Paradise Awakened Trilogy

Page 8

by Mackenzie Morris

  "Ouch. What is your problem?"

  Doss stands up and smiles at Katarina. "Come on. They're leaving. Why are you still naked?"

  "Because no one gave me any clothes. They still have all of my stuff. I was putting this space suit on when you ran me over."

  "Sorry." Doss says then motions to the suit. "Get that on. We have to go."

  "It's the only one."

  "Take it. I'll be fine."

  "No! You'll die." Katarina says.

  "If you don't put that on, we will both die."

  "Okay, okay."

  "Let's get out of here." Doss picks up Katarina and throws her over her shoulder before deactivating the airlock and spreading his wings. He flies over to the ship and bangs on the door with his fist until it opens and they fall into the airlock. He makes sure to hide his wings again. He examines himself in the shiny metal on the wall. Good. He looks just like a human.

  "Not going to help me?" Katarina asks as she tries to remove the helmet.

  "Here." Doss removes it and pushes her forward into the main room of the ship where everyone is standing, looking like they want answers. "Where are the androids?"

  "They are in the hold, sir."

  "Be sure to treat them with respect and give them anything they may need." Doss looks around. "Where is Isidore?"

  "I'm right here, Doss." Isidore says from a bench along the far wall where he is lying on his stomach as medics tend to his wounds he sustained from Vladimir's whip. "Is Katarina okay?"

  "I'm fine. They kept my stuff."

  "Here." One of the inquisitors hands Katarina her clothes, watch, and plasma pistol. "I shot the guy who took these. I figured he deserved it."

  "Thank you." Katarina says before going into the cabin and slamming the door behind her.

  "Who is flying this ship?" Doss asks.

  "The pilots, sir."

  "Okay. Tell them to stay in space for a few hours before going back down. We need to make sure there are no trackers on us." There's still someone unaccounted for. "Roll call. Gold squad: Nabokov, Gurkovsky, Richards, Lifestone, and Stevens."

  They all step forward.

  That's good, at least. Doss looks around. "Green squad: Erikson, Pavlenko, Mason, Andrews, and Connery."

  Four of the five step forward. One of the men bows and drops something in Doss's hands. "He wanted to die an inquisitor. I motion that we have a ceremony for him so Samuels can add some petals to his insignia. He did what he had to do for Paradise and the president."

  Doss's heart sinks as he holds up the golden Inquisition insignia where the inscribed name glistens in the light. Alexander Connery. He clutches it tightly and pushes past everyone to go sit alone in the corner of the room. They'll leave him alone. To be so young and die so horribly . . . it's sickening. At least Vladimir got what he deserved. Everyone is still staring at him like he's some kind of monster. "What is it?"

  "How did you survive that?" Katarina asks as she steps out of her cabin, fully dressed.

  Doss slips the insignia in his pocket. "No more questions."

  "You didn't need oxygen."

  "I said to forget about it."

  Isidore sits up and pulls on a t-shirt. "He's an archon, a space defender. They were created to defend from invasions. They usually live high up in the atmosphere as permanent guardians, but Doss fell to Earth a long time ago and lost most of his power."

  "Why did he fall?" Someone asks.

  "No one knows. He clings to his religion in hopes that he can redeem himself from whatever he did wrong. Doss, would you like to tell everyone about yourself?"

  "What about me?" Doss asks, knowing that they will never let this go.

  "Who you are. Who you really are."

  He sighs. "I'm not Master Director Monroe's son. I'm not . . . human. I try my hardest to be a human, to know what a finite existence is like, but I've never been able to attain it."

  "How old are you?" Katarina asks as she joins him on the bench.

  "I honestly don't know. I'll tell you this much. I was around for the first apocalypse."

  "That was over two hundred years ago."

