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Finding Redemption

Page 30

by Emilia Finn

  I smile as the tears fall from her beautiful eyes. “Told you.”

  We would find out a few weeks later there are two heartbeats in there. My girl carried my twins until thirty-six weeks. Full term for twins. She did so good, despite the fact she was carrying over twelve pounds of baby in her tiny stomach.

  My sunshine gave me my Luke and Leia.

  Kidding. It was two boys and we named them Luke, of course, and since Bryan was already taken, we named the other Bobby. Because he’s my ‘other’ best friend. Plus, he bailed us out that night after Alex dropped us in the drunk tank for peeing in the alleyway.

  The end

  As always, thank you so much for joining me in more Rollin adventures! It means so much to me that if you’re reading this, then you’ve been with me for a hell of a lot of words. If you haven’t read the books prior to this, then I bet none of Jon and Tink’s story made sense to you, huh? Haha.

  Like always, I want to shout out to a few of my closest friends and supporters.

  My Beta’s;

  Arelis Cordero. Seriously. I love you! You’re the best and I’m so glad you got stupid obsessed with my boys. Your wit and sarcasm matches mine perfectly, which makes us the best kind of friends… Except when it doesn’t, which makes us the best kind of jerks. I absolutely cannot wait to see you in February! And thank you for all the Star Wars trivia. Considering I’ve never watched a single episode, I think Jon and Tink did well <3

  I hope this book was everything and made you proud. Thank you for being my friend.

  Debbie Berne; you and I met over our mutual obsession with Jamie Fraser. I’m so glad I could sneak those few lines into this book. I love that Jon JAMMF’d her! Had me laughing into my cereal when I thought it up. You’ve been a wonderful support for me. I won’t forget. <3

  And Jenelle O’Shea. We’ve known each other a long time now and somehow we’re still friends. I love that about you. You’ve been around for some of my most private moments in life, yet you still act like I’m sane and normal. Thank you! I intend to buy you a beer in TN!

  Sloane Johnson – my cover designer extraordinaire!! Seriously, this might be my favorite yet! You captured Jon exactly. Thank you for wrapping my babies up so pretty!

  Brittney (Reilly) of Red Hatter Book Blog – trust my plan for Jack. I promise you’ll love who he ends up with, even if it’s not (gulp) you.

  To my friends over at Indie Author Support on Facebook. Thank you so much! You guys help me more than you even know.

  And as always, last but absolutely not least, my husband. We’re that much closer to flying, babe. I’m so proud of you. Now pick up your stool and GTFO! xx

  Readers, do you want to know how to find me?

  I have an author Facebook page at:

  And a reader group at:

  Join the group and jump in. We’re all kind of awesome over there; as you’d expect from people who love the Rollin crew.

  What’s up next in Emilia’s world? Jack! He’s not a kid anymore. Jack’s all grown up and he may just outshine all of his brothers. You can be the judge.

  Finally, if you love my stories, please leave a review. It lets me know you enjoy my work and that I’m not talking to a wall. Reviews help indie authors such as myself be seen, as each review and star rating helps our visibility, pushing our books up the list so new readers can find us. Please leave a review. It doesn’t have to be an essay. Just some stars and a single sentence telling me you liked it.

  As always, thank you.

  Emilia xx




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