  "Yes." Doss says. "I was created to defend Earth, but one day about fifteen years ago, I fell and blacked out. When I woke up, I was on the surface and some scientists took care of me and healed my injuries. I never recovered most of my power. They knew what I was, but no one could tell me why I fell. I must atone for my sins, for whatever I did to be removed from my station. I still aim to defend and protect humanity which is why I am a member of the Inquisition. The other grand inquisitors all know and anyone who was around when it happened knows. They've been sworn to secrecy, but now I guess it doesn't matter anymore."

  "Who created you?" An inquisitor asks.

  "Kazimir Dark."

  "So you're an android?" Katarina asks.

  "No. Not even close. I'm a robot, complete with artificial intelligence, but I have developed my own self awareness from watching humans for so long. Over the years, I have evolved to be what many would consider to be alive."

  "Show us your wings." Someone says.

  No way. His wings are the most intimate part of him and he only uses them when he has to. He would rather be completely naked than show off his wings. Not only that, but they hurt right now from him using them for the first time in fifteen years. He was scared they wouldn't actually still work. He stands and goes to his cabin, away from the prying eyes who will continue to pressure him about his wings. After he shuts and locks the door, he throws himself down on the bed and digs out Connery's insignia. He starts to cry as he holds it to his chest.


  It has been nearly six hours since they returned to the ship and most of the crew and inquisitors have gone to their cabins for the night, or the closest to what they can assess as being night. For all of this time, Doss never left his cabin, never spoke to anyone, and didn't ask for anything to eat or drink. Katarina has been sitting on the bench outside his door until she nearly fell asleep waiting on him. She was supposed to give him his other laser pistol that he let that young inquisitor use. She finally makes up her mind to knock on his door, ever so slightly, as to not wake him up if he's asleep. "Doss, are you awake?"

  The door unlocks as Doss's voice is hushed behind it. "I don't sleep."

  Katarina opens the door and peers into the darkness. "Oh. Well, can I come in? I'd like to talk to you."

  Doss sits up from his bed and waves his hand over the sensors on the wall where a blue glow comes to life and fills the room with a cold faint light.

  Katarina studies him for a few seconds, her eyes landing on his messy hair, his puffy eyes, and the tears glistening on his cheeks. She sits on the bed next to him. "Since when do robots cry?"

  "Since this one has learned to feel human emotions. What do you need?"

  "To make sure you're okay. Aren't you hungry?"

  "I'm not hungry." Doss says.

  "Come on. I know enough to know that even robots need some kind of fuel, right?"

  "Sure. I'm just not up for it."

  "What have you been doing in here?" Katarina asks.


  "Six hours of praying?"

  "Why is that surprising to you?" Doss asks. "In times of pain and anguish, I pray."

  "Because of Inquisitor Connery?"

  "He was too young. I should have sent more inquisitors with him and Isidore. It's my fault he's dead."

  "It's not your fault. You did what you could."

  Doss sighs. "I watched the entire thing from up there in that vent on the ceiling. I didn't come down. I thought it might make a difference this time, but I see now that it was always inevitable."

  What is he talking about? "This time? What do you mean?"


  "Doss, let me help you. Talk to me."

  "There's nothing to talk about." Doss says. "No matter what I do, humans are dying. If there was anything I could do, I would, but it's never enough. What is there for me to do w
hen humans are the ones killing humans? It's not right."

  "No, it's not. However, you can't take all of that on your shoulders." She reaches down to her belt and takes off the holster. "Here. This belongs to you, right?"

  "Thanks." Doss rubs his back and shoulders as best as he can.

  "Is your back hurting?"

  "A bit. Using my wings after so long proved a lot more painful than I thought it would."

  "Would you like for me to massage you?" Katarina asks.

  "I, um . . . don't think that's-"

  "Why not? Don't worry. I won't do anything to make you uncomfortable. Believe me, I respect your vows you made and I wouldn't tempt you to do something you don't want to do. I wouldn't hurt Byron, either. Okay?"

  Doss smiles. "I guess, if you think it would help."

  "Lie down on your stomach and spread your wings."

  "I don't want to. I don't like people seeing my wings."

  "Why?" Katarina asks. "They're beautiful."

  He looks at her with his large brown eyes. "Beautiful? You think my wings are beautiful?"

  "Yes. What's wrong?"

  "No one's ever said that before. The scientists down on Earth told me to keep them hidden, that humans would call me a monster. I've always been protective of them since Clark clipped my longest feathers."

  That's terrible. "Why would he do that?"

  "Because I tried to kill him. He managed to trap me in a net and he weighed it down so I couldn't get free. Then he took a blow torch and seared off the longest feathers before I was able to fight my way out."

  "Can we repair them?" Katarina asks.

  "Not really. They were originally made from one large piece of metal. Mine are solid platinum. Terribly expensive."

  "Can I see them, please?"

  "I guess it doesn't matter now that you know." Doss takes off his shirt and his glistening wings spread out from his shoulder blades. He lets them fall until they are resting on the floor.

  Katarina runs her hands down the length of them until she feels the roughness of melted metal. Still, they are so large and pretty, reaching down to Doss's feet. No wonder they are so heavy. "They're still really pretty."

  "Thanks. That feels very good, by the way."

  "My hands on you?"

  Doss moans in pleasure as his muscles relax. "Yes. Don't stop."

  Katarina continues to rub his smooth pale skin, trying not to focus too much on his defined muscles. This is proving to be much more difficult for her to keep her mind away from places she shouldn't go. As her hands move lower to his belt, he sits up and pushes her away.

  "Kat, no."

  "Sorry. I wasn't-"

  Doss pulls her to him and kisses her lips, much to her surprise. He tangles his fingers in her hair and continues to kiss her.

  Katarina fights the battle inside of herself to stay and enjoy this or remain faithful to her husband. It doesn't take long of thinking about Byron to tell her the correct answer. She screams and slaps at Doss and squirms out of his arms, falling off the bed in the process.

  The hallway fills with the sounds of boots on the metal floor and the door is thrown open as Isidore and a few inquisitors step into the dim light of the room. Isidore turns the main lights on and crosses his arms. "What is this?"

  Katarina realizes now that she is crying so she quickly wipes the burning tears from her cheeks and crawls into the corner to get as far away from Doss as she can. What just happened? "I think he tried to rape me."

  Doss hides his wings again as his face turns red with anger. "No. Never. I would never do something like that. Isidore, you believe me, right?"

  "No one touches my daughter. She's alone in the dark in your cabin, her hair is disheveled and you're shirtless. What else could you have been doing? You were my friend, Doss. How could you? She's married to my friend and you tried to harm her." He motions to the inquisitors. "Take him to the brig. He'll remain there until we land then it's off to the prison. I don't care what he is or how high up he is in the Inquisition. He's not going to attempt to rape my daughter and get away with it."

  The inquisitors first look confused as they surround Doss. One of them bows before taking the handcuffs from his belt. "Forgive me, Grand Inquisitor."

  He pulls away from them. "It was only a kiss, Mr. President. She was massaging my back and then I kissed her. It was nothing more. You know my past. You know I've never been intimate with a woman."

  "I don't care, Doss. You shouldn't have been kissing her. If she believes you tried to rape her, then I am forced to take action. I would have expected someone of your position and influence to behave more like a gentleman and not allow yourself to be placed in a compromising situation like this. Now, either you come peacefully or I will see to it that you are thoroughly flogged until you are submissive."

  Katarina watches as Doss shakes his head and closes his eyes as he lets them restrain him. He looks so weak now compared to how he was earlier. She begins to feel terrible about this, but why did he kiss her? "Dad, let him go."

  "Why? If you claim that he forced himself on you, then I can't let him go. He must face judgment."

  * * *

  After a long two hours in a dark cold metal cell with his wrists bound by handcuffs, Doss is lead out of the ship and into the colorful electric night of Paradise. The inquisitors he had for so long called his friends are now escorting him into the Presidential Palace with their guns at the ready, ready to shoot him if he tries anything. He can't even bring himself to look at them. So what happens now? Some meeting with officials to determine his fate, some punishment for a crime he didn't commit? Surely they will come to their senses and see that he couldn't have been trying to rape her. It was only a kiss. He had absolutely no intentions of it going past that. Was it the wrong decision made in a moment of weakness? Of course. But rape? Never.

  They lead him past the automatic doors and up the stairs to the Oval Office. Stepping inside, Doss's heart sinks as he looks around at the people waiting on him. Isidore is speaking to Byron as Katarina sits silently, not looking up. Master Director Monroe flips through the large leather bound book that Doss immediately recognizes as the one containing the laws of Paradise, written by Isidore's own hand. This isn't going to go well if they are already looking up punishments. The inquisitors remove his handcuffs before they leave the room and close the door behind them.

  Isidore turns to Doss and his deep blue eyes are cold as he speaks. "Doss, your actions are inexcusable, especially for those of a grand inquisitor. You have been accused of attempted rape by my daughter. As of this moment, you are stripped of your title, position, and authority as a grand inquisitor. You are removed from your duties and exiled from the Inquisition. Please remove your insignia."

  Doss knew they would try to discipline him, but this? The Inquisition is all he has known since falling to Earth. Now they want to take all of that away from him? He'll fight it. "No. What about justice? Do I not get a say in this?"

  "Not when we caught you in the act. If you continue to resist, we will be forced to take more severe measures to ensure your cooperation." He pushes a button on his phone. "Come on in, Kazimir."

  As soon as the doors open, Doss meets eyes with his creator and sees the dark currents of disappointment flowing there. He opens his mouth to say something, but Kazimir holds up his hand.

  "You will be silent in my presence, archon. I programmed you to be better than this. How dare you attack Isidore's daughter then deny it when they storm your room and find her on the floor struggling to get away from you? We would have been more lenient with you if you had apologized and admitted your guilt. Now, hand over your insignia. That's an order."

  Doss pushes back the tears as he slips his golden insignia over his head. He has never taken it off since the day he joined the Inquisition. He holds it in his hand one last time before placing it on Isidore's desk.

  Isidore takes it and hands it to Master Director Monroe. "Now, Katarina, just for formalities, will you t
ell everyone the basis of what happened?"

  Katarina stands and looks at Byron then back at Doss and mouths the words "I'm sorry" before turning to her father. "Yes. Doss tried to rape me. He was feeling my body then forced me down on the bed. I had to fight to get away from him as he was ripping at my clothes."

  How can she say that? "No. That didn't happen. None of that happened. I only kissed her. Katarina, why? Why are you lying to them?"

  "She's not lying. I believe my daughter. You are a rapist."

  "I would never even think about that. Please, someone believe me. Does my affiliation with the church not mean anything? What about my years of service in the Inquisition fighting for human and android rights alike? I have no criminal record, no involvement in anything less than the most prestigious affiliations, and everyone knows that I haven't been with a woman. What more can I say to prove my innocence?"

  "Nothing. I advise you to not say anything else." Monroe says as he flips a page in the leather book. "According to law 17, which was put in place to protect the sanctity of heirs, reproduction, and breeding, the penalty for attempting to rape a married woman, android or human, is public emasculation."

  Doss laughs in disbelief as he rubs his face. "Really? I don't believe this. So you're going to go that far with this? Fine. Do it. It's not like I can have children anyway. I've never had sex and I don't plan on it. I honestly don't even know why Kazimir designed me to have those parts. Just do it and get this entire debacle over with. It's not even worth fighting over."

  "So can we take this as a confession?" Isidore asks.

  "What? No. I just know that there's no fighting you people when the president's daughter is slandering my name just to cover her own actions. She's scared to say what really happened because her owner would have to punish her. Katarina, are you going to let them do this to me? Do I deserve to be unmanned for kissing you? Is that what you want? Just tell them the truth. Byron won't hurt you much. You know that. He loves you. Don't let them hurt me. You know I'm not a rapist."


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